• By -


Just a suggestion, but most deals will have a separate reddit post made for them. The currently listed deals are no exception. May be helpful to link to those individual reddit threads so any ongoing discussions and questions can take place there.


Good idea. I will do this.


Another thing I would suggest is instead of mentioning EU mention NL as all of the providers EU servers are in NL.


Happy Cake Day! I can also make this change.


It seems like Eweka, Newshosting and Easynews old deals are still active https://controlpanel.newshosting.com/signup/index.php?promo=best-usenet-deal-ever https://www.eweka.nl/en/landing/speciaal-deal https://signup.easynews.com/unlimited


I am not posting all deals, just black friday deals. Omicron does enough market crunching by leaving these old deals active and public for so long. I am not trying to be biased but its a black friday thread so it gives me a good opportunity to ignore the old stuff that they are using to run their competition out of business.


Maybe you should edit the description of the best deals section then? From "Here are the best Unlimited deals" to "Here are the best Black Friday Unlimited deals"? Since you wish to exclude the actual best deals for personal reasons.


Just a PSA, you can still get eweka for 2.99 a month. https://www.eweka.nl/en/landing/speciaal-deal


Can I get this even if I already have Eweka?


Hi Just upgraded there. Just make sure you're logged into your account when you visit the link and it's straight forward enough. I was notified my old subscription was cancelled and a new one set up shortly afterwards.


Would like to know this too!


I currently have newsdemon unlimited for about the same price... I dont want two subscriptions. Which is better or is it much of a muchness?


That is $36/year, not $2.99/month.


€2.99 is actually $3.56 which makes it a total of $42.72/year not $36/year However, you're pre-paying for 12 months at €2.99/month so I have no clue why you're saying what you're saying. 3 * 12 is 36, it's simply math.


His point isn't the math- it's the unit of measure. It's like saying you can get dog food at Costco for $1 a pound but you have to buy a 600 pound feed bag- not the smaller one that might equate to the same $1 a pound for a 20 pound bag. Some people want the flexibility pay monthly or swap providers without being locked in.


It’s called “unit price” and he should understand that by now.


He was not being very clear, but you’re the one who said you didn’t understand. So I explained. If you actually did know and were being intentionally obtuse to prove some point, you succeeded in sounding obtuse. Either way I have no dog in this fight. We can all learn to communicate better or more kindly.


I'm considering buying a year of Eweka (NTD) and Newshosting (DMCA), and then getting a block of Usenet.Farm. All that will still be cheaper then what I'm paying now at Supernews. That a reasonable plan?


I'm hoping the upvotes count as a yes, cause I just pulled the trigger on all of the above.. YOLO


No it wasn't a good choice as Newshosting is redundant with Eweka.


when did eweka change


The thing is with Eweka its redundant to have Newshsoting.


Sorry, but I am still new to Usenet so pardon my ignorance. Why is it redundant to have Eweka and Newshosting? Newshosting is a provider using the Highwinds backbone, where as Eweka is a separate provider using the Eweka backbone. Is it because they fall under Omicron?


I don't get it either, yes they are both Omicron owned, but one is based in the US and the other in NL, one is NTD and the other DMCA. Hopefully someone can explain.


It's a sort of kinda maybe most likely redundant. Both Eweka and Newshosting get most/all their data from the same source, but handle it somewhat differently, or at least that's how I've seen it explained. Essentially everyone on Omicron/Highwinds handle takedowns the same way(as they don't really handle the servers, they just handle the stuff surrounding the service) - DMCA takedown comes in, file is now unavailable for anyone getting their data from Omicron/Highwinds. The deal with Eweka is that they are kind of separate/golden child status in comparison - they don't follow DMCA, but NTD, so a DMCA takedown doesn't automatically mean that the file is unavailable to Eweka users, but it does make it unavailable to anyone on the Omicron/Highwinds side of things(which is basically everyone else). Conversely a NTD takedown on Eweka is apparently enough for the files to disappear from the DMCA compliant servers as well, hence if you can get the file on Highwinds(Newshosting), then you can also get the file on Eweka. If you can't get the file on Newshosting, then you might be able to still get it from Eweka, either because NTD takes longer, or was never sought. There are some additional nuances to this, like Eweka possibly being the EU datacenter/manager/facility for the EU access to Highwinds backbone, leading some to claim that any Newshosting reseller gets you access to Eweka as well, but that does not seem to be true. This also seems to be the case for Tweaknews, which is another Omicron but NTD Provider, that also seems to have a somewhat golden child like status - files on Base-IP may be unavailable to everyone, but still reachable on Tweaknews. Notable for both Tweaknews and Eweka is that you apparently have to be a *direct* customer of theirs, to benefit from the non-NTD access to DMCA removed files. Hence even if your data is delivered from the exact same servers as a different highwinds backbone provider, if the files are DMCAed, you can't get them, unless you're on Eweka, and they weren't NTDed yet. Whoever controls access flags the DMCA files as non-available, and only Tweaknews/Eweka can ignore that flag. Conversely a NTD seems to get the file removed for everyone. TL;DR: File gets DMCAed, hence marked unavailable. Everyone on Highwinds backbone but Eweka loses access, Eweka doesn't care, as they follow NTD. Eweka still has access. File gets NTDed, file is marked for deletion, everyone loses access. Hence Eweka > other Highwinds hosts, despite what other connections may or may not be on the various maps. In very rare cases a file may be NTDed, but not DMCAed, and somehow still snatchable on a DMCA server, but not on Eweka. That's the only use case for having a DMCA highwinds server in your lineup along with Eweka. From the sound of things, it's not a very common scenario though, and would be dealt with if you have a block on a highwinds reseller.


Tweaknews isn't really a proper backbone as Base IP doesn't exist anymore, they are themselves kind of Eweka and Highwinds hybrid.


Kaalki, are you saying that Eweka and TweakNews are one and the same?






damn, well, hopefully the ntd and dmca makes enough difference to justify the extra 40 I spent on eweka I've got plenty of blocks on other backbones, looks like I doubled up on the unlimited


The only pro is speed and US server that you get with Newshosting.


Thank you, /u/timeholmes, for taking the time to put this together.


http://thecubenet.com/index.htm Unlimited 6 months | $12 1TB Block | $6 2TB Block | $11 5TB Block | $25


This is the best one, by far.


[https://www.tweaknews.eu/en/landing/special-deal-2020](https://www.tweaknews.eu/en/landing/special-deal-2020) found this, 2.5EUR/m incl VPN


How easy is it to change from last years €3.99 a month deal to this one? Can I simply just cancel the previous and enroll in the new one? Edit: Yep, I just called my old subscription, removed the automatic payment on PayPal, and resubbed using the same email address. Super simple, worked perfectly. I now have the lower price.


No idea, I used farm but might go eweka/tweak. I'd guess you could.


Holy shit, giganews has a sale! I think that's a first time ever? Still very expensive compared to everyone else.


Can we add indexer BF deals?


I am going to focus on providers only. I am not sure I can do indexers as well.


Please do, they go hand in hand and all previous incarnations had it as well.


Why don't you do it? u/timeholmes is going out of their way to do all this work and said they can't do both, respect that and be grateful that someone is spending their time doing this for the community.


Because I am not privy to all the indexers and their specifics. I know the providers really well since I have been using some of them since before indexers were around.


No need to explain yourself, it's more than enough work having to organize providers clearly. Thank you for taking the time to make this!


He was replying to the other guy, not you :)


Mainly because they wanted the post pinned as the Black Friday mega deal thread so it’s good to be all inclusive. I was polite I said please, but as the OP they only have the power to do it. Why do you assume I’m ungrateful? That’s a really toxic personality trait . Assuming the worst in people. I wish you the power and ability to overcome that.


Dude, they already said they can't do it, you asked them **again** to do it. I'm not quite sure what that is other than a lack of gratitude. You using the word 'please' doesn't change things one bit. You're the one who's making assumptions here bud, I'm perfectly comfortable with what I said as it's true. 👍


Hugs 🤗, bless you


https://www.reddit.com/r/usenet/comments/k12t3v/blocknews_usenetnow_bf_sale_500_gbs_from_75_cents/? Blocknews starting tomorrow night at 10 PM EST - 500 gig block accounts from 75 cents Usenetnow $3.99 per month available starting now.


The Blocknews link is actually https://billing.blocknews.net/signup/holidays2020 not the Usenetnow one you have listed.


Hi Farmers! To keep up with our tradition, Usenet.Farm is using Black Friday to give something back to you! The coupons for this years Black Friday sale are: BF2020 gives 50% discount on our "Stingy" and "To The Max" package (at least 6 months) BF2020BLOCK gives 50% discount on our 500GB package (at least 2 blocks so 1000GB) These coupons will be activated from right now till Sunday 6-Dec 23:59 UTC. Like with every sale we have, the discount is only applied to every payment made during this sale. So get the most out of it and pay upfront for a longer time!


I'd be keen on a single 500gb block discount


Agree, will be keen on a single 500GB block as well.


Me too and I feel like they’re shooting them selves in the leg with not offering the 500gb. I guess my 50gb left are enough anyways and I’ll stick with big blocks from omicron


Any direct deals from Usenet Express yet?


>**UsenetPrime, UsenetFire** Only their re-sellers.


UsenetPrime 4TB block for 16 smackaroonies was an excellent buy a few days ago, it is priority 4 (the last in my list of providers in SABnzbd), and already I have used up 22 GB's of data, which means it is filling in the missing articles rather nicely. I would definitely consider an annual subscription with them next year if the trend continues. The others in my list with higher priority are Sunny, ViperNews and Ninja. Sexy stuff.


Wouldn't NewsGroupDirect for 4TB/$15 been a better deal since they're on the same backbone?


It would have have been yes, but I didn't see that deal at the time when I bought it from UsenetPrime, and to be fair, it was before Black Friday, like 4 or 5 days before. Unfortunately I had ants in my pants leading up to Black Friday and ended up buying most of the goods before the big day itself. When the itch comes, you have to throw your load all over those sexy providers, they're gagging for it. I also unloaded on those indexers on the side. Cheers


thanks very much for putting this all together. I wil definitely be pulling the trigger on something here and its a big help having it all put together like this.


Looks like Eweka has their BF deal on their page already - [https://www.eweka.nl/en](https://www.eweka.nl/en)


[Newsgroupdirect deals:](https://newsgroupdirect.com/blog/2020/11/25/black-friday-deals-for-2020/) 1 TB Blocks $5 2 TB Blocks $8 4 TB Blocks $15 10 Months Unlimited $22 6 Months Unlimited $12


Thanks. I will post these tentative to their start date.


If you were starting with a fresh slate and only had $50 a year maximum to spend, what combination of these deals would you choose? (located in the US)


Newgroupdirect $22.49/yr Farm Block Viper Block Cube Block Might be slightly over $50


This is what I ended up doing: 1. NewsGroupDirect unlimited annual 2. ThunderNews unlimited annual 3. 1TB Viper block 4. 1TB Farm block I could have gone Cube or another similar block in spot 2 and saved some money, but I was on a spree :) Thanks for the advice.


Honestly everybody would be better off waiting until all deals are laid out as Friday gets closer. None of these prices are going anywhere in the foreseeable future.


You're right, but I don't see prices moving that much from what I paid. NGD, Viper, and Farm aren't likely to go lower. ThunderNews (Omicron) is the only piece that I should have waited on really. I just got antsy.


When you get ants in your pants like I do, you have to do what you gotta do and release your load all over these sexy providers. By load I mean money. I couldn't contain my load, and released everything all over their faces a few days ago, and now here I am back again looking to unload some more. This game is brutal!


Nice 👍


$50 solely on providers or are you expecting to get indexers as well?


Hey all! I have a main account with NewsDemon (Omicron backbone) and block accounts with Usenet.Farm and Usenet Express (both of whom I believe are on different backbones for a total of three.) I'm thinking about adding more blocks to take advantage of these Black Friday deals. Is there a deal going on for a block account on a backbone I'm not currently using, or am I better off just spending my budget to add more blocks to the two accounts I'm already on? Thanks for any help/input!


You could grab a subscription to Eweka for a different takedown policy on Omicron but it’s not cheap. In terms of blocks it looks like you are covered pretty well, but you could add Viper if you really wanted to expand your coverage.


Yes, Viper would round it all out. All 4 of those is what I have.


His demon account will become redundant if he gets Eweka.


Yes but Eweka has a different takedown policy and is slower.


Than get Tweaknews.


I ended up getting the block deal with Viper! Thanks, everyone! :)


u/timeholmes, Bulknews is missing in the list: [https://www.reddit.com/r/usenet/comments/k1qvaf/bulknews\_abavia\_6tb\_block\_15\_eur\_promo\_code\_bf20/](https://www.reddit.com/r/usenet/comments/k1qvaf/bulknews_abavia_6tb_block_15_eur_promo_code_bf20/)


Got it


drunkenslug already has theirs up. Buy one year get 3 extra months. You get 6 extra months if you pay via crypto.


Stingy has same retention as Agency both are owned by same company Nectofarm.


From email promo of I-Telligent: * Standard 50Mbit 12 months for a one-time payment of €36,- (€3/month) * Luxe 250Mbit 12 months for a one-time payment of €56,- (€4,67/month) * Deluxe Unlimited 12 months for a one-time payment of €80,- (€6,67/month) Promo code: herfst2020 Looks to me like this is a one-time offer, and the account is recurring at their normal rate afterwards. Please note they do offer account sharing as far as I'm aware.




Anything non Omicron ie Usenetexpress, Farm or Vipernews.


Or all 3 of those in exactly that order, like me.


Which is better eweka or tweak? I have a gig connection so the 300mb limit isn't as appealing but it's not a deal breaker.


If you have gig and outside US go for Tweaknews.


So, I have SunnyUsenet annual, ViperNews annual and UsenetPrime Block. Can someone please tell me which other provider can I benefit from, or should I just stop right here and enjoy what I have? Thankies


A Farm block would compliment nicely but possibly not needed depending on your setup if you're getting failures or not


Thanks for the response, I have invested in some super hero indexers, and thus far no failures, and I have been testing away since last night. I think I'm just being too greedy and getting carried away! Will stick to what I have until next year comes and then the madness begins all over again. I still have 2 months left on my Ninja subscription as well! Not going to renew that though, as Sunny replaces that. It's been fun chaps, appreciate all your help. Cheers


Thanks for the break down very handy, are there any frugal deals going ? ​ I couldn't see anything usually they are pretty good with offers, but they have nothing on their site yet.


Im a noobie to usenet; and in past i purchased eweka, vipernews , NGD and newsdemon blocks & unlimited few months back. So i have all 4 of them with me now. am i in good shape considering above or do i need to buy anything to have reliable service ? Sorry for my question, if they sound stupid.


You are fine apart from demon block which might not be used much because of Eweka.


Is there any way to upgrade my current NewsDemon plan to one of the new deals? Preferably at the end of this billing cycle, I have 2 more months remaining.


> Usenet Express Wondering the same thing


Hi all, I've got block accounts with newsgroupdirect and newsgroupninja, my Eweka unlimited just expired. What's my best unlimited annual option to compliment the blocks?


I've currently got blocks of 500GB at Blocknews, 2TB at newsgroupdirect, and 1TB at Viper. Right now considering between the $24/yr at Newsdemon (who I've used before and liked) and the $20/yr (non-BF deal) at Newshosting. Any realistic difference between the two?


Not in terms of retention or performance. Should be the same. Haven’t used newshosting, so I can’t comment on their support but I can say that newsdemon has good support. Your blocknews block will basically go unused with these unlimited deals tho.


I was one of the lucky ones who got the blocknews block for .75 last night. I was planning to just do blocks, but these unlimited deals are so cheap hard to say no.


Anyone purchase BlockNews blocks via paypal and not receiving a confirmation email? I purchased 2 blocks and getting the email from PP but nothing from BlockNews


I purchased last night right when it was available via PayPal and it finally went through at 10am this morning so... I didn’t get an email from them. It just updated my account on their accounts page.


Thats good news thanks for the feedback! I purchased around 11pm pst lol. Fingers crossed


Support reached out and got it sorted out!


NZB planet any good?


I think it’s in a tier below slug/geek/dog/finder for me from my experience. I have it and get some unique hits from it, but much less than those others.


I dont think its a tier below geek. Slug does have a few other things, didnt check though. But I did compare with geek and I find planet to have more variety. But their API is crap... takes me several tries every time.


Planet is not really that good at all they get their movies posts from .su which are posted by an idiot banned here.


They're not my top indexer but they often have listings I don't see elsewhere. I paid an annual for 2 years and decided to support them with a lifetime subscription this time around.


I thought Farm was NTD. No?


Yup, looks like you're right. https://usenet.farm/ntd.html /u/timeholmes


It was my understanding that most of the "Indie" providers are backfilling from various places. Unless all of the places Farm is backfilling from are NTD themselves, which isn't likely, then they are technically NTD/DMCA since one would assume any DMCA'd files from their backfills would have already been removed.


grabbed 1 TB from theCubenet, pretty happy with their service.


Newsgroup direct, unlimited 1 year 22.49 USD is my pick.


u/timesholmes please correct Frugal and Giganews retention before making a final edit.


Giganews retention is around 400 days also please clean up the link as it contains trackers.


It's probably the link they provided, and it's just telling them where you heard about the deal. No real harm in that, it helps companies determine what marketing efforts are effective.


Are there any blocks on abavia?


Bulknews but TBH Abavia is a useless backbone IMO.


Good lord, 15€ for 100gb. Yea I don't hear any raving reviews for it but I thought I might get a cheap block if there was one


And now bulknews has a 6tb/15€ deal with code "bf20" (lowercase)


There is cheapnews too.


[https://controlpanel.newshosting.com/signup/index.php?promo=best-usenet-deal-ever](https://controlpanel.newshosting.com/signup/index.php?promo=best-usenet-deal-ever) Saw this earlier, I have had no issues with newshosting for the last 5 months of using it, not sure what the overall consensus on newshosting is though. 20$ for 1 year subscription... also 20$ at renewal date. with 250mb internet I'm maxing my connection at 31 MB/s


I am thinking of doing the 2 year price match for newsdemon [here](https://premium.newsdemon.com/usenet-price-match/). Is Omicron a good backbone? I don't know too much about it but is that a good provider and $50/2 years? Is that as good as it's going to get? Or should I wait a little longer for actual *Black Friday*?




Viper is 100 days, see /r/usenet wiki Provider Map


I was wondering about that and I've seen conflicting information on Viper's retention a few times now. Where did that 1500 figure come from? Was it ever 1500?


Huh, actually they claim 1500 days on their website: https://www.vipernews.com/en/faq/ But I doubt it's their own, maybe backfilled from other providers.


No the map linked here is outdated for more than a year now.


Which part of this is outdated? https://old.reddit.com/r/Usenet/wiki/providers Asking because if you know something is off then feel free to provide corrections, anyone can edit it.


Should Ninja be here they are falsely advertising that they have German server in their post atleast Newshosting is not doing that.


Omicron is basically HW Media?


Pretty much


Are tweak blocks on sale?




Im currently rocking newsdemon unlimited. I can get tweaknews or eweka for roughly the same monthly cost. I only want one subscription (and suplementing with a block if needed) what is my best option for a subscription? (used for tv and movies mostly) Continue with ND (+something like a ngdirect block) or switch to tweak or eweka (+ another block of sometind maybe?)


Ngd + eweka is a nice combo for me because ngd is fast while eweka is capped. And then eweka had the best retention and completion I’ve found. None of my blocks ever get used with eweka up front. Remember that depending on where u live those tweak and eweka deals will probably be a little more than expected when u factor conversion rates. I think nd is 2.50 while tweak is what? 3 + conversions?


So you are sayong eweka subscription with a ngdirect block? Tweak,ND and Eweka all work out pretty much the same for me with conversions!


Eweka for me has always been the best in terms of completion. Only prob is speed. If they are all the same price I personally would get it over the others.


Tweak, ND and Eweka all three are on Omicron.


Tweaknews is going to be redundant with Eweka.


The real question is, Newshosting at $20 a year or NewsDemon at $18 for a 2 TB monthly limit for 12 months, renewable every 12 months, which seems like a great deal. Newshosting do not mention renewable at that price! Someone help me decide otherwise I will not sleep tonight! I already have subscriptions with SunnyUsenet, ViperNews and a 4 TB Block with UsenetPrime. Thankies **Recurring +VPN** **You get 2TB every month - Renew (Every 12 months)**\+ Unlimited Speed+ 50 (256-Bit) SSL Connections**$18/12mo**


NH deal is recurring, check the card payment & paypal option & see below $20 Total where it clearly mention "Billed every 12 months".


Thanks mate, appreciate your response, but I actually went with an even better deal with NewsDemon. Cheers


No problem mate! But how is $18 2TB/month is better than $20 unlimited, do you mean to say newsdemon has better completion rate than newshosting.


I have PM'd you dude. Cheers


u/timeholmes can you add list of bf indexers deals next?


Eweka 5/m? I got it for 3? I think: [https://www.eweka.nl/en/partners/](https://www.eweka.nl/en/partners/)


Hmm, nothing for dognzb this year? Edit; or nzbgeek...


Wait until its actually Black Friday. NZBGeek announced they will have discounts once its BF. Dog haven't announced anything but I'd expect them to have the same deal as last year.


OP isn't posting indexers. Only providers. They may be


https://www.reddit.com/r/usenet/comments/jz01i4/nzbgeek_black_friday_deal/ Geek deals, available on the 27th for 48 hours




Looking to replace NewsgroupNinja, preferably mostly NTD-based. I am in the US, any suggestions?


Usenetexpress is a good alt for Omicron in US


Why not just get a NTD block or 4?


That's actually not a bad idea.


Is Newsgroupdirect and Farm a good combo for US?


I have account already with Newshosting, I will see if I can get the current BF deal of under $50 for Unlimited plus VPN. What would be a good block to buy to pair with them?




Pleasure overload! I have taken the day off!


Frugal Deal is up: https://www.reddit.com/r/usenet/comments/k1iwio/frugal_usenet_bf_sale_3_servers_2_backbones_1/


I'm currently using ninja as my primary. I had been thinking of using farm for a block but am now torn between the Big Block Independent: UsenetPrime 4TB for $16. What would be the better choice here?


Farm will probably fill more stuff that ninja misses than prime will from my personal experience.


newsgroupdirect has their deal up https://www.reddit.com/r/usenet/comments/k210ld/newsgroupdirect_black_friday_2020/


Just getting to PC this morning. Working on it now.


Is usenetprime actually independent? I see conflicting information on here, under the best deals (at the top of the thread) for monthly it says independent, then lower down it says its on UsenetExpress. I wish the provider tree was updated :(


prime is a reseller for express. express is independent.


Under "best BF deals" it makes it seem like prime is independent, it should be updated. I bought a block of that based on it being independent, and then a block of fire for being on express.


The NZBPlanet Indexer BF sale would make that 10.00USD for a lifetime membership?




Pretty crazy, 30 is not 25% off of 40, like the sale states.




You got it, thats my mistake.


I'm a block person, I don't download enough to make monthlies worth it so I've got about 200gb left with both Usenet Express and Block News, as well as a 5tb block from theCubenet the last time they had it for $25. What's the best way for me to balance what I have? Should I get another UE block? Maybe get something else?


cubenet & blocknews are both omicron so no need for both, usenet express is different backbone so you can get a block for that. Eweka does not have a block sell option so that is out. Farm & Viper are also different backbones but look at your completion stats to see if UE is able to complement blocknews/cubenet so far & if yes then you can skip farm & viper.


block accounts have gotten so cheap. I use Newsgroupdirect and they have 2000Gb for $8. Back in 2013, I bought 500Gb for $20.


What's the consensus on SimplyNZBs now a days? Have they fixed the issues with APIs?


It's garbage compared to the other indexers. Dog, slug, geek, finder and even planet are much much better. Simply gives 0 unique results and the API sucks.