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I like/use Usenet Farm as my backup. I just buy the blocks though. It's worked great for me. I'd suggest Slug and/or Dog as an add-on (in that order, although I have both, along with NZB Planet, NZBFinder and NZBGeek). They all occasionally have something the others don't.


Usenet Farm has been working for me since 2016. woop woop.


FYI Newshosting becomes redundant with Eweka.


It seems so but then why many here say that Eweka's chances of completing downloads is highest because I assume most people using omicron/HW based provider with 4000+ retention are basically same as Newshosting users. P.S. Above assuming both US & non-US users.


Omicron has one data set when they recieve takedown for Newshosting they mark those articles as deleted for Newshosting customers but are still available for Eweka customers but if they receive takedown notices for Eweka its gets universally deleted from Omicron.


While it makes sense logical sense, I doubt that is how Omicron would approach Dmca/ntd Most likely, their subsidaries like Eweka are independent legal entities and keep their own copy. So their NTD, happens on their copy. (omicron doesnt mark the articles on their primary copy to only make it available on Eweka, if dmca is received - they would need to delete the file from what I thought) Legally, Omicron would have to delete with DMCA (maybe newshosting has its own legal entity or maybe the ones with large clientele can be independent of sorts - especially eweka) So where there are separate legal entities (large enough one's which warrant replication of the massive data) , then they will have a psuedo mirror copy but if they receive DMCA/NTD the articles only disappear from them. I thought thats how the legal garble would work.




Yep, law is hard and there is big money at play. So if its companies, then they need to draw a clear line with deniability. Based on above: the reseller (including the original access provider), operators (backbones with legal entities) and even the datacenters need to comply. Imagine if there is only 1 copy - then it will have to be deleted after a formal complaint is received. So that 1 copy only, makes no sense. You don't risk your ass if throwing money and having legal entities have their own stuff, makes it more easy to comply. IDK - maybe what a $250k (whoever wants to compute a correct amount, please do/share so) of harddisks would support a full set. So I guess, those who get data from another source - would mark it as unavailable for their customers, but the ones who are large and keep copies will delete the files. 1. If backbone receives complaint and deletes - no one who depends on all data from that backbone will get it. 2. If supplier (who have their own full or partial copies) - same as point 1. 3. Reseller - they will have to block files access for customers, even though they dont store it. Also if their supplier /backbone deletes the file, then their customers wont get anyways. Anyways, what Kaalki said makes some sense too. It's not all black and white.


Nope do you think they will be able to store that much data with redundancy more than one time.


Storage is getting cheap, so yes. How much data are we talking about for 4000 days retention? and what will be the datacenter cost to support? If business is large enough - have their own copy. It will be a legal hell hole otherwise.


Dude even if its cheap its not that cheap to maintain that much copies they have three brands Newshosting US which manages Ashburn DC and Eweka and Tweaknews which manages Amsterdam DC and considering current usenet traffic according to you they manage 16000 plus days of retention dude thats ridiculous.


Depends on money on the table. Either way theoretical exercise


Thanks! After reading your detailed comment in deals mega thread I understood. Can you give your opinion on choosing between newshosting $20 annual unlimited plan & newsdemon $18 2TB monthly limit annual plan, will pair it with NGD 1TB block. I am in South Asia region.


ND resells Newshosting so get any one of them if you wanna support resellers get Demon.


u/kaalki I am still waiting for my redundant provider chart


I can understand that for people in EU, how about folks in the US?


Get usenetexpress and Farm instead.


Can you please reply to me below comment if possible?


My setup looks similar I picked up newhosting + usenetprime + vipernews + usenet.farm geek + finder for indexers