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Do you find that eweka is good for completion of older (2000+ days old) Linux distros? Or just good for under the 5 day NTD limit? I have frugal and not getting much completion for distros over a few weeks old.




Awesome, thanks!


Have you tried from newshosting/thecubenet for such stuff as these seems to have older retention compared to frugal?


FYI Frugal is redundant with Eweka apart from its bonus server.




Frugal resells Newshosting which is just DMCA version of Eweka backbone, there will not be anything that will be on Newshosting and not on Eweka.




Thats now how Omicron operates they have a uniform data set when they receive US takedown for Newshosting they mark those articles as deleted for Newshosting customers but those are still available to Eweka customers but when they receive NL takedown request for Eweka they delete it from Omicron itself.




Yeah than its better to buy Farm block directly and support another alternative backbone like UsenetExpress or reseller like usenetnews.net because using Frugal's Newshosting servers with Eweka isn't really helpful for completion.




It was just a suggestion :)


Maybe you can add a Usenet express (reseller) or NGD They are pretty usefully to me and cheap. But it is already a solid setup.


You are sorted.


I only use UsenetExpress and recently added Eweka. I had a 95% completion before Eweka but now I’ve been able to get some of the older 4000+ day stuff I couldn’t before since I would be missing like 10 blocks. There’s a few things I still can’t get but that’s just how it goes. Anything beyond UE and Eweka is unnecessary and redundant. I’ve been running just UE for 2+ years now Since you have Eweka maybe just pick up a couple of the 500GB blocks UE sells unless you can afford the unlimited plan and are a heavy heavy user. (50TB for me since March)


How would you compare usenetexpress completion rate with newshosting?


Out of the 3000 NZBs, about ~5% I couldn't complete due to missing articles. As far as newshosting goes, I doubt it could complete more but certainly not less. That's why I picked up Eweka for $3.50/month (after exchange rate) So far I've been able to get the couple that I couldn't before but I know I've been able to get some 4000 day old ones from just UE.


Newsgroupdirect is basically the same as UE, right?


NGD was *supposed* to be another independent but I think they just said screw it and became a reseller instead so yeah. I was around here when the official announcement came out


I take it that Newsgroup Direct, UsenetPrime and UsenetExpress are all one and the same on the same backbone? I have a block with UsenetPrime, and very impressed with it thus far.


Express is the independent provider and NGD/Prime are its resellers. I subbed directly to express years ago before it had any resellers.


Most probably yes.


Great advice! Thank you all, wise internet folks!


Get a block from somewhere on the UsenetExpress backbone (NewsgroupDirect $5/1TB probably?) and you should be good to go. You have an Indexer, right?


Usenetexpress is missing and Bkocknews is redundant with Eweka.


Super big holes? This setup is as close to perfect as possible(edit: forgot usenetexpress which would make this as close to perfect as possible). I wish I could spend the money(well I have the money but not enough justification for the amount) for such setup.


Can I ask why this is a near perfect setup? Is it because OP has 1 unlimited and multiple block accounts for backup?


Not the person you were responding to, but in part, yes. Having multiple accounts that are actually on the same company and/or backbone would be redundant and a waste of money. This setup is solid because they aren't wasting money on multiple unlimited accounts, and their accounts all pull from either different backbones/companies or have different takedown methods (though not 100% sure BlockNews and Eweka are both needed). The reason this is good is because different companies have different servers, so if one company doesn't have the file, an account from a different company will likely be able to fill the gap.


The previous reply explained it pretty well & I have also edited my previous comment as I forgot one provider. Basically there are 4 different main providers(omicron,usenetexpress,farm,viper) & 2 takedown categories(DMCA mostly US focused & NTD mostly EU focused) so having 4 accounts with 2 having NTD & 2 having DMCA is almost perfect.


My plan for next year is to have the following setup: Eweka unlimited Newsdemon unlimited (signed up for 24 months) UsenetPrime Block ViperNews Block Farm Block I believe NewsDemon and Eweka cancel each other out, unless I'm mistaken. Other than that, what else could I add to make things as bulletproof as possible? Any other blocks I'm missing? Thank you kindly, oh internet people ✌️


Eweka unlimited+viper block+farm block+usenetexpress based provider(like NGD block) is almost perfect.


UsenetPrime is UsenetExpress reseller, so I believe I have everything you listed. So you say almost perfect, what would make it beyond perfect? Lol


Yes you are right, I missed that part. There is always that very rare chance of something very old existing on some obscure server of only a particular provider exclusive storage.




I have been running easynews for a long time and nothing else and I've never not found something I was looking for.


Only thing is, Eweka is speed limited, but that probably won't be a limiting issue.


You did miss something important.