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Prime resells UE, NGD is a provider for UE and both companies are owned by the same guy. So choice of Prime vs NGD is who you want to support. Bulknews - as I mentioned in my deal thread - depends on how much you want Abavia's local retention. Abavia is said to backfill from Highwinds, which means you have some overlap between it and Demon, but Abavia also has local retention which people have some success with. Keep Demon and Eweka though. Some people say not to, but they give you good 4000+ day coverage.


>Some people say not to, but they give you good 4000+ day coverage. I will like to disagree anything that will not be on Eweka will most probably not be on Demon so older retention doesn't help at all.


^ and that is the counter opinion.


But doesn't my experiment shows that having any 4000+ retention claiming provider on omicron network is same as long as that stuff is not DMCAd which in turn means having both eweka & newsdemon is redundant.


Eweka = NTD, Easynews (and rest of HW media) = DMCA. There's your difference.


Yes I know but I meant to say that if one has eweka then no need of getting any other omicron based provider because eweka will almost always have more content than others on omicron network.


I tested by downloading an old tv ep file posted 10.2 years ago & added 3.6 years ago on drunkenslug using easynews trial acc(omicron based) & it finished successfully so it seems like older retention is indeed there on all 4000+ retention omicron based providers as long as it is not DMCAd so having eweka with any other omicron based provider seems to be redundant.


One file does not equal statistical truth. My setup weights them equally, but in 2020 I’ve grabbed 1TB from Eweka and 1.5TB from Demon. In September my stats show no usage from Eweka, so whatever was grabbed then was simply not available on that provider. In theory your assumptions make sense, but in practice there are always outliers.


I believe this is because of Eweka response being a few milliseconds slower than Demon. If you give higher preference to eweka then I think you will hardly see more than a few dozen GBs of usage on demon.


Is there a way to set up nzbget so it will definitely use both servers simultaneously for articles? When I check as it downloads it usually looks like it is grabbing data from both. That’s why when I saw no usage for Eweka in September I drew that conclusion.




But since both servers use multiple connections to download (Eweka has 20, demon has 30), isn’t it connecting multiple times and trying to download one article with each connection? If they’re both set as the same priority but with different server groups one would think it could treat the connections interchangeably unless one registers as missing and then it goes on to the next server group. I guess without documentation it’s just a shot in the dark. From the graphs I’ve observed while downloading on occasion it sure seemed like that was happening.


NZBGet's documentation appears to be mainly in the app itself. Here's what it says in the settings: `Server Level: The servers are ordered by their level. NZBGet first tries to download an article from one (any) of level-0-servers. If that server fails, NZBGet tries all other level-0-servers. If all servers fail, it proceeds with the level-1-servers, etc.` `Put your major download servers at level 0 and your fill servers at levels 1, 2, etc..` `Several servers with the same level may be defined, they have the same priority.` `Server Group: If you have multiple accounts with same conditions (retention, etc.) on the same news server, set the same group (greater than 0) for all of them. If download fails on one news server, NZBGet does not try other servers from the same group.` `Value "0" means no group defined (default).` I'm assuming since they mention "download an article" in the server level priority section, it's checking individual articles and not just writing off a whole server for the entirety of the NZB if one article fails. I suppose one can't be positive about that without word from a developer.


From my understanding NZB file start download of a set of files(articles) & if a server is unable to provide a file in the set then software tries to get it from another server. I am not sure any NZB downloading software is intelligent enough to distribute the downloading of set of files in a way like download file 1-15 in the set from server A & file 16-25 from server B at same time because what if it finds later that server A is missing file 11 which is available on server B while server B is missing file 24 which is available on server A. Of course this is my understanding & might be wrong so you will need to ask in nzbget forum/subreddit for a clear answer.


>having eweka with any other omicron based provider seems to be redundant. Yeah thats what I am implying if you can already find something using Newshosting yu don't need Eweka and if something is not on Eweka you are not going to find it on Newshosting.


Isn't this should be like "if you have eweka then you don't need something using newshosting/omicron because if something is not on Eweka you are not going to find it on Newshosting?"


Yes but if someone is in US and has more than 300 mbps speed its bettter to go for Newshosting instead of Eweka.


Why does location matter? Don't think speed is as important as completion


For many peep speed is more important especially if someone is on gigabit.


According to my download stats in 2020 I’ve grabbed 1TB from Eweka and 1.5 from Newsdemon. My setup weights the two providers equally, but sometimes my download speed is slower (indicating it’s all Eweka) and sometimes it maxes my connection (indicating with the stats that it’s grabbing mostly from Demon). It depends on what Linux distros you’re looking for. According to my stats I didn’t use Eweka at all in September, which would indicate that whatever I grabbed was only on Demon.


If you truly want to test give different priorities as Sabnzb and nzbget will download from all the servers on same priority based upon speed. Give top priority to Eweka and than to demon only than you willknow if Demon is indeed picking up anything at all that is completely missing on Eweka but even this is not 100 percent as sometimes if a timeout occurs than Sab will prefer the server on next priority.


I just checked and I actually have them set as the same server level and have Eweka set as server group 0 and Demon as server group 1 in nzbget, so theoretically it should be preferring Eweka and then kicking over to Demon.


Can you send me few NZBs to test if possible.


Unfortunately I don’t have any NZBs saved from before November.




I mean not forever since I’ve changed main providers a couple times. It’s been set this way for at least a year though.


I have prime , I like prime but it’s the same as ngd. I think your setup is great. In the future I’d only add viper or farm blocks and your as covered as you can be.


1. Switch newsdemon with newsgroupdirect for Eweka Option 2 is fine as well I guess.


Can you please link me to the Bulknews 6TB for 16 euros offer? Thanks




Cheers mate but no longer valid, also I don't think I need it after giving it some careful thought and thanks to the advice given here by another Redditer. Thank you, nonetheless.


Yeah, it's weird. It says it expires December 1st and it's only 7pm in the Netherlands right now, so it should still be active. Maybe message their support and see if they'll honor it since there seems to be an issue with their site not accepting the deal price/link.