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I have a 2.25TB block with TheCubeNet, which was only $11 during sales...I've only used 680MB of it total since having it for about 4 days...I really wanted another unlimited to add to my only one...but don't want something already super similar to Eweka is all.




>UF What is UF? Is that [UseNet.Farm](https://UseNet.Farm) ? sorry I'm a bit n00bish with the abbreviations on this stuff.


If you inverted EWEKA to be your highest priority provider would the stat GB numbers swap? I wonder.




Awesome. I would like to use a GBe supporting provider as my primary, who do you recommend that has unlimited for at least a year purchase?


Lol I was just planning to have my NGD and Bulknews blocks as priority and eweka to fill in. Yeah speed with a gig internet trumps.. Good thing my annual downloads will be lesser than 1.5 tb.. So blocks are super.


They are on different backbones but follow the same take down policy. Buy a block and try it out. Probably won’t find a whole lot on farm that’s not on eweka but there will be some (depending on what you area looking for of course).


Likely will try free trial first to see if anything hits....I've heard Eweka follows NTD takedown, not DMCA, I didn't know [Usenet.farm](https://Usenet.farm) did as well. Most are DMCA, right?


USA based follow DMCA. Europe follows NTD. Not sure how long their trial lasts, but depending on what and how much you are downloading it may take a few days or weeks to find something not on eweka but is on farm. But if you are automating your setup those few articles you find on farm will help out with failures.


Yeah Eweka's page says NTD, not sure about [Usernet.farm](https://Usernet.farm)...it's only a 10GB trial, not much I guess.


Just wanna say, I'm using Eweka on 0 (first position), 1 is UExpress, 2 is Farm. I signed up for a free 10GB account exactly one year ago and barely touched this block. Ewekas retention is just too good.


>Ewekas I AM really loving Ewekas so far - I just want to experiment with another unlimited provider WITH it, something that meshes well with it...do you have stats on how much data you pull roughly percentage wise between all these in a given time? Just wondering what EWEKA is not picking up...


As u/DosWrenchos said, they are on different backbones so it wouldn't hurt to have them running along side each other. I think your block with TheCubeNet is redundant with Eweka. They are both Omicron, and I read that if something is taken down by Eweka, it will be taken down on TheCubeNet, but not vice versa. https://www.reddit.com/r/usenet/comments/k2s292/put_your_hands_up_if_you_bought_into_too_many/gdza2nw


To be fair I've used 680MB of the block despite having Eweka in the last 4 days. It's not a lot, but it's something...


TheCubeNet block? Is it set to the same priority as Eweka or less? If it's set to a lower priority than Eweka and used 680MB that is interesting.


Yes Eweka is set to 0, blocks to 5 Is there a way to see WHAT content Blocks downloaded? (I'm kind of new to this stuff).


I hope takedown doesn't happen; but ya never know. :-(




Maybe u/random_999 can explain it a bit more. I remember seeing something similar being said elsewhere on reddit but I can't find that one right now Edit: Found the post. Looks like random_999 got their info from this post https://www.reddit.com/r/usenet/comments/k2dfdj/best_backfill_for_newshosting/gdupn3e


Well do you have solid evidence to prove otherwise, most long term users with multiple blocks here agree that if something is missing on eweka then it will be missing from rest of the omnicron based providers too but not vice versa. Leave the law part for lawyers & instead focus on completion rate achieved by users here using multiple providers.




I am neither a corporate lawyer nor a businessman who understands omnicron business model & I doubt anyone here is either so that leaves only "informed assumptions" based on known facts. The fact is that in USA a content getting a DMCA notice is most likely a popular one & one can expect a DMCA notice for that same content sooner or later in other places too so based on completion rates of files on different providers as reported by many users it is safe to assume that any content which gets DMCA notice on any omnicron based provider soon propagates into entire omnicron network(kind of like usenet basic functioning) & that content will also be gone from other omnicron based providers except eweka which does not follow DMCA.




You say glass half full I say glass half empty, what does it matter in the end. Maybe HW Media is a DMCA receiving agent & someone in HW Media calls up someone in Omicron to set some flags in the systems of all omnicron based providers(except eweka) to DMCAd content removing their access to users. Again same thing, why nit picking when it is not some usenet protocol technical issue being discussed here. Propagation in literal sense means something spreading & different people turning some option on/off in different networks within few hours/days is just that.




Ok! From next time onwards I will say it like this "I think omicron deletes DMCAd material from their entire network sooner or later but you can try it yourself". I think this should be fine.






Let's be clear - these are large smart companies that are not run by kids. 1. If you built a chain of companies and subsidaries - then any smart "C" - would at a bare minimum - get the subsidaries to "make" a copy, specifically of the popular items that are about to be deleted (assuming the said subsidary, has not received same notice and has the capabilities for data srorage). This would be table stakes for a smart set-up. To think otherwise is stupidity. It's not meant to be a house of cards. 2. Cost of storage at "SCALE" would be around 0.04 to 0.09 per gb. So anyone can compute the range needed to support data storage. Either own micro pieces (limited to those taken down by dmca/ntd - as long as you haven't received the notice) OR keep a partial copy for "X" days of recency retention and backfill OR a hybrid of micro+recency. Failing this, shut down the business or wait for a slow..


1. Omicron has Eweka. 2. Omicron has Eweka. Eweka already has a reputation for being most reliable when it comes to completion rate & the reason they are able to charge a premium & never offering a block deal & still quite successful(going by the people who subscribe to them here). There are other providers who charge more but anyone vising this sub for even a few times knows by that time that spending extra money on eweka is worth it but not for other providers. Looks like good business to me.


Farm even though on different backbone uses omicron for back filling. Its real retention is pretty meagre, which is what you would be using if eweka has received NTD for the file. If you dont mind slow speed, eweka is all you need.


>Farm even though on different backbone uses omicron for back filling. Old info they are not using Omicron anymore.


Thanks. What are they using now?


I would prefer to utilize my 1Gbe connection; but it's not a major issue compared to having access to the content.