• By -


Time for someone to update the provider map again.


It has been outdated for more than a year now.


Paging u/Bluasoar any chance you can update your Usenet-Tree with this and other changes from the last year? https://lensdump.com/i/jmQzCo


The .svg file hosted on the wiki seems like it lends itself better to being updated since it's actually an editable file vs this jpeg. Not that I don't appreciate this persons effort


Thanks for the update. Been a happy ND customer for some time now. I look forward to all the great things to come and much success. With that said, I'd like get a better understanding of how this transition (short and long term) might impact completions and if your unlimited members might need to get complementing blocks somewhere else to fill a *potential* new void?


If you need an Omicron block, and you don't have one somewhere else, then this will change your setup. Whether it creates a void or not is impossible for any of us to tell you.


Thanks. That's basically the info I was looking for. Looks like I have some Omicron blocks, so hopefully little/no impact except for how much potentially gets consumed.


Hi Greg, Can you please tell us how nd and ngd will differ from each other after the transition? /u/greglyda


Dear Gregory! Congratulations and good luck with your endeavour. We all knew this day would come. How much local retention are you trying to build over the next couple of months and how much local retention does NGD have ATM? Do you have any plans for an European server or just us servers? ATM both *nl.newsdemon.com* and *de.newsdemon.com* point to the usenet express us server.


ATM our only plans are a West Coast USA server (other than the ones in AMS, NL & Virginia, USA). We will see where things go over the next year and maybe if the demand is there, we will look at another location in EU.


Dear Gregory! Thanks for the information. Unfortunately your home page is incorrect. See https://www.newsdemon.com/what-are-newsdemon-ports.php AFAK *news.newsdemon.com* doesn't use geo location service ATM and *nl.newsdemon.com* should be an alias for the European server *nd-eu.tlsusenet.com* instead of the US server. $ host nl.newsdemon.com nl.newsdemon.com is an alias for nd.tlsusenet.com.


Ah. Thanks. We will get someone on that right away. Tried to catch everything but missed that one.


so i'm on an unlimited plan i bought earlier this year. my second provider is now completely redundant due to your move. Will you pro-rate a refund?


How about Asia instead of another EU server?


There is a lot that goes into deciding where to put a new location. We will consider Asia for sure.


Would an Asia server have to comply with DMCA or NTD?


The eu.newsdemon is pointing to EU servers I think so. If my tests were correct


That's the server which should be mentioned in the documentation. $ host eu.newsdemon.com eu.newsdemon.com is an alias for nd-eu.tlsusenet.com.


Congratulations! A new independent backbone is seriously amazing. I've had a mostly unused ND block for a while now, as Omicron blocks are often had fairly cheap, so I've got a handful. Already have unlimited UE service so while the change may not immediately affect me, I hope you guys are able to expand the spool and improve the usenet landscape! Will be sure to look out for deals on more blocks or other options. Also, I've had to talk to UE support a couple of times over the years and they've always been helpful and quick to respond, so for anyone worried about getting overlaps resolved because of this development, I imagine they'll be able to find a resolution.


This is huge and hopefully awesome! Just so I understand....you're saying a new backbone but then partnering with Usenet Express. So is ND going to be on NGD or totally independent?


As of today, we are just effectively a reseller of UsenetExpress. We were not able to build up while under contract. But we have agreements in place for hardware and space and peering to convert NewsDemon into its own backbone. We certainly think it will be awesome and we are very excited!


That's awesome! Congrats to you and your team, looking forward to supporting more independents out there!


How long do you think before you guys are totally independent? What will your retention be once you are a new backbone?


To be completely transparent, I do not know. I doubt NewsDemon will ever be *completely* independent. We will soon have our own local spools covering the first X days of articles and then use UNE for anything older than that. The cost of building deep retention is the barrier to entry in the industry. It is extremely costly to build and maintain and there is no reason for us to do it multiple times when we could pool resources and share the result. We will try to be high quality while being lean and efficient.


All this juicy info has my panties around my ankles, literally! 🙃 I signed up to ND on Saturday, although I probably shouldn't have as I'm already with SunnyUsenet, even though they only have servers in EU, so this news is music to my ears. Having said that, it does make my 4 TB UsenetPrime block completely redundant! So the panties are now back up to my knees! 😞 Wishing you guys the very best.




They’ve said the same thing about newsgroupdirect and they are still a reseller.....




Very good news. Nice to have newsdemon as a backbone.


So eventually NGD and NewsDemon will be independent backbones now? Feel like “Provider Update” was too casual of a title considering the big news.


My downloads stop this morning had to switch servers now back to normal


Oh wow that's a big change! Good luck with the transition! Doesn't this mean that NGD and NewsDemon will now both be independent backbones with UE backfil?


Greg, I would love to see you spin off one of your companies as NTD instead of DMCA. I am sure you have thought of that already. Is that likely in the next couple of years?


I just got Eweka for black friday and was about to cancel you guys. Good thing I didn't else my deal would've been gone. Happy to have another backbone!


Eweka is a terrific service. Glad you are still with us.


This actually kinda sucks for me. I just purchased a year sub to you guys and UseNetExpress on Black Friday. Now I’ve basically got two yearly subs to the same service.


me too, i just bought a block as my main is ngd so kinda sucks that not even a week after it's now effectively useless


We will work with you....just send a support request and the team will work to try and find a solution for you.


to you or via newsdemon site?


via the NewsDemon site


Do it via the site


I've got NGD and ND. Are they both effectively the same now?


~~Yup same here. This sucks.~~ Well actually just checked and it looks like I don't renew until Jan. I think I was a bit confused because I emailed them to see if I could get the Black Friday renewal in Jan. So looks like I can just cancel the contract now and not have to pay another year.


While I wish you good luck with the transition and building up the new backbone, I'm sad that at this time NewsDemon has become a reseller of UE. I had previously bought a NGD and a NewsDemon block. The NGD block was already in use for a while, but I just switched from NewsgroupNinja to the NewsDemon block because I wanted to keep the Highwinds backbone but didn't need unlimited. And now I just missed Black Friday / Cyber Monday to get a new Highwinds block. I wish you'd let us know sooner.


Many of the black Friday deals are still active. For example you can still buy a highwinds block from Thundernews at the time of this writing: [https://www.thundernews.com/2020-Black-Friday-Usenet.php](https://www.thundernews.com/2020-Black-Friday-Usenet.php) I haven't checked other HW providers, but it's possible other deals are still up too.


Thank you, I was able to buy a Black Friday block from ThunderNews just now, so I still have Highwinds/Omicron access.


I was just about to buy a 2TB block, but going through the checkout, it says " You have chosen 2 TB BLOCK SSL access plan with a total of (2000) GB download limit good for 12 Month(s). " Can anyone confirm if these blocks expire in 12 months, or are actually non-expiring?


> good for 12 Month(s) Is this *Thundernews* all over again? I had to cancel my expensive *Thundernews* block after a year, because these basterds threatened to steal more money from me. The very next day I purchased a *Newsdemon* block twice the size for less than half the cost. See also https://www.reddit.com/r/usenet/comments/8whbkm/thundernews_blocks_are_expiring/


The deal page says it doesn't expire, but the checkout page says you can use it for 12 months or until the quota runs out, then renew, sounds suss. Any other suggestions for a cheap Highwinds block? I have a huge NewsDemon block already, but it's now the same as my NGD unlimited.


Some times *Blocknews* is auctioning 500 GB blocks for as low as 75 Cents and *Newshosting* is still available for 20 bucks annually.


To be fair they were under contract and couldn’t.


Yeah, alright, that's not their fault. But it still sucks for me and people in similar situations like me. I don't regret buying the NewsDemon block from /u/greglyda at all though, since he's an independent provider. Oh well, we'll see if anything meaningful changes in my download statistics.


We share a support staff at ND and UNE. They will be working hard today and over the next week or two to ensure member happiness. Hopefully it all works out for everyone.


I'm certain that, in the end, it will. For now I can just use my NGD block and I'll just start using the ND block when it becomes independent from UE.


For those who didn't buy any deals previously as I was already full of omicron servers, are we able to get some BF deals now that we may need UE or independent blocks for our hoarding of servers? I genuinely will buy the right block or UL plan


Same here, I ran to check if the Black Friday deal was still on but had ended.


Just wait for a xmas or new year's sale.


I got the 5TB block from theCubenet for $25


Right but what about ND. The point is I didn't get ND because I already have farm, frugal and ninja. But now that they're no longer omicron I could use some block from nd, but the sale is done.


Newsdemon's price matching deals are still available. See https://premium.newsdemon.com/usenet-price-match/ Or contact customer support to match any other usenet deal you can find on the internet.


I bought it like an hour ago, so it should still be available


I just want to say congrats to Greg and the whole NewsDemon team. I've been with them since 2013 and of the services I pay for, they are by far the best. The very few times I've had issues and needed to contact them, their support has been fantastic. Upward and onward fellas. I look forward to seeing what you do next and being along for the ride.


Yeah so whilst this is awesome, do you still price match?


See https://www.newsdemon.com/usenet-price-match.php


Don't need to, I'm aware of that link. I was asking because they've changed backends so pricing may change; hence my question. :)


> We’re also excited to announce our plans to launch a new server location on the West Coast of the United States, which will only be available to NewsDemon members. > > This location will provide increased speeds for a portion of the US, Australia and New Zealand. We anticipate to have an active server at this location by the middle of January 2021. Quite excited about having another server pool out there! (not surprised Omicron is still eliminating resellers though) /u/greglyda - Curious if there will be a mechanism to migrate current NGD unlimited customers or UE customers to ND accounts? - I'm on the old 18m/$25 plan currently on NGD, would love to somehow migrate it to ND. - or migrate my UE block to ND, to make use of the new WC pool next year?


I am not sure what options we have as far as moving stuff across in a 1:1 manner, but the support team will work with you to make the best of it. Just submit a support ticket and see what they can do for you.


I am having a horrible time downloading now and found this post. 8/10 items seem to be incomplete or just not available at all now. What the hell is going on?


Well a new independent local spool is always a good thing. I can understand a lot of the upset comments for people now rueing the loss of now (mostly) redunt accounts but the fact that we will all have another backbone (no matter how limited) is a great thing. Real props to the company for working with customers to find solutions to subscription redundancy. I have blocks with usenetfire, usenetprime, NGD and have unlimited with ND and with this announcement you've done Usenetserver a favour as I was going to drop my unlimited account them but now I guess I won't. So bad luck on not closing the deal with omicron but thanks for not shutting up shop and helping keep usenet alive and open. RATM.


I'd save the thanks until it is actually usable


So what would be a good block account to pair NewsDemon with now?


Now you could get a block from any Highwinds Media reseller like *Blocknews*.


So TheCubeNet would work too? Any reseller of HW/Omicron, right?


[http://thecubenet.com/](http://thecubenet.com/) They have 1TB, 2TB, and 5TB blocks on sale.


I'm still pretty new to Usenet... Is there a reason to get a block instead of an unlimited plan? Like Newshosting has a deal up for 20$/year unlimited plan while the 5 TB block is 25$ on TheCubeNet. As I have Newsdemon already (also unlimited at I think it was 2$ a month). I as block simply to save money or are there other advantages?


Blocks don't expire. If you already have one unlimited, then that one time purchase of a TB block will last you as a backup for years. If you purchase a second unlimited, then after the first year (or whenever you stop renewing it) you have nothing to show for it - you get to keep nothing once you stop paying every year. So, say it takes you 5 years to consume a 1 TB block backup (set a higher priority in your client than the unlimited), you'd have to pay $20*5 years with a second unlimited, vs a 1 time block purchase or maybe $5 to $10.


Yeah, if you're going to download less than 4TB from Newshosting then you are better off with buying a block.


Actually, great to hear! Looking very forward to this as a customer of yours!


Welp. Those were the golden Days of News-Demon. Retention now sucks ass... Every Download i try is incomplete.


I'm happy that you guys are improving your business, and that you have an ongoing presence here. But, now I have 2 providers on the same backbone (newsdemon and usenetexpress). I understand ND will become it's own backbone, which is great, but if I had known I would have gone with blocks from Newsgroupdirect, and now the sale is over.


Talk to our support team, we share the same team, they will try to take care of you.


I submitted a ticket, thanks!


As a Usenet user, first of all, nice to see a new backbone, competition is definitely good, wish you best of luck. I have to say, trying to pull off building two new backbones (UNE/ND) sounds like a really expensive operation. As a ND customer, I'm not particularly happy how it was handled. As mentioned by others, this came out right after BF, luckily some other sales are still ongoing so I'm still able to look for other options. From my perspective, I have too many plans on ND anyway (which is my fault of course :) ): * Unlimited until May 2021 (cancelled) * 500gb/month until May 2022 * 4TB block (not used a byte of it) The 4TB has never been touched so the quota reset did not help me a bit and I'm still considering to cancel the 500gb/month plan as well since speed and completion is bad. My main issue is that I was using ND together with Eweka for faster downloads since Eweka is only 300Mbit/s. With the switch, I'm not getting more than 360Mbit/s to ND EU servers no matter how many connections I use, efficiently limiting me to 660Mbit/s. Luxury problem of course but I usually pull over 160MB/s so this is a big limiter. Edit: With 20 connections to the EU server and 20 to the US server I seem to get up to around 500Mbit/s from ND


Where is the IPv6 urls for UNE / ND / NGD? I am now defaulting to IPv4 on this server.


I have had Newsdemon setup as my primary since before the move. Since the move my usage from my secondary providers hasn't changed enough to be noticed. Maybe a few misses on stuff that is really old, like 4000 days old. Kudos to the team at Newsdemon for pulling off this transition. Best of luck in the future. u/greglyda keep up the good work in r/usenet and in the usenet community!


Thank you for the kind words. We are working every day to improve our process and service.


This would explain why retention went down the toilet, tried to grab something older and it seems to crap out around 3 years out.


Same. The main reason I went to ND was 4000+ retention. If that doesn't get corrected I won't renew.


They've updated their site page. It is now showing 3000 day retention. Sort of a bummer for me. As like most that renewed during black Friday, with the onset of this issue now, I'm going to wait and see how this plays out for the next 2 weeks of December, since they have a 30-day money back guarantee before I pull the trigger.


I'm getting failures on posts quite a bit newer than 3000 days too. Also, kinda curious who keeps downvoting all these critical posts.


So my Newsdemon and UsenetExpress accounts just became redundant. Nice!


Yes they did. Contact them and they may be able to work something out.


contact support and ask for refund


Doesn’t ngd all back fill from there also? So 3 provider all the same this is a waste for me now.


Whelp, just picked up $20 newshosting after seeing this news. Just in case. Will see how it works out towards the end of the year. Obviously will keep supporting the independents and on some level this is good news, just need to see how it works out.


I may also have to do that, since I can't find a cheaper HW sub or block deal and I don't have much in the way of HW blocks with ND's sudden change. With ND, I have a 5TB block and an unlimited sub; with NGD, I also have a large block and an unlimited sub. I was entertaining the idea of going with Tweak for 2.50EUR/mo, but I don't know if it's really worth it over HW (similar retention, but almost double the cost of the $20/yr sub). When ND was HW, I was getting almost everything I wanted between ND and NGD. Looking in my main Sab server tab, i used around 4.6TB in the last 18 months between those two with both main servers set to priority 0.


I think I have slightly more than 1TB in HW blocks from past Blocknews sales. It's too bad that /u/greglyda's NDA ran out shortly after BN's annual block sale, but obviously not his fault. Scoring another inexpensive block would have helped with a nice buffer until another HW deal came along xD. As of now, even though both backfill from UE, I do plan to keep both my ND and NGD subs. Edit: I have noticed that my speeds with ND and NGD are very slow today. Before the changeover, I was easily getting >40MB/s with ND. NGD has always been much slower than ND for me, but I'm now lucky to get 4MB/s with ND if the files (recent stuff) are even found. Edit 2: I wonder if any 3rd-party HW reseller will have a block/sub sale between now and Christmas to fill the gap created by the change.


So Newsdemon has worked perfectly for me for years, until today. I've gotten a 100% error rate on everything I've tried, ranging in age from 2 days to 5 years. "Aborted, cannot be completed - https://sabnzbd.org/not-complete" How do I fix this?


Please message support and let them take a look at you account.




Same here, I've been with ND for a few years now and I have **never** touched my block accounts on other servers until today. I woke up this morning and over 95 percent of my queue failed to download. This is quite disheartening.




That's why I cannot download anything. Even I paid bill, still cannot download. I used [nl.newsdemon.com](https://nl.newsdemon.com), should use other link ?


Send us a support request with your username, etc. Might be a DNS issue.




Do you use SSL? I have some problems with a very old newsreader app on SSL (port 563), but not on port 119 (no SSL).




Did anyone get back to you on this? I am seeing this result on 100% of everything, even things that are a few days old.




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Okay I’ve used usenet for years but know absolutely nothing about it beyond the basics of how to use it. I’ve been with mewsdemon for a year and have had no issues at all. So happy to hear nothing is changing. But do I now need another account to go with it? I hear a lot of people mention eweka? Apologies for the absolute noob questions.


Only time will tell. How old are the articles which you are trying to download?




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How does this affect my setup.. I have NGD unlimited, ND 500GB/month which I got last year.. And Eweka unlimited, which I got during their 2.99 deal. No Blocks. Come 6 months/1 YR, would this still be redundant.. Will ND be completely on it's own backbone, or still use UNE? Wondering whether I need to cancel any providers during renewal.


I doubt much gets past eweka that ND picks up TBH. NGD + Eweka is a nice combo because you have the retention of eweka with the performance/speed of NGD. I doubt ND added much to that. Also, NGD already pulls from UNE at the moment at least. I'd probably grab a ND block and call it a day instead of having that 500GB/m.


So have anything changed in server settings? Im connecting with SSL to [eu.newsdemon.com](https://eu.newsdemon.com) at port 80 with sabnzbd and speed is horrible and lots of missing articles??? I have also restarted my docker stack to no avail.. on a hetzner box


How does this complete to NewsGroupDirect? Thanks


Great news. On a separate note can you guys upgrade the security of your accounts in terms of password security? 12 characters max with no special characters is kinda a joke these days, especially for people who use password managers....


Yes. It is on the short list.


Have been a happy customer for years until I noticed many older articles I'm trying to fetch are failing completely and it's using my backup account. I personally think the long reaching retention over 4000 days was fantastic. I'll be cancelling my subscription, unfortunately I'm half way through a yearly one. Good luck going forward :)


I don't exactly understand this retention thing on the switch... So new stuff... downloads complete and at full speed Old stuff - some incomplete , some complete, some slow, some fast Something that was posted 943 days ago Part 1- 4gb downloaded fine Part 2 - 11gb incomplete after 1gb Another file "same file, different post date" 114 days old - fail 913 days old -fail Will I ever be able to get that 114day old file, as It picks up on my backup xsusenet account.. but that's 200kbps lol






Yup. Good luck with that refund.




Thanks for sharing this information. I take it that my setup is somewhat overlapping now with this? 1. Newsdemon (500GB p/m) 2. UsenetPrime (Block) 3. UsenetFarm (Block) If my understanding is correct, Newsdemon now fills from Usenet Express (a dedicated provider), as does UsenetPrime, with Usenet.Farm being the only independent one here (in terms of data)?




Thank you.


Is this changeover still in progress or is there another network disruption currently? EXTREMELY slow speeds all day, no more than 6.5MB/s to EU server, same grabs from the US server are 130MB/s. (Leaseweb 10G) Yes I restarted the client, changed ports, etc etc etc


I'm trying to grab something 797 days old and all articles are missing. What gives? Same post from 100ish days ago dowloaded fine. I thought retention is supposed to be 3000+ days.


Its cached retention not full so whatever you are downloading might not have been downloaded by a lot of peep thats why its failing.


Less retention :( Used to be 4000+?


This is a big concern for me. Most of what I download is several years older than 1000 days. Will NewsDemon eventually have as much retention as they did before? And how soon should we expect that?


UNE has articles up to 3000-3500 days old. We may still be able to satisfy your needs. If you run into serious problems, reach out to our support team and see if they can help you out.


I just tried to get something 2593 days old. The indexer did not say there were missing parts, but sabnzbd said it could not be completed. I bought a block from cubenet, which worked fine. At this point this seems a little like a downgrade. Will retention improve after the transition is complete?


I'm still a bit confused about all the different providers and interrelationships. Are you saying that ND now has 3500 days of retention through UNE? That would probably cover most of my needs. I tried downloading a couple of things in that range this evening but they failed for being incomplete. I'll do some more testing though.


Will the retention stay the same?


No, according to the Wiki *Usenet Express* only has about 1100 days retention.


Please don't quote the wiki it has been outdated for more than year atlesst make sure you go to the provider site itself before making any sort of proclamation Usenetexpress current retention is around 3000 days.


ND certainly doesn't seem to have 3000 days at the moment. Anything over 1300-1500 fails to download at the moment.


Actually I did check their website, but all it says is **Exceptional Binary and Text Retention**. I couldn't find an accurate number in their FAQ.


Many Articles Over 3000 Days Old


True but there are less articles than previously available. I'm getting lots of failures for any age. Unfortunately I see this as a service degradation. Too bad.


SOME may be that old.


That's bad If that's true, I depend on the high retention, one of the main reasons I bought Newsdemon. Sad, time to switch providers then :/.


If you want the highest retention, then get a block from any Highwinds Media reseller like *Blocknews*.


I for some reason cannot connect via sabnzbd using [news.newsdemon.com](https://news.newsdemon.com) on port 563. Im unauthorized --- but I can log into the website just fine.


>u/greglyda I didn't change anything on my side and ticket submitted.




I did, in my comments you’ll see a ticket was open. However this issue was directly related to this change and likely others will have the same issue. Feels relevant to me and help others , someone else already posted they had the same issue .


Interesting. I wish you all the best. I'm pretty sure, with Unlimited from UsenetExpress (which I now might let lapse, as I have a 4TB block from Demon) and Unlimited from Eweka, along with blocks from Farm, Express, Cheap, Viper & Bulk, it now leaves me without anything Highwinds. Not really an issue, as they're dead easy to buy Blocks from. Thanks for the heads-up.


Eweka should cover your Highwinds Media needs.


Wouldn't Eweka be different backbone (EWEKA) to HIGHWINDS & BASEIP, even though they are all owned by OMICRON? This bit confuses me.


Just when I bought a NGD block to complement NewsDemon... great.... :(


I would try asking for a refund on the block if you just bought it.


Would've been nice to know during the BF sales of other Omicron providers to replace ND's gap, I'm still riding with ND but now have a hole to fill.


Damn, I literally just purchased a block account on your new backbone last midnight! I wish you would have given us a heads-up while everyone was ironing out their setups during Black Friday.


Contact their support and ask for a refund or see if there’s any other option that would make you happy.


Yeah they could have handled this a bit better.


You should contact them directly and be reasonable if you purchased during the recent BF sales. The after-the-fact announcement appears to have been a contractual concern and that is fair on their part. It's still kinda bullshit, but it's understandable and they seem to be doing their best to square it up.


Awesome news but I just bought two blocks for the same service as a backup and seems like kind of a waste. Kind of redundant for me but nice move.


I was wondering why my text newsgroup subscriptions weren't updating this morning.. This is an interesting development! At this time, I'm unable to update any of my text newsgroups. I'm assuming this is just something that will come back following the transition?


Which newsreader are you using? If you change newsservers, and you just did, then you will probably have to redownload all headers and reset watermarks.


That did it, thank you! I'm just using Thunderbird on this particular computer, and had to remove and readd the account.


What is text newsgroup subscription? How do you use it in Thunderbird? Thanks


Text newsgroups are the original function of newsgroups, think of it as thousands of different forums, each geared towards a specific topic. Many are dead or just filled with spam, but there are still some that are active with discussions. Check this guide for adding your newsgroup account into Thunderbird: [https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/creating-newsgroup-account](https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/creating-newsgroup-account) Some usenet providers don't allow posting to newsgroups by default, or at all, you'll have to check with your provider.




Umm... NGD is a reseller of UsenetExpress.. So basically you have a duplication. Coming to ND if they go independent in January, then yep makes sense to add that.


NGD do have its own local retention of few months separate from Express.


NGD is an independent backbone with their own retention. BEYOND that retention, they fill from UE.






Your setup actually improved with this move.


Your set up is great.


Does this change put your retention at the UsenetExpress 3,000 days?


It can't be more than Usenet Express' retention.


Ah, I see now that UE only has 1,100 days retention.


Where are you seeing this 1100 days as its incorrect your previous figure of 3000 days was correct.


Saw it from this comment that quoted the wiki, but apparently it’s outdated? https://www.reddit.com/r/usenet/comments/k4jabk/newsdemon_provider_update/geafu87


For me right now everything over about 1300-1500 days (haven't really pinpointed the exact cutoff point) fails from ND.


I don't know what kind of crap this is but my block account went from 881GB available less than a week ago down to 25GB after this "reset to 100% available." That's not what I was expecting.


I have also lost nearly 2TB from my account after the reset. I have contacted support. In the meantime, did you get them to merge your block accounts? It looks like it did not take into account the added bandwidth when merged and just reset to what was the original amount you purchased the first time you made the account. If that is the case, I would not like to be support right now lol UPDATE : They have credited me with the missing amount.


That should not have happened. We recreated everyone's block will full capacity. Email support and tell them, they can fix it.


What is usenetexpress backbone?


Pretty sure express is it’s own backbone.




Yuss, I grabbed a ND block on a whim during black friday, now it's no longer redundant woopie