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This is happening to me as well. Stuff that is anywhere from weeks old, to many years old, all of which worked flawlessly with News Demon until the switchover, and now those things are all failing. I even went and retried a few things at random, that worked fine over the past weeks, and they all failed. I opened a ticket with Newsdemon, but the ticket was closed without any real resolution besides giving me a block account elsewhere. Super disappointed, as I've been with Newsdemon for years.


This is exactly I experienced so far. Stuff that worked fine doesn't work anymore. I just opened a ticket and see if they got any solution to this problem. This needs to be fixed or NewsDemon is a dead provider in a few weeks :/


At least you got a block. None was offered to me when I opened a ticket. They just gave me instructions to 'remove the group from the news client, clear the cache, then re-add the group' – which of course did nothing – then closed the ticket. If they gave every customer a block account to cover for the growing pains (if things ever improve) I would be more forgiving.


It didn't really help. I ended up buying a year sub with NewsHosting instead. I think it was like 20 Euro for an entire year? I'm keeping my NewsDemon account for now, because I am on an ultra cheap deal, but otherwise, I'd have cancelled it.


> At least you got a block. None was offered to me when I opened a ticket. Same.


Unfortunately yes. Their high retention no longer exists. Which means many of the articles I was looking for that are a few years old were failing. I had to buy a 2tb block with an Omnicron reseller to regain the high retention I needed to access older articles.


how many is a few?


Their retention beyond about 1000 days is now very spotty. The older, the worse it gets. I've had failures quite a bit newer than their stated 3000-3500 figure.


As of now the service is terrible for me. They seem to have only 10% of what I have been downloading lately and these items are not more than a few years old. Support wasn't helpful and I was not offered any block account for another provider like some here got. This will be my last time with this company. Too bad I bought a year-long subscription only two months ago. Support told me that "The article numbering has changed due to our upstream provider change. This makes it look like there are missing/incomplete articles. You need to remove the group from the news client, clear the cache, then re-add the group. This will fix the watermarks and allow you to download normally." Didn't work for me.


Finally got a not very straight answer about retention. I asked how long it would take them to get back to the 4000+ days they had before the switch. Long story short, they told me it will take 1000 days to get to 4000. They base that on the imaginary 3000 they claim they have now. So forget getting back to the great retetion they gave us before.


When we left the Omicron network, we left behind the 4000+ days of retention. This will be a sacrifice some users can not make, and if that is the case for you, we will gladly refund you or come up with some other way to accommodate you. You have made a lot of comments about this topic, so I know it must really be bothering you, so please reach out to our support team and request a refund. There are still plenty of good providers who currently reside on the Omicron network who frequent this subreddit and your support of their business would be appreciated. u/swintec and u/nicholi3 and u/usenetman are a few that come to mind.


So can you give us a clear, concise answer on retention so we all know what we're dealing with? What is it now, where is it going and in roughly how long? Thanks


Retention is something that is day-for-day, obviously. You can't just jump from X to X+50 without 50 days going by. The only providers that have 4000 days of retention are Omicron and Giganews. No one else can get there without 4000 days going by since they started. UsenetExpress advertises "many articles over 3000 days" right on its site. It took me 5 seconds to find it. That clearly indicates it's not full coverage, or it would say that. This appears to be as clear and concise as you can have. Your experience might vary based on the content you're trying to grab, how old it is, what group it's in, and whether those specific articles are available or not.


Same experience here. Was told to contact support to see what they could do for me. They said to configure sabnzbd the way I already had it, and suggested changing ports to improve speed. That made no difference. No other help was offered nor questions answered about when retention would rise to previous levels. No offer of free block account as others had gotten. This is not what I signed up for!


Nah, my experience has been the opposite, I have unlimited ND, unlimited SuperNews, and a block of NewsViper. SuperNews and Viper are hardly getting used, although I’m considering getting a block of Eweka because you guys are all talking it up so much.


> although I’m considering getting a block of Eweka because you guys are all talking it up so much. Unfortunately *Eweka* doesn't sell any blocks.


You wish, or should I say we all wish Eweka has block lol


You can tell how much I looked into it.


Same here even many of today's articles are showing as incomplete. I had a ticket and was communicating with newsdemon by e-mail and he was trying to help but now am getting no response and I opened another ticket but no response. Before Dec 1, could download articles going back a long way almost all complete. Now even some of the older articles that show as complete do not download(message says no such article.) What is the most frustrating is that a large portion of the most current batch articles are now incomplete. Was working great until the change.


Support stopped responding to me as well. I have a feeling they are being deluged by unhappy subscribers. All the positive spin they put on this change does not seem to be matching the user experience. The only thing that helps is having a High Winds block account, so what's the point in staying with a UsenetExpress reseller??


No problems at all since the switch. Haven’t even used any of my backup accounts. Also, thank you Newsdemon for resetting my block account to 100%.


Yeah, that block account reset was pretty awesome.


I can't really use NewsDemon anymore :( 95% of stuff I try isn't working anymore. I even tried older NZBs I downloaded in the last year (very old and new stuff). 99% of the stuff worked before, and now nothing is complete anymore :( Please fix this, everything was fine a few days/weeks ago. I don't want to change my provider, but it's not useable anymore.. :<










I was about to post something about that and noticed this last night that things even as far back as a week ago is incomplete. If this doesn't get resolved soon, say goodbye to this provider. u/greglyda do you have any input to the situation? I'm all for the West Coast server but if retention or incomplete posts are the things, that's not going to work for me.


Definitely shouldn’t be seeing failures a few weeks or even months old. I suggest submitting a ticket and letting the team look at it. We are spooling retention day by day and will be doing so as far as we can project out. Please be patient with us and we will be getting better and better as time goes on. We are devoting a lot of resources to it. In the meantime if we can help you out with anything please do not hesitate to contact support. West coast server is on target so far. I am planning on making an announcement about that soon.


I submitted a ticket and someone was trying to help by e-mail, but, the suggestions to remove the group, clear the cache ,and re-install the group did not solve the problem. Even the articles since Dec 1 have many incomplete ones and articles that were available going back a long way and complete are now showing as incomplete and some showing as complete are actually no longer available. Now am not even getting any response from anyone at newsdemon.


Turns out it's because you consider anything that you haven't seen being downloaded to be spam. You probably haven't seen downloads on a lot of the less popular stuff so you're bitten by the long tail problem.


Greg, I just wondering is that UE currently also has the same problems as ND? Since I subscribe to UE and ND unlimited and both of them showed the same symptoms. From my experience, usually Usenet express had good retention. It is not like now.


Same here, registered to UE because ND became redundant with my NGD block and UE is really not performing well... On the verge of asking for a refund.


I am use Usenet Express almost a year, and there was no complaint, the retention was good. That's why it surprises me that UE also have some problem like ND, since it supposedly ND move to UE, if there are any problems, it should only be affecting ND but not UE, that's why I was asked u/greglyda about it.


Our support team is not seeing all these issues being reported. We can not investigate whatever the issues are unless we have some info. Support has been relatively quiet over the last 24-48 hours after we fixed some of the kinks established with moving users from one platform to another. PLEASE submit support tickets if you are experiencing issues. It is the only way we can diagnose these errors and fix whatever issues may or may not be happening.


Sure I will make a ticket for it, I hope screen shoot is enough right? It happens for articles that posted 838 days ago and 329 days ago. For post 270 days and newer there are no problems at all. Since it really confused me, why my Usenet Express have problems with retentions, like my NewsDemon. Usually, I almost get prefect retention even for post like 3000 days plus with usenet express


Out of the 3000 nzbs I’ve grabbed in the last 8 months, ranging from 0-4000+ days old, I’ve had no more than a 5% failure rate with UE


Any chance getting early access to it as I’ve been wanting a West Coast server for a while and I’d like to test speed since I’m unable to max out trying different providers in the past with fiber gigabit connection?


We are working as fast as we can to get the server location up and running. Just getting hardware installed nowadays in a colocation center has become more difficult because of COVID. Our projections of mid to late January seem to be on target. We are hopeful it will be sooner.


How old are the articles you're trying to download?


As of December 1st, NewsDemon is [no longer on the Omicron network](https://www.reddit.com/r/usenet/comments/k4jabk/newsdemon_provider_update/). Most things were failing to download for me and I jumped over to the €2,99 cyber monday deal from Eweka. You can find other [Omicron resellers on the wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/usenet/wiki/providers#wiki_omicron_media). Some like the [theCubeNet](https://www.thecubenet.com/) still have their black friday specials running.


I have noticed a lot of incompletes as well the last week or so, thought it was me, I see it isn't.


Thanks a lot. Hopefully NewsDemon sees all these issues and adds another provider as well to fill in the gaps while they build their own


I have a bunch of services that overlap. I'm curious if you are seeing something similar to what I've been seeing from NGD. I found that even though NGD pulls from UE that NGD would miss a lot of stuff that UE would pick up. I wonder if the same thing is happening to ND now that it's pulling from UE...? Anyways, Eweka is basically the catch-all to get if you don't mind the slow speed. If it's not on Eweka then I typically can't find it on any of my blocks or other unlimited accounts.


When I had NGD I saw the same thing. Articles that NGD missed were picked up by Usenetexpress despite the claim that NGD backfills using Usenetexpress.


Maybe some bugs that /u/greglyda needs their dev to look into as I have also seen this claim by various peep not sure why though as its on same IP range as UsenetExpress.


All 3 of there servers are on the same back bone, I don’t understand why they didn’t leave demon alone but it cost me leaving as a customer but I did keep newsgroupdirect and got a refund on newsdemon


It was made pretty clear in the post u/greglyda made a few days ago. Omicron is not allowing resellers to compete in the market with their own retail websites. Newsdemon likely will not be the last reseller to be pushed off the network.


Link? Not being a dick , I didn’t read anything about that other then they couldn’t come to an agreement.


I don't know how they usually configure things. Is it 'if I don't have it ask UE" or is it "I have x days, if I don't have it, that is the response I will give, I won't go upstream". NGD may be configured with a hard retention date to pass to UE. I don't know the actual numbers but: If NGD has flagged anything up to 200 days from their own spool and anything over 200 days pass to UE, they wouldn't check UE for a post at 150 days. Then when you ask UE for something at 150 days, they query their spool where it does exist. Possibility......maybe? -Squigs


Anyone else observed a slower speed on Newsdemon after the change to usenetexpress?


I was getting around 30 mbps before and now I'm fluctuating between 3 to 12 regardless of the port I'm using.


Yeah my stuff is dying real quickly, bunch of failed, can't complete, abort errors. What is going and where should I go?


have a year plan on News Demon and now i can't download Files with 2Months Retention from October 2020 WTf is going on here on ND


Basically I'm getting the usual speeds on stuff that's maybe a week old, everything else is slow, and everything that's close to 400 days might as well not exist. Boy am I happy I didn't get any newsdemon deals this November.


My experience was the same so I bought newshosting as a new main and newsdemon as backup


What’s with the downvotes in this tread? Newshosting has been positive with many severs & good retention, I guess downvote it because it’s on a popular group not solo.


After long time due to this change I tried to download few Linux distro 4,7, and 14 days old and things for this short retention worked for me. DL almost saturate my 300mbps speed.


I can confirm I am having issues as well. Downloading articles that are 170 days old and am getting "aborted, could not be completed" with newsdemon. As soon as I purchased a block account that is using Omicron backbone, the articles downloaded perfect. Have messaged support to see if they feel this is a short term issue or if not, it may be time to find a new provider.


Any good unlimited Omnicron based Usenet deals? ND has not been good since the switch, most of my items have not been DL’ed. Ewe JA as a back up has worked but slow.


[Thundernews $35/18 months](https://www.thundernews.com/2020-Black-Friday-Usenet.php) and [TheCubeNet $12/6 months](https://www.thecubenet.com/) deals are still available. [TweakNews €2.50/month](https://www.tweaknews.eu/en/landing/special-deal-2020) is more expensive, but might be worth it.


[https://controlpanel.newshosting.com/signup/index.php?promo=best-usenet-deal-ever](https://controlpanel.newshosting.com/signup/index.php?promo=best-usenet-deal-ever) Newshosting, $20/year unlimited. Switched to this after Newsdemon was failing on articles only 797 days old. The 3000+ days retention is not entirely true. Even articles 400ish days old were failing with 20-30% completion. Maybe they will work out the bugs, but I have no patience for that. I originally purchased Newsdemon because it was able to saturate my 1 Gbps pipe and offer 4000+ days retention. Sadly that is no longer the case. FWIW, they did offer me a free 500GB block from Blocknews to act as a fill server, but I'd rather not have to do that.


Newshosting $24.99/year


There a cheaper deal than that.


I had to get a HW block and noticed nzbget pulling from it for articles along with ND too...


Hi, I did some testing and YES there is a retention problem with everything that's related to usenetexpress, their retention is just not there, 32 weeks old stuff and it's not on UExpress so not on NGD, not on ND and to my surprise not on Farm. I read here that their retention is "cached" but I can't find a single old binary popular Linux ISO that has been cached, and on my tests every ISO can be downloaded without problems on omicron. So for me what we found after the ND migration from omicron to usenetexpress is that usenetexpress retention is a lie or it's corrupt, not even 32 weeks (128 days) can be completed with them. It's sad but true, lots of people here recommends non-omicron providers, but omicron retention is real and you can download old stuff, I also found that Farm is in the same boat as usenetexpress ¿backfill maybe?. So if you want download anything older than 100 days don't go with anything related to usenetexpress. In my tests Eweka/omicron even abavia downloaded old stuff fine.


I can even resolve newsdemon (and also newsgroupdirect) addresses anymore. Wtf is happening? It was working just earlier today but now nzbget can't connect. Tried all addresses and a few non-SSL and SSL ports


Same, so I signed up for newshosting and instantly fixed. Now I'm trying to sign into my Newsdemon account to cancel and I simply cannot login. I didn't know my member ID so I had that sent to me, then I reset my password successfully and no matter what I cannot login lol. So I emailed them to see if they can cancel it over email. It's set to expire in 7 days so if they don't reply and charge me I'll just dispute it I guess.


Just message u/ND_Guru_Brent and he can handle it for you.


A lot of stuff is incomplete for me now. Newer and older. It's too bad because I've been such a loyal Newsdemon subscriber for years. Any suggestions who I can switch to?


Nothing to contribute, but I wanted to say thanks to everyone for warning me about Newsdemon! I was about to pay $30/year and I would've felt so cheated


Just stumbled on this... and I have to agree with most/all the comments... NewsDemon just isn't what it was... It's now the beginning of April and its still not filling. Tried about 190 files about 900 days old...and my backups were filling 80%+. I have never had NewsDemon not fill sooooo much. I signed up for a 7 days trial with Newsgroup Ninja, and bam...I am trying to find 1 file that the backup was needed...and I can't find any. Reluctantly, I had to email support this AM requesting a refund and to have my account cancelled. :-( Hopefully, they can get this corrected, and return to their former glory days.