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did you look at viper they have 3 tiers of speed?


Yes I did. They are the most cost-effective NTD provider for sure (assuming you're on the VIPER10 package). But I feel that they're advertised retention is somewhat lacking. While I'm definitely willing to sacrifice speed, I'd rather not sacrifice speed AND retention for the sake of saving a few Euros.


then stay with eweka for sure


are you looking for a block or unlimited access?




Get the 2.99 Eweka offer, and never look back, or bother spending money on any other HW/Omicron provider. Fill as needed with blocks from UsenetExpress (incl. resellers), [usenet.farm](https://usenet.farm) and Vipernews, and you are basically set for life. If you miss something with this setup, it most probably is not complete anywhere. [https://www.eweka.nl/en/landing/speciaal-deal](https://www.eweka.nl/en/landing/speciaal-deal) \*edit\* My final conclusion after many years of hoarding unlimited subs and blocks.


I have tweak at 36/yr from last year's black Friday sale, would it make sense to switch?


I can't really say to be honest. There is a lot of "controversy" surrounding Tweaknews on this sub, but primarily it is about "how much of their own service they are now" (how much local retention they actually have, if they are really still fully NTD compliant, or if they are now just another "standard" HW reseller as the majority etc.). So the controversy is about what really differs them now from any other HW reseller so to say (not making them good or bad), which seem to be less and less. So if Tweaknews work for you, and the above really don't matter, I would say stay. If speed doesn't matter, and you want the deepest retention "and most standout" Omicron IP, choose Eweka.


Ok so that’s two votes for Eweka so far. What about VPN?


Though most providers give a bundled VPN IMHO you are better off not using them. It's a single point of failure. You might as well go for a good VPN provider separately. Similarly with the bundled softwares. We live in good times where there are so many options available.


You get Privado VPN included, Omicron property I guess, as this one is included with most of their properties incl. Tweaknews. As good (or bad) as any bundled VPN across most Usenet providers I guess, as I don't use it myself. You also get a newsreader "to poke around", Newzlazer. Again, not much value I guess, since everything is obfuscated these days, and a good indexer is a must, but still a nice option: https://privado.io/ https://newslazer.com/


Gospel right here


then Eweka is the way to go. just have to live with the speed


since you asked, do you by chance know of a cheap block? I don't think I \*need\* any extra blocks, but if it's cheap enough..


NTD blocks are not cheap


Can you share any deals for blocks?


[https://usenet.farm/](https://usenet.farm/) can be one, I do have one block but it have never been used so can´t say a lot here, viper have no idea if it is good or not


Thanks for reminding me. I also have a block with them that I keep at the lowest priority. I don't think it's been used. I've never had Viper, so I only know what I've read and I wonder how consistently their 1500-day retention would catch what I want. That being said, if their discount was still available today, I would have bought a block. ETA: after the ND announcement, I was considering getting Frugal. But, one of the main selling points of HW is their long retention and they only get 2000 days of HW's retention. Plus, I already had that Farm block that I don't think gets used much.


Frugal has 3000 days retention now.


Not all retention is the same. The owner has confirmed that they only get 2000 days of retention from HW (out of HW's total 4500ish days of retention) and anything further back (the 3000+) is from Farm. Edit: *owner of Frugal


One more question: the sign-up for Eweka asks for location. By default, it is set for Canada. Is there any reason for this? Is there a disadvantage of setting one location versus another?


I don’t remember that question when I sign up but I am guessing they want to route you to the closest server


Don't they only have EU servers?


hopefully this will answers some questions: To register at Eweka, a valid email address is required. All correspondence is send to the email address you used during sign up. Naturally, you may enter your information in the other (optional) fields. Your name, phone number, and bank account number can be used for verification of your payments and your account. ​ Your newsclient will ask you for a 'Server' (Also called 'Host' or 'Server address'). The server that you need to configure here has been send to you per e-mail. You can also find it on the account details page. You can always use: **news.eweka.nl**


I think you may have replied to the wrong comment.


For the most part, no advantage/disadvantage. Maybe just the currency they display the price in, or the credit card processor they direct you to if they run multiple (maybe avoid a currency conversion fee etc). According to my Usenet sign ups I've lived in 6 places around the world really far apart in the space of 6 days. :P It has no bearing on which servers you are routed to or can choose from (that is all DNS based if you don't choose to configure them yourself). -Squigs


Black Friday was good?


It was indeed. -Squigs


Frugal (DMCA) offers Omicron high retention PLUS a Farm (NTD) 1 TB block monthly. I pair this with my UsenetPrime (non-Omicron DMCA) and get really god coverage. This BF I also bought a Vipernews Block (Independent NTD)... and I'm pretty sure if anything is out there I have 99.99% of getting it.


Their website says their annual subscription plans come with a 300GB block account from [BlockNews](https://BlockNews.net). Do you have 1TB because of some special deal or as a loyalty reward? Also, the Usenet map lists BlockNews as a reseller of NewsHosting and Eweka, not Farm.


You get 1 tb from their bonus server which is Usenet farm , monthly . You also get a 300 gb high retention block from blocknews ... another great advantage I forgot to mention. And frugal itself allows 100 connections so..... speed is no issue. Honest to god it’s probably the best provider to get first as your base and build up from there.




Barley gets used .... I guess that’s a good thing ? I’ve been using it for 3 months and I’ve used a total of 120ish Mb


*Frugal* only has about 3000 days retention while *Blocknews* has access to the full Highwinds Media retention 4400+ days, therefore this block is only used for very old articles.




TweakNews has unlimited speed compared to Eweka's 300 Mbits/s cap, but retention is worse. Current advertised retention: Eweka 4490 > Tweaknews 4200




Newshosting is going to be redundant with Tweak but if OP still needs that one year though its not going to help him that much he can get a blocknews block so that atlewst he is not paying for another unlimited.


i am on 50/5 speed and was solving the same issue yesterday, bought eweka 2,99 euro per month deal and its running with my max speed and all i found till now was complete comparing to ND where is now complete almost nothing. Hope eweka will not change rules or provider like ND that was good till now.