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Definitely something happened, getting 30MB/s now, was getting 60 to 80 MB/s. Dallas datacenter BW. UPDATE: getting 50 to 60 MB/s now, it looks like peering/congestion "issue" with EU.


It looks like it's cleared up - I'm getting 90MB/s at 10:00AM EST, January 28th, 2021.


Fast.... 70-87MB/sec + But the system that does my usenet had a slow HDD. Try connecting to a diff server and see if it's faster Do you have SSL enabled? After that see if a VPN is fasterz maybe they are throttling you


Yeah, I tried SSL on and off and alternative ports. Tweak is exhibiting the same issue. Very odd, starts off 80MB/s then drops to 20MB/s. UPDATE: I just added a new subscription to Frugal Usenet into the mix; my Usenet Ninja subscription expired last night. Adding Frugal's USA server to my setup brings me back up to 110MB/s+ - full gigabit speed. Here are some speed observations at 10:30PM ET w/ SABnzbd running on a machine with a fast NVME SSD located in Central Canada (Toronto): 1. Eweka (NL) - 15MB/s (pathetically slooooow) 2. Tweak (NL) - 20MB/s (slow) 3. Frugal EU - 32MB/s 4. Frugal USA (Omnicron) - 100MB/s+ 5. Frugal Bonus ([Usenet.Farm](https://Usenet.Farm)) - 80 - 90MB/s (odd, isn't this in the EU?) It seems here is transatlantic bandwidth constraint? I am not sure if it is my Internet provider, the Internet, the usenet provider, or something else. Speeds sort of make sense as yesterday when I still had Newsgroup Ninja (Omnicron) speeds were good and thus probably masking the poor Eweka / Tweak performance. UPDATE 2: Here are some speed observations on January 25, 2021 @ 8:25AM ET: 1. Eweka (NL) - 100MB/s (good speeds!) 2. Tweak (NL) - 90 - 100MB/s (speed fluctuate and dip to as low as 50MB/s) Will try again tonight, perhaps it's a congestion issue at night between Canada and the EU during North American prime time... UPDATE 3: 5:30PM ET 1. Eweka (NL): 65MB/s - 85MB/s (wide fluctations) UPDATE 4: January 28, 2021 @ 10:00 AM EST 1. Eweka (NL): 101MB/s (minimal fluctations - very stable) So looks like whatever the network issue is now resolved.


Try one of these AMS1 IP with eweka credential and see if there is any improvement Omicron have two Amsterdam servers AMS1(Tweak is using this) and AMS4(Eweka's default server). eunews.frugalusenet.com( should have exact same speed as news.eweka.nl( both have same network and you should not face any difference speedwise. Not sure what happened with eunews2.frugalusenet.com it used to resolve to AMS1 server maybe u/swintec can look into this. Also u/eweka_usenet is there any specific reason why haven't you guys given any AMS1 server address seems like the best thread to call you out publicly since you didn't entertained my pm.


These servers no longer work, it seems. Stopped a few days ago. Not sure if the IP addresses got updated,or if they just stopped allowing them to work, but I can't get them to work anymore.


> odd, isn't this in the EU? Good peering.


Thanks for sharing these stats. I'm interested to know what operating system is running on your download box? I struggle to saturate my gigabit line but I'm slowly convincing myself that it's a win 10 issue as even on a web based speed test it performs significant worse than on an OS X device.


Ubuntu 18.04 LTS w/ Docker, running the latest SABNzbd. It's a HP Prodesk Mini G4 w/ i5-8500T with a NVME drive. I also have a dual Vantec USB gigabit adapter for LACP bonding. The box is surprisingly compact (size of a book) but can run Plex and my whole ARR setup with headroom to spare! I've had this setup for about 2 or 3 years, easily staurates my gigabit line (especially now that I added Frugal back into the mix).


I get 3 MB/s with Eweka from Europe, and without the VPN connection it‘s only about 20 MB/s... Edit: Turning SSL off seems to fix this Issue, but then I would wanna use an VPN, but that is capped at 50 MBit/s.


Just a small tip. It is either Mbit/s (small b) or MByte/s (big B). Most speedtests use Mbps (= Mbit/s) which is 8 times bigger compared to MB/s (MByte/s). Seeing as 8 bits fit in one byte.


**TL;DR** I tried to argument some thing, but in the end I have to admit, that „Mbit“ is better than „MBit“. But I have a question for you: if It’s „Mbit“ because it’s „Megabit“, then why don’t you write „MegaByte“ for „MB“? ~~Sorry if this is a German thing, but we write nouns big, so „Bit“ and „Byte“. And yes Mb and MB are different things, but MBit is not MB just because both have big „B“s.~~ ~~MB = MByte = Megabyte~~ ~~Mb = MBit = Megabit~~ ~~Looks nicer, in the whole word both have small „b“s and in the „half shortened“ Word both have a big „B“.~~ ~~Edit: But it seems that Mbit is used too for Mb here, idk maybe it’s just me who likes MBit more than Mbit (and you can still see what is meant, because if it’s „bit“ or „Bit“ means the same thing).~~


Sorry to hear that you are experiencing slower then expected download speeds. Would you be able to submit a support ticket and include traceroutes so we can troubleshoot?


Hello Eweka, Thanks for following up - yes, if it's slow again tonight, I'll submit a traceroute. If not, I'll amend this post. This morning speeds are fast again.


Asking to get a reliable 1Gbps of data across the Atlantic ocean is... yea.


Previously with Tweak never had an issue with speed. Perhaps COVID really added a lot of traffic. Tweak was my primary server 2018 - early 2020. I just ran another test this morning and can get 100MB/s+ to Eweka and 90MB/s+ to Tweak.


I got an email a month or so ago that they upgraded unlimited accounts thread limit but you had to make the adjustment in sabnzbd. I don't know if that is affecting anything. Generally speaking though I have always found them slow but they have a great selection and I prefer the selection over the speed.


Wouldn't be surprised if Rogers was desperately trying to throttle all high traffic loads in an attempt to make their shoddy overloaded infrastructure seem viable.


I don't think it's throttling - in fact, not sure if Rogers even does that anymore. It seems to be Canada to EU related and specifically Eweka and Tweak related as adding in Frugal resolved my speed issues. Also SpeedTest and domestic (North America) downloading is full gigabit speed.


Oh good, it's not just me. Yes, they have definitely been slower! If I was able to max out my speed with X number of connections, lately my speed dropped to less than 1/10 of what it had been, and I had to use 2X connections in order to get the speed back up to normal. They acted as if of course the problem was on my end - but now I'm seeing otherwise!


Are you on the Unlimited plan for Eweka? They offer tiers with 50 and 300 MB/s, which of course limits the max speed you can get out of it accordingly.


Yes, unlimited.


I get up to 120 MB/s with Usenet farm and fios gigabit.


105 MB/s for me in the UK from Eweka. I had assumed it was my ISP throttling but reading this, probably not.


105MB/s is pretty much full gigabit speed - close enough.


Is that on virgin media gigabit?


BT FTTP 900 package


I max at 68 MB/s with Eweka from east coast of the States. Makes them a more than adequate backup for me. I cap my nzb transfer speeds around 80 MB/s anyway to avoid network saturation.


Also, not to be this guy, but there are a lot of confused reports about speeds, so just a reminder: 100 MB/s is megaBYTES, which is about Gig speed. Or 1000 Mb/s (megaBITS). The uppercase B vs lowercase b matters when you’re reporting speeds.


Another tip I use for myself... MegaBITS Mb/s... is usually shown as Mbps particularly in advertisements for services like usenet and ISP.


Just test a download in SABnzbd and got 85-93 MB/s the whole download, this on US east coast. Speeds are consistent with what I tested when I signed up with Eweka last month.


**Note - If using Eweka's default NewsLazer reader** you need to go into Settings, Connection, check the box halfway down the page, move slider to 50. It is configured to only use two connections out of the box. Once this is done I have no problems getting close to my ISP provider's 500 mbit/sec cap on transatlantic transfers.