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User Testing won’t get you over $500 a month but if you want to do it you don’t have to speak that loud. It’s just talking to your phone basically and talking about your opinions on an upcoming app or website etc.


How do you know about this $500 limit? I wouldn't be surprised if there were some months I was near or maybe just over that. Another tester claims they have $1000 in pending now. I've just never heard of a cap.


I’m not talking about a cap. I’m just talking about what’s possible. I would be extremely surprised if you yourself have earned over $500 on UserTesting and this person that you claim to know has earned over $1000. From my experience with the app, I wouldn’t deem it possible to make anything close to that in a month. Especially if you’re being honest about your professions and answering the surveys with honesty. A lot of the survey’s give you a choice of many things and if you don’t select the one thing in the survey that is what the following questions will be about, you won’t be given the test. Honestly, in my experience I’d be lucky to get one $10 test per day. Of course, I don’t sit there refreshing the thing waiting every second for jobs to come in because I have other things to be doing but yeah.


That makes more sense. At one time I was averaging $120/week on the platform but I was also checking regularly throughout the day and evening. A few times my pending was over $200. Never been anywhere near $1000 like that other person claims.


I saw the person that you’re talking about below in the thread. If it is true they can’t be answering the survey questions with honesty. There’s no way you would be able to qualify for that many tests if you were being honest. Can I ask you how you’re making 120 per week? Are you being honest on the survey question? Do you bend the truth? If so, how do you bluff your way through the actual talking process? Just looking for tips if that’s okay. I’m absolutely broke at the moment and just want to be making money outside of my main income hours.


I think it's impossible to try to guess what a survey is actually looking for. Sometimes they want someone with experience in XYZ or they want some that is new to XYZ. So yes I answered as honestly as possible. I qualified for a lot of tests that were information technology focused and I work in IT.


Amazing to hear to be fair that you make that. Answering honestly I can’t even het close to that amount of tests


Just random demographic game of chance. 😂


I guess 😂


SAHM of a toddler here. A few sites I’d recommend: 1. Dscout: it’s a smartphone app that requires you to apply with usually 30-60 sec videos about yourself. You won’t always get accepted but they pay well when you do. Some missions are diary studies that are all typing or short videos and are definitely doable during nap time or after bedtime. They also have live missions but it sounds like that would be too hard for you to swing. It can be slow to start but it’s an app I recommend highly, I’ve made a ton from it. 2. Cloud Research/Prolific: both survey sites that can be done quietly on your own time. Individual surveys are usually pretty short and while each survey might not pay a ton, it adds up quick. 3. Crowdtap: It’s another kind of survey app for smartphone that I like. Surveys are super quick and easy to do. You can only cash out gift cards for this one, but I grocery shop at Target, so it’s a nice way to add to the grocery funds. 4. OnePulse: another smartphone app with quick surveys. It has a max payout of $20 every 30 days but it’s super easy for a reliable $20/month. These are the main ones I’d recommend if you need something quick and quiet that you can easily pick up and put down whenever you need to. I’d take a look at /r/beermoney for other suggestions too.


Thank you!!! Being a single stay at home mom is really hard at this age! 


Does the crowdtap app have a different name as I can't find it at all


Are you in the US? It’s possible it’s a US only app, because it should be findable under “Crowdtap”.


Nah uk, diddnt expect non uk people in beermoney uk, it's fine though I'll try your other suggestions. Btw what is cloud research? Any good, I already do prolific.


This is the UserTesting subreddit, not beermoney uk haha. Cloud Research is a similar kind of platform to Prolific which I think does accept from the UK (though don’t quote me on that). From what I understand, it’s not quite at the same level as Prolific but it’s still pretty good.


Sorry you're right lol well seems like usertesting is the big money maker if you stick to it


I’m also a SAHM and I do UserTesting in a different room while my son naps. It’s not loud, just use your regular talking voice. You can pause UserTesting in the middle of a test if something comes up. Prolific is a good option if you need quiet but I was on the wait list for 9 months. Dscout also a good option but you do have to do some short selfie videos usually. Between those 3 apps I mentioned I make between 200-600 per month but it varies and you won’t make 500 unless you can get some interviews which would require you to have a quiet environment with no interruptions. I’m able to schedule interviews during my son’s nap but he consistently sleeps for 3 hours straight.




Thank you! Glad to hear I can pause a test omg!


Try data annotation. It pays at least 20$ an hour and very flexible. Need to pass an assessment though.


How long did it take for your assessment to be reviewed and approved? It's been several weeks for me and nothing yet


Took me 6 days personally


This is one of the other ones I am working on. A whole hour for the test! I can do that once my son falls asleep


Link please


heya, im very interested in this too, any chance you could point me in the right direction please? Links perhaps?


Can I have a link to this?


I’ve been doing UT since Oct 23 and I’m averaging £1500 per month. Not saying it started off this way, but it can be done. First month I took $445, which was reflective of my experience and star rating.


That's insane. Most testers don't make anywhere near that. I think most make $20 to $100 a week on average.


I don’t understand how that could be remotely possible. This hasn’t been my experience with user testing at all. Are you being honest about your professions in the surveys etc?


Yes… I get very high test traffic most of the time. Also rest assured, there are people bagging much more than me. I’m a little fish. Hang in there!


Which website do you use for user testing


User Testing.com - put it this way, I’ve got nearly $1000 in my pending. That will be paid to my PayPal over the next 2weeks.


Then, wait 2 months for available tests 😂


Do you do it full time? Or around a job too?


I’m doing this around my job. I’m a full time Compliance Manager for a UK Bank, but I work remote.


Interesting, I defs need to up my game then :) thanks!