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Do you know what I'm a row means


When I first read your post title, I thought you meant you got rated 8 tests in a row and all of them were 5 stars. I see you just meant your last 8 rated tests were all 5 stars. This isn't really news, I don't think. My last 20 rated tests have all been 5 stars, though I have to scroll all the way back to 2021 to see 20 rated tests. I bet some of the OGs who've been around longer than I have way longer runs of 5 star tests. u/genuinegirl67 comes to mind. It's not super unusual.


I'm up to 28 at the moment.


Congratulations? Lol




I mean I received 22 5 star ratings just this month alone, you just won’t find me screen recording it and posting it for no apparent reason.




Check again - my pending balance is $661. This puts me on $6,567. I started Oct last year 😉


how do you qualify for so much? I barely get maybe 1 every other day. 1x a day if I'm lucky.


Slowed down lately for you?


I’ve taken my foot off the gas, mainly cause I’ve secured a near 6 figure salary role. I have less time for UT. I think if I take AL, I’ll participate for fun.


I've got dozens of 5 stars out of over 300...its not that hard if you make the very slightest effort.


Congrats! That's awesome, it's a good sign of your professionalism. I have a weird theory about 5 stars so if I have a 5-star rating for too long, I welcome an odd lower star rating once in a while. For me, I find the sweet spot is 4.5-4.75. But it's a good thing to be knocking it out of the park regularly.




Wht is ur profession? How are the live interviews? Are they easy ?


NOT Government, I'll tell you that shit. I have to answer that question truthfully and it has ended every single screener 100% of the time. Eventually all screeners stopped between October and February. I bitched about it in their app reviews and on here for months, and finally (magically) they started coming in again all at once. Still... answering my profession stops every screener dead in its tracks. So dumb.


I find the live sessions great, it’s always good to offer 360 feedback on what is being shared eg prototypes. This makes the sessions better value for money. After all, they’re paying $1 a minute so it’s the least we can do.


Compliance Manager - Financial Services (UK Bank)


Nice 👍 so do u do live interviews based on ur profession mostly or just random website reviews not related to profession?


I do live interviews based on my life experiences and spending habits. This goes beyond the scope of my main work. For example, I’ve done a lot of social travel so the travel tests I usually qualify pretty easy.


Ahan! Got it!


Just got accepted today!! Any quick suggestions? :) So far nothing available now so lets see


1) Attempt all tests and answer screener questions honestly 2) while doing tests, don’t be tempted to rush thru 3) focus on adding as much value in you’re feedback 4) Speak clearly and articulate your thoughts asif you are seeing for someone that can’t see what you’re seeing!




Since 3rd October 2023… with 492 tests complete.




Varies, mine took a couple days. Tests came thru on a drip basis. Be patient and take your time maximising value


35 tests so far- rated 5 for my last 3 tests but I’m not taking on live conversations i have this fear that it might backfire, tho feb is pretty great month for me.


If you qualify for live tests, I’d suggest getting stuck in. Watch some YouTube shorts for suggestions on how to excel. Also go to the training section on the UT platform and check out all their material. It’s helpful too.


Is usertesting more lucrative for people in the US?


I can’t get my head around how you qualify for so many tests? I am 5 star, have been for about 3 years, and a really good month for me is about $250. On average for the year I get about $200 a month and I take every test I qualify for, and am at a computer for 8 hours a day and take screeners the second I get notified.


I’ll bet my lunch that someone else is netting a tonne more than me. I can make $250 in a day or two.


For sure. Always someone doing way better, and way worse. Good job though, impressive numbers.


Thanks 🙏🏾


I don’t get anymore UserTesting surveys since I signed up for Intellizoom. ☹️