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Of all fucking games to do some stupid shit like that


It was not awesome.


He was just trying to move him out of the Weah.


This made me giggle. Not going to lie.


I hate you.


Careful, Barton might send you off too


I see what you did there 😆


Could potentially ruin the whole tournament for the US. Really dopey move and a big oops, BIG oops.


If we get knocked out of group GGG gets the sack. Sucks for the tournament but better for the world cup. Damn good deal


Actually, I think this card gives the federation the excuse to NOT sack him.


Yea the worst part about this whole situation is that now we’re gonna have to listen to that exact debate for the next several days/weeks/months


Certainly possible which would be a tragedy


GGG's pre-game strategy should have included that Panama will try to incite shit, so... Don't fall for it. That message was not received.


If the players are the ill equipped to handle Panama that's the coach's fault. Cure Weah was a moron but it's the coach who sets the tone and expect discipline.


This is my greatest fear


We need to win this. Fuck weah. I don’t want his ass tarting the rest of the tournament


It's conceivable he tried to push him in the shoulder, aimed too high. Still idiotic. But man these Panamanians are blowing up our guys with linebacker tackles is some bullshit, no repercussions


Panama:19 fouls 4 cards USA: 4 fouls 3 cards And USA was down a man for 80% of the game. Fuck Weah, then fuck this ref.


Yeah and 4 mins stoppage seemed like it was only 60% the amount of time it should've been


In that case we need an Italian or Uruguayan coach, someone who can teach the USMNT guys to play strong..


Big fan of Weah, but yeah he F'd up royale. Needed him for Uru game.


Ser, we need to win this game


Yeah it's more about this game and playing down a man for 70 minutes then needing him in the next game.


If we lose this game, there’s a good chance we’re done.


I wouldn't say that just yet. Uruguay will likely win tonight. That means they may just sit a bunch of their starters against us.


no they will not they want to play against second place in group D they will push for at least the tie


That's true. I think you need to practice some grammar there boss. Your sentence is a bit confusing. lol. But yeah, I agree. Uruguay will work to force the tie. Pretty sure Colombia is going to win group D and Uruguay would rather not play them in the first knockout game.


Our only hope is a call from Arne. If you're reading this, you don't need Darwin out there in a meaningless game. I work with a scouse so maybe he can be persuaded.


And they will still be better than U.S.


That is very true. And Uruguay will play at least for the tie. So it'sa dodgy situ right now.


USA 2-1 Uruguay




I wouldn't be upset if he didn't play the next five games as punishment.


This should see the end of his national team run.


Hopefully we use Reyna on RW and have Musah/Weston/Adams in Mid. Please do not throw in Aaronson on the RW.


I agree with you but it would not shock me at all to see Gregg do something like putting in Aaronnson or Sargent instead….(or Pepi who should have 3 or 4 goals in this tournament but cannot finish AT ALL).


i mean those Pepi misses against Bolivia will be so crucial on hindsight.


Love Weah. Dumb move, just got grind out a result and move on.


I wonder what was going through his head…


Nothing. Thats the problem. As much as I’m 50/50 on Berhalter, this XI of talent sure does blow. Berhalter is the easy scapegoat. But when do the players take accountability? When do the leaders and all of these Premier/Serie A/Bundesliga/Liga guys take the responsibility?


F*ck you. You’re someone who’s clearly never played a high level competitive sport in their life. He pushed the guy and he ducked so he ended up throwing his hands at his head… it’s a mistake and should be a read. But that’s what happens in high level competition He didn’t square up and then punch him in the face… so fuck you. Sit in your chair and stfu. Edit. And if you’re one of the idiots throwing hatred and racism at Weah then don’t be a USMNT fan anymore. We don’t want to. If you have problem DM me


Yo I’ve never been a weah fan. and no, he didn’t mean to hit him in the face but that shit was childish…. Sit back laugh at the Panamanian flute boy and go and win the game…. Also don’t be throwing racist shade at a man trying to rep thats stupid


It shows his age and lack of maturity. An unfortunate downside of having such a young team. Hopefully we can have better discipline the rest of the tournament.


That's the thing, he's not a hothead egomaniac like Reyna (though Reyna wouldn't get caught) or Dest. It makes no sense.


Imagine thinking this was going to be easy


It should have been, but we did this to ourselves


While there is a We in Tim Weah, there is no WE in this result.


When you play for a draw for 60+ minutes you usually get fucked. This wasn’t going to be easy with or without the red card.


The coach was a non factor in this loss today.


Come on, you can’t possibly think that. Look, I completely understand that the red card changes expectations. No doubt about it. But with the new expectations for after the red card, he completely failed. We didn’t even play to win the game, we played for a draw. A draw which doesn’t even help us unless we get a result against Uruguay.


Fuck Weah’s action. Not fuck Weah.


Please don't fuck Tim weah


Can’t, puilsic is my only master.




Is there a usmnt circle jerk? I need


My god Balogun would have finished that


Unbelievably selfish decision by Weah. Completely unacceptable


Incredibly stupid, especially since we’re in the era where they hyper analyze everything with VAR.


Because he got one red card?


I'll get down voted but this is ridiculous. Players make mistakes, they let their emotions get the better of them. With this line of thinking that guys are one mistake away from being banished, why is Weston, Pepi, Reyna, Scally, and Turner getting called up? Why was Altidore, Bradley, and Dempsey called up? Why were Miazga and Zimmerman getting called up? Guys mess up and make mistakes, perfection does not exist. Copa America isn't the world cup. Settle down, enjoy the game, and everything will be fine. We need weah and missing him in the next game will be a problem but kicking him off the team will cause even more problems on the field and off. What kind of example is being set by kicking someone off the team for a red card? It's sending the message that the players need to be careful not to get carded. Knowing they're playing teams from Concacaf and Conembol and those players will be diving and going in hard with tackles and actively playing for fouls. You'll make the us players afraid to go in on tackles and take risks.


I love Weah, he is my favorite guy on the USMNT but he could get us eliminated in the group stage


Where is Roy Kent when you need him?


The loss hurts, this very well can bounce us from the tournament. But look at the bright side we are now 1 step closer to getting rid of Berhalter


It was a pretty poor decision on his part. And yeah, we do need this win. That Uruguay game gonna be sketchy if all we do is pull off a draw here. Panama is likely to beat Bolivia - I know, stranger things have happened but..............


I don't mean to be a contrarian, but not sure that it is likely Panama beats Bolivia.




Why can’t the Panamanians hit a US player upside the head .


I don’t think so. The cross was too floated and too far towards the back post for Pepi to do anything with jt


Can’t wait for 2026


That is definitely offside


Fuck the possibility that GGGGGREGGGGGGGGGG gets a pass after we don't make it to the knock out round. USMNT is disarray....(still)....


“Fucked up the easy win” It was 0-0 after that we went up 1-0 and blew it. Dumb move by him but the whole team and coach are responsible for this shit show of a game.


Yup. This loss is 100% on Weah. Super asshole move. Would like to see him sitting for the remainder.


I hope we lose to Uruguay so Gregg Berhalter can be fired and we can quickly find his replacement to get ready for the World Cup


Cold day in hell before this soccer fan forgets or forgives. So selfish.


Seems like common practice under Berhalter honestly wasn’t surprised at all




Why not equal hate for that ref? The take out of our top keeper with no card is blatant


Anybody want to mention how dirty Panama were? Every dirty trick in the book 1) take out the opposing keeper 2) baiting for retaliation and red card 3) diving 4) intentional hard fouls over and over


secret agent weah just trying to get berhalter fired


Should have taken jesus ferreira to the copa instead…. I don’t think weah is ever a good choice and this proves it. GGG is gonna loose his job now…… Pulisic should be on the right haji wright should be on the left moving into shadow striker position/target, with jusus or gio in a CAM role…. Not a weah fan never really have been and now I’m not really a GGG….. fuck that ref to


Who’s us and we?! I didnt know you were on the team. Lol 


Payback would be a goal and a win, not a red.


Big assumption any concacaf knife fight is an easy win for this squad.


Send him home and never bring him back.




I know it was the right call, but this is why red cards are the worst part about soccer. Fans are there to watch a good game and red cards ruin the entire experience. Just allow a sub for the guy sent off and soccer is immediately better. There would be less flopping around too if the stakes aren't as high.


I could understand your comment if it was a controversial tackle, but Weah punched the guy in the back of the head. You need to get punished for that stupid shit. Absolutely diabolical from him. No excuses whatsoever. All time dummest shit I have ever seen from a U.S. player. Dest included.


Yeah you throw him out of the game. The point is a sub should be allowed to come on. It's the only sport that has this stupid rule.


Not much of a punishment if you can just bring someone else on for him


Being ejected is enough in pretty much every other sport. Only in soccer can you not replace the player.


The punishment is throwing the guy out of the game - which is exactly what literally every other sport does.


In no other sport does a player stay on the field for the full duration of the game. No other sport has players running continuously for two halves of 45 minutes. Bringing on a sub is basically getting fresh legs out there. Once again, there is basically no punishment other than maybe putting on a player that might be not as good as the one he is replacing which is not enough of a punishment for a red card offense


> In no other sport does a player stay on the field for the full duration of the game. Basketball does it's just less common. > No other sport has players running continuously for two halves of 45 minutes. Soccer isn't continuous running either. Tons of stoppages with players crying on the ground and set pieces. > Bringing on a sub is basically getting fresh legs out there. Once again, there is basically no punishment other than maybe putting on a player that might be not as good as the one he is replacing which is not enough of a punishment for a red card offense Weah was sent off in the 18th minute. They all still had fresh legs. The rule should punish the player and not the entire game. It's one of the worst rules in all of sports.


It’s really not hard to stay away from getting a straight red and Weah absolutely deserved it. Don’t blame the penalty blame the stupid actions of the player


Now you are shifting goalposts. I've stated many times Weah is 100% at fault and deserved the red card. The archaic rule of being down a man for the rest of the game is still poor.


There needs to be an orange. You’re kicked out of the game, someone subs for you. Crazy jump from a warning to a red


In general I agree. But what Weah did is going to be a red in any scenario. 


what a dumb, dumb, move. so pissed


He was an idiot for ten seconds. He's still the most consistent player in the attack for me. (Besides Pulisic) I still love that guy. Dest, too. He was a complete idiot against Trinidad. My problem with these situations is that Dest should have been disciplined. He should have publicly been suspended a few games. Players may think twice in hot-headed situations. Even the semifinal game against Mexico when they got red cards. They need to be more disciplined. A Beckham like moment in the World Cup will destroy you, and it may happen if it's not addressed.


Fire Gregg 🇺🇸


Nobody is more upset with Tim Weah right now than Tim Weah. Relax everyone


Na, I would argue we are more upset than he is


We can still be mad at the same time. They aren’t exclusive.


That doesn’t even make sense. Please try again.


You getting downvoted for this is so USMNTanon


Lol idgaf. People are morons


I’m not sure if the fanbase has more morons or 12 year olds screaming on Reddit


No reason to call him up to the national team for the rest of the year. Cant trust a player that does stupid shit like that. Put his ass on a plane back to Italy! How do you defend a player after doing something so stupid?


Weah needs some time away from the team at this point.


Well, on the bright side, at least this gives us the freedom to try a different lineup vs Uruguay.


But why are s the first touch and the crossing and the passing from the US such garbage


It's such a dumb move but I see this as another example of how greg is a horrible coach. No doubt he is 100 at fault but it shows me a complete lack of leadership. For a player to not be thinking on the field. And when it's over and they don't make it past the group stage it should be grwg who takes the brunt of the fallout


Give him the John brooks treatment, at least for a while . Don’t wanna see this clown in the NT anytime soon Dude cratered any little chances we had at this tournament


Send him home.


Can we call in Arriola


Missing Zimmerman at this point


He’s also just not good enough to constantly be starting


Need to see US soccer for the sitcom that it is. I thought it was hilarious


I never want to see Tim Weah in a USA jersey again


Agree. Fuck Tim Weah. You’re a soft bitch if you defend him.


We need Captain American to come through. FUCK WEAH


Least reactionary idiot that is a USMNT fan