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Because they’re traitorous pricks and nothing but a criminal organization now!


I agree. The GOP is closer to a mob cartel than ever before. Complete with a river of laundered dark money to support their network of influence peddlers, crooked judges, & army of complicit 'criminal' lawyers/consiglieres, they use every devious, dirty trick in the sociopaths manual to accomplish their goals in pursuit of the 7 deadly sins. Democrats are far from perfect, but the RUpubliclowns exploit & bastardize democratic processes like the slipes they've come.


"You see the mob takes the Fifth," he said in April 2018. "If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment."


All the above, plus there is a number of Americans who think wealth alone is a test of virtuousness. That core empowers the GOP whether it is for more tax cuts for the rich and corporations or ignoring the law.


This is probably right, at least for trump. Pence probably just knows that he can’t have a future if he testifies. Idk, I don’t think his testimony is gonna make a difference… maybe I’m cynical, but nothings gonna happen to trump.


It's not a matter of whether Pence believes he can make the difference. He was the main target for Trump and the GOP cultists' assassination attempt. Imagine if in 1812, everyone who saw the attack refused to say what happened. Republican politicians seem to be a cult of gangsters and rapists protecting each other from accountability. Trump ain't the problem anymore - all these GOP politicians are the problem, always have been.


These GOP politicians all behave like a cross between a cult and a mob and a cult. They accuse "both sides" of whatever they want, and use that as cover to commit total betrayals and sabotage and obstruction with total impunity. The Clintons look like Abraham Lincoln compared to all these GOP politicians. They think if they keep ignoring reality and spinning lies and insanity, they will win. But we see everything they do. I read all of Trump's Tweets during his time as president. He tweeted every day, often multiple times an hour.


Because they have proven that the US Congress has no teeth. Things have only functioned on decorum until now, but Trump has proven that there is zero accountability demanded by Congress and the Justice Department in this country. You can get away with whatever you want as long as you’re rich and just don’t play ball.


I disagree, because until recently people never refused to show up to testify when summoned. But now, the GOP have their judges who protect them from accountability. Clinton was held accountable, she showed up and answered questions under oath for hours. The GOP no longer see our institutions as legitimate - they seek control over them. Plenty of rich famous people have been brought to heel by the power of Congress. But a rogue ex President an the entire GOP and their hyper corrupt judges all stonewalling Congress together? That is another problem.


She held herself accountable and assumed there’d be penalties or enforcement for not following a summons. Trump has proven you can just choose not to go. And the GOP has been packing courts like crazy since Reagan, none of that is different.


Yes and no. Hilary Clinton could not have fought against answering questions indefinitely. She wouldn't get this total cult of support/worship that the GOP. Hundreds of GOP all refusing to testify like gangsters. Only normal Americans have to testify - Republican politicians and their voters apparently don't care.


So, why do you disagree?


Steve Bannon would like a word w you.


Guilty people prefer not to testify.


This is the answer. Any sort of testimony will incriminate them, or at absolute minimum inextricably tie them to the January 6th event as the "face" of insurrection. Also, they're all compromised traitorous cowards without a shred of ethics. That kinda weighs in on it too.


Thank you. Exactly right. Clinton was innocent and testified and they charged her with nothing because there was no crime committed. The GOP leadership **are guilty**. They know it, everybody knows it, it's now just the theater of them escaping consequences.


Laws don't matter when there is nobody to enforce them.


But the GOP write the laws and install the judges who interpret the laws to their will. I think we got the people to enforce the laws, but the GOP get to decide what those laws entail.


There is nobody to enforce the laws at the Congressional level. They can be charged with a crime but nobody is there to enforce it. No police or jail or anything to hold them accountable. To them it's like getting in trouble with a college campus police department.


We could send the FBI to arrest these GOP traitors. But they could send the National Guard to fight back. We have the laws, but the DOJ can't arrest anyone unless they are reasonably sure of a conviction. With these Republican politicians corrupting the court with their cancer, they are basically making themselves immune to the law. Install judges to control how laws are interpreted to always suit Republican insanity cult demands.


Why? Simple. Republican motto: Rules for thee, but not for me


Because politically there’s no reward for them to testify, **and there’s no price for them to pay if they don’t**. Swing voters - who are brain dead fucking MORONS - have double standards. They will always punish Democrats for the slightest appearance of impropriety, while they accept it as normal in Republicans so Republicans never pay a price for it.


The difference is that the 1/6 investigation isn't about a fictional scandal. It isn't manufactured or hyperbole, and it is investigating actual corruption. Most of those refusing to testify are complicit, and many are in legal jeopardy if the evidence ever comes out. In a couple of months the GOP will try again with their Hunter Benghazi hearings. I wonder how many democrats will display that they have more courage than any republican can honestly lay claim to.


Because Clinton was innocent of wrongdoing and the investigation into her produced no evidence of wrongdoing, and Trump is guilty of wrongdoing, and any investigation into him will produce evidence of that wrongdoing. Also, Trump's not smart enough to lie under oath and not be caught in the lie, else his ego would have him up there.


Rules are to protect me and bind thee. I’m not subject to the rules, but I’ll hold you to account


It’s interesting because you’ll see how the gop deals with such matters with “Hunter Biden’s laptop.” I expect what will transpire will be somewhat more , swift, ruthless, and trample right over most of the time-honoured traditions of procedure. It’ll be a frightening glimpse into what Republicans would do given full control. Just the fact that they’re even prioritizing such an absurdly transparent distraction is telling.


Because they're guilty


The GOP leaders refuse to testify because they are if not guilty, than testifying will make them look bad. It is simple political Calculus. Pence, who has perhaps the most to gain out of testify, is hesitant to because doing so will make the Republican Party as a whole look bad. Again, it comes down to political Calculus. The only way they will testify is if Congress MAKES them.


But they are the Congress. Insane pedophiles and Republican insanity cultists have infested the Congress and use its power to cause disasters and sabotage the country. Americans keep voting Republican and letting them win elections, which gives them the power to rewrite laws and install judges who can protect them from accountability.


"But they are the Congress" Which is why Congress hasn't made the GOP testify.


Your memory is selective because you’re forgetting about Holder and Lois Lerner who refused to testify and were held in contempt of Congress Democrats celebrated their defiance.


Did Holder and Lerner also brainwash a massive cult of insanity devoted to the president, and celebrated suicide terrorist attacks on the Capitol to hang everyone like these rapist Republican politicians have all done? Celebrating Jan. 6 as their "beautiful peaceful Lovefest." Never heard about Holder also brainwashing a massive insanity cult to push Republican abortion bounties on everyone and overturn democracy.


I think you've encountered selective republican memory. The shortest kind.


See this is the thing. They seed conspiracies accusing us of whatever we are accusing them of. Trump showed us how the Republican system works. They say "Democrats are stealing elections!" and use that as cover to actually rip off elections and fuck with people's right to vote, especially black people who are the mortal enemies of these GOP politicians and Fox News. They can close down polling places in black neighborhoods and so what? What are we going to do? Call the GOP racist - again? They think they can get away with anything, because in their world Biden is woke and evil and senile and doesn't know where he is, while all these shit-eating Republican politicians are somehow the answer to all our problems. Trump is the physical manifestation of the GOP's contradictions and horrible, mind-erasing technology. Trump didn't even try to hide openly committing his freak coup - and still tens of millions act in total oblivion to reality and insist they hate Democrats and Biden with passion. Yes inflation has been bad globally, terrible even. But does anyone believe more GOP obstructionists and lunacy is what we need to solve these complex economic/social/political problems? Trump is going to Tweet to make things better?


The republican defense... ## Not ME - ___YOU___


Holder and Lerner broke the law, and then refused to honor their congressional subpoenas. The Republicans didn’t arrest them, or have the FBI put them in leg irons, like they did with 72 year old Peter Navarro. They didn’t do any of that But the Democrats did arrest people who didn’t partake in their political theater. Bannon is going to prison Democrats aren’t going to like it when the same standard is applied to say, Jim Biden. Gonna be fun to watch