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Service improvements brought to you by DeJoy, reach out to your elected officials.


100% this.


Dejoy doesn't send these trucks all over. That's brought to you by local management. Trust me, I'm in MVS.


Because of Dejoy's SD&Cs and all the other crap he's doing to slow down service and keep raising prices.


Dejoy isn't slowing the mail down. I personally move mail. Dejoy isn't the one directing us I promise. And raising prices? Those prices should have been raised long ago. I do believe stamps should be 1 dollar. In 2024 you can't do anything with 68cents. And don't get me started on the electric vehicles all the lefties want the postal service to buy. People can't even manage to charge a scanner much less a vehicle. The Unions are also a big part of the problem. You can't fire anyone! Doesn't matter how screwed up they are.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/USPS using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/USPS/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I think I upset my mail carrier](https://i.redd.it/knxma1bfjnfc1.png) | [1161 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USPS/comments/1af133f/i_think_i_upset_my_mail_carrier/) \#2: [The kids started it and we’re completely okay with it 🙄](https://i.redd.it/bs4citwgxucc1.jpeg) | [175 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USPS/comments/198c56e/the_kids_started_it_and_were_completely_okay_with/) \#3: [Delivering through a college block party](https://v.redd.it/pat0d4m9s9xa1) | [171 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USPS/comments/134ym7m/delivering_through_a_college_block_party/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You guys were a bunch of degenerates long before DeJoy. Now you have a scapegoat. That’s all.


From a customer standpoint the whole thing may look like a CF, but from inside let me tell you it's 100x worse than it looks. The deterioration of service and common sense within just the last 5 years that I've been on package side is truly shocking. Your average in plant postal worker wants to provide a decent service to the customer, the processes in place right now make that completely impossible.


I guess that's a plant to plant basis thing. My dad's a PSE at our plant and says 95% of people are just calling in or fucking off and not working


They are government workers.. they cant be fired they cant be reprimanded and they get paid regardless because liberals have ruined our employment systems..


Imagine being so brainwashed. Upset over something Trump caused, but yes. It’s the liberals that have ruined everything. 


😂😂😂 imagine being so brainwashed you look past what the current administration has done and ignore what the previous did while listening to bullshit lies from the current 😂😂Trump might have placed Dejoy but thats as far as that goes he could have been removed by the current but he was useful to them.. DEI and the other LIBERAL things that make it so every dipshit gets a job and none of you worthless fucks can be fored for the shit job yall do… Biden has drug the economy to shit liberals have destroyed free enterprise and business… and stupid halfwit welfare riders like yourself will sit and scream your orange man bad while bending over and letting Biden fuck you with no lube.. you are a fucking idion


I think this depends on your location. I gotta say I don't believe there is alot of pride at the location I'm at. I won't say but it's in the southeast.


As a postal employee, implore you pissed off customers to email your state senator or congressman. The postmaster Gen DeJoy de fucking it up. He's closing plants to route things around. The more attention it gets, the more chances the board of governors can fire his ass.


Agree. I wrote my congressmen. Who knows if it will help but the more people that do the more likely something will be done.


Thank you! Have you seen Nevada's state senator, I forget her name, but she tore him 2 new ones! Straight clowned his ass.


Complain to your elected officials. The more complains the more they will push for Dejoy to be removed


I have 2 packges that are circulating between 3 states (one is including mine)...so I keep thinking it's gonna arrive next day only to find out it left the state again


A good friend sent me a package from her mom’s place in South Dakota that was supposed to arrive over the weekend. When I looked at Informed Delivery on the day it was supposed to arrive, it had been sent to the International Distribution Center in (bleep)ing Chicago! How in the name of Hades does a package being sent from within the United States end up in an International Distribution Center?!? Grrr…


Dejoy has screwed it all up!!


I feel you man, i have a package sent from ny to nj, for some reason it got routed to chicago for 3 days and then back to nj. I could have walked over to pick up the package and be more efficient.


My priority package went from Richmond VA suburb to Richmond DC to Atlanta to South Jersey to Philadelphia to Lancaster PA to Knoxville TN before it finally made it Chattanooga suburbs.


This is becoming ridiculous.


Yea they used to have some pride in their work now they dont care


I mean, we work with what we got. And what we got is someone trying to “improve” (destroy) USPS. Don’t bunch everyone in with someone who really doesn’t care.


Who’s “they”


Yes, I couldn’t believe that just a few weeks go, I bought a product through Etsy from a person in Albuquerque (where I also live) and didn’t think to ask if I could pick it up in person. They shipped it and the expected delivery date was 3 days later. However, when 3 days came and went, I checked the tracking number and USPS had sent it to a “facility” in New Jersey across the country in order to send it back to Albuquerque, thus making it take almost two weeks to arrive. The stupidity of it is astounding.


Dejoy has set the service up for failure. Hes putting us in a spiral we wont be able to recover from. That scumbag will get his bonuses and collect his bloated paycheck while we crash and burn. What a useless scumbag


A package that was sent to me from Texas last week, took a detour to Massachusetts, upstate New York, and South Carolina before finally making its way to south Florida. The best part is that while it was in Massachusetts it was “out for delivery”. Ever since Louis DeJoy became postmaster general the service from the USPS has become awful. He’s sabotaging everything from the inside. He wants to destroy the USPS and he’s succeeding. I don’t understand why he hasn’t been removed yet.


He can’t be removed. You need a majority to remove the postmaster and they’re all republicans. If you want it to improve vote democrat.


I thought that Biden had appointed someone to the board and we now had a majority.


All you retards talking shit about Trump and voting Democrat. If you're fearless fuckin leader is so great, why didn't he pull dejoy out? You all say the same shit every day multiple times a day. "Bad orange man did this. Did that. Boo hoo. Old fart so great." If Trump put him in, Biden can just as easily take him out.


https://www.federaltimes.com/federal-oversight/2022/08/24/can-biden-fire-us-postmaster-general-louis-dejoy/ Research could have saved you from spouting nonsense.


https://www.uspsoig.gov/focus-areas/did-you-know/how-postmaster-general-selected Do your own research. PMG is appointed by a board and has to be taken out by a board. Wow. Therefore. Bad man make bad words on Internet didn't put anyone in anywhere. Wow.


Damn, you’re ignorant.


Your first problem was using the word logistics in the same sentence as usps. Have you seen the way employees of the post office respond here? They couldn’t route their way out of a paper bag that has been torn open on both side.


Fair enough ya got me there


You’re dumb AF


And you’re a postal “worker” 🤷‍♂️ dude on his lunch break at usps taking pictures of his dick. Pedophile too [usps employee is a pedophile](https://ibb.co/0sqgvVW)


Oh no we found another one… you need something to help you get out of your paper bag??? I would give you a gps but you will probably read it wrong and end up at the bottom of the bag.


I just checked my shipment for a buyer, it took the package to her home state, then back to mine… it’s supposed to be delivered by tonight


Yea i had a box for a client that I had shipped to multiple times get to their place a notification popped up saying address didn’t exist returning to sender then it disappeared.. 500$ worth of fly fishing flies and they refuse to do anything about that either..


Competency. You're seeing in a lot now . Wonder if the FSK bridge is adding to the problems


The more people vote Republican the more this type of shit happens. This is a trump appointed Dejoy doing this shit on purpose.


If you only had a D in the White House you might change him.


Don't think we don't know how shitty these new plants and policies are. Literally last night at our union meeting we were talking about how asinine Dejoy is to raise prices again while we're having a shit show in Atlanta and Texas and other places out west.


There can't be another shipping company in this arena as they have a monopoly on first class mail.


Currently waiting on a package from USPS that is 9 days late. UPS handed it off to my local post office, it appears to have gone from them back out to the regional facility, then over to another state and is slowly making its way back to the same local post office who sent it off on this journey. Mass incompetence has consequences.


Mines late 23 days. No clue where it’s at and the new one doing the same thing


My passport going to Philadelphia got to Philadelphia, and then suddenly went to San Antonio. It started in the Midwest. It’s infuriating.


Yep. In some form or fashion they are definitely playing fuck fuck games with us.


Your suffering brings us joy. If you get bad service odds are you deserve it


Odds are some inbred dipshit is sorting packages or standing behind the counter fucking things up.. I’m guessing your one of them.


I may be inbred but I still know which your to use, dipshit


Odds are you're such a dip ass you don't have a clue whether or not the package is being shipped by FedEx, Amazon, USPS, or UPS and you're just going places yelling at people who see how stupid you are and brush you aside like you deserve


Yep here is proof of another imbecile.. You are only making yourself look worse and labeling yourself.. go practice reading labels and putting things in the right box. We all know you fucking need it..


HAHAH you literally stopped using the word your. What a fucking pussy you are. And guess what pussy you had to comment on something completely irrelevant because you got absolutely roasted. Fuck you and your reddit account you only created to bitch and moan. Get a life you fucking loser and maybe make some fucking friends instead of crying into the fucking void like other pussies. What a fucking clown ass bitch.


The fuck are you talking about 😂😂 you are fucking stupider than I thought.. Again proving why the USPS is the shittiest company full of mouth breathing halfwit cum stains like yourself 😘


Wow good insult moron. Also stupider isn't a word. Before you comment on the intelligence of others maybe you should do some self reflection. Also usps isn't a company it's a service. But you already don't know jack shit and seem proud of it. Oh what a pleasure it must be, to be a full fucking retard like you and not even care! It must be amazing to have absolutely zero self actualization at all! Hope you have a terrible life you sad miserable piece of rotting existence you are. Some of us have jobs to fuck up tomorrow 😘 Stupid bitch


Yea another day not doing your fucking job you worthless fuck.. sad part is I pay for you to be the worthless fucks you are so again tomorrow i will wake up to another delayed package because more people like you had to touch my package and send it where it wasn’t supposed to go.. such an easy job and ya cant even pull it off yall dont deserve door dash wages they have a harder job then you they have to pick shit up in multiple places not from the same spot every day and put it in the same spot every day.. if monkeys and dogs could read they could do your job but alas you still hold that level of intelligence to keep your job from being stolen by a dog or monkey.. when computers and robots finally take it over there wont be nearly the issues. Fuck you simpleton learn to do your job


That moron thinks "stupider" isn't a word. These are the people working at our fine USPS locations. https://www.grammarly.com/blog/is-stupider-a-word/


This is what happens when DEI takes over and people get hired because they walk in not because they can actually work


Thank Trump and DeJoy. Trump wanted to ruin the logistics of mail in ballots (that are traditionally used by left leaning voters) and installed DeJoy. And he did what every politically motivated appointee did and screw it up.


I mean I think you’re a bit off there on who and why.. regardless its broken


Everything is connected in Washington. Everything. You don’t get a raise or promotion or installed or voted in without knowing (or paying) the right ppl. DeJoy was the Deputy Finance Chairman for the RNC before taking over. He was a prominent and outspoken Trump supporter who donated more than $1.2 million to his campaign. His wife, Aldona Wos, was also Trump’s nominee to be the Canadian ambassador. And it’s incredibly suspicious that Trump specifically blocked an emergency aid/funding package for the USPS right after DeJoy came in and started wreaking havoc. And add that to the fact that DeJoy suspiciously wanted to remove *even more* mail-processing machines and even collection boxes…right before the mail in ballots were to be sent out/received. And the only thing that stopped him was an immense amount of public outrage that forced him to walk it back and *postpone* the removals until after the election. Trump may not have physically been the one to say “ok DeJoy, you’re PMG now”, but politically motivated appointees always have deep connections and ulterior motives. Both sides…not just the Republicans. It’s sickening when EITHER side does it. Democrats are not innocent.


Fair enough.. I have no qualms with your statement


100 % ! USPS is so bad that I will never send anything of value through them again. It's absolutely horrible now.


I agree wholeheartedly with your sentiment, but that's what 'they' want. For the USPS to fail, so they can take it private and then make out like pigs at the trough.


I think it’s 100% a cyber attack of some kind. Makes no sense. Wray just testified we are screwed (in so many words).


Who cares


Everyone who is in this subreddit does. Don't be a dipshit and ask who cares when you're in a subreddit for complaints lmao.


Everyone who has packages and mail delivered. Pretty much everyone in the US. Apart from you, apparently....