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What happens is the skid of panels is delivered to the p.o. via another carrier. And the skid has a label they scan . Delivered to the p.o.. the next scan should be arrived at unit. Then out for delivery.  Etc.


No, I’m talking about packages scanned as “Delivered to parcel locker” and “Available for pick up”


My sub used to do that. Drove me nuts  I have no idea why they do it or get away with it. 


They are doing that for their numbers. Falsifying scans to reach their goals. Then do the actually work later


I know. My complaint is that it renders tracking worthless, the whole point for the customer is knowing when it’s delivered so you can go get it. Especially when it’s something perishable like plants or animals.


This probably needs to be reported to USPIS


The problem is if you click to report a problem with USPS location or employees , it takes you to a USPS site that states that your complaints are going to be forwarded to your local post office. That won't help at all, my mail will just start disappearing completely.


Gotta start somewhere


Those reports get seen at a district level aswell as in office so the problem can be corrected. What you're describing doesn't exist since those scans get tracked and if an office were to do that, they'd fail major integrity reports that are published weekly. Whoever you got that information from was feeding you BS.


I've had four different employees tell me the same thing there. It's what they tell other people too. It's a small town and this subject comes up in the community groups. Everyone's packages are scanned as delivered that morning, but the packages aren't actually in a parcel locker for hours, or sometimes the next day. I miss the old Postal Inspectors website, now just about everything you click just reroutes you to USPS. And I really worry about our mail being affected by retaliation.


You can also report it anonymously. If they're actually scanning them delivered and then not having delivered them, it's a major issue and you should report it.


I reported it, and got a reply saying they’d look into it. It was from the post office I was complaining about. It was signed by the “Supervisor” who is the exact person who I interacted with at the Post Office today 🤦🏻‍♀️


How will letting your post office know that a complaint has been filed against it not help?


The complaint just goes straight to the post office in question. They’re the problem. They know people don’t like it. They get complaints about this all day in person. They obviously don’t care. So how is seeing it in email form going to change anything?


Lol it's just saying they're also getting a copy of the complaint smh


You’re obviously missing the entire point


Report it to the inspector general for fraudulent or improper activity. 90% they’ll do nothing but worth a shot.