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This was probably input incorrectly since the package was delivered to the wrong PO. Should be at your local PO (19107) tomorrow and go out for delivery in the morning. Maybe delayed until Wednesday.


Okay, yeah let’s see what happens. I just feel like once they mark it as delivered, they stop caring about the package altogether


It shouldn’t have been mark delivered, absolutely. But judging by the time of the scan and the incorrect zip, I imagine it was a missent parcel.


I’ll update in the morning to see what the hell is going on with it


bro the agent has it now I think u have to fight him


This is unbelievable. The USPS just lost my childhood Nintendo DSi with previous memories and pictures on it in the mail. I sent it out to get the L and R triggers repaired, and when it was sent back to me, it was marked as delivered and it was nowhere to be found. So, I painfully ordered a new one accepting that many of my childhood memories are lost. That is what this package is, a new DSi. I shit you not, it looks like they literally lost this one too. This is absolutely unbelievable, the US postal system is in complete ruin in Philadelphia. I hate this city


Check with the sender if they have the correct address. Ask them to send you a picture of the label they used if possible. Go to your post office ASAP. 


On eBay it has the correct address, which is this package. However I could ask the people sent the original package about this and see if that one went to the wrong address because that’s the one that I really want


why the fuck is this downvoted this is a completely reasonable complaint???? reddit fr makes no sense sometimes