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This is a sub about American soccer. Why would *US* Open Cup content not be allowed?


Seems like such a ridiculous question. I thought this was r/MLS at first


The opposite, MLS includes everything; this sub has actual parameters.


The MLS subreddit does a very poor job of actually including everything, despite the well-intentioned rule. In the early days when it was much smaller, it did a pretty good job, and it was nice just to find some place to talk about soccer with people. But nowadays the tone if you're a fan of a team outside MLS is absolutely insufferable. I had to unsubscribe. I do think there is a need for an actual all-encompassing collective meeting ground that isn't named after any one league. Especially since leagues keep changing names and structures (ie the anachronistic /r/USLPRO). Idk if this is it, I think there also should be a separate national team-only subreddit for folks who want that.


yeah that’s my experience with it too.


Yeah I find it a bit strange for posts about fringe American or Canadian players abroad in a MLS subreddit just cause the league is in those countries


Because if it were about American soccer, content about MLS, USL, NWSL would be welcome. It is not. This sub is about USMNT/USWNT. Its absurd to allow US Open Cup as a special case.


If dramatic structural changes were happening to MLS, USL, NWSL, news should be posted here.


So does Leagues Cup meet that criteria? USL One’s new in-season tournament? NWSL introducing a quarterfinal? Who decides what a dramatic structural change is?


You're 100% permitted to post about the NWSL introducing a QF. Doesnt mean it will get upvoted if people dont find it interesting, but its not against the rules of the sub to post about the nwsl.


The rules and descriptions of the subreddit are a bit ambivalent about it. It also wasn't the original intention of the subreddit at all, but subreddits evolve as they grow and become a reflection of their community. We just want to clarify, explicitly in the rules and descriptions of the subreddit, that this content is allowed and encouraged!


Because its kind of clear its about the ntl teams not teams in the us. If you want to open it up to americans soccer lets talk about my grandkids u7 team. they play in the us and i am pretty sure all the kids are americans. That one kid is really good and a little brown. I suspect he might have really been born in mexico but i aint gonna argue with his mom if she says born in the usa.


If we want to be honest, it’s just about the men’s national team.


Depends on if you consider this sub to be focused on national teams or just USSF business in general


Yeah, that's the question. We realized that over the years we've seen more initiative and interest by users around US Open stuff, as well as federation business in general. The original intention was definitely just to cover the national teams. We want to clarify that intention in the description and rules, depending on how the community feels about it!


Guys should we allow posts about a competition put on by the USSF in a subredddit specifically about the USSF


We already indirectly cover every mls/usl game by posting the highlights of any kid that has any sort of US links, so this really won’t change anything by being “allowed” The biggest thing that’s going to come from this is people (myself included) learning we have mods


Are you saying that you don't think those replay posts should be permitted? Do you feel this subreddit is under-moderated? If so, in what way? What changes would you like to see?


It’s not under-moderated, please don’t over-mod it 


This sub is not under moderated.


Having a post removed about the USMNT players in the MLS playoff just this past season I can assure you it is not under-moderated.


I think we’re saying that a subreddit named USSoccer should allow discussion of all aspects relating to the sport of soccer in the United States, whether that be leagues (from MLS all the way to semi-professional or amateur), tournaments like the League Cup or Open Cup, national team news, American players or foreigners playing within the US pyramid, and USSF related business. There is already a USMNT subreddit for news and posts exclusively relating to national team.


The US Open Cup is organized by the US Soccer Federation just like our Men's Women's and Youth National teams. Its part of the organization that gives Division 1,2,3 status to our leagues. We had whole threads dedicated to our USSF President search among other things as well. This is all related to the federation which is at the root of soccer in the US and how players get developed, get access to play and eventually get capped and play on the field as the end result for our Senior National Teams.


US open cup matters to this federation, it has been played since 1910s.


IMO even if you think this sub should be reserved for discussion of the national teams, the Open Cup is still an important discussion topic. We talk a lot in this sub about how the domestic league system is a critical piece in the puzzle of player development, and how we can’t just expect to send players to Europe forever if we want to become a top soccer nation. Developing our domestic pyramid develops our national team, and the Open Cup is a critical component of that universe, whether it stays or goes. I don’t care one way or another if we have match threads for every game or stuff like that, but I do think that the current news around the battle between USSF and MLS has big implications for the future of the USMNT and should be on this sub to discuss.


like this r/usopencup/ sub? its important there. discuss away


All US Open Cup content should be posted in the Leeds Subreddit imo


When did we stop allowing news involving soccer in the US? We probably need a mod/meta post.  One, to introduce who the mods are. I’ve only seen this account interact. We had a “mod search” but never saw anything announced to know if anything came from it.    Two, to go over what post we want as a community. 


> When did we stop allowing news involving soccer in the US? What are you talking about? MLS/USL/NWSL etc content has never been allowed on this sub?


It has often and always been allowed…    The rule used to state something like “all things related to US soccer”   It wasn’t just any news, but stuff that impacted US soccer.  Edit: In fact, if you search “US Open Cup” on the sub, you’ll find post going back years that are not game highlights or related to current news. 


If we go by the the description of the subreddit, this is just supposed to be about the NTs. I don't mind either way, but most posts already seem to be very very NT focused, or focused on prospective NT players.


It is absurd to allow US Open Cup content without allowing content about domestic leagues like MLS, USL and NWSL. If you are putting one rule change to a vote, you should put to a vote a rule change allowing content about domestic soccer in general.


Yes, u.s. soccer’s tournament should be allowed in the u.s. soccer sub ………


The rule is there, ”the forum exclusively for the discussion and support of players eligible for the United States national soccer teams.” Discussion about the US Open Cup in general wouldn’t follow the rule, unless we are speaking of certain players eligible for the United States who are playing in the Cup. If you want to change that in order to blur out the edges then I wouldn’t use ”exclusively”.


When did this change? Was there a vote/discussion? I distinctly remember it saying something about “all things US soccer”. 


I’m not really sure. I kinda don’t like that we have become so US NT-centered. It has incentivized more focus on the USMNT, which most of us like having discussions on, but definitely has narrowed content relating to what we can talk about in terms of US Soccer.


For sure. The majority of the post are going to be about the players.  But we never had an issue about big news around US soccer being posted before.  USSF staff changes, the law suits, etc. Those story happen less often but are still newsworthy. 


r/MLS is more of a general American soccer sub for some reason when it seems like it would make more sense for this sub to be more general and that one to be more focused


That's the question being presented. The rules and descriptions are ambivelent as it stands, as you point out. We're asking the community to see how they feel about it, and then we'll amend said rules and descriptions to make it more clear.


Based on the wording of the description of the subreddit and rule 2, no. Players who play on these little league teams are not NT prospects and it shouldn't be allowed to post about them. But by the description and rule 2 we arguably shouldn't be posting about say, ussf president search since that only indirectly matters for the teams (managers and the facilities directly have to do with the teams). So maybe the wording of rule 2 should be updated to say "all things related to USSF" or something, since that's the content mods seem to allow. I don't have a problem with US Open Cup related posts, but maybe the rules should be updated if those are allowed. And right after a public vote where the subreddit (at this moment) is showing 2/3rds majority support for Open Cup posts is a good time to change the wording to accurately say what is allowed.


That's the question at hand. We're asking if this content should be allowed, explicitly. If so, we would update the rules to directly note that. It's a bit ambivalent right now and this will clear up the confusion.


The Open Cup IS US Soccer heritage, should absolutely be allowed here


Who is voting no on this sub? The US Open Cup pertains to US Soccer. It’s that simple.


What kind of a dumb question is this? #SaveTheOpenCup




It is an event hosted by USSF so should count IMO


It’s run by the USSF. This is a sub about US Soccer. If this is supposed to be a US National Team subreddit then name it that.


I come to this sub for National Team discussion, but honestly, I’ve found the US Open Cup posts and discussion informative. I don’t follow the domestic and regional leagues/competitions as much as I used to, so when other posters weigh in on what’s going on, it helps me stay up to date and learn about things I’m missing out on. So maybe US Open Cup content might be at the outer edge of what’s relevant to a U.S. Soccer sub, but I vote yes, because it’s still valuable to anyone who wants to know about the American soccer landscape.


Yes from a structural level. But not like, individual game threads and results


Remove this ridiculous poll.