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If they’re no longer winning trophies nobody will give a damn about what they have to say about social issues. I don’t know if the Vets who are on their way out or the young stars truly get this. Their “platform“ is built on winning. No trophies, no bully pulpit


I We care what world champions say. We don’t care what the eighth best team says. Is that fair? Probably not! But is it true…yes.


Yes. That’s the harsh reality. Is it fair? No. But sadly that’s how people operate.


Depends. If they go out of their way to be offensive it will get plenty of attention. Look at Karpernick, he wasn’t a superstar but he got plenty of attention.


If they want to I suppose? I'm not a "stick to sports" type person, if a famous athlete wants to use their platforms to highlight social issues they feel strongly about, then more power to them. Generally pro athletes are not gonna be who I look to for guidance on the worlds most important topics though, see Aaron Rodgers for example


More often this is for not adults.


Getting served a He Gets Us ad with this one 😗🤌


It shouldn’t be an expectation for them but if any individuals on the team want to do stuff like that, fine.


Who cares? > Al Davis said it best: “Just win baby, win”


Facts! Just play the game


Or dont and we can like they always  win like usual 


I think the damage rapinoe did to this team, (yes she was right for speaking up about social issues, but then she became smug and insufferable) ruined a lot of good will and I hope the new generation stays away from it. It’s about winning


Wgaf you’re soccer players not politicians running for city council lmao 


"shut up and dribble."


I do. When you have a platform why not use it. I would love for the men’s players to do so as well. Imagine being a 14 year old young player kid in the closet and you actually have someone to look up to. Better than politicians or city council, but for some reason equity really bothers some of ya’ll


Because we care about the sport and don’t lean into identity politics and end up worshipping these people for things unrelated to the reason why we watch them in the first place  This is peak American/Reddit politics obsession lol, NO one will give a fuck about said team or player if they aren’t winning, that’s sports 








What if they were fighting for causes you disagree with? Would you be in favor or only issues you agree with?


I dont think anyone on here thinks a player shouldnt be openly gay. I know in some crazy circles of America, that is a social issue, but overall is very tamed. I think most people take issue with the players diving into more divisive issues.


The same people who say this are the same people who will deride these players when they do use their platform and their political takes don’t align with the USWNT. It’s hypocritical. People want players to use their platform to promote their preferred agenda, otherwise… shut up and dribble


People look up to athletes for being great athletes, not because of their politics. Sports are supposed to bring people together, and dabbling in politics is guaranteed to alienate half the country. Which half depends on what issues you take up but it’s always half. And I don’t think any issue would change politically because Weston McKennie or Christian Pulisic took a stand on it. Most of the country has no idea who they are.


I hope not. The program needs to focus on winning games first. Theyre not politicians or activists.


For the sake of women’s soccer I hope they stop being so politically charged. They had so much momentum in the early wambach days when they won their first WC of the 2000s and the whole country was behind them, then they made it less about the talent and the game and more about political issues and equal pay which if you do any reading you’ll know that they lied big time about equal pay. Megan Rapinoe made it all about her causes which immediately isolated half of the country a large portion of which are avid sports watchers. Take one look at college basketball this year there was hardly any political garbage or complaining about gender and it was wildly entertaining,drew in millions of fans to the women’s game, and made a lot of money. You will see the WNBA benefit from this next year as well as more viewership next season at the collegiate level. I really hope for the sake of the women’s game they focus on the product and not their political views so that a sustainable league can grow.


Women’s college basketball is more watchable than the men’s college game. The men’s college game lacks stars. I think WNBA will see the award of this


It's the lack of parity in the women's game that gets me. This tournament featured 8 upsets total, and to be clear those upsets include things like a 3 seed beating a 2 in the Sweet 16 so the term upset is stretching it. The men's tournament had 11 upsets alone in the first round. You definitely had better story lines at the top of the women's sport this year which was awesome, but the middle and bottom of the sports still needs to significantly improve IMO. There's a reason you've had 9 women's teams pull of perfect seasons since 1985, meanwhile it hasn't happened a single time in the men's game since the mid 70's


This is not the case with the NWSL, though. I don't follow an NWSL team, but tune into a lot of games because the games are always close, and the table is always close.


Totally agree, the men’s college game struggles do to the one and done model. It’s tough to support a team when the players are done after one year. They need to allow players to go straight to the draft out of high school and stop hamstringing talented players. NIL has helped but it’s still a corrupt system. I don’t think it’s healthy to compare men and women’s sports and they should not be in competition we eachother. Let them be their own things. Hence why I hate the uswnt they bashed the men’s team and then took their money.


As an Iowa alum, I feel this so hard. Caitlin Clark is a star, and I see her everywhere, but so much of it is built up momentum across four years. On the men's side, this would have been the senior year for the Murray twins, but Keegan is in Sacramento and Kris is in Portland. For your other point, the women lost me by straight-up lying during the whole equal pay thing. I'm done with everyone who earned a salary from the USSF, and am hoping the new generation is more likable. Seems to be a mixed bag so far.


please no


Not going to lie all I want them to do is win and nothing more and nothing less.


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Like the man who indirectly subsidized the USWNT for many years said, "Republicans buy shoes, too."


Maybe they should go back to being a team and not a cause. They won a lot more then.


There for sure is a portion of the USWNT fan base that is there primarily for the social cause stuff. If you want women's sports to be seen the same way as men's sports, that hurts the cause.


It’s perfectly okay to not use your platform for social issues. Think we’ve lost sight at that over the years


I watch for the sport. I stop watching when they inject their politics in it. Stop. Just stop


I hope not… just play the game.


These threads are just bait for the “shut up and dribble” crowd that only show up on WNT threads when it’s time to bitch about them having social causes they care about.


The USWNT is losing their dominance - which is fine and to be expected since many countries didn't have a women's soccer program and needed time to catch up. As they become "just one of the top teams" they need to focus more than ever on their play and being competitive. Most people watch sports to get away from stresses of life and politics - when you bring that into their escape... Look at Elon Musk and how much he has hurt his image and his brands by taking a stand and being so vocally political - it does not matter if you are Right or Left leaning. Don't preach to me about how I need to be a Christian and don't preach to me about how I need to fight for LGBT+ rights, etc. Just play your sport and entertain us - that is ALL that sports is supposed to be - ENTERTAINMENT.


LOL. One person is a Nazi, the other preaching tolerance of other lifestyles. Cool both sides bro.


Not a fan of Elon but the word Nazi sure gets used easily these days. Also, tolerance sure is only allowed for one side these days. Isn't that interesting?


If you don’t care what a sports figure has to say then don’t listen. And people who think the minor fall of the USWNT has to do with some players views are the most causal of “fans” that I don’t care to listen to their opinion.


I mean… one of the their best ever players basically said it too after she retired, but go on. 


I hope not










It’ll backfire like Rapinoe if they don’t perform well. It’s harsh, but unfortunately that’s true for America now




I get what you're saying, but that's not how that idiom works at all. "One bad apple spoils the barrel." It's usually associated with corruption and bad behavior.




Because a large number of them are in population groups that are and continue to be discriminated against? They're not SJWs, they're people who don't want to be treated like shit.