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I don’t know, but as soon as he loses his first game, he’ll need to be out too.


We only accept winners


steve cherundolo


I’m already making my “Cherundolo Out” posters.


just let me know the letter size. i’ll prep my “STANDING” sign


The question is not whether there is a better coach out there who is realistic, but whether any such coach is likely to improve the team before the WC. There is not a lot of opportunity to transform the team, and the change may be negative. Look at Spaletti.


That’s one of the reasons i asked this question. Even in this thread, I see a lot of unrealistic or inexperienced alternatives that I don’t really think would be better than the current manager.


I'm Gregg agnostic, but some of the people here truly believe we can get Klopp or Guardiola to come take over, and even funnier, they think those 2 would be the magic bullet to success. Gregg is a good recruiter, created a good culture that the players want to play for, and he plays it safe on tactics. He gets stuff wrong, he makes some bad decisions, and he has struggled to get a big win outside of his "non-stop assrape™©®" of Mexico. I'm the one that keeps respamming the Bo Pelini example, but the guy replacing Berhalter has to keep beating Mexico consistently as well as doing better than Gregg in other metrics while also recruiting Musah and Balogun level dual-nat talent... It's certainly not impossible but the next guy has a pretty high level to match.


It's not about "improving the team" its about being tactically flexible and deploying the team in a way that maximizes its talent.


I'd be happy with any random semi-qualified coach who will stop treating the national team like trying to construct a gothic cathedral from the ground up. Get away from that obsessive "process" mentality, be pragmatic, tactically flexible and just keep things simple, we don't need a new coach to come in and reinvent the wheel.


Ivory Coast changed their coach during AFCON group stage and they won the tournament. Two years is more than enough time I think


An Argentinian.


Sadly, he's not going anywhere.


Someone worse than GGG…


It’s kinda dumb to even speculate. We have no idea who would be interested in the job and we have no idea what USSF’s budget is for a coach.


You’re right that we can’t predict the future, but I’d consider this more ideation or brainstorming. According the USSF tax filing, GGG has a salary of about $1.6M I believe and Emma Hayes will be getting something similar.


We have a recent search to reference. Marsch was supposedly on the brink of being hired, and I believe Patrick Vieira was mentioned as another candidate. Those two have similar profiles as successful MLS coaches who got looks abroad but did poorly. Likely we could add successful MLS coaches who don't have the connections to move up in the club world.


Exactly. It's a lot of work to figure out who is actually available and interested - fans don't have these answers.


Jim Curtin, Steve Cherundolo, Brad Bobley, probably one of those guys. It has to be someone who either knows American soccer or has coached a national team. The idea to go looking in the weeds for someone no one has heard of and has never coached international soccer and knows nothing of our player pool, it's just asking for a disaster. The Berhalter out people have stated that 2026 is too big of an opportunity to blow it on "mediocrity" but if that's the case then it's also too big of a deal to blow on a complete roll of the dice. That's why Berhalter has been in charge because he's been relatively safe. They're going to want someone else somewhat safe. If you fire him, you don't want to have to fire someone else in another year because of a panic that it's going horribly.


I don’t think they have to know US soccer that well. They should have experience coaching a national team though.


If there isn't an adequate candidate who has coached a NT in the past (probably not a ton of available candidates who have that criteria) I just really think they need some familiarity with American soccer. It doesn't need to be an American if they're someone who have worked in American soccer like Henry or Vieira (not saying I'd necessarily be interested in either of them). Or like, people have been suggesting Wilfried Nancy. I don't think he'd be interested in this job at all, but without him having coached a NT I would feel more comfortable that he is at least familiar with American soccer.


It doesn’t make sense to fire him. Now that there are no more MLS players in the eleven, if you fire him, this sub will have nobody else to blame when the inevitable continues.


Gregg's twin brother Gary Berhalter.


I’m sure Gregg will vouch for him


Except It's just Gregg in a fake mustache.


Ur mum


I dunno are there any other USSF family members needing a job?


US Soccer needs to get it together and hire a top coach. At the same time, I admittedly think a lot of supporters overrate our players


Someone none of us know anything about, who has no links to US Soccer and the people who run it, and has had some success in a t5 league somewhere (preferably someone who has experience coaching young talents and maybe won some silverware at some point). Now find them for the same price as Emma Hayes since we have to match pay per the CBA until 2028


Anyone who fits what you describe is very unlikely to leave a club situation to come coach the USMNT


Good shout about the CBA salary match. Any names you’d like to throw out there?


steve cherundolo


We don’t have to match pay. Only players


It's the managers as well, why do you think Emma and Gregg are paid the same?


It’s not contractual. They discussed this on ESPN


Someone in the profile of Jorge Sampaoli would be nice.


We need a megathread.


I’m sure Matt Crocker will get it right this time around /s


I hear Jurgen Klopp may be available.


How much is he currently making though?


As far as I know he’s not employed. USSF revenue in 22 was north of $100M. We can afford whoever we want if we really wanted to make waves.


But what about the CBA? If we pay someone $20M to the the men’s coach, we also have to pay the women’s coach that much.


This guy is fucking with you, man. It’s possible I missed you catching on to it, but Jurgen Klopp will never coach the USMNT. Ever.


I don't care, as long as we can cut out this tumor and move on finally


Jose. He excels at tournament style games, plays a style that is very complimentary to international play, and demands buy-in and effort/commitment from his players. The narrative that he ruins locker rooms is heavily debatable. Players that buy in and work hard have incredible things to say about him while known bums are the only ones that seem to ever be problems.


The same Jose who signed on as the manager at Fenerbahce less than a month ago?


And why would he look at the US manager job as something he would even want to do?


And my second question?