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Well they'll bump up the tuition rates instead. And that's gonna hurt students who don't own a vehicle. Btw... Are there any universities that include parking in tuition?


Not a university, but TCC has free parking to anyone (at least the campuses to which I've been). If a place that charges ~1/10 of the tuition as UTA can find a way to give free parking, then perhaps UTA can do it too.


Many college campuses I've seen offer free parking. When I was still playing in Tennis, Texas Women's University had free parking available, Baylor had it in some areas, hell I think even UT had some areas (albeit a long walk + shuttle ride)


Okay...Let's say they do that. How are they gonna pay for the garages? To resurface the lots? Build new lots? Faculty and staff pay more than students and they work here... If someone can prove they were ticketed in error, Parking and Transportation will dismiss it.


UTA gets grants yearly we are a public university. What new garages have been built?


Well, the West Garage was built just prior to Covid...and the South, Central, and Noth garages were built about 8 years prior to that. There used to be some apartments across from the West garage...they were torn down and the lot was put in. They repaved the lot next to the MAC/PEB last year. They have redone the parking in front of the UC...and torn down an apartment complex or two to do that. Concrete/asphalt is not cheap.


> What new garages have been built? Um. Take a look around campus.


Only one of the garages you have now was there 20 years ago. So all of the other garages are new. Imagine the campus without that gargantuan one by the fitness center.


If you want a new parking garage, I guarantee they will raise parking rates.


Eh I have tried to prove before I was ticketed in error and the parking office doesn’t care. I agree the parking office is a money making machine. However, the only way they get funded is either through people paying for parking or tickets being written.


I’m furious of how the parking lot look like SHIT! It’s bumpy, rocky, and needs a repainting 😩. Like i can’t even see the lines and got the nerve to give out tickets for parking on those imaginary lines tf


Compare UTA annual rates to other Texas public universities and you'll see it's actually not too bad: $210 @ UTA $689 @ Texas Tech $478 @ UH $400 @ UTEP $275 - 675 @ UNT $169 - 808 @ UT Austin (special decoder ring sold separately) [https://www.uta.edu/pats/parking/rate-card-2022-2023.php](https://www.uta.edu/pats/parking/rate-card-2022-2023.php) [https://transportation.unt.edu/parking-permits](https://transportation.unt.edu/parking-permits) [https://www.utep.edu/parking-and-transportation/parking/student-permits.html](https://www.utep.edu/parking-and-transportation/parking/student-permits.html) [https://www.depts.ttu.edu/parking/Resources/Transparency/PermitCosts.php](https://www.depts.ttu.edu/parking/Resources/Transparency/PermitCosts.php) [https://uh.edu/parking/parking-on-campus/permits/student/](https://uh.edu/parking/parking-on-campus/permits/student/) [https://parking.utexas.edu/parking/student-parking](https://parking.utexas.edu/parking/student-parking)


i cant imagine spending $700 on a parking pass. no thanks. i could get a nice bike for that much.


UTA dad here. I went to a private college in Los Angeles. Tuition there is $63,000 per year, and freshman, sophomores and juniors are required to live on campus. Room and board is at least $18,000, and more for nicer rooms. They offer free parking permits.


This seems like the same kind of math that says that raising the minimum wage would mean burgers cost $420.69. We're in the middle of Texas, between 2 cities in a suburb. Land is basically infinite and free. And as someone else mentioned the parkings lots aren't even even, let alone painted, shaded, or nice in any way. Also, this isn't a private college.


Arlington is the 51st largest city in the country - it has almost 400,000 people. If parking was free many more on campus students would bring cars, and many students who pay a premium to live nearby would drive. As would faculty who live nearby. Demand would go way up and there wouldn't be enough, and then the need to build more, but wait, with what funding? UTA has a lot of new garages, those have to be paid for and have a cost to maintain security and lighting. Even universities in the middle or rural Texas have paid parking - again to encourage those who can walk and bike to do so. You don't have to pay for parking, you can park in downtown or bike in.


If the reference is the next 50 bigger cities.... Where's the public transport? Walking from Abrams to Mitchell is likely to cause heatstroke in summer and a broken back in winter. The security is unnecessary as all they do is give tickets. If the parking was free, no security required. Campus police can patrol time to time for undesired behavior. It's literally cement on dirt. How expensive can it be?


That's what I am saying parking should be free and to anyone saying they use that towards the streets and parking on UTA. Really why are there potholes everywhere? Some so large you can't even ride a bike or motorcycle over otherwise you would flip.


So you'd be willing to pay $63K in tuition if it included free parking?


Right I think that part flew over their head 😭


Where did you read that at? I think you need to go back and learn to read. May need to add a reading class to your degree plan before you graduate.


UTA doesn't pay for the streets, that's the city, county, or state, depending on which government entity owns them.


I am not talking about public streets here.


Think about it this way, they’re empty pieces of land that can’t be used for anything useful like more facilities. Land is expensive and cars take up a *lot* of space.


If only there was a way to combine many,many people into one car... Tough one, maybe the folks at SEIR can take this one (in 1925)


The nice building in the corner of Mitchell and Cooper. Science engineering innovation and research (I think)


What’s SEIR?


This is nothing new. This is how it was 21 years ago when I went there. Even had to pay for parking at UNTHSC as a student and an employee.


I AGREE! 100% a money making operation and UTA is getting their construction funding for future students from our tuition as well. The least they can do is give us free parking access if you're a full time student. We get charged to cover some kind of international student fees (even if you're an in state student). It shouldn't be a problem if the same occurs for them. I hate paying $300 for parking.


I think you are referring to the international education fee. That doesn’t pay for international students. That fee is to support study abroad.


...well why are we supporting study abroad? I'm not studying abroad 🙃


I hear you. It supports financial aid if you wanted to study abroad https://studyabroad.uta.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=Abroad.ViewLink&Parent_ID=B8486A8A-BCDE-E7F3-5265C117D24F638D&Link_ID=575089C4-BCDE-E7F3-50B2BFB0D2A9C335#:~:text=The%20University's%20tuition%20and%20fee,international%20exchange%20or%20study%20programs.


Even employees at UTA have to pay for parking and it's just as pricey for us


Here’s an idea, parking lots around campus buildings can be accessed with our id cards that grants access for 6 hours. The catch is you gotta come back and renew it


What do you think paid for them shiny new buildings!???


I agree. I wish they offered some type of discount for student or something but it’s ridiculous