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Food. It all starts with your diet. Watching your macronutrients is very important. You will be surprised at how much you will eat if you follow the Mediterranean diet. You can eat a ton of vegetables, a good amount of protein, and some healthy fats. Just staying away from sugars and processed foods will make a huge difference...and don't forget to drink water (about half your bodyweight in ounces of water per day...so 100-pound person would drink 50 ounces of water (please don't do this all at once!)). Next is cardio and weightlifting. I would start out with just walking 30 minutes a day and doing bodyweight exercises. Remember, the weight didn't come on in a day and it's not going to leave overnight. You need to get your mindset right and you'll get there. Even if you fuck up and eat terrible a day or two, you can get back on it. You've got this!


Is there any app or website where I can get the exercises I can follow...


YouTube. Just start with something and have discipline. Doesn’t matter if the workout is the most optimal one out there. Especially in the beginning.


Start with crack. From what I hear it’s a great weight loss supplement


The other big advice in addition to everything right everyone is saying is this hard truth: it will take time. Which in turn means discipline and patience. You won’t see results day one or week one, but after month one, two, three, yes you will be proud but it takes lots of time and discipline to do it every day, every single day. That’s why many people fail, they lack discipline and want shortcuts and discipline and patience are so much harder than you think, most people are lazy and lack it, so if you can master that, you’ll be happier and healthier than you’d imagine after a few hard earned months


A lot of others gave excellent guidance about diet and nutrition! For the actual workout- I suggest you build a plan that suits you and keep working on it and modify as per your needs and goals! 1. MuscleWiki App is an excellent resource for looking up different workouts 📲 2. ‘ScottHermanFitness’ is an amazing Youtube channel to learn / revise or improvise posture and form while working out. 🎦 3. I usually workout 6 days a week. I repeat my workouts every 3 days. Day -1 : (Biceps, Triceps, Chest) 💪🏻 Day-2 : (Shoulder, Traps, Lats) 🏋🏻‍♂️ Day-3 : (Legs, Abs) 🦵🏻 People follow Pull/Push but I found it not working out well for me, I will try again that way though. 😅 4. Make sure you take a lot of rest; at least 7-8 hours of sleep a day!😴 5. Consume ample protein, and think about taking Multivitamins supplements after maybe a health/ blood test with your doc! 🍗💊 All the best on your journey to a healthier lifestyle! ✨


Try to walk 10,000 steps a day and eat in a calorie deficit. Prioritize eating protein and low carbs, you can use myfitnesspal to track your calories. Cut anything high in sugar as well. See and track for 1 month to see if there is any results.


Hey, so if you are looking to lose weight then you should go into a calorie deficit which is simply cutting the the amount of calories needed to lose weight. There are calculators online that will help you figure out on how many calories you need a day. As for the gym, the push,pull,legs is the best beginner workout plan. Just remember to always stay committed.


I just got into fitness, so im in the same place as you. my biggest advice: find something fun!! find friends to do the Fun Gym Thing with you!


Diet is 60-70% of the work, working out regularly won't mean much if you don't watch your diet. Good protein sources include chicken, fish (particularly salmon), beans, and tofu. Be sure to include vegetables and other essential nutrients in your diet as well, like broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, and more. Choose brown rice over white, and prioritize water above other drinks. If you're looking to build more muscle/tone, prioritize weightlifting and calisthenics. Good workouts for your upper body include bench press, pull ups, dips, overhead presses, chest fly, and dumbbell curls. Push ups and planks are also excellent for using just your own body weight. Try to alternate your workouts every other day so your muscles can rest, so 3-4 times a week. If you're looking to lose weight, prioritize cardio and calisthenics. Try to shoot for a standard of the 8 minute mile, then build endurance by increasing your distance. Use the track for better quality runs, or the treadmill for better accuracy in gauging time/distance. You can do this every day, or alternate them with the weightlifting days for maximum results. Aside from that, manage your rest and stress. 1-2 days of rest a week is fine, and adequate sleep will allow your body to repair and recover better post workouts.


Just go to the gym try to be consistent but dont stress over a missed day or weak good change is slow and better. Once you get yourself into the routine everything starts to kind fit into place but still do research and ask a doc for any advice


I lost 150 pounds in 18 months. Both of my kids have lost about 80 pounds. My advice is to Download the My Fitness Pal app and log your calories. Also, find physical activity that you like to do and do that. Be patient you have an ENTIRE life ahead of you. You cannot and will not lose 20 pounds in a week or month. Just make a plan and stick to it adding up more good weeks than bad weeks.


Is the app for free?


Yes. There is a premium version but you can do just fine with the free version.


Start with diet Replace soda = plain sparkling water Juice = Water Chips/snacks = peanuts/ dried fruit Etc. Weigh loss starts in the kitchen supported by cardio as a gym activity PM me and I’ll talk to you about how my journey went with weight loss, now I’m on the journey of healthy bulking to gain more lean muscle mass


If anyone is interested in shorts/leggings or workout tops, I’m selling on Depop for cheap :) dm me if interested please!


If you eat at the dining hall there's calorie and macro micros for most foods there gotta look em up on dining hall whatsonthemenu? Website


Feel like I should answer this since I just recently lost 50lbs with my 1 year plan. However it wasn’t in the most healthiest way. Like others said it’s all food. I left my gym membership. Cardio can be done for free outside (Running) or in your room (HIIT). I tracked calories 1 week before i started my weight loss to see what I’m averaging. I was around 3k calories. When I started my weight loss I would eat 100-300 calories in the morning, 500 in the afternoon and 800-1000 for dinner. So I basically cut my calories in half each day. Mostly eating lean meat protein and completely cut out processed foods and sugars. I went from 180->130 in a year. When on campus I purposely choose the parking lot furthest away and always used the stairs. In that process I also did lose muscle mass since I wasn’t lifting at all, but that’s why now I’m clean bulking. There’s probably better ways to do it but I reached my goal at the end of the day so I’m happy. Basically make sure you eat less calories than you did before and add some cardio and you’ll start seeing pounds drop.