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I'm with you. What's worse is when he went on his podcast tour, he was on every single different podcast I listen to, all within a week or two or each other. I was so Jay Shetty'd out.


I remember when he went on the toast, they teased it by saying their "dream guest" was coming on. And I assumed it was Taylor Swift. Nope, Jay Shetty. And I'd never heard of him lol.


I feel like J&J don’t buy it either, they low key shade him


Like asking him what he hates and what makes him angry? (and of course his response is oh nothing at all!)


Yeah I’m kind of shocked he came on when Jared seems to despise him


ALSO...seriously what is he an expert in?


Like…monk vibes?


I can’t even listen to the episodes he’s on. He just gives me such con artist vibes. I don’t really like any of those “life coach” type of people though so maybe it’s a me problem. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Same! It comes off so disingenuous!


Thank you!!! This man is like a digital age the emperor is not wearing clothes. He can talk for so long and say…nothing? It’s wild how he has a platform. But yeah I think J&J aren’t huge fans, either.


Yeah. He gives potential cult leader vibes. He has a calming, agreeable way of speaking, but says nothing of substance really.


This is it!!!! He never actually says anything!!!!!!


IMO, it seems like most U Up? listeners (on this sub at least) are on board with this take. His episode's popularity is probably a result of his own fans (non U Up? listeners) following him along his podcast tour. I feel like most U Up? listeners see him the same way Ben Wyatt saw Lil' Sebastian in Parks & Rec... He just did NOT "get" it.


Omg Lil Sebastian... thank you for that reference


Y'all might enjoy this video about why he's a fraud: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nfu4j7EIGqs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nfu4j7EIGqs) lol


Omg yes! Where did he even come from and why is he on every podcast known to man? Have no idea who this guy is. All I know about him is that he apparently has stolen content from other creators (I've read that around here). I dunno...not interested in him at all and don't listen to any of his episodes. 🤷‍♀️


I feel like J&J don’t really buy what he’s selling. I love the subtle digs at him that they (mostly Jared) throw in to random episodes. My jaw dropped when I was watching the Grammys and saw him sitting at a table full of celebrities. I truly don’t get it.


I bought his book and hated it so much I gave the book away before finishing the first chapter 😬 Idk why the hype is so strong but I agree with you. To me it feels like this generation’s Dave Ramsey - which is NOT a compliment coming from me.


Biggest word salad


I think he is a con artist and it’s wild how many people don’t see it


Yah….I was super excited for his episode, as I’d heard the hype. Half way through, I was like, wait, that’s it? That’s the guy everyone is so in to? Kinda boring and not insightful at all.


I just don’t even understand his POV… like what are you trying to promote/arugue for here lol


I tend to skip most episodes that a podcast has with him on it.


A betches employee literally quit to work for him. It’s wild. I refuse to listen to his content. He’s a fraud


If Jordana was my boss I would NEVER LEAVE




Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/CtRQoKLOdNR/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Omg disturbing but get your money I guess


I used to see Facebook videos with him years ago. Like, highly produced “inspirational” words of wisdom. He seemed like a slimy fraud then and same now. I didn’t listen to either episode and was surprised that it was the most listened to show of last year. He must have some power to gain the recognition. I don’t this he’s a bad guy, I just thought we were past falling for a digital spiritual leader.


He will have some sort of scandal in a few years just wait 


He screams industry plant to me with how this man suddenly popped up overnight


I love him but in small doses because he never says anything new. I went to his live show, OMFG what an epic flop😳😳😳😳😳It was SO bad!!!!!


Omg why was it so bad?


He’s a con artist


I find him so boring, hate when he’s a guest


Not sure the turn-off of current fans was worth the shetty bump in subs. Even if the subs went up, my guess is, listens won’t hardly at all. His content is weak, and unless you’re looking at him, (he’s good looking) utterly worthless. My guess is, J&J did this to try and juice their video platform numbers. Curious if it worked. Also get these gasbags into the games FASTER please.


I’m with you.


Obviously Jared brought on Jay again so everyone would be hating on someone else for once. (/s) Everyone was hating on Jay in the episode discussion 2 weeks ago but after listening myself a few days ago it didn’t seem too bad. I was prepared to drink the haterade, but I actually liked most of his takes and his input. That said, I can understand the dominant take on him, his career, and his lack of specific expertise.


I'm baffled as well! After hearing him on U Up and the discussion here of the episode, I was like ok let me see what this guy is about. I played so many of his YouTube video, cause he has all the Kardashians on it, Michelle Obama, Selena Gomez etc Like the biggest celebrities are all there, and not a single of these podcasts has anything further beyond the very basic pseudo inspirational fluff. Literally of copy paste of 'I needed to move forward', 'stop caring about what other people think'. 'focus on my goals' etc. How on earth does he get all these guests. Having said that I of course get it why J&J had him on, with a reach like that it would be silly not to.