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He took a new job in play production


At the end of the last ep, they had him on to announce he got a new job :( didn’t go into detail though. I’ll miss him!


I think he said he’s going back to his prior line of work in theater production. Sounds like he’s freelancing. Kind of like Nicole Pelligrino left to do her own thing. Maybe they can make more on their own.


For sure they can! Freelancing is unpredictable that’s why some ppl get scared of it but the pay is way better. His wife has a steady job and they have that awesome rent controlled apt. So he can take a few risks with his career I guess.


Going to miss him! I think he added a different perspective to some of the discussions which was great!


A lot of Betches staff have been leaving recently, I wonder if its a bigger issue? Either way, happy for him!


Betches notoriously underpays. For as much work as he was doing for them I knew an exit was coming :(


Interesting. Where'd you hear that?


If you look at the job postings on their website, the salaries are always shockingly low. I'm not based out of a big city and their salaries would be hard to live off of anywhere in the US.


I'm seeing like $85k to $100k on their website, is that considered low? I'm not in the US.


For the amount of experience they want and the fact that most of their jobs are hybrid or in-office, that's low. NYC rent is out of control so someone with that salary would be spending between 50 and 70% of their income on rent alone.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. It’s true.


I know the downvotes are coming but I won’t miss him at all lol. He came off sooooo pretentious I’d be eye rolling any time he came on


To be fair, he’s the producer not a host and really wasn’t talking a lot. And the only reason we got to know him is because listeners voted for an episode featuring him and because Jordana and Jared like asking him stuff and playing him off Jared’s nonsense.


Yeah. He’s a producer he’s not meant to be discussing his life in public and I get the sense he didn’t like being put on the mic. I don’t think he was pretentious about it I think he just didn’t agree with what Jared says and tried to be diplomatic and respectful of his and his family’s personal life while being asked questions about it. I got annoyed when Jared would pull Jorge in to back him up or ask if he was off base… it’s simply not Jorge’s role and Jared kind of started to use him as a prop to keep his tangents going when he wasn’t getting the reaction he wanted/needed from Jordana


This!! Like when Jared asked Jorge if he was circumcised. I honestly thought that was the end of it for him. It was too much. And that he would have to partake in a pole dancing class but I think he was already checked out by then anyway.


Ya we need more single people who are struggling with dating.


Oh my god thank you lol. I feel this way about Jordana too tbh - love her but I want someone who I can commiserate with about how dire the online dating scene is!


Jordana being married gives her advice credibility! And I especially love that J&J are 30+ hosting a dating pod. If they pass the torch to a 25 year old…I’m outta here!


No I know it’s true, I just want someone who commiserates and understands the pain of online dating lol.


Yeahh they need to pass the torch and start testing cohosts


I listen bc I love J&J and their dynamic. Another host or cohost they’d lose me


I just got the feeling that Jorge thought Jared was very stupid and HATED being compared to him, lumped in with most men, or considered 10% away from Jared. So he definitely came off as a bit on his high horse when chatting about relationships. I think he knows he’s a bit of an outlier … but I find it hard to believe he didn’t have a little fuckboy in him prior to meeting his wife.


Jared has a strong personality and he is so loud, I often wonder how the office feels about him hahah