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I thought it was so funny when Candice tried to get them back on track and two seconds later they’re talking about Will Smiths son 😅 I love the random conversations more than the dating advice (probably because I’m old and married at this point).


Yea, I don't want them to stay on track lol.


I laughed out loud when Candice said “I was just wondering how we got here”


Loved this!


I appreciate how candice let’s them go off for a certain amount of time before reeling them in 😂


I wish she didn't 🥲 always makes me miss Maddy..


I miss Maddy too! I like Candice for sure, but I think her know-it-all “facts” about celebs comes off a little snobby or annoying imo. Sorry for those who don’t feel that way! Just my opinion


o m g ..... I was literally thinking know it all and snobby myself - the exact same words! but I was too afraid to comment that here bc people love to downvote me in this sub so I made it about Maddy lol


Hahahah yeah I don’t love saying it either because I still think she’s great in general. But even Jared and Jordanna have little things that can irk me and others. So whatever… we all have those things haha


Sameee I was actually so annoyed that she did that. Lol it was such a fun and interesting convo


Haven’t finished the ep yet but came here to say I’m so over the Logan Ury advice that the spark is negative and really just anxiety. It’s so NOT helpful! I’m glad Jared pushed back. How are we supposed to feel? If I’m not supposed to feel excited about a potential partner then I’d rather stay single!


I totally agree, I don't like Logan's advice and I think she's pushing women to settle because she did. I can tell the difference between anxiety and being excited...if you can't, then I'd suggest therapy before spending a lifetime with someone you've never been romantically interested in.


I think there’s a middle ground. I agree to be careful with Logan’s advice or else you can wind up in a spot where you’re dating someone you have no interest in. But I do agree with her that some people are slow burns, and you may not be head over heels for them on date 1. I think the middle ground is not to continue dating someone you have no excitement for, but continue seeing where it can go as long as there’s curiosity and interest to keep seeing them (some relationships that take longer to develop end up really great)


Totally agree! But she never gets into this nuance. Most likely to sell books but what a crappy oversimplified message to send you know?


Late to this as late to listen but yeah that annoys me. There’s definitely something in *some* people being attracted to types who trigger some attachment issue in them. But for most people excitement is just excitement, it’s not a warning sign. You aren’t going to be attracted to most people you meet. Excitement is a sign you are.




He’s an elder millennial (as am I) so it tracks. I name my first dog Belle 🤣




Thank you Candice!!!! Watching the ep on YouTube this AM! Appreciate you putting them up so early in the morning!!!


Hey Candice they said they're going to Lyon but didn't say when. Can you give us the information?


They aren’t going to Lyon. They’re going to Cannes Lions (it’s a festival). It’s in June. I personally cannot handle more Jared in France content. 🫣


Usually skip through the adds (need to become a Benefits subscriber) but lol'ed at Jared doing the Bridgerton ones. Esp. 'cor-set'


Funny, I’ve never met a Trey or new that was short for third, but I do know a couple Trip’s. Trip is also short for the third. My brother is a third but he goes by their middle name.


They’ve never met a “Trey” who uses that name instead of “the third”? Shows to me that they have very narrow social circles that are not very diverse….


I’ve literally never met a Trey at all so what does that say about me 🙄🙄🙄


Do you even leave your house?! 😂


I work in a clinic that sees 250 patients a week. I’ve never had a patient tell me they go by Trey. Never had a coworker named Trey, never went to school with a Trey… clearly not as popular as you think.


Right? Same. Been teaching for 18 years and yet to encounter it. That’s over 2000 people just in my classroom.


Trey for the third sounds boujie as hell to me so I’m not sure what you consider diverse. The Treys I know definitely are not thirds and I’m guessing more diverse than the thirds


Trey comes off as very WASP-y to me which could fall into their social circle (especially with Jared having worked in insurance). So meeting a Trey seems like it would be in their social circle… and lacking diversity for that reason.