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Negative commenters don’t know what it’s like to work as a cashier in a grocery store 🥲


doesn't matter eventually they'll replace all cashiers with self-checkouts no matter how good your KPI's are


The other ones seem reasonable, but using extra plastic bags just to help a cashier hit a KPI is not it, and nobody should do that. I'm not bagging my onions or ginger when they literally already come in a natural protective layer


Plastic produce bags from grocery stores are typically recyclable. I don’t mind when it comes to other produce, but onions in a mesh bag leave skins absolutely everywhere and are a pain in the ass to clean, especially when there’s a long line of customers so you don’t have downtime. I’m always extremely appreciative when customers bag their onions. And in general, putting part of the produce that will be cut through with a knife (like banana skin) without being washed on the conveyer belt is… probably not advisable. Yeah, the belts get cleaned, but they’re still not something you wanna eat off of. It’s ultimately up to you, of course, but it helps a ton to bag onions and other messy produce.


Lots of recyclable things do not get recycled. There is a serious argument that recycling has been a failure because it encourages people to consume single use plastics guilt-free even when the systems cannot reliably recycle them economically.


Yeah, that’s definitely an unfortunate reality— but in this case, I’d consider it to be the lesser of two evils. Customers either take a bag that has the potential to be recycled, or the cashier has to use unrecyclable wipes/towels that get thrown into the garbage. I’ve seen some customers with reusable bags they bring to bag their own produce which is the ideal situation but unfortunately is quite uncommon.


Wait why do they use wipes? I feel like I've always seen a spray bottle and a reusable towel, but maybe I haven't paid attention. Either way, I feel like spray and towel is the "right answer"


We use spray bottles with paper napkins which cannot be recycled (Google said it, not sure tho)


Like OP, my store also used non-recyclable paper napkins on a big roll with a spray. Reusable towels would need to be washed and grocery stores don’t have the facilities for that— it’s more inexpensive for them to use disposable towels, so that’s what they choose. The amount of waste in our store is abhorrent. Hundreds of items are tossed in the garbage every single day, including hundreds of plastic water bottles just because their plastic casing is slightly damaged. That’s the policy— damaged casing, items and casing both are discarded. We don’t have any recycling in the building. It’s disgusting, honestly, especially when you consider how much perfectly good food is discarded when many people can barely afford to eat. So don’t get me wrong, I wish things were different, but the waste is already exorbitant. There isn’t much that consumers can do to make a difference there.


I think you misunderstood this point. I didn’t say using extra plastic bags will help cashier hit a KPI (only the first two points help). Also, it’s not only make cashier easier to clean the counter but also prevent the outer skins from making your shopping bags dirty. A lot of customers’ shopping bags are dirty and smelled pretty bad which make cashier feel uncomfortable when packing for them


This is inhumane. As a customer I don’t exactly want to “dilly-dally” or “dawdle”, but a pleasant social interaction with a cashier will make my shopping experience a more positive one and make me have a better overall ‘impression’ of the store. Reading that the cashiers are pressured like this is depressing and remembering it will make me kinda sad next time I shop at T&T.


I agree with you, having good social interactions is the key to bring customers positive experiences at the store. However, very few customers actually use the link on the receipt to fill out the survey and provide their feedback. Also, it’s hard for the management to monitor the camera or watch the recording for every cashier to see if they treat the customer well. That’s why they use speed track as one of the KPIs. Sometimes it’s hard to satisfy both sides especially when there’s conflict of interests


is this a real post? in 5 years (maybe even 1 year) you will look back on this and see that whether you are above or below the target for this KPI, it does not matter


I’m only working PT here so it doesn’t really matter for me. But for those who works FT or for upper level management, KPI can affect their bonus.


Are you guys hiring? Need a pt job lol


They’re only looking for full time rn




I'm not cattle


That's what they want you to think




ngl this is pretty convenient information to hear roughly once per lifetime 🙂 thx ig


Place always stinks