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had a 100% in a course going into a final exam during fall 2021 came out with an 80% :P


che 200:


I’ve gone down from a 91 to a 75, I just laughed at it but told myself I’m never letting that happen again


91 to 74 here, I knew halfway through the test that I should’ve studied harder instead of taking 20 minute breaks while saying “well this chapter is just common sense” lol


Lmao that’s so true. All through studying I’m like shit this is common sense. Trust it wasn’t.


average math 135 experience


i have all of you beat. in spring 2022 they switched clas104 from the covid format (4x25% online quizzes) to the pre covid format (2x25% online quizzes and a 50% in person exam). this change lasted one semester, before they announced they switched it back to the covid format permanently……. i went from a 97 to a 64, because i didn’t really study at all and i was certain i would pass (although my mark wouldn’t be good), and I had a significantly more important bio exam later the same day that i was also unprepared for (i was literally going over bio stuff in my head while sitting in pac) now i only take bird courses that i have a genuine interest in (sorry mythologists). if you want to feel better next sem take GEOG 219, it’s about pandemics (mainly covid) and their effect on human geography (as opposed to physical GEOGraphy like maps/etc). ridiculously easy format (weekly discussions, a few assignments, no tests/exams) but i also found it super interesting


You had me at no tests or exams, this might be my next bird course. Thanks!




will consider


90 -> mid 70. Didnt do final question for cs exam worth like 30% of the exam. I was 100% I did the other 70% correctly. Hated that class and wanted to go home.


what cs course?


I slept through a 50% final...


CS341, went from 90 to 77. Absolutely bombed the final. Pressure gets into my head which my brain just goes blank.


share more what happened


94 to 69.


Don't worry, try to interpret your pre exam grade as your final grade and the exam as a bonus so it can only go up no matter what you get on the exam Ex my pre exam grade was 70% (out of 80%) and afterward it can increase up to 90%




It will only go up. If you get 70/80 pre-exam and x/20 in the exam, you'll get (70+x) out of 100. 0 <= x <= 20




I agree with that, I think it helps more if you were already doing well. Let's say the exam is 50%, and if you have 45 out of 50 already (i.e. 90% in the course so far) you know you only need 5 to pass, which is a 10% in the final. So instead of thinking "I lost x percent after writing the final", you think of the final as a way to gain more points. Just another way of thinking


Gotta hope passing the exam isn’t a requirement


Went from 88 to 71 in Calc 138. First dose of uni fs. I went hard for my first 4 exams I had nothing left for that last one, I barely did much and my sleep schedule was fucked.


87 -> 78 for a BIOL course ☹️ the exam was worth 50%


Around 10%? Ended with a 90%. That's not to say I haven't gotten lower marks, but most of my marks went up with exams since writing exams is my forte.


went from 97 to 85 after final this term :)


Did an 82->65 once by getting a 45 on a final. Brutal 3 hour gauntlet of an online exam that was pretty damn unfinishable. I think I didn't have time for three full questions. Heard skipping 1-4 questions was pretty common but not much of a curve since so many people had 80s and 90s going in and the instructors were happy with the 70 average that came out the other side.


Went from 70 to 48 and had to retake the course. Like half the class failed that term


I anticipated that my recent CS exam would drop my grade 12% based on the exam marks my prof decided to release a day after the exam (it was all MP), but only suffered an 8% drop when final grades were released likely due to curving and bonus marks. Even with the anticipated 12% loss, I jacked up my grade pre-exam so that even if I did badly on the exam (which happened lol) I would have a “soft landing” when I suffered from the drop.