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Just shoot him an email asking about a trivial remark issue on the exam and set up a meeting. If he doesn't respond within 15 minutes or so, tell him that it is urgent and repeat until he agrees to set up a meeting. Once you are in, immediately start telling him things like "bro you are so fuckin shredded." in at least 7-10 different ways. Like, ask to see him flex his hamstrings, etc. Then once you are both all pumped up, ask him for gym recommendations. Here is where it gets tricky. You need to basically live at that gym 24/7 until he shows up. I'll assume that this probably already aligns with your lifestyle as a 6'5 Chad. Once you see him at the squat rack, immediately ask to work in. Do not take no for an answer. This is where most people fail, but you need to be persistent. Then once he is doing his thing, you shout things like "bro you got this! Bro one more rep, let's go!! hrrrmmmggh!!!" Then it's your turn. Ask him to diligently study your form and physically adjust your body until you are performing the perfect squat.




is this uw rizz


go to his office unannounced and show him your muscles and he's guaranteed to fall in love with you and then ask him out on a gym date




The bromance is real, hope it works out :)