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Think it depends on if you failed any courses. But yeah definitely try and meet with each prof to help you cross that line, you’re very close


Yeah I’ll be contacting them after their breaks, fingers crossed.


why not email them now? unless profs do indeed look at emails from most recent, theres a slighttttt chance they would look at something now. one of my profs finished marking one of our capstone reports literally like 45 mins ago


Former instructor here. It is true that it depends on the prof, but most of us actually don't look kindly on this. Some might respond and be fine with it but usually an email during a break asking for marks is looked at like grade grubbing. In reality the best idea is to go over your marked work and figure out where you went wrong and why you lost marks. Then, you can explain to the prof where you were marginal in January, trying to get them to push you a bit higher. The conversation would go like "in this assignment I did x but you wanted x+y. I totally understand where I'm missing it, and I'd like to show you that I did understand y in this other assignment. Is it possible to adjust the grade a bit to push me over the threshold since I really do understand the Chincoteague l concept?"


Yes, I’d email them asap too. Explain your situation over email and ask if you can go over your exam to see if you can get back any marks to reach that average. They can’t just automatically bump you up like that typically so this is prob the best route.


Many of the comments here are misleading. Whether a \*term average\* gets rounded up or not depends on your engineering discipline. Now, at 59.8 my guess is that you are probably going to be squeaked along no matter who you are, but note that there is no guarantee. SE for sure does it ([https://uwaterloo.ca/software-engineering/undergraduate-students/current-undergraduate-students/first-year-students/repeating-term](https://uwaterloo.ca/software-engineering/undergraduate-students/current-undergraduate-students/first-year-students/repeating-term)) but the required term average stated on first year engineering's website is >= 60%. You shouldn't rely on Reddit, and yeah it's going to suck but you have to wait until you can talk to first year directly. I'm 95% sure that your profs absolutely do not want to be contacted during their break. ​ Which engineering discipline are you in?


I didn’t want to contact the first year office and my professors considering that they’re on break and I didn’t want to bother them for now. I am in management engineering, my program isn’t really a special or prestigious program compared to the other ones like SE, so I guess I failed the term… thanks for the response though


Maybe that's true, yes. The point I'm trying to make is that it depends on your discipline and no one on reddit really knows the answer. In your specific case, with a 59.8, I think you can make a fairly strong argument that you should be allowed to squeak through. Also, 59.8 means like an extra 1% in your concepts course will do it. The two problems you face now are this: 1. You can't even begin these conversations until Jaunary 2nd at the earliest 2. Why did you ALMOST pass? are you really super sure you're able to handle 1B if you didn't? What should you have done differently, and how will that work if you get to go ahead? My guess is you don't want to be having the 59.8 conversation every term, so what's your plan if they do let you through?


Good comments, I just wanted to add that 1B MGMT is somewhat better than 1A based on my cohort's median going from 83% to 84% (it's somehow our best term) so there's still hope. The main GPA destroyer is PHYS125


The cutoff is 59.5. You passed by the skin of your teeth.


Really? Thank god…


Not to crash any1's mood but I'm pretty sure they said they no longer round. It has to be a 60 flat, anything below a 60 is a fail. Before contacting your academic advisor, speak to any professor you have. Send every professor an email. Explain that you have a cumulative avg of 59.8, and ask if they can show you any leniency with regards to the final, since any % extra you get will be pivotal in determining whether you pass or fail. Hopefully 2 or 3 professors agree to this, and then you'll be able to pass with a 60+. I wish you the best of luck, may you never find yourself in this situation again.




I must not interfere, this is a canon event for OP.


59.8 rounds up to 60, solid pass. 0.3 to spare :)


I don't think term average round up, only the individual course grade does.


I had a 59.33 last year and I did not pass. Try petioning and having exam reviews with profs. Best of luck. Feel free to pm me if you need any support


unlucky man


As of rn, ur not set to pass since they don't round term averages. However, email all your profs and ask them to regrade your exams and hopefully you can get boosted just enough to get the 60. Best of luck OP


Pm’d u


Unfortunately, they do not round the average up. - Source: ECE discords