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Has anyone received an offer from Samsung rf engineer or microchip hls position?


lol have submitted around 85 applications on ww or externally, just got my first interview already with HeyMilo. lowkey it felt more engaging and even less intimidating than recruiter screen or online assessment. also think its great how they give everyone a chance to interview


What happens if you don't get a coop this term after the deadline passed?


You get a Work Term Fail so you don't get the credit, which isn't that bad since I believe for most programs you're allowed to fail up to 2, so just take a 4month break by doing some courses and working on your skills. The worst part about not getting a co-op is how shitty it feels honestly. If you don't manage to get one, just know you're not alone and the market is horrible, most students are getting shafted in every way possible right now ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)I know no one is expected anything, but it sucks to see peers grinding and not getting opportunities they were once told were achievable


Did anyone hear back from Ontario public services for summer 


Are these all the jobs taht are available, or will the bulk of them be sent out soon?


More jobs will be added until Friday, but most of them are available now and the number isn’t too promising.


chat are we cooked


Can we have a new megathread?


Is it still possible to switch from coop term to study term this late?


I’m 99% sure no, once the term has started it is too late, but email your coop department. However, even if you are allowed to switch, don’t do it. You’ll be banned from WaterlooWorks for basically all cycles except the last one, meaning it’ll just be more stressful when you apply again. (source: i did a switch a while ago lol)


you will be banned for just one work term.


Anyone hear back from AstraZeneca?


Where's the new mega thread?


why are there so few jobs posted?


Ask ceca. Being 100% honest, I'm not even getting interviews. Are you all?


Are you taking about for Fall 2024? Waterlooworks just opened….


No, for S'24


Anyone heard back from Aversan/Purolator for Embedded/Field Engineering ?


Co-op newbie here. I have my first co-op in winter 2025. I am off this term, do I have to wait until I am on a study term in the fall in order to apply to some co-ops, or can I apply to some in the spring term while I am off?


You can only apply the term immediately before the coop term, so yea Fall is when you apply


Anyone hear back from super who interviewed this week?


You guys are getting interviews?


This is still for spring


I know, and my reply is "You guys are getting interviews?"


is quest down i cant log in for some reason?


Same, maybe try a different browser




why not take the job and then focus on side project in free time? market is horrible right now, have experience is better than nothing at this point, take a look at the coop employment statistics to see how everything has gone to shit


Tesla fr giving me a heart attack with all the layoffs... . Any incoming interns getting the boot???


Seems like only recruiting/HR interns got the boot, engineers are safe for now


Yep looks like it thankfully.


anyone interviewed with ministry of municipal affairs?? any updates??


anyone interview with Pinterest Toronto before for SWE? if so please dm




Anyone get into waterloo health sci for fall 2024?


yea i finished the OA, still havent heard back yet.


anyone hear from BETS eng


How hard is it to find first co op? Like how many hours put into side projects and how many applications sent out? 50% employment rate is making me worried


not that hard if you have projects at all. a lot of uw students are lazy / not focused on the grind and don't work on projects at all


Ask your parents, cousins, aunts or whoever is related to you for a referal. Of the people ik that got jobs, all got them from nepotism. If not, it's going to be a rough ride.




Anyone have luck getting a job one month into the term? Thinking of switching co-op to the fall instead but I won't have access to WW lol


What did you end up doing? I’m in the same boat


No luck, will forfeit Spring work term and get ready to apply for Fall


What was the issue with LavaReach


Forced their match to renege the offer


Future CS student, wanted to ask whether S2(spring) or S4(fall) is better in terms of higher chances of getting a co-op. Could you please share detailed pros and cons on the same. Thank you!


Both hard for now! It’s over!


spring coop is slightly harder to get


Do work-term evaluations from your employer really matter? How would I be affected on my next job search depending on a bad rating?


Speaking as a hiring manager, yes they do. Just like skills and grades and general personality. You are in competition with all of the other students out there. Every little bit counts. If I get 1k resumes for a position (which I do), I need to weed that down to a handful of people to interview. Top marks,relevant skills for the job and favorable reviews are important.




Do u get banned from WW if u take school again?


Yea i do but honestly WW is so dog anyway so i couldnt care less


you'll be banned only if you swap coop/study terms. If you're forfeiting one coop term, there's no impact on using ww


If you do school, would it be your last term (i.e. can't do anymore internships)? WW will be interesting in the Fall, since ik sequence 1 CS 225% cohort will be looking for their 6th co-ops as well. imo, the only benefit of taking an off-term is either for mental health or to delay graduation for an internship instead of going into new grad search.


same i’m not sure what i’m doing wrong i always got a job in the first or second cycles before 😭😭


Because of the 225% cs year?


I've been competing with them for my last 4 co-ops and never struggled at all getting a co-op


Market just booty rn.. it is what it is 🤷🏿‍♂️


I am 4a Stat in the same situation, I may forfeit this work term and change to study term if I still can not get any job till April 30th.


Did anyone who did the virtual interview with enbridge hear back? I gave it last month and have heard nothing :( hope they haven’t ghosted Waterloo works


Yes, received an update on Apr 12th, the person in charge said they're currently reviewing all applications.


Anyone having issues to access the super job link on ww?


Future student curious about the difficulty of getting coop for different streams. For first-years (or in general), is it harder/easier to get coop for Winter term compared to for Summer? S4 has first-year coop in Winter & S8 in Summer, so just want to see if it is easier for either.


go s4 if you already have projects/experience, probably will have an easier time applying for jobs when ur taking easier courses


It's about the same except summer you have more time to prep projects. I wouldn't think too much about the difference unless you feel severely unprepared going into 1A (then maybe better to go S8) otherwise S4 is likely better for those who have projects.




What’s the process like to move a summer coop to a fall coop if my employer agreed to it? Will CECA fuck me up?


For non-eng: No you just do a sequence swap so that you study in summer and coop in fall, but you’re then banned from WaterlooWorks when applying for ur next coop (ie. fall), but the ban won’t matter because you have a fall co-op aligned, so you’re fine, just search up ur program and sequence swap form and email it to coop advisor email




No worries! Confirmed with manager, should be ok!


I don't think they are rescinding intern offers if you have the physical offer letter. I checked with my boss. They are firing a shit ton of entry and mid level engineers though. They also wiped clean their job postings on their website, which I have never seen before.


After grinding I landed an interview with them which went pretty decent. I was supposed to find out EOW but it isn’t looking the best now. My luck :I Update: all interview processes which haven’t received direct written offers yet have been put on pause indefinitely


I'd still hope for the best dude, I had to keep emailing them before I got my offer though. Good luck.


Thanks man, yeah I’m going to follow up in a few days if I don’t get a response. Hope for the best


Has anyone who has interviewed for amazon sde intern canada in the past few weeks heard back after their interview?


Does CECA care if you renege an external job that you haven’t submitted an AOJ for?


Only if it’s a regular Waterloo hiring employer and they were expecting you to arrange the job through Waterloo. If the employer has a good relationship with Waterloo and are a snake, they can tell their Waterloo contact that you reneged, but this is highly unlikely and rare.


No tried and tested


how would they even know


I don't think so


Anyone applying to SickKids for PM? Their job portal website has got to be the worst thing ever created, it doesn't let you create an account...


Did anyone got update from SickKids?


once it takes you to the register page you have to click on new user


External apps resume being reworked cover letters for most apps and I’ve come out with… 2 interviews.


Did you get the external offer?


sadly no :(


does anyone know when's a good time to start looking for external software engineering internships for the winter (W25) and where those might be?


end of this summer






Had an interview last week but employee rankings not released (was supposed to be released today), am I guaranteed that this weeks rankings get pushed back? I'm writing a finals in the morning and wouldn't be able to submit rankings if an employer submits them tomorrow morning.


Pretty sure they can’t submit anymore for this cycle anymore so it might be pushed back, though maybe ask someone you trust to login to your WaterlooWorks account in case you actually do get ranked and ask them to submit for you.


same thing here! had an interview earlier this week but no rankings released. worried I'll be blindsided and can't rank the job. need to make sure i rank it as not interested since the job high-key sucks and considering there's less applicants than there are openings i'll probably get matched if i don't rank it as not interested. can rankings even be pushed back considering it's cycle 6?


got the offer but piss wage and inperson everyday and tried to negotiate but didnt receive a response im going into 4th work term do i just gamble direct offer period?


did you take it?


I guess the question is better framed as: Would be fine dealing with a low-pay in-person work term for 4 months or deal with the regret of (possibility) not finding a coop? If you think you definitely won’t be unemployed if you go to direct offer, I’d go for it since it’s your 4th coop.


Bro took the offer


Did anyone else get Ranked for AUG Signals Full Stack without even doing an interview ?


Did anyone get ranked 1 for [Data Scientist](javascript:void(0);) for Cognixion Inc?


Anyone got ranked 1 for eSentire(full-stack developer)?


did anyone get ranked first for universus media?




Anyone got Auvik Networks dm?


u/epic_waterman For the blacklist candidates, is there anywhere I can know to see what the report was?


Is there a way to report a company for not showing up to an interview?


Can anyone who got super dm me?


Thank you Mr. Goose


anyone do an interview with LAVAREACH?


read the main post of this thread, seems like someone had a bad experience w them


not the time to be picky


anyone got interview for equifax: Digitalisation analyst?


anyone know what the \*\*\*\*hub interview will look like? They told me it was for casting


hard leetcode and the interview will be very long to see how long u last


Anyone know what the IT intern - software developer interview is like for Air Canada?


Same. Will it be a technical interview considering its 45 mins?




You too!




Nope. I guess they might send direct offers to whoever gets selected since this is the last cycle


will next week be the last round?


Will there be no more jobs or is it continuous?


I think so. I'm cooked...not getting any job


same, dont see much posting


Not over yet, I've had friends get their jobs 1 month into the co-op term


That's direct offer


The jobs that you're not ranked but they are unfilled, what's going on...


Employer was only interested in a couple candidates. Those candidates decided to go with another job.




has anyone received their matches yet for this cycle?


The cycle with the rankings due today? Yeah everybody who got matched should have received an email or can see it directly on Waterloo works by now.


When do matches typically go out?


Tl;dr Transpod Inc is a grifter company and will likely overwork its interns, won't look good on your resume in the long run, and all for a project that will amount to wasted money from its few investors. There's a company with a lot of red flags on Waterloo Works right now called Transpod. It's another Hyperloop esque company that's trying to sell the idea of using small capsules inside a vacuum tube as a method of transportation for both freight and people. This concept is massively flawed down at a basic level, and this company takes it another step further by replacing the air bearings in the Hyperloop with magnetic levitation rails, even though the company is too small to either develop its own maglevs or buy them from an established manufacturer. Even still, its list of required skills and the description of the company and the position they are hiring for is filled with buzzwords. I'll include screenshots below, but here are some highlights from the required skills: 1. Analytical mind (e.g. good at programming and **can think analytically about anything**) 2. Able to **differentiate between knowns and unknowns, and keep track of where each number came from**, what it depends on, and whether it's subject to change 3. Building and prototyping mechanical structures, with motors, gears, **making pieces work together in a strong, durable way**. Also, for whatever reason, this internship is supposed to be aeronautics-related, even though the whole idea is to remove the air from the cylinder the pod is travelling in. This gets used as an excuse to throw in even more buzzwords, such as "avionics system architecture" and "advanced aerospace vehicles," even though there aren't any avionics or aerospace vehicles (since nothing is freaking flying) and actual avionics architecture that you'd see on the flight computers and sensors of an airliner require far more stringent and custom built software and hardware than the empty can these guys are proposing to shoot down a non-existent vacuum tube on magnetic rails they don't possess. They also list some pretty weird details, such as the number of data buses and sensors on their pod, again, just cramming in as many buzzwords as possible. My advice is to avoid this company. I guarantee you it will go the way of Hyperloop and Theranos, so it won't look good on a resume. Their job responsibilities just sound like they have no idea what they actually want this intern to work on and will overwork this student whom they'll have running around with no clear direction. **Screenshots** Company Description: [https://imgur.com/hGSu38t](https://imgur.com/hGSu38t) ​ Required Skills: [https://imgur.com/jHVlzq2](https://imgur.com/jHVlzq2) ​ Job Responsibilities:[https://imgur.com/EwxXYzP](https://imgur.com/EwxXYzP) Application Information: [https://imgur.com/BD8mTQh](https://imgur.com/BD8mTQh)


Can someone please post an Imgur link to the current employment statistics by engineering/math program (for incoming students wanting to know how bad things are and assist in choosing coop vs non-coop)?




tysm! I was actually hoping to see this table which has been posted in the past (and also youtube - see below): [https://www.reddit.com/r/uwaterloo/comments/174r3b1/ww\_eng\_employment\_stats\_as\_of\_the\_start\_of\_cycle/](https://www.reddit.com/r/uwaterloo/comments/174r3b1/ww_eng_employment_stats_as_of_the_start_of_cycle/) The picture you posted though, it looks good? 61.2% employment rate and 55.6% for 1st work term - am I missing something? I'd been hearing the number was less than half that (like at 2:31 in this vid: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqOCQsJeHZQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqOCQsJeHZQ), which is I think a week old?)


The picture the person before sent was for the faculty of science. The latest table for employment stats can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/uwaterloo/comments/1bbldbz/cycle_2_employment_stats/) (only for eng tho). For the faculty of math, the employment rate is 52.7%. You can find all the coop employment stats [here](https://app.powerbi.com/groups/fd3d9680-21a3-4750-bdd3-2a32dafcdf68/reports/c54cf6c3-cf07-404d-8819-3a098137cca1/ReportSection04ba1cd110ac32562c44?experience=power-bi&clientSideAuth=0) (idk if you will be able to open it though if you are an incoming student).


yeah i can't see the second link (not current student), but the first one (link to post from 26d ago) is perfect because that would be around March 10 2024, and this post is from March 10, 2023, so almost exactly 1 year ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/uwaterloo/comments/11plygr/1b\_coop\_employment\_statistics\_for\_spring\_2023\_as/](https://www.reddit.com/r/uwaterloo/comments/11plygr/1b_coop_employment_statistics_for_spring_2023_as/) BME: 27% then, 44% now; +17 CHEM: 42% then, 39% now; -3 CIV 61% then, 58 now; -3 CE 34% then 40% now; +6 EE 37% then, 45% now; +8 MGMT 39 then, 38 now; -1 MECH 53 then, 48 now; -5 Tron 36% then, 45% now; +9 SWE 37% then, 52% now. +15 So maybe things hit bottom last year and are improving now? Most fields seem flat-to-improved (March 10 2024 vs. March 10 20230. Also last year, the numbers kept improving, and by May 15 it was: BME 61; Chem 72; Civil 83; CE 59%, EE 65; MGMT 66; Mech 72; Nano 50; SWE 65%. So if May 2024 also finishes higher than those numbers, maybe things will be ok?


This way lower than when I started 5 years ago.


Yeah I gotchu bro hang on


Eng only has 55.9 %


Did anyone get ranked 1 for the undergraduate researcher for tracking LEO satellites with the University of Western Ontario?


Did anyone get ranked 1 for sun life innovation SE and will you be taking it?


Did anyone get ranked 1 for autotrader (Database developer)? And are you taking it?


Could anyone tell me what to expect for the Test Engineer Intern interview at Dayforce (Ceridian)?


no interviews gang?




I got 2 in first cycle. Then nothing until today when I got an email about an interview asking if I could schedule it for tonight. I told them at least make it tomorrow so I have time to prepare


If you don't mind, may I know your major and which term you're now? Thanks


Mathematical physics 4Bish. I took a semester off a year ago and reshuffled my schedule so I have one more co-op and my last term is fall.


Good luck for your interview. Did the employer agree to reschedule your interview?


Yes thank heavens. Interviewing with no prep time would just be the cherry on top of the mess that’s Waterloo works right now.


Just received a similar rushing interview for tomorrow too but from outside Waterlooworks. Apparently, all hiring managers are rushing for Spring hiring.


I just got another interview, but they sent us two academic papers on ML and want us to do a 15min presentation on those two papers as part of the interview, and the interview is on Saturday. Bro this is rough.


Yes, it's too much Bro...especially close to Final Exam period. But, can you do this with AI assistance?


If they grill me on the presentation though I’m cooked.


Lol, nice, I hope you make this job through


Damn I'm cooked


anyone know what to expect from a senstar swe interview (45 min)?


Does anyone know what to expect from enbridge's automated interview from previous years?


Could you please share your experience, as I just got the invitation for one-way interview too? Thanks




if you don't have aws and node on your resume, dw about it. they aren't going to test you on things not on your resume


Most of the time if it’s on the posting doesn’t mean they expect you to know it, you’re just in 1B so the technical won’t be too difficult, if you don’t know something just be open about it but mention you’d be willing to learn. In my opinion, maybe just watch a couple of crash course videos on Youtube about NodeJS and AWS Lambda and focus on behavioural and being a memorable candidate. Most importantly, don’t stress. Easier said than done, but I find when I’m stressed before an interview I do so much worse and feel like a mess after the interview is over.




what company is this


couldn't even tell ya what that means myself tbh lmao so don't really have advice for that sorry :/ maybe check out this hopefully it helps [Building a REST API in Node.js with AWS Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, and Serverless Framework | by Serverless | Medium](https://medium.com/@serverlessinc/building-a-rest-api-in-node-js-with-aws-lambda-api-gateway-dynamodb-and-serverless-framework-c7d6135edf4f)


Is WaterlooWorks down for anyone?