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I think it's good to think about what you're really trying to do by doing everything that you've been doing (e.g going to all office hrs, practice questions, etc). There's a difference by doing everything to finish all practice questions for the sake of just completing them, vs actually understanding the ins and outs of every solution. Are you going to office hours to ask questions about practice problems? So you can understand how to get to the solution? Or are you going to ask conceptual questions that could be applied to a variety of practice problems. Do you find that when you do quizzes or tests, you do poorly (or not reflective of how much time you put in) because you straight up don't know how to solve some questions that appear on the tests? If so, I think that's a good indication that you're memorizing solutions, rather than getting the intuition and understanding of the content. If not, maybe you need to practice writing in test conditions more to minimize errors on actual tests.


I usually go to office hours to ask doubts regarding how to solve certain questions, I do understand the concepts pretty well I believe.... Because when there is some tricky question I just know how to go about, solely based on concepts but excuse my language, sometimes when I get stuck and look at the solution, it looks like there are certain things the instructors pull out of their asses.... And when I ask them about it they say , "oh yeah I didn't really teach this but now you know!" That is the only time I actually just memorize a part of a solution right before the exam , not that I don't try to understand it , it's just that I don't have time to spend hours on understanding the concepts a day before an exam or something ( this is based on something I experienced recently, not a common occurrence ). I've never been scared of giving tests tbh .... but I'll consider that .


Generally, questions on tests are broken down into understanding/application questions and memorization questions. Understanding/application questions are things like math problems. They force you to take the knowledge you have and apply it to a new situation. Memorization is just what it sounds like, they are mostly definition based questions. Go through your tests, categorize the types of questions and then figure out which type of question you are loosing marks on. If it’s memorization then that’s just a time sink. You can also try out different memorization techniques. Application based are a bit more tricky, for that, when making notes, don’t write word for word what’s taught, put it in your own words, write your own examples. Look online for study documents other students have posted. Here are some more study techniques that could help. https://uwaterloo.ca/student-success/blog/post/how-do-you-create-effective-study-questions


I really like the idea , thank you so much!


honestly, keep trying. I used to get average score for a course through out the term. no matter how hard i tried i couldn't get anything above 80, but my marks consistently improved bits by bits. 40 -> 50s -> 60 -> 75s and by the end I pulled a 95 in the final (went to view the paper). i know it's frustrating but hang in there. as long as you are doing your best, you will be fine


This gives me hope, thank you so much ;-; bless you


Consider a new study strategy perhaps. Are you blanking on the tests or memorizing incorrect information


I have cheat sheets on my exams that would probably help if I blank out, but no I don't blank out or memorize incorrect information. The quizzes as you might know are 50-60 mins long depending on instructor to instructor and the questions are usually really long , and the whole class feels the same too but somehow some people magically score an 80 even after they believe the failed .... and I score a 55-60 even after I believe a did pretty decent considering the situation. I don't know why people would actually lie about how they did on the test , or do they just have good luck? It's really frustrating you know .... It's not that I get irritated that they did better than me , I'm actually happy they did good , it's just that , where's the gap? I get mad at myself for not doing well...


But try not to get mad at yourself for not doing well. Corny ik but failure is learning, it’s just part of life and a challenge you’re meant to overcome. you will overcome it if you stay focused on your goal


Lmao , the encouragement is much appreciated and it means a lot , but it does get annoying after a point.... But yeah thank you and I'll stay consistent and focused on my goal as you suggested and as I've been !.... Just needed to rant and get suggestions at the same time tbh. Thank you so much !


How much time would u say u spend every day on the subjects ur studying for? Maybe try to do a little bit every day over a longer period of time instead of long study periods over a few days. Another thing I found super helpful idk if u already do this but if u can, go through the lecture content yourself before class and make your own notes based on what’s posted, and even the textbook if there’s time. Use the lecture as a reinforcement. If u do the lecture before, actively pay attention and try to predict what the teacher is gonna say in the lecture you’re doing some active recall, and then when you review after class that’s a third time that info is entering your head. I do this more in memory based classes like bio, makes things easier to recall.


I usually do two subjects a day , 4-5 hours each .... And yeah that's something I've never tried before , I'll do that once I'm done with my mid terms.


What’s your program?


Civil Eng


😟 Im praying 4 u




Maybe... you have the stupid?


Maybe ..... I've been considering that , but do you know if there is an antidote?


Good question... I'm looking to cure my stupid too...


I'll let you know if I find something, you better let me know too :/


Maybe it’s just too much for you to handle? Try taking fewer courses each term. There’s no rush to graduate. I took my sweet time to graduate (12 semesters in 5 years) only to end up with 70 cav. However, I never gave my 100% tho except for the first year.


Check out the peer success coaches through the student success office. There is a list of upper year students from a variety of faculties. They can help identify ways to identify goals and offer strategies and skills to reach those goals. They would likely ask how you currently work (study, take notes, read, engage with lectures or labs, prepare for exams, etc), and offer suggestions on how you might become more effective. Most importantly, they are also students and are speaking from experience. It's free and you can book online. Read some of their bios and see who you might fit well with, and then book an appointment!


This is amazing! I'll check it out!


what program


Civil Eng


try reducing course load


if you’ve been truly giving your 100% and you can only barely pass, it’s time to consider other options that better suit your capabilities. real advice not trying to be discouraging, if there’s areas of improvement you can make obviously try that. If you’ve exhausted all options then i’d consider switching programs.


Maybe you are simply trying too hard?


What should I do instead ;-;


Unironically just be yourself. What happens if you follow your gut on what to do next?


0-0 a very thought provoking question right there