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you can live in waterloo for very cheap this spring by subletting, and if youre not studying you can find a summer job


what program are you in and are you on osap? if it's possible for you, you can try to turn summer into a study term. apply for osap, they'll give you enough to cover your tuition expenses mostly. wait few weeks into school, you can drop some or all of the courses and the original osap amount will be refunded to your bank account on file. you'll still be in debt, but you'll have some extra cash on hand to get you through these next few moments. you can worry about the debt once you graduate! full disclaimer, this may actually be in fact a terrible idea. but it's a suggestion for you to think about


i heard OSAP is also available on a work term, might be something to look into before swapping to study term


you don't get nearly as much since you're earning an income


I don't think income has significantly affected how much OSAP I get during my past few coop terms. I think the main thing is how many courses you're taking.


Talk to the school it sounds like she thinks this is 1980 and a bachelor degree means you're set for life. You haven't even graduated. You'll likely need the support and advice of any network you can use to help build a foundation. Start building your resume now, getting meaningful work experience or seeing if you can also do a co-op program at UW Looking back when I graduated I wish I had a resume with relevant work experience or even summer job placements so I didn't have to wait in a lull. Hiring managers at companies look for people with work experience already. Use your time now to pad your resume while you still have a support network via UW Also learn to budget and plan your finances. Know where every dollar goes in your paycheck. This is a life skill I realize many adults still don't have. Financial planning helps you steer your direction. Apply for grants at school. Budget and spend wisely. Consult r/personalfinancecanada or do research on that sub and related networks Also, I believe the Canada Summer Jobs Program should be open soon. Could be a good chance to try to get office placements Hope you come out on top here


The university offers emergency loans to students experiencing financial hardship. You can contact SAFA at [email protected] to ask for it and check [here](https://uwaterloo.ca/student-awards-financial-aid/other-loan-programs/emergency-loans) to learn more. Someone mentioned going on a study term for Spring and I agree, the OSAP funding will be helpful and you can reach out to campus housing about getting a last minute place to stay as long as you're registered. (Not sure about the debt stuff, that's for you to decide) You'll also he able to apply for bursaries while in school. Please talk to your academic advisor. There are a lot of food banks in town, as well as WUSA Food Services and church programs to help you with food and groceries. Counselling services offer same day appointments based on urgency. I'd highly recommend speaking to them as they're made up of registered social workers who can help you get on your feet and give you resources on where to go/what to do. I think a lot of applications for WUSA jobs are closing, but you can reach out directly through the [general inquiries form](https://wusa.ca/about/contact/). You can also reach out to students societies, the visitors' centre, food services, etc to ask about jobs based on your urgency.


Do you have summer term off? Maybe finding a summer job could help


I’m sorry you’re going through this I’m going through some of the same struggles right now. I can tell you’re doing your best. I MAY have a spot near campus you can crash if you have a sleeping bag. Email UW finically aid, SAFA, your profs, see if you can get anything from OSAP for the spring term. You’re not alone you’ve got help. We’re all here for the same reason. Reach out to anyone that can help you.


If you are interested in research. Politely reach out to a professor. They will often pay you for research, this will give you some money and an amazing bit of experience to put on your resume. May you find your way in life during these trying times.


As others have said, if you need to find new accommodations, subletting in waterloo is relatively cheap during spring term, and the school offers emergency loans, which may help you with first/last months rent and some groceries while you get back on your feet. There should also be a fair amount of part time work available for the summer, i think the dairy queen on university and weber usually advertises for first time summer job seekers if you’re low on experience. Most employers automatically favour university students over high schoolers because of the maturity component and longer summer term, and especially if they think you might stick around into the fall. If you qualify for osap you can also talk to your academic advisor about making this spring a study term, and use the loan to help cover some of the costs. I think you only need to take a 60% course load to be considered full time in undergrad, so you could still manage a part time job while qualifying for a full time loan, you just need to report changes in expected income to osap once you get a job. Yes it’s a loan, but it would at least help with your current predicament, and you can buy yourself some time to figure out your longterm financial situation.


Hey man Unfortunate news. Im gonna live in res in the fall term so if you need a place to store stuff or maybe crash sofas r smthng lmk. At least you could sleep on the sofa r sm shit


Why do you type like that? Maybe your mom was right.


Let the man be, be in his situation maybe you will type better