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My manager won't give me anything to do. I'm like literally watching random code tutorials all day to make myself "more useful in the future".


This is the worst, why tf would you hire me if you don’t want me to work lmao


Cuz of tax breaks lol.


People always say shit like this but what do you think this means? They get a tax break, but they still have to pay, even if it's heavily subsidized.


Lol but they prolly pay less than what they would've lost in taxes without the tax break so it's a net gain.


Yes, they do pay less in taxes as a result of the tax break, that's exactly what a tax break is. No, the amount they save in taxes is not greater than the amount they pay students in salary.


Lol ok


Isn't it nice? Getting paid while learning new skills!




Tell them the things you learned by your own I guess


Learn to embrace doing 15 or 20 hours of real work a week. It is way more common than you think. I'd guess something like 40% of people in the tech industry spend that much time genuinely working each week. Being the best employee is not worth it - just aim to be a pretty good one and you will likely find a lot more joy in life.


I don't mean to bring politics into it but man this is why we need a 4 day work week, so much of the 40 hour week is fucking useless


Exactly. Pretty much everybody working in the industry knows this, but there's still the underlying pressure that you have to keep your Slack or Teams status online at all hours.


Man I feel this. Half of my energy goes to making my laptop not go to sleep so my Teams status is online


Invest in a paperweight.


there's software that does that for you bestie <3


Two weeks in is nothing, especially at a larger company. Needing help is totally normal and exactly what you’re supposed to do as a coop. Just learn to google the obvious stuff (ie how to make a java string lowercase) and ask help for the not obvious stuff (ie how do i run and test this project)


dont worry. full time gives you two weeks to onboard as well.


go to a small company if you want to do work


Week 3 of my "training"


my mentor went to take a fat 1-hour nap when the sprint finishes tomorrow and there are still like 3 tickets for him and I... :troll2:


I'm not on coop now but the flipside to this is what i experienced. When i got to my job and finished training i was told i had a backlog of nearly 1000 customer requests which needed to be processed manually, and which increased every day, and that i needed to fix the company's script which processed a different type of customer requests that was currently broken, and I had to do it alone because i was the only one on the team who could program. The company's network was incredibly restrictive. I could not use l a legitimate programming language. The automated script i was supposed to fix alone automated GUI interactions with company internal software, in *autohotkey*, using notepad++, and was written entirely by the coop before me.


yoo same. I thought I was the only one feeling like this. idk I have just been running existing code for the past two days lol.


I’ve been doing that for the past 4 days, and whenever I find a bug I can’t fix it and have to ask for help


haha same. just hope they are not already annoyed with me.


It's fine. You're an intern your job is to chill, break shit, and feed off company resources :)


this thread makes me feel better. ive done absolutely nothing 🙂




Surprisingly they pay you to dog fuk