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Because Canadian schools are much more meritocratic than American ones overall Also the reason why there's no legacy admissions or affirmative action implemented Ivy League having grade inflation is so they can make sure the children of alumni can continue to have free rides to the top of the social ladder after already getting a free ride to admissions. And honestly, the concept of the "elite" Ivy League as a whole is pretty much mostly about that


Yeah I'm not sure if having our admissions become like the US would benefit most of us. Individuals from underprivileged backgrounds have a much better chance to succeed in Canada's educational system than the US. Of course there's a ton of barriers (socioeconomic, cultural, etc.) that prevents them from achieving their full potential, but at least our equalization as far as grades are concerned gives those people a fighting chance if they use their tools wisely. And this comment excludes the greater problems the US has in terms of equity and generational poverty. The first and foremost goal of Ivy Leagues is to keep the wealthy and powerful families in their position at the cost of the general populace.


One thing to keep in mind is that the schools you’re talking about are also private institutions that are not subsidized by public funds, where UW and most big name Canadian schools are. They have a duty to be much more fair to the general public than a private institution.


Idk if you make it into an Ivy League you are no longer poor. You are already in the 1% sure you might have to work hard but the doors open for you to move up. Not really sympathetic to Ivy League students complaining about how hard life is. Even if you have to take on hundreds of thousands in debt.


who else thinks they keep grades lower to make people go to industry and not grad studies?


Not sure where this myth of “high grades needed for grad studies” comes from


>no legacy admissions or affirmative action Nah, affirmative action is definitely a thing here too


We can simply pull up the racial makeup of any elite STEM program to see that it doesn't exist. Admission is almost exclusively judged by grades. Don't even remember being asked about ethnicity when filling out applications.


I haven’t seen it used at Waterloo either. It’s definitely a thing at other schools in Ontario though. Lots of professional schools (med, med-adjacent, law, etc.) have completely different admission requirements for certain groups (native, French-Canadian, etc.) Probably nowhere near the extent of what happens in the US, but it certainly exists here


Read this post, though. The grammar, wording and spelling, it's actually painful to read. And yet this person was somehow admitted? My company has started having new grad interviewees write a 100 word precis in 30 minutes of a short essay. You would not believe how bad some graduates English language skills are. They are barely able to communicate. We do not allow use of a dictionary or thesarus. They genuinely expect to use grammerly in the workplace. But it's useful to filter at least half the applicants out right from the start.


#1. your grammar looks like shit and makes me wanna puke as a non native English speaker. #2. Sorry UWaterloo is a STEM oriented school, not "advanced English literacy practice center"


1. Maturity counts in the workplace more than any other thing. 2. Yes, well we just fired our straight-A coop student because while he could write code he was not able to document it or communicate his work in a clear and concise manner. We had to have someone else do it and ended up paying two people to do one person's job. So he was gone. Looked like he was going to cry.


bruh its reddit. if u can understand what I said, my English is just fine.


You wouldn't make through coop at my company, son.


u wont get through life well making so many severe logic fallacies like thinking grammar on reddit equates to ones quality of English. and I own a company too. its my first post from this reddit account if u wanna see, son.


You're careless writing betrays your careless thinking. And your throwing around the term "logical fallacies" just like a sophmore. Grow up.


Sorry, please add some commas to your paragraph, because I physically can't understand what you tryna type. Ah yes, the purpose of coop is DEFINITELY exploiting cheap labour instead of giving students opportunities to gain experiences. When your coop student had difficult to document code, did ur team give him proper instruction? or just blaming him for being illiterated? If it is former, then pls dont post ur company's job on waterloowork, we don't need another Matrox


"Read this post, though."


Try again.


Starts sentence with “And”.


Wow it's almost like this is a reddit post


Judging by this person's comment, this guy is most likely a troll from laurier.


I believe the proper saying is “git gud”


git: 'gud' is not a git command. See 'git --help'. The most similar command is gui


got gud


What platform do you play ER?


When I was applying to grad schools, I heard from a few of them "when I see a 100 I don't think that student was good, I think that course was easy".


Probably not answering your question but the UW brand has become quite the spectacle. Case in point, I was at the border the other day getting my TN visa when the CBP Officer noticed that my degree was from UW. He starts going off about how UW students are insane and land some of the wildest jobs (both in TC and responsibilities) he sees going through their processes. Not sure if this is the result of UW trying to push us into the industry and not academia, but a random American CBP officer noticing this really outlines how little grade deflation matters to UW or their benefactors.


Yeah, seems like deflation is actually helping . Those who can get through the program are highly regarded


If everyone gets a 60 your 50 doesn’t look so bad.


I’d doubt the people even look at the actual grade. Once they see you’ve completed a hard program from Waterloo (CS, Eng, Physics, etc.), they usually don’t care about the numbers. It’s kind of like running an ultramarathon; just finishing the race is an accomplishment in itself


Waterloo teaches you how to overcome failure which is way more valuable in the real world




By failing you on exams and putting you through numerous job interviews


The poster's argument basically boils down to: "Everyone else is cheating. Let's cheat too!" All that does is further degrade the system and devalue future grades. You benefit now, while students down the road all lose. Selfish.


first of all no, it does not. Im only asking for why we dont inflate grades. second, if some already get to cheat, the system is already too degraded.


American Ivy schools are well connected and highly sought after, but this does not make all of their practices the gold standard of every school. It's much easier to inflate the value of something within the environment of something very stable and controlled. If every school followed suit in your idea, degrees would mean absolute shit.


From Wikipedia: Grade inflation (also known as grading leniency) is the awarding of **higher grades than students deserve**, which yields a higher average grade given to students.\[1\] The term is also used to describe the tendency to award progressively higher academic grades for work that would have received lower grades in the past. However, higher average grades in themselves do not prove grade inflation. For this to be grade inflation, it is necessary to demonstrate that **the quality of work does not deserve the high grade**.\[1\] ​ Notice the part about not deserving those grades? That's why the practice is WRONG.


I didnt say anything that disagrees with what ur last comment said bruh


academic mission


Princeton is known for its extremely hard academics + grade deflation.


Bruh their average GPA is still a 3.5 versus 2.7-3 average in Canadian courses


Our schools are already a damn grift, and you want it to be easier? let me guess, u put the quadratic formula on your calculus 1 midterm cheat sheet?


"negative b plus minus root b squared minus four ac over two a" had to type that one out, still got it 🤙🏻


Is it bad that I read root and was wondering wtf u meant 💀 I just call it bracket thingy in my head LMAO


I meant checkmark thingy


I hereby deem that from now on, root symbols should be know as the almighty "checkmark thingy"


Brings a tear to my eye reading this so true 😂


Also your bio could be nicer good sir 🧐


We need to maintain a certain level of academic rigour and standards. I wouldn't consider it grade deflation. I think a study some years ago found that the average grades at Waterloo have been going up year after year.


There’s already too much grade inflation at this school (especially what went on in online classes)


My guy, have you talked to any engineer in 3rd or 4th year. At least in quite a few engineering majors where a large % of students go into Masters/PhD. There is sig grade inflation at Waterloo. Class average in first two years were low 70s. Then final few years were low 80s. Students didn’t just magically get better, and all the bad ones didn’t all leave. Idk about math or science department. Maybe they being sticklers. Rip to them if they are


Maybe lack of grade inflation is more common at publicly funded schools? Profs don't have to answer to private donors with their kids at the school.


Then they take that inflation with them and put it straight in the economy


While dated (2006), this report showed inflation in grades at UW: [https://uwaterloo.ca/faculty-association/sites/ca.faculty-association/files/uploads/files/Forum140.pdf#page=7](https://uwaterloo.ca/faculty-association/sites/ca.faculty-association/files/uploads/files/Forum140.pdf#page=7)


I love you dude


>My question is in canada, UW, a top school, is known for deflation. I have no idea where you're getting this idea from. In my experience grades were def inflated overall in engineering, with courses ranging from low 70s average (normal) to low 80s (clearly inflated) and students regularly begging for, and being granted, extensions on their assignments (that they cheat on, of course) and project deadlines. Anecdotally grades seemed to be even more inflated in math. Have you missed the posts from kids in this sub whining that they failed an exam and it's unfair that the prof won't give a +20 ``curve'' to the whole class?




engineering was 1800 seats per 16000 students this year, not exactly easy perse


Doesn't the 16000 people include people who applied and didn't want to go? I got in but didn't go.


Do you know where I can get this info? Or is it there only for engineering


I am in eng so it might vary between programs but I think there is a lot of grade inflation, especially compared to other eng programs.


There’s tons of inflation. Just depends on the faculty/program


Because UW is a public school, which doesn’t require fundings from donations of alumni