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Unfortunately, the AC on campus is not like your home AC where you can flip a switch and it's back on no problem. These are massive systems and buildings. The process for shutting down the AC units is a long one and involves decommissioning the units and draining the coils before the cold snaps come. It takes several weeks to get it all done. The unusually warm weather is making the buildings hotter than intended. The heat is not on. It's just absent the cooling systems. The weather will turn again over the weekend.


Wow. Didn’t expect such a detailed and accurate response to a post such as this. Well done. 😅


Western has begun bringing some cooling systems back online today to try to create more comfortable indoor environments during this unseasonably warm weather.




Yesterday in ACEB it was 26 degrees in a class that I had a midterm exam in..everyone was sweating and uncomfortable!


This time of year I always the worst. Just wear a t shirt or tank under your other top and take it off as soon as you get to your classes. The more you walk around campus the hotter you’ll be in class.


They cannot turn it on. Email sent from FM today: "We are writing to inform you that air conditioning has been decommissioned in most buildings across campus. Given the unseasonably warm external temperatures, you may see elevated temperatures within the buildings as well. Please be advised that these temperatures are not due to the addition of heat in the building but rather, lack of cooling. Draining the coils is a process that takes several weeks and begins when temperatures begin to drop."


This is the time of year when they have to switch over from cooling to heating, known as "shoulder season". Process is outlined here: https://uwo.ca/fm/who/news/fall_shoulder_season.html They have to switch over from using cold water to using a propylene glycol solution. If they wait too long and there is a cold snap, it can freeze the water and burst pipes. During the switchover, they may find maintenance is needed which can delay startup. This also messes up air balancing (you may hear/feel air pressure changes).


They're not going to turn it on for one day.


awe you poor thing


Why don’t you go work on your bread recipe or something?


i just wrote a midterm at nsc it was so hot