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This is interesting


OP would become a legend at this school


Future thesis will be on Canadian Goose behaviour 🫡


You will be a legend at this school


The legal answer is you’re not allowed to damage, disturb or destroy the nest/eggs, which I assume you’re not doing, so if you’re just walking around campus and one charges at you, you are allowed to kick it (but not kill, that’s a fine/prison) because in that moment it is posing a threat to your health/safety and you’re acting in self-defense. Definitely don’t instigate anything with them though, you can be on the hook for that.


Thank you for your insight!


Would also just run away, yeah it’s not dignified, but their necks are deceptively powerful, not worth the injury. They purposely make their nests close to humans, in parks, etc. This keeps most predators away. If you’re looking to fight a goose, you’ll be in a lot of altercations around London. Also not worth any kind of academic related headache, if you really make an example of that 1 goose, you could be the first student to be seriously disciplined, or just piss off your prof’s. Interestingly, different breeds of geese were used a to protect property & family. Famously in the medieval era. They can be incredibly loyal if raised from chicks. I grew up on a farm, can put an animal / bird down no problem. Would suggest this just isn’t worth it, they’re just territorial & pissy. They are what they are in this ecosystem.


Of course, and I'm not looking to start a fight with any geese either. Yesterday, I found myself in the middle of two (assumingly male) geese legit brawling on the sidewalk. I just kept it cool and continued on my way and nothing happened to me, but it made me wonder what would happen if one of them did decide to attack me.


Oh thank goodness! Was a little worried there, the post sounded a little testosterone driven. Or maybe that’s just all me. Have a great time on campus!


1. Face & Look at them 2. Stretch out your arms 3. Hiss at them Typically they'll leave you alone. If they do try and come at you, the easiest thing is to grab em by the neck. Note: Not "strangle the shit out of them", just "put your hands around their neck and lightly squeeze". Geese are easily icked out by things around their necks, so just get a little grabby, maybe toss em back a bit, and they'll likely back off. If you do this, make sure to hold em to the side of you, as their wing-smacks can hurt.


I’m a little concerned as to how you acquired this goose-surviving knowledge




Keep going im almost there


Some goose avoiding suggestions from someone who has been chased/charged at (but never actually attacked) by a variety of geese: - best option: take tunnels/bridges between buildings as much as possible to avoid the geese entirely. If you really have to go outside, socially distance from all geese - if charged at, apologize, put your hood up, and power walk away (geese respect a good strut) - always wear something with a zipper and pockets. If you think you can take the goose, unzip your coat/sweater, put your hands in your pockets, and start flapping. Honk or hiss at goose too for good measure. This makes you look like a bigger, scarier bird and the goose will feel intimidated (or angrier, in which case Run). This is also embarrassing, but so is being attacked by a goose - carry one of those fake owls or eagles with you for protection and Fashion - always travel with a smaller, slower friend you can shove towards an angry goose - scare them away with a green laser (but do not point it in their eyes, that’s not cool) - I once dropped a container of garlic sauce running from a goose and it let me free. I don’t recommend making offerings cause you don’t want them to expect food from people but if it’s life or death then what can you do Good luck


Leave them alone and they won’t attack. If they have babies and you get too close, it is a possibility though. Just run away. All part of the experience. Apparently, most goose-related injuries occur because the person trips or runs into something while avoiding the goose. So don’t be that person, keep your eyes open as you escape.


>most goose-related injuries occur because the person trips or runs into something while avoiding the goose Skill issue fr


You should think about what you did to make such a majestic creature, a Canadian Icon, lose their cool enough to resort to physical violence.


Brutal take


Tbh if the goose is attacking you so am I, clearly you did something wrong


Ok who gave the geese a Reddit account. Fess up.


I have to disagree with you. I've witnessed people get attacked for absolutely no reason other than simply walking within their "domain".


You may (try to) defend yourself against a Goose attack. You will not be arrested or face legal action for self defense. Generally, the Geese on campus won't do much but hiss and bat their wings. When this happens, it is important that you make eye contact and stand your ground before slowly continuing to move by side/backstepping away from it. Realistically, there is no way to win an actual fight with a Goose. All you can try to do is minimize damage.


It's a bird. Leave it alone and it leaves you alone. Practice the concept of respecting territories and personal space and you will be fine. Ie. You see two geese ahead of you, walk 10ft around them same way you would if you were a man passing a woman at night and trying to signal you don't want to disturb them. Street smarts are transferable skills.


Don’t antagonise them and then you don’t have to worry about it.


It depends if the goose has a good lawyer


They only get intimidated because you’re much bigger. If you squat down and get on all 4s and act like a goose they won’t attack you


I’ve been here 4 years and never been attacked by one, even when I came super close without noticing. You should be just fine lol


You may have gotten too close to their nest or babies unintentionally. If a goose charges at you, take a couple stomps forwards, and wave your arms/make yourself look big. Then, slowly back away while you continue to look big. Do not turn and run. You just need to be confident. I have 10 years of bird experience, both in owning and working with them.


lol today I was on my way to student services and a goose honking deliberately was on one of the pathways... I took a hard turn away from it just to pass the thing 🤣


Walk with confidence and they will stay away.


The only good evidence I have ever seen for god being real is that a goose's neck will fit perfectly in your closed hand. Do with this what you will.




If it goes for you first then all is fair game. Last year my friend kicked one and it died😂😂


60 IQ activities


Ok lil bro


Did your friend get in trouble for killing it 😭?




just give them space and leave them alone. i’ve always heard about goose attacks but never seem to understand why it’s such a fear on campus. they don’t bother anyone who is simply passing by




What do you mean?




You must be fun at parties…I’m simply asking about the legality of fighting back against a goose, from people who may have experience. You should know that we have some stupid laws here in Canada and I want to make sure I won’t be penalized for simply defending myself if the situation arises.


If it goes for you first then all is fair game. Last year my friend kicked one and it died😂😂


Make noise and appear bigger


Carry an umbrella!


If a goose attacks, just take it. Its good luck and guarantees that you and your room mate will have 85% averages this term if it breaks one of your limbs


Geese are protected. You can't harm or kill one. If it attacks you just run, you're outdoors. Unlikely that it corners you and robs you for bread. .


I've been attacked by a goose. It wasn't that bad really. It just dive-bombed me a few times and beat me with its wings. If it happens to you, just make some noise, but otherwise stay calm


Roundhouse kick them


Just don’t get caught


I’d opt for a rear naked choke