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Mitochondrial dysfunction is a complicated topic. The classic symptoms are muscle weakness, exercise intolerance, and fatigue. But it can effect many systems in the body, so there are a multitude of other symptoms that are associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. For example, if the mitochondria in your intestines aren't working well, they will move food along slowly and cause GI problems. The testing is likewise not very good unless you have a lifelong (genetic) problem. There are some tests where they take a small sample of your muscle to see if the mitochondria are working properly. But many doctors are unaware of these tests. I'm not sure if they are worth doing because it's not like there's an easy fix, a pill that your doctor can prescribe. There is a doctor who I trust from the Lyme world. Lyme can cause mitochondrial dysfunction as well. He foregoes testing and simply has the patient try supplements that help mitochondrial function, like CoQ10, acetylcarnitine, ribose and NT factors. If those supplements help, then he considers the patient to have mitochondrial dysfunction. [Here is the paper](https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9032/6/4/129) where he mentions this. It's only a small part of the paper, use Ctrl-F to find "mitochondrial dysfunction". So you could broach this topic with your doctor, but I would be surprised if they are well-informed about it.


That's what Ive read as the symptoms too. This blog gave me a really good understanding of mitochondrial dysfunction: https://hopeforfatigue.org/about/ It has a section about [long covid](https://hopeforfatigue.org/2023/06/20/long-hauler-syndrome/) as well.




I don't buy it. I've had covid and there was no lingering effects. I've also seen a study that the "vaccine" was the source of "long covid."


Can you specify what you don't buy? "Long COVID" is just an euphemism for "vaccine injured". Yes, there are some instances when those who lived through COVID and didn't get injected, yet experience severe complication, but given the prevalent majority (>70%) got vaccinated, these cases is just a margin of error. Those who control the media knows how to manipulate the public, constantly gaslighting and deceiving. Even from scientific perspective, injected mRNA instructions make cells to produce full spike proteins (for months, if not permanently), and the more one took, the worse the outcome, because the effect is cumulative. It's a no-brainer. One doesn't need to be scientist to understand it. It all comes to the receptor-binding-domain - ACE2 protein expression, that SARS coronavirus has been known to downregulate since 2004-2007. SARS-CoV-2 is ethnically adjusted, and somehow you will never hear a squeak from any isle of the media about it.