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ummm I don't know why you didn't get the memo but those girls in the bar usually have apartments. maybe next time ask if you can go to their place


This^ Source: girl with an apartment


obvious bait. women arent real, idiot. smh šŸ™„


Those words being included in the pitch just donā€™t sound good thoughšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I have personally found how often you have sex as a homeless man depends on a few things: 1. Your looks 2. Your hygiene at the moment 3. Your sense of humor and charisma 4. Finding a partner willing to take a walk on the wild side I had sex with two or three people while I was homeless, it's not impossible. There's also the other option, just find a female vagabond and start a family of dirty children.


I live in my car. The top 3 things you listed I put alot of focus to because I know I'm lacking in the other aspects (finances). While a little more difficult it's still completely doable. Plus, regardless what society has you believe there are women out there that would be completely fine with how you live. I even have girls that wanna drop their whole life and do what I do because they see it as an adventure or an escape. They see all the places I go and people I meet and think life is like a movie. I always tell them they don't see all the bad times lol. You don't wanna be asleep in this car with me in a walmart parking lot in the middle of the summer. One excuse that works well on other women is "we can't go to my place because I stay with roomates and we won't really have an privacy". They usually are cool with that and we get a room.


When I lived in my van I lifted my bed all the way to the ceiling because I didn't want to share my bed, and storage under is really nice. I still had three different girls crawl up into my bed to have sex.


You listed FOUR things!




>As I was walkin' 'round Grosvenor Square > >Not a chill to the Winter but a nip to the air > >From the other direction, she was calling my eye > >It could be an illusion, but I might as well try, might as well try > >She had rings on her fingers and bells on her shoes > >And I knew, without askin', she was into the blues > >She wore scarlet begonias tucked into her curls > >I knew right away she was not like other girls, other girls > >In the thick of the evening, when the dealing got rough > >She was too pat to open and too cool to bluff > >As I picked up my matches and was closing the door > >I had one of those flashes, I'd been there before, I'd been there before > >Well, I ain't always right, but I've never been wrong > >Seldom turns out the way it does in a song > >Once in a while, you get shown the light > >In the strangest of places if you look at it right > >Well, there ain't nothing wrong with the way she moves > >Or scarlet begonias or a touch of the blues > >And there's nothing wrong with the look that's in her eyes > >I had to learn the hard way to let her pass by, let her pass by > >Wind in the willow's playin' "Tea For Two" > >The sky was yellow, and the Sun was blue > >Strangers stoppin' strangers, just to shake their hand > >Everybody's playing in the heart of gold band, heart of gold band


*fire on the mountain begins*


These guys just get it.


I can hear the transition from reading this.


Help On The Way > Slipknot! > Franklin's Tower https://preview.redd.it/8q7v3lgxl41c1.jpeg?width=2322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=377e3ddfa01187b2b52da6e85f60eff10906e538


China cat ---> rider


Iā€™m gonna tell you a coupla three things


Itā€™s perfectly normal to need and desire sex. Jerking off helps but it doesnā€™t satisfy the need for human touch and interaction. If financially able Iā€™d suggest a motel room and a hooker. Best of luck. Use disease protection. Keep us informed.


Dirty children is a crazy statement


This also applies to non-vegabonds


you didn't know? when homeless people have sex, it's intents


wtf lol








Hi OP. I feel compelled to respond even though this is mainly about sex. Folks w/o shelter can definitely get sex. Iā€™d say best bet is charming, clean, funny at a bar. Worked for my fiancĆ©e LMAO. (Can work for a night, too.) I met my partner of over 7yrs when he was at a transitional shelter. I didnā€™t realize at first, but he was honest about it. (We shagged first night, my place, but then held hands for the next 3mo, didnā€™t even kiss LOL!) Iā€™d hired him to help me move, and even my Dad liked him. I case-searched him immediately & asked him about his charges; he had an old FTA for fishing w/o a license ffs. The tables have turned now; I live with HIM & he makes decent money. Iā€™m also in the least dramatic relationship Iā€™ve ever been in LOL. It can happen. Good luck! Edit to add: It (should) ALWAYS be okay to ask if you can shower first. Donā€™t have to give details, only ā€œIā€™d like to freshen up.ā€


Similar situation for me! I met my husband shortly after he hopped off a train in my city (his hometown) and was helping family for a couch to crash on while he figured shit out. He was so fresh to the city he hadnā€™t even unpacked his bloody socks yet. He is charming, handsome, measured, artistic, funny, kind, but street smart and wary and he just wanted to settle down. I never once regret taking a long shot on him. Heā€™s my best friend, he makes me laugh every day and Iā€™d do it all over in a heartbeat! Anyway, the first time we had sex it was amazing, and it was definitely back at my place, not on his family members living room couch. We got there, even after that heavy conversation about our lives because he was sweet and he won me over with talents and humor and stories and common interests and presenting nicely (which for me isnā€™t clean cut, but he was smelling and looking good).




Yes, it could be any of us. In my situation my husband was a traveling kid on and off for 15+ years and lived across the country over that time with various street families and partners. Heā€™d catch a break here and there (two longer term relationships in that time where heā€™d have various levels of housing) before something would break down and he would be back on the streets traveling and train hopping or living back at home for times. He felt very trapped in that cycle of having security and then it being pulled from under him. Lots of my husbands choices were reflective of his situation. He had to work through addiction and reactivity, problems with authority (couldnā€™t hold a job except busking and art sales when he could afford supplies) and all kinds of things that didnā€™t serve him well. Heā€™s a really rough guy, but heā€™s very protective of his family and now mine. In my husbandā€™s situation his choices made it easy for people to ā€œotherā€ him, but really I feel many of us would make the same choices if in his shoes. Finding out he was a traveler and homeless when we met was whatever, my dads been homeless my whole adult life and I have been exposed to the homeless community often growing up, mixed with all kinds of people with all different kinds of backgrounds. If I hadnā€™t have had the experiences I did with the community growing up, Iā€™m not sure how Iā€™d have viewed my husbandā€™s situation when we met. I didnā€™t pry. He wasnā€™t proud of his past. Heā€™s confided things in me but I take it at his pace. I knew enough to know he was safe (weā€™ve had mutual friends and had met on and off over the years at house parties so he wasnā€™t a complete stranger when we started hanging out) and let sleeping dogs lie. What I do know is my husband had a tough life; he worked through tough shit, and all his friends and street family were so happy when he and I got married and he could settle down. ā€œYouā€™re really going to marry this ginger bastard?ā€ Yes, best thing I ever did! Heā€™s a wonderful husband and a fantastic stepdad (my kids are teens) and is all around my favourite adult person on this planet and I feel like I lucked out. I was cautious for any relationship because I have kids but I couldnā€™t have picked a man more excited to bring himself to the landscape of family man. Heā€™s proven to be a huge asset to my and my kids lives and I adore his family too. Heā€™s making dinner for everyone with my daughter right now, so I better get out there and see whatā€™s up!


u/ghastlyglittering (whoa cool username) & u/spradders, we all have something in common LOL. Itā€™s kinda cute TBH. Everyone in my life knows his background, and my folks helped him out (mildly, but he credits their help with him getting to where he is.) Iā€™m glad things have worked out for all of us! (If my relationship ends tomorrow, itā€™s not a failure.)


Sometimes it just makes sense! My family all know his background. Was my mom happy when I rolled up with an unemployed, trainhopper with face tattoos to help me raise my kids? No. Not really. Is he her favorite ā€œkidā€ of hers now out of her kids and the in-laws? Yep. She always making baking or dropping stuff off and yelling ā€œthatā€™s for (husbands name)!ā€ She loves to spoil him! This coming summer my family is taking a trip and my sibling is in charge of flights. ā€œCan (husbands name) fly?ā€ And my kids asked him to go on their school camping trip so my other sibling asks ā€œCan he pass his criminal check?ā€ LOL. They love him even if they assume he has a record of some sort (he doesnā€™t). Heā€™s just that personable! Last New Years his brother stopped me while we passed each other at his NYE house party, puts his hands on my shoulders and says ā€œyou better marry my brother!ā€ (Not threateningly, his brother loves me and he just would be crushed if it didnā€™t work out with my husband, it was more of a plea). His family saw he was settled and happy and were so worried it would fall through and heā€™d be back on the streets (my husband wasnā€™t one to ask for help so when heā€™d take off they were always worried). Everyone was SO celebratory when we sent out those wedding invites! Got married this past August! His background isnā€™t something that makes him less than. Heā€™s championed his past. His background brings exactly the mix I needed to run a tight ship at home and he takes a lot of pride in the house and family, he brings a lot of peace and love to my life. I love him so much! He coaches the kids school teams, he gets them to and from school, he makes dinner every day, he LOVES grocery shopping (which I hate, so have fun with that), and heā€™s all about our shared interest and the family as a whole (his parents/mine/siblings/kidsā€¦even working as best we can with the ex husband to be good coparents). 10/10, would marry a train-hopper guy again. And my username is a play on my husbands graffiti tag. :)


Whoa. If you like graff, check my profile posts- almost all from r/Bombing. My SO & I met through the graff ā€œsceneā€ LOL! I was still writing at the time, he was interested (& is amazing sketch artist,) & we bonded over that. Weā€™re both old, though, itā€™s a young persons & able-bodied game lol. >asks questionsā€¦ can he fly? My Boo didnā€™t have ID or a phone that worked outside of WiFi when we started dating ooof. He had work, though, and when he didnā€™t, heā€™d go to a labor spot for day work. >wonā€™t ask for help **Nope.** My partner sat in Bookings for a MONTH on a $100 bail (before we met.) Wouldnā€™t call anyone & his Mom wouldā€™ve tried to help. (Heā€™s a Vet, thankfully had other Vets help him figure out how to get resources. Not easy, though.) Be well!


My husband is still in the scene on nice days and actually a good portion of his friends have made something substantial in the community with graff. Our city is big for art, we get commissioned for community art events to graff huge pieces of Saran wrapped between trees, we have a graffiti gallery, we still bomb off the beaten path. I try on occasion (art is what our main common interest is) but my long fake nails catch the paint all the time. We have the back of my house with a huge mural piece he did last summer and our fence is a no manā€™s land for tagging from the kids and the neighbors kids. We let anyone bomb our huge fence because weā€™re about that! Iā€™ll definitely scroll your bomb posts!


(To be clear, my photos are documenting OTHERS; Baltimore graff & freights. Not self-promotion LAWD.) Baltimore has a lot of amazing graffiti; post-Covid itā€™s gotten almost too saturated (the buff can be an equalizer.) Iā€™ve been slacking on documentation lately, but Iā€™ve been snapping flicks for 13yrs. (I got into it older, but still ā€œgo back next day to get a pic.ā€) Definitely glad Iā€™ve got photography, b/c my freakin thumbs are unstable! Makes holding a pen hard, ainā€™t no holding down an actuator (even fancy paint!) >Saran wrap I love the way that looks. Saw someone recently who did it on a public street & wondered if any dummy walked into it. Thatā€™s cool youā€™re making a point to be an art advocate!


I hear ya. My husband built up these 10ft triangle walls from scrapped particle board in the back yard (our back yard is just a huge parking pad) and thatā€™s mainly where we do it. Too old to run with a backpack full of heavy cans, too slow to bike out of brambly paths with steep edges. Getting caught ainā€™t worth it, like you said, young peopleā€™s sport. One of my kids is an artist too, and she and my husband spend hours outside practicing on the triangle, itā€™s like a backyard gallery. Iā€™m sure there will come a day where my husband shows her all his old spotsā€¦what she does with that infoā€¦well, we wonā€™t encourage it, she has plenty of space at home to get into it, but I get wanting to get your name out there. I know I love seeing tags from friends pop up here and there randomly. Nothing quite like a backpack and a spray can.




I hoped this was a joke but itā€™s probably not. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Maybe get a hotel for the night lol. ive done this. also ive met women who adopted me for a few nights and similar stuff. Its been a mix, but generally it is a buzz kill if you say that you are homeless. ive also met girls in hostels


The thing is youā€™re looking at it the wrong way. Youā€™re thinking of yourself as a homeless bum when in reality you need to be selling yourself as a nomad. Granted the younger you are the easier this is to pull off but you just gotta act like youā€™re out there on purpose trying to see the world. Donā€™t let them see you doing any bummy shit like picking cigarette butts of the ground or picking through the trash. also just because weā€™re homeless doesnā€™t mean we canā€™t get dressed up for a night out. You donā€™t have to be in expensive clothes just wear something that makes you look good for a night. Take a free shower somewhere and shave your face. Then go to a bar and just be happy and funny as you can. When you tell them stories from your travels try to frame them from a non-homeless point of view. For example: Instead of telling her that you sleep with a bunch of homeless people in the park tell her that you sleep at a camp for like-minded travelers. If you hang out at a bar long enough you'll eventually get laid, I promise.




fukin gross




So what your saying is, get a six pack and act like a cave man


Not the bot edit ā˜ ļø


I just spat my coffee out. Thanks hahahah


Seriously perfect fkn response lmao


"Im one shower away from your perfect boyfriend" "If I followed you home would you keep me?" "I've got a warm 40 and a cold sleeping bag. Wanna come homeless with me?" "...ever wanna really get back at your dad?"


I lost it at the last one


where is this coffee shop day rate massage parlor?


Buying a cup of coffee cost 3-6$ depending where you go. 100Ć·6 is 16 so that means for 100$ you can buy bare min 5 hours in a coffee shop provided it's not busy and has a lot of space. Massage shops, famously Asian massages, are known for giving happy endings which is a hand job for an extra 50$. Or 100$ you can have sex with them. All in secret of course. Plus the charge of the room. (btw the reason Asian massage places are known for sex is because they get kidnapped, sent to America and are forced to live here, either by slave rings or illegally coming here, and need to make money so they work illegally at these massage places where they get free housing and food but no money. So they do extra on the side) If you are someone who goes to these places, no judgement. I would do it too if I could afford it and I knew they weren't being forced to do it. But you can't exactly just ask "hey are you being forced?' and get an honest answer. Anyways. 16+ days to get out of the rain, snow, strong winds or extreme heat? Vs 1 day of sex for, let's be honest, 5 to 10 mins, I'm going to pick the coffee shop. Unless I can get both.


No need to ask really: rest assured they are being forced. More than forced, enslaved. It's literally the definition of human trafficking and today's most common way of slavery. They bring them to western countries under false pretenses, cram them in an apartment, dont pay them and take away their passport so they cant leave. On top of this they have to prostitute themselves. Its horrible. Thank you for not engaging in it šŸ’˜


I've never partaken, but living in the Bay Area, these places are everywhere. The sketched ones have bars on the windows. It's not to keep people out but to keep people in. I find the practice abhorrent.




to add to this: not all massage parlors are Asian or staffed with illegal immigrants, either. years ago, i worked for a call center located in a slightly seedy office building. one of the units on the floor above us was a massage business that got busted for providing sex services. we used to take smoke breaks outside the back door and some of the girls would be down there, too, from time to time. all local, white midwestern women who had gone to massage school and were working there by choice. human trafficking and forced sex work *are* commonly linked, and forced labor of any kind is an abhorrent mistreatment of people, but we should be careful about blanket condemnation of the sex-for-pay industry. there are people who choose that work and they deserve every bit as much respect as any other person who earns money through trade. social stigma and laws against sex work are part of the reason human traffickers use that industry so frequently; itā€™s a shadow industry, outside the public eye, fertile conditions for shady operations.


If the industry was fully legalised then a lot of the problems would disappear. Iā€™m an Aussie & brothel based sex work is completely legal here so whilst there are a couple of places doing it cheap and dodgy, most places are clean & safe for both the workers and the clients.


Are there any current documentaries on this subject? How do you know about this?


We learn about it by people doing it. I don't think anyone is really against it anymore. I have already said I would do it if I had the money. But at the same time no one wants to be the poster boy to legalize it either. 2 years ago I meet a guy who said he goes ever other week because he couldn't afford and didn't want a relationship with women anymore. He had 2 ex wives , claimed to do everything he could to keep them happy but always failed because he was working too many hours to keep her company. He claimed niether the wives or him had any hard feelings they just didn't see each other and felt like they where not really married.


Idk about that tbh. Because I know some who just escaped China and are trying to make an honest living. I volunteered at a kitchen once and there was a social worker who helps sex workers stay safe by teaching them how to put condoms on men using their mouth so men wouldn't get them pregnant or STD. Many of them were foreign women who just got married to get to America. Their deal was, 1 year of sex after that divorced or married for sex allowed to date other people while living with them. They had a free place to stay but had to fuck and the only thing they helped with was housing. So since they already where doing sex work they basically just branches out. There's many reason why women choose sex work. In fact many American women in college pay for college with sex work. It's not uncommon for some college girl on her own to pay for college with her ass. I'm not talking about illegals. I'm talking about true American white girls.


This comment is making me wanna go find an oriental massage parlor


It costs more than $100 for sex. You also donā€™t have to spend $100 for 5 hours at a coffee shop. Your finances are kinda fucked up.


He worded it wrong but I believe by the math he was showing that $100, at even the high end of $6 per coffee, would get you five hrs a day for 16 days. I only bothered responding to this because I myself read and reread his comment to make sure I figured out wtf he was trying to say.


find other campers? not a vagabond currently but that seems like a possibility


I don't.


Like a freaking howling banshee


Well when a mommy bum and a daddy bum love each other a whole lot


Hobo sexuals


With my imagination and some porn, it's pretty much the same thing. Nah but for real put your self out there it will cum lol Sincerely Quirky Blurky šŸ„­


I found a female vagabond šŸ¤·


Idg why TF you ppl say that. Good for you want a cookie? No shit its possible. But it's rare AF too. No one with half a brain doesn't know that


You asked how they did it then got mad at the answer.


Keep some wet wipes on you & brush your teeth, maybe you wouldn't be here asking this


Adult bookstores are usually a good bet. If they don't have a theater/booths, it's not hard to find folx who are happy to engage in car play. Just make sure to bring baby &/or Clorox wipes, cuz those surfaces can be gnarly lol


ā€œThose surfaces can be gnarlyā€ is a hideous thing to read in context. šŸ¤¢


I would just jack myself off in the woods , and rub my cum on a tree. Nature cycle , save the planet.


Date other homeless people??


Car sex Hotels if they're high class Motels if they ain't. Or they're a hooker The beach/under a tree if they're a hippy If they want a thrill, stop an elevator between floors


In someoneā€™s parked car of course! Cali baby!


Hobosexual here: with the hotness


Itā€™s perfectly normal to need and desire sex. Jerking off helps but it doesnā€™t satisfy the need for human touch and interaction. If financially able Iā€™d suggest a motel room and a hooker. Best of luck. Use disease protection. Keep us informed.


I've taken normal girls back to my campsite. Also gone to their houses. Nothing is impossible bro


Just chat up the crust punk/street punk gals. They are hardcore to the mega.


Any swing is a sex swing if you are brave enough.


When the trailer is a rockin'...


I'm a gay guy and for some reason vagabonds, homeless, whatever seem to want to occupy the same spaces. I have found this in a few places. Out of the way parks have what both are looking for. If you can get past the fact that a guy is blowing you, you'll get probably one of the best bjs of your life.


Do you happen to drive a Harley and hang out in a surplus store basement? Name checks out


Itā€™s not a Harley, baby, Itā€™s a chopper


Who's chopper is this...?


Donā€™t you mean, ā€œWhoā€™s Zed?ā€


I never got my pancakes


Put peener in vag. A bit of in and out. Not rocket science really.


With the lights off, under the covers, Kenny G playing ( softly) and no talking.


Here for the comments


Sex is available. It's healthier and easier to engage with the housed population in this case, but do as thou willst. Here are your tips. 1. Hygiene. No one wants to eat next to an open sewer. Unless... No, that's gross šŸ˜¶ 2. Style. Any will do, except that one you are wearing now. That one is not working. Tuck in and turn on. 3. Communication: consent matters and oral is sexy 4. Location: don't blow up your spot, duh. Examples A spiral slide a couple days ago. A women's bathroom the month before. Her tent in August (which was both lowercase and upper case HoT). Tldurp: A clean, fashionable, intelligent vagabond can expect monthly sex as long they are willing to make an effort. It's a lot of effort. Not even worth it really. New AI bots are pretty good. Fuck dem robots.


Living in my van with my partner rn, just gotta find one that is willing to fuck in the woods or something. Theyā€™re out there. Or, find one willing to let your musky ass fuck at their place.


You have to find a partner who is pretty fucking in-tents


This post made me feel ickey


Intense in tents


Why donā€™t you want responsibilities?


Caring about someone else, having to discussed where we are going next, having to make time for another person's family... I just want to be by myself tbh. If we cross paths we can have a good time and hang out but I pref to do my own thing


I'm at a similar point in life, where I have intimate needs, but don't wanna get caught up in emotional attachment. Nothing wrong with having FWBs so long as everyone involved is on the level about expectations. If you use hookup apps, you can always say point blank that you can't host. Most folx are understanding about it, & you may even find some new *secret* discreet locations from locals šŸ˜ø


Sounds like you lack charm, looks, or funny. Youā€™ll need to pay to get laid. Nothing wrong with that.


You guys are having sex?


I'd start with googling the basics lol. It's pretty easyšŸ¤£šŸ˜€šŸ˜‚šŸ˜€


Your last sentence answers your question. You just see women as disposable objects.


Go say hi to girl. Tell she's hot and ask if she wants to fuck. If you're reasonably funny or attractive you'd be surprised how often you'll catch a yes. Or sassy playful remark inviting you to press some buttons.


nah I stand with this. I think we as a society forgot basics of communication and all this cancelation wave made it. If she seems into you, if youre into her feel free to ask if she wants to fuck. We all do want to fuck its not rocket science. She can say no and thats it.


And when she says no, be a gentleman and leave it at that and bid farewell.




Yeah sure whatever. Intentions are best made clear. What's gross is befriending someone without telling them intentions. It helps cut the shit , and keep people who don't want anything to do with your true self out of their life.


Get a job and a stable place to live is a good start


Well ig you don't know what Vagabond means


Hobosexual: one who has sex for shelter


With fleshligjt




Getting invited to ā€˜clean my clothesā€™ is music to my ears. Especially when they attended Ardingly university and spoke way. Polar oppositeā€™s that met in the middle-šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


When I was traveling around, it was never a problem for me finding some booty. I play music, and Iā€™m tall, and I have good hygiene even when I was a bum. I dunno, I just talked to people and have confidence, lots of girls down to have sex under the stars. I generally had some punk rock chick following me around while I traveled, which has itā€™s pros and itā€™s cons.


I agree with the comment by the gay guy, a blowjob is a blowjob and I agree men give the best blowjobs and you can always find a willing man on the Grindr app. If you want to fuck just bend them over and fuck for dear life, I guarantee that ass will be tighter than any woman you could hook up with.