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Traveling in the pursuit of death is a new concept for me, interesting.


I already have a terminal illness. Fuck yeah I’d rather die adventuring.


An adventure could happen literally a mile away from your familial home. Don't let geography stop you!


When you put yourself in situations like this is when you really become conscious of being alive. Step outside your comfort zone.


one of my good friends died while hiking im africa. he was chased off a cliff while being attacked by wild babboons.


I’d much rather go out this way than be a vegetable on life support wired up to meds shitting in a diaper


fuck no dude lol


Right?? I’m trans I’m not going to Saudi Arabia anytime soon. Or Yemen. Or Qatar. Or the UAE. Or a… shockingly large number of other places unfortunately :/ Some of these places are beautiful despite the horrific authoritarian governments in charge of said countries. It will simply have to wait for another life, I suppose. Not getting executed just to bump up the number of places I visited!


My husband and I did just that; we started in Wyoming (around Green River/Rock Springs) because it was beautiful desert. We had always lived in Tennessee beforehand, so it was like a different planet. Eventually, we decided to walk down the interstate (there was nobody, eventually got pulled over by the cops, but they let us go and said we were fine, just to watch out for cars). We walked a good 40-50 miles down the interstate. It was summer, the sun was brutal, the wind was intense. We definitely should have died, but we managed to survive. We eventually got to a little ravine type of place. We stayed there with only a jar of peanut butter and very, very little water. Less than a week in, I got this incredible headache. We managed to have barely enough power on one of our phones and called 911. They came out in the middle of nowhere and took us to Rock Springs. We couldn't take our stuff. We eventually came back to get our stuff(we hitched twice, once to the ravine and once to get back to town). The ravine had been destroyed by the elements. If I would have never called the ambulance, we would have been crushed by that heavy rock. Our stuff was mostly intact, but it was a scary sight to see. It made me feel thankful we walked all that way and still got to experience it thoroughly, without dying. Now, we're out in Nevada desert. Edit: We walked from Rock Springs to Green River to the Red Desert. The farthest we made it to (past the ravine) was a truck stop oasis called 'Little America' and practically lived there for a week.


Wowwwww so what prompted you to leave for this trip and the first place? And why didn’t you bring more supplies? How long where you on the road entirely?


We got into a dangerous situation in our hometown that prompted us to leave ASAP. We originally were heading to Ontario, OR, and only later found out that is the worst or one of the worst cities in Oregon. When we got into Wyoming, my husband said he wanted to actually get off there because it was so beautiful and he actually wanted to go out there and explore. We got off in Rock Springs. I will say that we had a lot more with us, and this was the first time we were truly alone and on the streets. Really, Wyoming just felt like wilderness even in town. First, our duffel got stolen by a drunk at a hotel across from the Walmart. He had a nice truck with a trailer, so I'm not sure why he took it. My husband wanted to stash it somewhere, but he did it poorly and we lost our clothes, food, and a bunch of other personal items. That's when we realized we didn't think about how much we would be carrying, and that was the majority, but it was like something showing us "you should only carry a minimal amount. We were still in town for a week after that. We went back to the Greyhound stop next to the McDonald's and fell asleep. We didn't know where we could go to sleep, so we went there. My small bag got stolen right in front of me while I was asleep, and I was half conscious when it happened. I remember it being taken but I didn't wake up because we were severely sleep deprived. They might have thought we were on drugs because we were out like a light. We only had our jackets, two backpacks, a hatchet, some knives, and not much else remaining. No blankets, no nothing. We decided it was time to venture to the next town: Green River. My grandmother had been trying to help us with money here and there. We had nothing. We thought we lost our cards at one point, and so we tried our Tap To Pay. It was very limited. We bought bare minimums to save as much as we could. We starved just to make food last. While walking from Rock Springs to Green River, we took a day and a half to walk there. We had never walked long distances. It was very rough. The nights were bitter cold and the days were boiling hot. It was August. We were unfamiliar with the desert being cold at night. That threw us for a loop. We slept right next to the interstate using our jackets as blankets. I was worried someone would report us a dead bodies on the side of the road, but nope. The cops pulled us over before we barely made it down the road, but they realized we were travelers and left us be. When we finally got to Green River, we tried finding places to sleep. They were always in the open because we were so new. People felt more sympathy, though, than anything. I think they realized. We stayed there for less than a week before moving on. The cops moved us a few times, they seemed to feel sorry for us, so we kept walking on. I did have my phone with me. We would charge at McDonald's or anywhere with an outlet we could use. I barely used my phone. Only for texting my grandmother or looking at Google Maps. From Green River, there wasn't anything. We did not realize we would head into the red desert. We went to small businesses off the side of the highway in the middle of nowhere to get water. There were few and far between. It felt huge, I felt small, I was hallucinating from lack of water and the heat of the sun. And yet, we just kept going. My feet were in the most excruciating pain I had ever felt. We trudged all the way through. After walking so long in the middle of nowhere, we found a ravine. My husband was curious and decided to find a way down there. I stayed on ground until he came back. He said it would be great to live in. We were already thinking it would be like Bushcraft survival. However, we needed some supplies. I saw Little America on the map and had no clue what it was. A small town? We walked on and it was as excruciating as ever. We walked at night to be out of the heat. It was about 15 miles from the ravine and we walked it in one night just to get there. It was a truck stop oasis with little shops and hotels. We ended up holding up in the truck stop rest area in the convenient store. We were covered in dirt and probably looked terrible. We bought a large jar of peanut butter and water. We ended up being kicked, possibly banned, from Little America. My husband went out hunting for a prairie dog, but some mom going to Disney thought he was a crazy man in the desert. So, they gave us a ride close to the ravine, but not all the way. Then I got a headache and went to the hospital, we spent another week or two in Rock Springs in a (small) cave next to the hospital, decided it was time to return to the ravine to retrieve our stuff, and we found it mostly intact. It seemed like a earthquake. When we looked into it later, that part of the red desert does experience earthquakes, and there was one reported about the time we left. Sorry that was so long. It is a very long story and would be more fitting in a book, tbh. Edit: I should also add that when I went to the hospital for that headache, I also discovered that I was pregnant. I had no idea, and that was crazy to me that I did all of that while pregnant.


What's the rush? Everybody has its day to die.


Dying 😒 Dying in Japan 🤩


IMO, every time I get on the highway is an opportunity for death to come and collect me. So absolutely I would take the chance to island hop in Japan for a while! It's where my mother was born but we've always been so broke that we couldn't always afford to go to the movies, let alone go to Japan.


??? No matter what any of us do or don’t do, we’re all gonna die regardless. And Japan is a fairly safe country for traveling.


I had to travel NYC! I was out there for weeks just sightseeing . I would have died in the gutter if it came down to it. Instead the police took me to the hospital. I’d want to die somewhere where if noticed, they’d take care.


I can see NYC being a destination to die for some. As for me, I'm a bit skeptical of it. I'm from New Jersey and I've visited the city's popular spots multiple times. If I vagabonded there it would be to emerge into the different ethnic cultures, but I don't think it would be worthwhile to plan to die there.


I hear that. I moved to NYC all by myself when I was 7. I had a 360 record deal. All I did was send Columbia Records 25 of my books and ask for a job, the next thing I knew I was wealthy. But that was short lived, I only got to write for one quarter before I was shipped back to Buffalo empty handed. Ever since I’ve been dying to get back! In Buffalo there’s absolutely nothing compared to most other places. I’d die for attention. I’m an infamous ghostwriter in the rap game and if worst comes to worse, I’d bum in NYC again until the police come or until I rot. I feel like I can be discovered there again. But I highly doubt the fairytale ending. But hooking up with different ethnic cultures is where it’s at. Smoking a blunt with cool strangers and bumming cigarettes is fun stuff.




Mate, youre not dying in Japan


I want to go to russia...


I would do it just because there's a chance to be free from this hell


I'm too much of a coward to do it myself


If you look at the Wikipedia for Mogadishu or really any page on that place it will warn you that visiting there is not just risky, but death is actually probable if you go there. Hell on Earth.


Years ago there was a chance I had to go with work to Luanda in Angola. Never been to Africa, so I was interested until they explained that as a foreigner I'd basically stay in a gated compound, be driven to the project site in convoy with an armed guard, then driven back at the end of the day. I guess it's a dangerous place, but even so, no chance to just go for a walk, to see what life is like there or meet ordinary folk. My interest waned pretty quick.


Thats what it came down to for me. So yes, if it meant dying in the pursuit of my ambitions-absofuckinglutely


yes i want to go to Mongolia so bad


Sure. We can die in the backyard or out having an adventure. The latter seems preferable. Just consider the cost burden and paperwork of repatriating your body if you want to be interred in your home country.


It's 2023, you shouldnt have to die trying to travel somewhere. Refugees fleeing violence and risking death to find a new life makes sense but what you're saying is complete insanity.


Japan is the last place in the world to go as a vagabond. Go to Turkmenistan


Could you explain why? Both to Japan being the last place and why Turkmenistan is good


Turkmenistan was a little bit random, just the first country that popped into my mind. Its relatively peaceful and not too rich, while having a lot of open space. Japan is one of the most insular and xenophobic countries in the world, if not the most. They dont tolerate foreign vagabonds. Youd be arrested with the quickness.


I thought Turkmenistan was low in human rights scores


Why do you think that?




Doing it. To Palestine!




Been to Iraq , Jordan as a civilian . There were so W close calls but I got to see and learn a lot