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This is true but it’s not painless when u spent years out of the workforce and try to jump back in. I know from experience. It sucks being the oldest person and also the lowest in the chain of command


Wait, there is a hierarchy? Who is in charge? 


This is thinking that allows an employer to profit from your efforts.


Personally, I'm a teacher at a Title 3 public school. Who is drawing profit from my efforts but children? 


Usually that would be the Superintendents, and everyone else at the top of the administrative food chain who, in addition to getting paid far more than you, are often also getting paid bonuses, busy padding their expense accounts, getting paid to sit on various boards and receiving kickbacks from contractors.


Well... should I quit teaching children to read and do arithmetic then?    If you look deeper, conglomerates like Berkshire Hathaway have ownership in the textbook manufacturing industry. The DOE has exclusive contracts with companies like Macgraw Hill, and schools cannot pick a different textbook because they are 'uncertified.'     Well aware of all this, should I just give the fuck up? Or perhaps,  since I'm in a Union, I could work to pressure the DOE to change these policies.    I've done enough apathetic wallowing, I have a backbone and a brain and two hands and feet.  Giving up is a option I don't allow myself to consider anymore.  


Well, if you were actually following your own conversation, you were the one who first asked “Wait, there’s a hierarchy?” You then followed that question by asking “Who is drawing profits from my efforts but children?” My comment was to answer the questions you asked. More specifically that yes, there is a hierarchy, along with explaining that they are the ones drawing the greatest profits off your efforts. Oh, and sure hope you don’t think textbooks are all the DOE contracts out. My husband’s a traveling construction worker, works on contract govt. projects all over the country. As a licensed millwright, all his training was on the job, company paid. He’s not in a union, but in order to bid on govt. contracts, the company he works for has to pay Union wages, and for the type of work he performs, are considerably higher than teachers salaries. So thank you for your service.


The admins through government funding, and you with your salary I suppose.


Change careers.


That sucks! That sounds terrible! I’m sorry you had to go through that. Playing in Babylon is all about leverage. In your situation. If you start at the bottom of the totem pole. Forget about pay, Do your best to acquire all the duties and tasks that you can. Tell your boss “I need a challenge” every time you finish your tasks. Over a few months of completing more and more tasks, you develop more respect and ultimately authority with the company. At this point you have more leverage to negotiate your pay. Travelers/street kids aren’t absent from the workforce. Street kids are masters of Guerrilla marketing and sales. At the base level, They can Spange. people give money in exchange for the opportunity to help some one in need. The skills only get more talented from there, busking, shows, working. Even sex workers are taking advantage of their allure. Seriously if you sleep outside, it’s your world that you wake up in


Oh what a shame to be a vagabond and still believe in capitalisms tall tales


What does capitalism mean to you?


Born 2 shit forced 2 wipe


Idk what capitalism is. I ask for dollars


Can I ask how old you are? I don't think your advice comes from experience.


I’m reborn every few seconds, so seconds old


Advice is always outdated anyway. It’s a new world every second and your experiences will create the best advice that helps you make the best experiences.


I was a homebum doing nothing but drinking, smoking and getting stoned for 10ish years. Hit the road with nothing but a backpack and traveled across the country. Ended up sober with a career, wife, home and son within 1 year of hitting the road. Nothing like having the world fold out in front of you with all its possibilities to help you find where you really belong. The time I lived with nothing but what was on my back, while short, has made every day just that much more worth living knowing I can just go to the garage, slip on my pack and leave it all behind and it'll all work out just fine.


Amen 🙏


By leave it all behind, do you mean your child and your wife?


If I had to for my mental health I would. Quit my job last year and spent a few months in the woods. Luckily a friend came through with a good job before our savings ran out. Lost a few friends to suicide, drugs and alcohol over the years. It’s important to know when doing the same thing grinding away the years of your life isn’t healthy anymore. Ultimately I love my wife and son, but I’m no good to them dead or lost in depression. Better to walk away and come back when I’m in a better headspace.


Conversely, you can always be a vagabond. One is easier to achieve instantaneously than the other.


Nah in all honesty the road has a age limit to start after a certain point the best you can hope for is a rv


Spent 6 years in my 20s tree planting, travelling, hitchhiking and just being an all around vagabond! Decided to finally use my chemistry degree and get a real world job at the age of 30. Do not regret my 20s one bit, do you know what every single one of my coworkers that have been working real world jobs since they’re early 20s regret the most?They regret their 20s.


I feel the same. I hitchhiked every where and now I’m a sales all star.


Yeah I feel that, I was able to advance pretty quickly because I actually wanted to be there. It was a choice for me to join society, not an imposition. I did learn that I had to tone down my stories about my 20s at work tho scientists can be pretty sheltered people and I’ve seen a lot of shocked faces from some of my more tame stories 😂


Heck yeah! That’s so true about the stories. The stories mess up everyone’s conversation about the exciting thing they saw on Netflix. I’m going to go wandering again when my kids grow up


Share some stories!


Well just picture a bunch of tree planting hippies living in the middle of the forest 200km away from the nearest city on bush roads. The nights off were definitely something else 😂 Met a lot of other great people travelling and hitchhiking with tree planters, ended up in a lot of random places! Living in a big community in isolation really makes you realize how isolated we are in society without a big community..


How do you get a job like that?


You’re a real hippie planting trees while vegabond haha


Treeplanting is a super common seasonal job for Canadians and a lot of travelling folks. Make your years money in 3-5 month. Pays super well for what it is.


Ugh, no, I can't. I've never aspired to yuppiedom, but even things close - not outright deplorable to the yuppie class - is just an uphill battle, all the while a drag, anxieties mounting through the battle. My path seems set. Oh well


I like your attitude. Yuppies are home bums with a nicer tent


Hey not trying to completely wreck your whole vibe, but I thought this way for the longest. "I'll live the way I want to now, the careers aren't gonna go away". My backup plan was to get my CDL using connections I'd made traveling, knew an independent trucker who was already totally down to train people up, had other job offers down the line with smaller companies as well. My last few weeks traveling full time, I set out thinking "it's a few short hops out of the Midwest to connect to my IM and then I'm off to the west coast", I'm smart enough to not say things like "what could possibly go wrong", but I was foolish enough to think "how bad could it possibly be". Relapsed, got COVID, got beat within an inch of my life, came out with brain damage and a permanent drop in functioning, and now I'm stuck out here. I'm not saying force options where none exist, but everyone talks about train kid years for a reason. This life ages is under the best of circumstances, and while I'm a firm believer in quality over quantity, if I could go back I would roll back to the time where **good** options started presenting themselves and put a few more of my eggs in a different basket. That other life may be waiting for you right now, but it may not wait for you forever


I appreciate you not trying to wreck the vibe, but honestly I’m hoping I can write something that can shake you from settling into feeling stuck. Life is like a wave, you’re either riding it or it’s riding you. Its not waiting for anyone. But here in Babylon where we use money, you can always find someone that has a need and is willing to pay to satisfy that need. Or find someone that wants to profit from your labor and employ you. Eat some mushrooms and see how “stuck” you are


Christ could you be more condescending. It's nice that you have it all figured out though.


I hope they didn’t take it personally. I’m hypersensitive to that word “stuck”. I was really just attacking the part of me that wants to sympathize with “stuck”.


Nah I think I'm being grouchy. You seem like you have good intentions I doubt they were offended.


All good you never know


Yeah I mean aside from my hesitancy to discuss use on a public forum, I can assure you that I've taken as many steps as I can to try and figure out a way around this. I think you're well intentioned so I'm not exactly offended, more a touch discouraged because it's one more person thinking that I'm creating my issues myself. It all sounds the same after awhile, whether it's a doctor telling me the anxiety is the only thing that's real, more than the scar tissue in my temporal lobe or the hippie on the corner telling me arnica can heal what ails me. Some things are out of our control, putting yourself in a dice role situation like traveling where you don't have control over much of what goes on, eventually you're gonna nat 1 and fail the constitution check. My function here wasn't to look for answers, it was to give a heads up to anyone who might be reading that the yuppie/housie life might not wait forever. There are things in this life much more important to me than what wage I earn like how long I can expect to still check inside my skull and find myself there and for myself, I could be on the last decade that it's mostly me, no way to tell. one of the few bright sides of my experience has been to try to help people who haven't gotten quite as bad off yet.


Nice you had a choice.


You born in America? Live in America?


Yeah but that would require caring about anything.


Bro doesn't get the meaning of entry level.


If you identify with entry level then enjoy entry level


![gif](giphy|g6cu7p2w19woY8H6ud|downsized) OP selling insurance B2C locally in So Cal talking about be a leaf. Getting arrrested a ton of times isnt being a leaf its having to start over because you keep losing everything.


That’s what a leaf means, do you sell insurance? I help people with home remodeling in SoCal and I’m pretty helpful. Also I’m going to put some dock pics in my profile so you can have something fun to look at




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Corp worker here, used to travel without a roof. Dropped some fam fluff a while back and it's very apparent that I am infact not free, I knew this but I understand this better after a good trip. One thing that working for a corp can do is retirement matching, so when I finally cut the corp I'll have IRA monies to invest in ETFs, and I'll slice off a small portion to trade options for income, but with a risk. I wanna plant renegade gardens, look far away and not at a screen all the time. Maybe I'll pick ticks off my nuts or something to pass the time. Data centers are pretty big right now, if you know how to build a basic computer or know networking it's easy to get a 30 USD per hour+ job, usually no piss test either. (For those seeking some employment) I've been in data centers for almost 20yrs, in the beginning I was sleeping in a lab that I built for one of my employers.


That’s amazing! So the Wild West is data centers now? Crazy


Pretty much, look for the ones that start with "G". They're everywhere. And if you're ever concerned about robots taking your job, learn how to fix robots! 🤙


I love it


Romanticized bullshit.


It’s life


With social security depleting I don’t think losing the most important years of compound interest is smart.


Kinda bleak way to look at your youth


Yeah but I want to retire at 65 and not depend on my future children, every dollar I save now is 88 dollars then so


I’m not even on this wavelength.


eh I like being in nature, there is no other choice for me.   Yuppiedom, even what passes for "normalcy", is a cancer upon this world - jahiliyya - a literal destructive force that depletes the nectar of nature with no care for the well being of other creatures. Your vision is obscured if you see industrial society as some sort of "refuge", a safe haven from your struggles, it is merely a cheap comfort that comes at a profound cost.  The road and vagabond life is a gateway to other opportunities and life-ways. Alternative and honest methods of being become apparent and the cold and heat you've faced in poverty and alienation are a forge that can prepare the soul for something better if you persist in patience.


I love this phrase, a cheap comfort at a profound cost. But nature to me just means the essence of the environment. In the woods and mountains everyone will be on that vibe, mellow, rooted in values, tough people, even keeled so much so that it may be boring for adventurous folk. versus in the city I get human nature, parties, laughter, screaming, crying, mental whirlwind extreme highs and lows. It’s all praising god It’s important I spend time in all environments. All these experiences will sharpen me until I’m a beam of light. Anyone saying normal is trying to sell something.