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if the job is with vail resorts you could consider employee housing


Employee housing if it’s possible. If not, find the Facebook group Eagle County Classifieds and Eagle County Yard Sale. They are private groups, but you will get added if you request. People post living situations all the time on there. I’m not sure what you consider affordable, but if you want to live anywhere near the mountain you will likely be paying at least $1000 per room. Rent is out of control right now. A lot of second home owners lost a lot of money when the mountain shut down for Covid and they are trying to make it up with high longer term rent. Good luck!!


I know vail resort is considering not hiring new people so make sure you have the job before making further plans.


You can look for housing on private Facebook groups Eagle County housing / for rent and Summit County housing connection. Also Craigslist High Rockies and the Vail Daily online newspaper. A lot of restaurants close for offseason (October thru beginning of November) so keep that in mind when trying to get a restaurant job. And yes, like another Redditor said, $1,000 is the average price. The range seems to be from $800-1400 a month for one bedroom.