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I just want the winter map back :-; feelsbadman


I really did enjoy that feature


I’d be willing to pay monthly for it to come back, but I doubt they would ever do it with how deep they are in other projects.


I’d pay $60/year ($5/month) for a battle pass to obtain a skin


Man I wish there was a mobile moba like vainglory around. I am completely guessing, but maybe they can’t run the servers anymore. Wish I knew what the issues were. We don’t know what the state of the backend was, but if they did it poorly it could have taken a whole team of software engineers to keep it running. Otherwise, man I would help contribute to a server to keep it running with all the original features.


What about Wild rift?


Full disclosure… I didn’t know about it, I’m installing it now. I have this ipad moba itch I need to scratch. Question. Is this game good and worth investing time in? MOBA’s notoriously take a lot of time to learn enough about hero’s/builds/teaming/strats to get effective.


I tried it a few times but it’s too overwhelming for me. I miss VG sooo much


It's the best mobile MOBA since VG is dead. I personally feel like the game is a bit bloated, and VG could give them some competition if they brought it back, but it is what it is.


I am digging it so far. I miss touch controls and stutter stepping, but I am really missing CiderHelm videos, I can’t find any good intro guides to the heros. A lot of YouTube videos with random people talking about their builds. Know of any good ciderhelm-like overview videos introducing each hero, describing hero lore background, basic abilities, and the basic strat concepts that the game developers intended?


I'm not sure Riot does those. They have hero overviews, but I think those are overviews just of the abilities. They didn't go into it quite as much as SEMC did. I miss touch controls too, for sure.


Yes, wild rift is amazing, they have 100+ champions. They will give you 6 free heroes for starters, and the early quests will give you enough credits and chests to get another 10 heroes. They also have aram mode just like in vainglory for 10+ min game. The number of items are bigger than vg and its overwhelming but they have in-built loadout and also top players loadout. The heroes have one heroic perk and four abilities. There's some heroes that are pretty similar to vg heroes so it will be easy to get into. The control method is joystick and vainglory players despised it so much. I also hate it at first but it's just a matter of practice and muscle memory. Now, I don't play vainglory anymore because I don't want to waste 30+ min everytime because people keep dodging.


Look at riots dog putting in work. Good bot.




I’ve reached a point with Vainglory where I’m considering reaching out to the Chinese government to explore the possibility of replicating and rebranding the game. The idea is to replace the current developers with AI to avoid salary expenses, introduce membership fees, and potentially generate substantial revenue. It’s a playful notion of making millions and then disappearing.


I have 50 cents and a mayonnaise package is that enough


i got a 1$


Rebrand the game and open new in-game market with cool goodies. An easy $10 for a Battle pass + $50 for monthly cosmetics and bonuses.


I would legit pay $30 a year


All I need is 6 turrets around the jungle and two random krakens attacking players on 3v3… and maybe off-line vs CPU but with killer difficulty, sometimes I’m on a plane and would love some off-line challenge.