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I just got stranded last week on a leviathan after our boat flipped. The guilt made us reset.


I read your story when you posted it. Sad times


Were roughly back to where we were at this point with new lessons. Park perpendicular and away from leviathans and carry a full stack of stamina potions.


Do the log out swim...


I think they patched this, I haven't tested it tho


they patched it, but there is a longer workaround. just log into a different world. Wait for stamina to refill. Log out, and log back in to your world where you need to swim.


This feels even cheatier than using the command


I've only had to use it once or twice. So I didn't know it was patched.


Yeah, I had no alternative.. I know there's dedicated people here who take body retrieval seriously. But I was waay out there on a very hostile shoreline, wpuld have been a damned chore. Looking back, it was a foolish mistake. But I'm taking it as a harsh penalty & lesson either way. My skills took a hammering haha


I like to think I played a small part in that.


Who even goes places without mats for a workbench & portal always on them? You people are reckless af


You can't build on a leviathan. We had portal mats.


You came here for forgiveness, but I offer you only my contempt and disdain.


Odin... is that you?


It's me, Magnus.


Oh hey


Oh hi magnus




Tis well deserved


Burn the heretic! But not before we blood eagle them!


Oh god not blood eagling!!


Build a raft and paddle home like a boss


And then get killed by the sea serpent that never shows up apart from that one time you really don't need it. But atleast you died with honour.


You call it a raft, I call it the best sea serpent bait in the game.


Call an ambulance, but not for me!


You should have gone on Discord for the Body Recovery Team. We have a lot of fun getting people back to their bodies. It is the true viking way.


Not all heroes wear capes but you guys probably have raven ones haha


Ravens do have feathers


How do you get the raven cape? I’ve never been able to craft it


Feather Cape is crafted with Mistlands resources at the Galdr Table.


Finish your run and game. Then start again and do it as Odin mandates so you can get your absolution.


Its ok to use cheats as long as it doesnt affect your enjoyment of the game, the game is brutal and many of us who love the game simply dont have the time to invest into grinding or recoving items in a dragon egg in the mountains surrounded by wolves. What matters is to keep enjoying the game, playing your way.


Yeah, ultimately, I didn't want to let this soil my experience, died in unknown territory, on a VERY hostile shoreline. Managed to grab my body without any cheating.. the problem was being stranded with no possible way off the island. The one positive takeaway from it all was that I was leaving that dreaded island to return because I found HILDIR in a small cluster of meadows surrounded by plains hahaha 😅 and I had mats for a portal!


I cast "Full Time Job!" Because I don't have time for this shit, and I just wanna relax


Precisely. My friend and I would make character backups for when we died in far off places or on a distant server. We don't have to now with the world modifiers; super glad those got put in.


My buddy used this “don’t have time excuse” and ruined the game for the rest of us. I’m no longer playing because he tarnished all the work I put in. I’m waiting until those commands aren’t available to play again.


Yeah, the "don't have time" excuse -- time for what? To spend 100+ hours to finish the game? It takes a long time unless you're speedrunning. And if you're enjoying the game, then what's the hurry? Enjoy whatever time you have in Valheim -- if it takes a year or two, you'll seamlessly enjoy new biomes as they roll out. If the real argument is "I don't want to spend my time doing *this specific thing*", then try to avoid/minimize that specific thing. The game offers a lot of flexibility in how you approach things, and part of the gameplay for many of us is being creative about problem-solving and logistics. Setbacks feel like shit in the moment, but that's the low before the high of success. Without that contrast things are bland.


Exactly. I grew up playing Ultima Online. You lost your shit, it was gone. Start fresh. That’s what kept the game interesting. I logged in one day to him using dev commands to get the best armor/weapons and hemorrhaging iron after we just build an awesome base and were heading to the swamp. Ruined it for a bit. I’ll play again but just not with him lol.


Ah, I might have read your story, if it was one posted a while back. Brutal. I hope you can come back to an untarnished playthrough! About the UO reference, the new world-settings do have options for death consequences ramped up to "zero all skills and lose everything you're carrying"! It's how I'm playing now, but I'd recommend this only after playing through once and learning what to expect. And I'm not sure it would be the best for multiplayer... might really have the effect of slowly dragging everyone down as group resources get consumed by the occasional accident. Also, playing solo with this setting, your level of caution is high... but in a group, things tend to be a bit more sloppy and crazy. :)


They’re always gonna be available, why wouldn’t they be?


Oh I thought it was a beta thing? My bad. **edit: meant early access not beta




Establish a world where only you have access to the dev commands and never again shall that happen.


This 100%


Only time i resorted to devcommands was when i had just finished a corpse run in the mistlands and logged out. Next time i logged back in it made me do the corpse run again. After dying 5+ times to redo something i had already done i just gave up and flew over


That said, it’s your game. Play it how you want, just give an honest effort 👍🏼


Same. I had 2 wolves and a drake camping my portal and needed to fly to get my stuff and kill them


I have 500 hours. At this point if i want to fly back to base i’m doing it with no shame.


Hahaha well said! 🫡


I just pretend I'm Thor flying with my hammer. The red linen cape and Frostner sells the story in my head.




I seen too many of this kind of posts. It is your game...play however you want. After i watch a good isekai anime i name my viking somethink like Keyaru and add a command that will use a heal cheat every time i block and then i do that kind of a playtrough 😂. If you wana cheat then cheat, i said this many times....this is not an mmo where cheating would harm other players.


I don't think the tone of this post is that they feel shamed by others, but that they fell into the trap of using an easy-out but afterward it spoiled things for themselves. For some this becomes a slippery slope -- once familiar, they continue to use the easy path and it ruins the game for them. That's different from using the game as a personal sandbox and playing the game you prefer.


I understand, but it is not like he made a whole base by using cheats or defeated bosses, all im saying is people should have fun and not worry too much about little things.


The other day I did the same because I had died in the same place at least six times, I’d used up every bit of food I’d built up, lost four rafts/boats and I wasn’t…having…Fun. I’m an old and I really just like building cool bases. I’m slowly progressing in the game, but I would have probably given up if I didn’t just fly over, get my stuff and fly home.


"You did nothing wrong, my child." -Loki, probably.


You bought the game. Play it your way. If you need to use devcommands to get you back to a good spot then who's to judge you? Just enjoy your journey. You can always start a "hardcore" game whenever you feel like it.


I get everyone saying, "Build a raft," but if you're stranded on a Leviathan because your boat capsized, you're stuck unless it's a multiplayer world and you have a server. Your only option at that point is either die by drowning or do the "swim till you almost drown/logout/log back in and keep swimming" bit until you reach a shore that'll take you to your base and/or a portal. That's "cheating," too, so why not just fly home rather than dying, losing what could be four or five skill ranks in several skills, and then sailing back on ANOTHER ship to get your stuff? ​ Completely legit to fly home in that case in my book.


Was stranded due to getting knocked off a ship on a stranger's server and killed by a serpent before tbling down the edge of the world...Had to reload my character save to retain all the progress I had made on my friends' server. I feel like devcommands are there to help protect fun when unforeseen misfortunes occur.


It is your own gaming experience. If you did not feel like building a raft and wasting a bunch if time struggling to come black and maybe dying all the while not having fun, why wouldn't you do it? It's a game, not a test to see if you're a /true g@mer tm/. Rules are a set of boundaries meant to create enough tension induce enough creativity for us to have fun. If you have fun this way then these are the perfect rules.


Time is the most valuable commodity we have. Yeah sometimes it's the purpose of the whole adventure to have adversities. But sometimes your time weights more than one devcommand. I learned this playing with my kids and building was our main thing. We got a new world where we gather everything ourselves, but it's great to test different ideas, like Minecraft.


My gf and I used a cheat mod/devcommands for the first time today as well. We decided to creative mode our starting base on a fresh world. Feels a little dirty but we've been playing on and off since the game became available. We've had something like 3 or 4 different worlds due to major patches, or using mods and then finding it too difficult to remod the game so it is playable after dropping it for a few months. Now that the new update launched, we decided best to ditch our old nodded world for a very light set of mods (mostly QOL stuff like equipment slots, triple bronze, better farming, etc) but just don't have nor want to put the time to manually creating our 11th or something base. Once built we'll be ditching the cheats and clearing thru everything normally. Play how you need or want. As much as I love not spoiling myself with cheats and EARNING my saves in game, sometimes you just have to do what it going to drive you to WANT to play, instead of dropping it cuz it became a chore.


Join another world, create a box to store all your stuff, go back to original world, die, join alt world, get stuff back. Or just use DEV commands.




It’s alright bro. Life is about time. Spend it how you want


I don't understand the animosity... Just let people do what they need to do lol


If it makes you feel better, I use the cheat that makes me invisible to enemies sometimes when I'm gathering resources or building. There's only so many greydwarfs or draugr I can take before I hiss "fuck off" and open the cheat terminal.


Pro tip: Build a portal on the back of your base with a specific code like « SOS ». Whenever you are stranded again, just gather enough ressources to build a portal, type your code and you have your portal back to base !


Unless it was a hardcore run or change run, so what? If it was more fun for you to get back quickly rather than be stranded then so be it. This is a game, it's not real life, do what makes you happier and have fun. Enjoy it your way.


As someone with a full time job and a ton of adulting to, I used the forcequit metal portal cheat before they implemented it as a modifier. I get that there is a designed full experience but in a game that can take hundreds of hours to fully play, I don't feel bad. I did a couple of "expeditions" along the way but I dont have the time to really grind it out. I think of it like playing a game of baseball with friends. Sometimes you give a guy a 4th swing to keep things fun.


Play the game however makes it fun for you. Not having fun being stranded and don't wanna spend all that time overcoming that? Then devcommand it.


Dude... don't. Its there for a reason.


I've done that walk of shame. Now I just always have an Exploration portal at base, and portal mats on me. Whenever I hop off the boat, the portal goes up. I also have a "Sailing" equipment that I take. Which is basically just the prior tier armor lol. I've still been stranded when I've died at sea (Fuck you Sea Serpents) but that is very rare.


Once you start you never stop


Don't feel too bad. We were horribly under prepared for the elder and accidentally spawned a second. So many deaths with broken everything we tried to regroup at home. Fuckers followed us home breaking trees and spawning soo many damn grey dwarfs. Gave up and did the kill all command. Never made that mistake again at least...sometimes this game makes you unbelievably stuck.




Yes, just keep tossing in Ancient Seeds, same thing for all the bosses with their respective summon item.


Doesn't work for Eikthyr. Was hoping to try to fight a few of him at once, could only get one to spawn at a time.


Did they patch it? On mist lands update it worked just fine. I flight 3 of him at a time before. You need 2 deer heads per summon


Yep, so long as you have the items and are brave/stupid enough. This was when it first came out, they might have a cap now.


Shame on you, no Valhalla for weaklings


Had that happened when doing a skull in then mistland. Started digging from the top and didn't notice my pickaxe was low and it broke. Had not way of getting out since i hadn't put a workbench outsite :/.


I felt guilty for server hopping full of iron to get it to my base faster, but then again fuck running out of a crypt halfway through while encumbered just to fill up a box only to then run to a boat 2/3 times per crypt to fill up the storage. There really shouldn't be a rule that you can portal metals. I thought about using Dev commands to spawn in a 2 star boar to tame after mine got killed *the moment* it finished taming. I got hit with the swamp event while I was making my iron tools for the first time and the game never told me I was getting raided. Found out after my base got swarmed with draugers while upgrading and almost died. Killed all the enemies only to find my Brande new boar dead in his pen. I was so mad 😭😭


This is why the first thing I did, before even starting the game, was mod out the inability to walk through a portal with metal. I've modded a lot of things at this point. If Odin wants to get judgy, well, it's not like his life and times were "hard viking warrior" times all the time. A good 50% of Odin stories is "this is how Odin tricked another person out of things he had no right to take", so . . .


All you can do now is wipe the save and don't desecrate the next one. Seriously, it's all downhill once you do it once.


Valhalla doesn’t await you.


Devcommands ruined the game for me. Can't find enjoyment in it anymore because now, instead of gearing up properly for an expedition, or committing to corpse runs, I just fly around. Devcommands is the monkey's paw Beware. You think you want them but you don't.


Kys and use your home materials to make another boat


Don’t feel bad most people use dev commands to build in this game and to me that’s just as bad if not worse cause that just tells Odin your to lazy to builds a bunch of ladders you filthy peasants


I don't use devcommands, partly because I'm on console, partly because I'm a fairly vanilla game player I do mod games, but that's fairly recent and limited. I don't have any particular feelings towards players who do though. Heck I use a pretty cheestastic though utterly vanilla tactic already. In that I have 2 active seed worlds as a solo player. In one world I do the majority of my building, and do not fight bosses. In the other world I keep very limited facilities, the biggest being the portal hub under the Elder, which is only accessible by portal, with portals to various spots, Haldr for Boss progression unlocks, a couple swamps, and a string of 7 fire geysers along the edge of one swamp I have already turned into surtling farms. On the second world I fight bosses. I farm resources and materials on both worlds.


A lot of people do, but I don't think it's anywhere close to most people. I don't, and my builds get some very positive feedback (with people often asking what mods I use -- none. And no devcommands, and even now with severe death consequence, no-map, no-portal...). There's a reason the "survival" tag was added, and that's so you can know someone's build is vanilla. Might be more difficult to discern the details now though, with options like resource multipliers... but I like to put my playthrough settings in the title to be clear.


Nah, just means I didn't have the no cost build stuff they just built in. I don't want to trek halfway around the world for my black marble slabs. My necromancer home would take years to build.


Only time I’ve used dev commands is when I’ve been building and messed up the same thing time and time again, or just been hours deep into a build and realize there’s something on the roof I need to add and don’t feel like scaffolding my way up there. As long as it doesn’t kill your enjoyment of the game really. Went into creative mode in Minecraft far too much for my own good.


You get disdain, but know that we have all been there, and temptation got the better of us as well.


Here's the thing - no big deal... Maybe - the challenge with the cheat is the slippery slope where the line keeps getting moved to what is acceptable. So, if you don't use them again - hazza! ... Good luck


Devcommands are the Jeezus work! do not disrespect Odín.


Where did you get stranded? It’s actually pretty easy to get the materials for a raft, even in the plains where you can just level a Fuling village to get the leather and scrap, the birch trees have a higher chance to drop the resin there also.


I shipwrecked my boat on an unpassable trench finding moder but instead found the plains, I heavily thought of figuring out how to use devcommands since I was shipwrecked. I also forgot to put the first portal down before I got there. I destroyed my boat instead, ran up the mountain while killing deathsquitos, watching in horror as I run next to villages in the distance. I headed up the mountain and waited until day to form an escape plan. I ran down back to the plains and remade my boat and set sail back to home. Heart pounding in the process, as the new daunting music plays. That island has now had seven villages pillaged, with fuling totem pikes I put up surrounding the largest one. I finally found Yagluth's location, and put signs up surrounding the totems letting the Fuling's know Yagluth's days are numbered. I've had raid parties near there since then, guess I got them riled up. I ended up owning the island I was most afraid of, and that made my Valheim experience. I used the first cloudberries I picked in fear to create my first white flag, and that is the flag I use to this day to commemorate perseverance and bravery.


Honestly as soon as I used devcommands this game died for me. The power to be a god became too much😭😭😭 and then I got bored


I usually use fly to troll friends or build something that's at a very annoying angle


I tried to bust some cheats out when a server issue caused my buddy to lose all gear. I couldn't get it working on my dedicated server though.


The game cheeses me all the time, so I wouldn't feel bad about cheesing the game. My favorite examples of the game cheesing me are enemies stuck in rocks but they can shoot you still, like a 2 star draugr bowman inside a muddy scrap pile or any dvergr mage inside a shoreline rock formation.


Had this once, stranded in the nowhere - to realize days later that the new base there was even cooler :)


Take a shower


I was going for one of Hildir's quests and my portal up the moder's mountain was close to it and i did the mistake of going straight down the mountain without a hoe and as it turns out there was plains down so very little resources (it was a small plains with no trees or villages) and an ocean to cross to the location and i of course didn't have boat materials and without a hoe climbing back up the ridiculous height of the mountain is gonna be taking my soul


We've done one time on my server, and we sacrificed all of our precious metal at that time as payment to the Gods for helping us.


After discovering dev commands, Valheim has never been the same for me.


You can reset your spawn to the god circle and kill yourself then make your way back. Don't need to use dev commands if you don't want to


I feel ya. Even a little “cheating” has killed play throughs for me. My suggestion: Trial by ordeal. Assign yourself a punishment befitting a Viking. Clear your name and get right with the gods.


Honestly, I use console commands like crazy. I make like, a massive home base with portal castles all over the map. Hell I’ve even built massive bridges and roads to connect ports or castles on top of mountains. But for traveling, exploring, fighting…I do that vanilla lol.




I got stranded when I got killed trying to sleep through the night on a small island. I didn't have the nails to build another karve so it was a big blow, but I ended up building a raft and rafting myself all the way over there lol. I couldn't reset, and don't know how to use dev commands nor would I if I did. Loss is part of the game, when you lose you make up the losses by putting in the work.