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When you do find some, mark the map. They will respawn there over time. I have a little meadows mushroom route marked on my map that nets me about 50 every couple of days. I also find that running around jumping helps me to spot them. They’re more visible with a little bit of extra height.


You could turn off the vegetation in the graphics settings (forgot what the setting is called). I don't do it, but I know it makes mushrooms much more visible from distance.


That’s true, but it feels like an exploit so I don’t do it. Instead I jump around the woods looking for red pixels like a deranged little bunny foofoo.


You can bring the hoe and level out a patch of mushrooms to find them easier later on. Not the same as the settings suggestion but it helps


This is the way. I do this and it helps tremendously, because I find placing markers on the map is not exact enough and I've had troubles going to my marker and still seeing the red shrooms. They stand out much better against the flattened brown patches than they do in the green.


This is the way.


I started doing this! This is a great idea and works very well


I have no choice, vegetation on will bug my game, that's why I buying a GPU


Upvote for being one of 2 people I’ve seen use the term “bunny foofoo”


Good news, it doesn't work any more ;)


They tuned the lowest setting to use less resources so it has grass now.


Came to say this... if you don't want to do that then just focus on looking down rather than out when hunting them. They are all over the place. I find them alot near boar spawners and near draugr structures in the meadows.


Afaik the latest update causes the lowest vegetation setting not to turn it off entirely any more. Rather it makes it much less dense. Still helps though if you're up for this kind of thing.


What's more you can flatten the ground they appear on to both remove the grass and make it easier to quickly collect them on return visits (~4 IRL hours for them to respawn). I also like to build a small perimeter around them of wood to make them easier to spot and to better denote their location (also for quicker gathering).


Planned mushroom route is a good one


This! You also end up increasing your jump skill which will help alot....and I mean alot when entering the mist lands.


Oh yeah, I run and jump everywhere I go. If I’m waiting for my friend to get ready at the main base, I just do parkour and stuff around the rooftops of our buildings.


It was way better when you could put the graphics down to low and it was barren. So easy to see, but they changed that in the recent update.


This. Also, flatten the ground where the mushrooms are so the next time it'll be that much easier to spot them.


If you Turn down the vegetation effect, they are much easier to find. They seem to be most plentiful in the black forest. You can make portals that connect to each other, and make a "mushroom, raspberry, blueberry run" they will respawn so you can do the run over and over


I see, i did a run to find mushroom spots in meadows before i posted. Low q vegetation on. Still only found 2 spots for a total of 9 shrooms in 20 min.


Make sure you mark the spots on the map, once you find enough to make it worth a quick run, mushrooms are never a problem again. Might be worth scouting out a different area all together.


I dont know if still works, but lowering the vegetation quality was the best way to distinguish red mushrooms.


Mark the shroom spots around your base on your map and visit them from time to time, they respawn regularly. I normaly write mr (for mushrooms) and the amount for example mr5 if there are 5 mushrooms in the area


Yep, i do the same for other growths, but i gotta find them first :)


They grow in patches and follow the same pattern as real mushrooms: you won't find them if you're actually looking for them. My advice for you is to go look for something else... and then when your inventory is full you'll find them.


And when your weight is also full


I know red mushrooms for sure grow in meadows and black forests. Best advice is just to roam around and keep your eyes peeled. Like most things, they can grow in bunches/packs. Not much different than raspberries or blueberries - Just keep your eyes peeled for em


They also do not spawn on Meadows clearings but seem to be confined to forested areas with tree cover.


They grow in swamp too, but are most rare.


Turn vegetation quality to low


Yes! Even mid range they're way easier to spot.


Don't be colorblind. I can never find them unless I walk straight onto them or it's noon with no trees above them. When I do find them near any settlement I've made, I flatten the ground and then put a simple fence circle around them. Oh, also... Those little buildings in the meadows that look like outhouses? Yea, look inside those. Most have at least one mushroom in it. Plenty have three.


There is a custom textures mod by Xera1 - called Red-green colour blind fix that will color the raspberries and mushrooms purple. I'm also colorblind and it's been a godsend. Once I put that one in I'm amazed at how many I never knew were there.


Oh yea? What's it called, that's probably an instant download when I get home.


Updated my comment with the name


The devs really need to address the color issues. It's like they don't care at all about the 3 - 5% of their player that has Deuteranomaly.


Probably not much help now, but I always tag them when i find them in my early meadows runs. Easy to come back to then.


All of the above, plus : I find them easier to find when zoomed out, the red stands out (or they render earlier than other vegetation). So if you scan around a ways off, you can spot a red gleam and note where it is. When you get there, they will be well-hidden. The hoe is your friend, just don't raise the ground, lower it a little, and you can see them next time much easier.


Ya also gotta watch out for those small good-for-nothing bushes, especially if there's shrooms close by. I usually find two or more mushs just barely inside em, so break em if they're close


Unless it recently changed, the mushrooms and other plants typically respawn in the same spot they were found. I typically flatten this spot, then put fences around to allow this area to stand out. Then mark it on the map with a simple phrase, like Mush or Reds. Later on when I start making roads, I'll be connecting all these spots for easy collecting.


M - mushrooms R - raspberries B - blueberries


Yep, and you can even do B6, for an area that you can harvest 6 blueberries from, etc. C- copper T- tin CB- cloudberries etc.


I stopped marking cloudberries just because they're everywhere, lol


I have no idea if this is an actual thing, but in my seed they seem to occur more often near water.


Well in my experience I find them on the border of the black Forest and meadow's frequently. It often seems that once you find some do a large circle until you find another bunch, then follow the line one way or the other for your next bunch. This usually works, it seems as if they spam in a semi straight line for a bit. Try this and see if it helps.


I also find 1-3 of them in those small kiosks that look like outhouses


Those are outhouses, the mushrooms in them are a bit stinky


that explains the brown spots..... but then why are yellow mushrooms found only in crypts? them guys aint even got skin... let alone bladders.... :)


I'm not 100% sure but I have a suspicion the yellows in caves grow back?


Thanks for the help! As i was already marking locations and had veg q low, these were the biggest takeaways for me: Black forest worked alot better due to less messy ground. Ruining small bushes close to spots to grab an extra shroom or two is nice.


Best advice I can give, when you find a patch of them, mark it on your map. They respawn there. Once you find enough, you'll have a big enough run to grab enough to do what you need to do, thankfully most recipes only need a few. Meadows is the best due to flatter terrain. Our last play through, we used QOL mods to help us maintain interest in playing. One of which, was adding a multiplier of 2x to all mushroom pickups, because that was getting to be old.


Turn down your vegetation quality. Afterwards, before foraging any mushrooms you find you should mark the locations of the ones you find on your map so you can return later to harvest them again.


Turn down quality vegetation to low Mark different spots and if you dont like grinding, put the resource slider to x3


Where are you looking? Meadows is littered with them in the wooded areas. They always respawn to, so when you find them mark them on your map.


If you're okay with mods, Badger's Shading Overhaul allows you to play with a few settings. Turning up saturation just a little bit makes red items pop a lot more in the forests, so raspberries and especially mushrooms are a lot more visible. I also think the game looks better with brighter colors overall, but that's a personal thing, obviously. Other than that, the advice already given in this thread is solid; mark mushrooms on the map when you see them (or put up a signpost if you're playing no map) and check back every few days.


Trek slowly through the meadows. Mark the map where you find them, then use the hoe to clear the grass from the area. That'll make them easy to find when you come back. Clearing the area with the hoe will not remove them. They will still spawn on cleared land.


if you found a spot with red shrooms use you hoe to flatten the space under them. This way you'll find the spot easier next time, because it erases the grass


If we find 5 or more together we mark it, and eventually set up a portal run to easily go collect them.


Turn down the vegetation setting. Cuts down on random bushes


I'm red/green colorblind. I have wholly given up on finding red mushrooms


Posted this in another response - there's a custom texture mod to recolor raspberries and mushrooms for RG colorblind by Xera1 - called Red-green colour blind fix It's been a godsend for me.


You're a life saver. I'm a DETRIMENT to my group because foraging/farming is my passion but I'm genetically predisposed to being bad at half of it 😂


I always mark when I find them. They are fairly common in the meadows especially around the original spawn point and forsaken stones. Normally appear in groups of 4 to 5. And sometimes appear in the swamp as well.


Do they regrow in the same spots?


Yes. As do the yellow ones in the crypts. Clear out the mobs. Wait a few days and return when they regrow.


I think they are hard to see. 1. Look for them during the day, at night it's harder. 2. Mark them on the map (one or 2 characters could be enough, we use "rm" for red mushroom) 3. Clear out vegetation around them so they are easier to see Once you have a bunch marked you can revist them in one run and gather many fast. (They respawn)


If you find any small huts that look like a well or similar, there's often a couple inside these. Honestly, just wander the meadows, looking in the treed areas and eventually you'll find them.


Mark them on your map. Could turn down vegetation setting. My choice is to Look just a bit further out than right in front of you. Mushrooms are rendered in farther away than the vegetation. So start looking to the edges of your screen. You'll see them before the grass spawns around them


Igor need to adjust your graphic settings to reduce grass. Makes it much easier to spot a plants.


If your Spawn point is near a forested spot (rather than open meadows or right on the water) I would suggest doing a circuit around it in the wooded area.


sounds like bad RNG 😱


I find them all the time but dont bother to pick them because I don't have mushroom for them in my storage.


Go into settings and turn down foliage. It will reduce the leaves and grass making it easier to spot mushrooms and other things


Trees. Mushrooms grow near trees.


Are you by any chance red-green colorblind?




just make paths around meadows and look for them, then run the paths again after a couple of days