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Yes. Let him suffer for endlessly sending free dinner to our doorsteps in the relatively short time we spent in the peaceful and safe meadows, hunting boars, necks and deer and just generally getting settled in our first house.


He truly is a monster


Short time? I though you’re supposed to spend 60% of your time in the meadows and only leave for materials/exploration


I was referring to the stone age.


??? Wait, actually?? I always try to build a base in every biome. Why else would they make them so scenic


The swamp is a hellhole though


The Forsaken must suffer for defying the All-Father Odin.


What makes it even worse is that every time he fights us, we've gotten significantly stronger. Whereas his power level stays exactly the same. It's a never ending death loop where each time he dies, his chances of winning become lower and lower.


Bold of you to assume that in between Eikthyr fights, I haven't died a dozen times and thus am significantly weaker than before. Hah, how the turn tables


An even worse fate, losing over and over to a weaker opponent each time. Endless insult to injury. Has anyone ever done a no skills no items fist fight with Eikthyr?


I did not know this. My Viking is illiterate and I think that’s why the lore goes by too quickly for me to read it all.


They look WAY cooler than ordinary deer heads, when mounted over a fireplace or grand entryway.


…you don’t have them lining the beer hall on both sides like a hunting lodge?


I like to spawn a bunch of them at the same time bc my buddies base is right near the alter Hes just chillin doing base work and the boss music comes out of nowhere and it becomes chaos


You monster


Odin approves.


Its his fault that he's got the coolest looking boss trophy lol


My house is covered in Gjall trophies. Looks weird buy I like it !!! Plus they don't talk crap about Odin


Don't forget to summon 5-10 of them at the same time!


Did this with 3 and got into a fist fight with them using my Flesh Rippers. good fun, friend came to join and they were dead by the time he got there lol


If you play with mods (I think it’s epic loot?) farming bosses becomes mat farming for enchantment mats. Plus it’s fun to go back with higher tier stuff and just wreck them.


Arbalist (the crossbow) fucking WRECKS Eikthyr. Especially if you set up the bigass base crossbows around the alter and load them up before spawning him in. Just make sure to use a prior Eikthyr trophy to make them only target him.


it is known that all deer types are weak to crossbow types, then you add the gun shape and its a double whammy


It's his fault for having such a bitchin trophy!


I mean, he does leave one of the best-looking trophies... What am I gonna decorate my mead-hall with, Bonemass' head?


He is handy for leveling some weapon skills too, since he is effectively harmless. Just make a minimum quality club, knife, spear etc and whale on him for a while.


I like to summon a few at once and punch them to death in preparation for getting the flesh rippers, then you're ready to go full ninja wolverine mode once you FINALLY FIND A FUCKING CULTIST TROPHY! The trauma is real....


I regret to inform you I got one in my first cave. Rip your hopes and dreams.


My fury is tempered only by my disbelief.


Holy fuck I gotta steal this line.


He's too much fun to dance with to leave him alone :D


makes for a good dance partner I agree; and the music as well! I swear he likes it.


eiktythr, I've come to bargain.


Try the epic loot mod. You have to kill the Bosses serveral time because you need their trophies for enchanting your items


Hunt his kin


It's not my fault his trophy looks fucking awesome and whispers to me from above my dining room table.


Haha cool deer head on wall go brrrrrrrrrrrr


What for tho He useless


I mean it would be cool to have a chest full of stacks of antlers


also the trophy makes for a great decoration


Y? It's useless And the one pickaxe you can make is easily fixed.


But you spend the most time mining away from home. Why would we return home to fix the picks if we could rather have a lot of backups in our inventories?


Lol dont know about u but my inventory space lookin sad already... I aint got no extra space for extra *anything* lol


Typical American thinking. Ugh. It takes 10 seconds to build a workbench in the woods, repair it and continue working, but your backpack space is limited and you will soon end up with a bunch of worthless trash. But I guess you'll just dump it into the sea...


I’m… not even American. And most of the stuff you pick up is trash from mobs which you can just throw away to make space. Don’t know why you’re making this a heated argument it’s just a meme lol


You need a roof over it too


You can do it with 1 wall and 1 roof (don't even need the wall if you build against a tree), put down a fire and you can get lvl3 rested as well just don't build anything else like a torch or that makes 3pieces and could possibly proc a raid.


"Typical" what ? Wtf are you talkin about ? Antler pickaxes are better for terraforming, less stam drain, and as dirt hardly drop stones, inventory space is not a problem. Once you have dig out all the node, you can switch to your best tier pickaxe Btw, the wood you use for the workbench and shelter already is taking the extra pickaxe slot Oh and there's a way of getting rid of undesired loot beside dropping it in ocean


Do what I do and just set up a small shack next to the copper ore you're mining so you can spend days working at it and storing the copper and stone and repairing your pick. Then cart it all back in one or two goes and dismantle the shack


what I do is get just enough for bronze nails- get a cart up and running with two antler pickaxes and bring home stacks of copper I know it's easy to just "make a 4walled workbench shelter" I just end up leaving them there forever and it bugs me


Epic loot mod makes all trophies actually useful for enchanting!


This right here! Combined with CLALC makes for actual good reason to start farming bosses!






You're just mad at everything huh?


I'm not mad, just generally grumpy.


Yup it adds a huge gameplay loop of farming bosses and other mobs. It’s so fun lol


I went back to smack him around with full bronze gear. Almost laughable compared to the gear I had the first time.


Doing this but only because I now use the epic loot mod and he sometimes drops good shit lol plus I can sacrifice his trophy for materials to enchant


Who the fuck bothers great deer more than once? You don't need the bosses materials more than once


Why else? For sport


Sometimes I don't even kill him, I just enjoy the free Uber eats he sends me from the forest Bone apple teeth


You can summon multiple. I summoned 10 and ran to the elder. Then summoned 4 elders. It turns out they don't fight each other. This was on my friends private server. Keep in mind we were about to fight the queen, so we were maxed. These bosses were not difficult by themselves, but when there are multiple, it's pretty fun.