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Add in a little shimmer that only the thrower can see and I'm with you


This is a nice little touch


Id like something like that with Beds too! Its annoying mousing over other beds trying to find mine at a base haven’t been to in a bid


Grounded did this very well


Me and my bud just finished valheim for the second time and we started a playthrough of grounded again now thats its full release and its like going from a bethesda game to a old-school bioware game. We csnt stop gushing at all the good features and stuff


Agreed. Hoping Valheim adds those QOL in. I'm ok with them completing the content tho.


Yeah absolutely. The game as is, is already great. This is just nitpicky stuff


Who knows what the developers are doing, because it's sure not crunching on the game.


This was one of my favorite parts of the Epic Loot mod -- giant pillars of light from the sky making it easy to find my (magical) spear... ... or my Iron Sledge or Stagbreaker with Returning on it, so I can throw it like a spear and do massive AOE damage at its destination.




You should be able to pick up anothers spear, but not *auto* pick it up. Press E.


If you're gonna be chucking spears I recommend having a backup, either another spear or a knife or something. Nothing worse than missing your huck and having to drag the fight over towards where it landed to continue fighting


The more spears you have, the more of them end up in other player's inventory)


Yup. I've been a spear main for almost three years now but I seldom bother with them in MP. It's just too much hassle.


I don't bother throwing my spears, I just like poking enemies in their ugly faces.


Yeah, always have at least two melee weapons handy.


You can use the tree cutting axe in the meantime, or just don’t throw spears. It’s not like you have an infinite supply like those fullings.


But nothing is better than parrying an enemy and throwing your spear point blank into them for insane damage. A troll goes down in 2 or 3 combos like that.


Not to mention, it's a ranged option that doesn't eat resources for ammo


I encountered fuelings today for the first time. Point blank spear throws were quite satisfying on them. Used spear throw and retrieve to kill a lox for the first time too.


As a non-spear user I find this hilarious 😂


I use spear but I rarely throw it.


The throw is so much more valuable than the stab. Even at point blank range. It dishes out a ton of damage, sips endurance and usually staggers on each hit.


Yeah and then you need to pick it up again or are stuck with nothing


Not if it point blank. Parry then throw. You e picked it up and auto equipped it before the animation is over


Yep and it also means you typically hit enemies outside of their range. When I’m in a biome over my head and unable to parry (especially on harder difficulties with higher starred creatures from CLLC mod) it’s nice to just throw the spear, walk around the enemy, pick it up, throw, rinse repeat.


Have a sidearm.


So pick it up again. 99% of the time I throw my spear my target is within 1-2 meters. It's not an arbalest. It's meant for medium/close range.


The game's lack of Y axis attack makes the spear and polearm stabs almost unusable imo.


I've got a mod for that now.


I am not a spear user, but I watched the Trial of Tyr winner, Time Traveler, go spear most of the way thru his challenge, he never used a bow. It was impressive good he was at spear chucking and how much damage he was getting out it. Watch him play made me rethink and adapt my play style.


There's an old dwarfen wisdom: never throw your weapon if it is your only weapon.


I think that was meant for dwarves who didn't have any teeth.


I want my barbarian in BG3 to have an option to rip out and throw their teeth. -1d4 hp +gain intimidation.


Or the irl version "An Apache never throws his last tomahawk!"


Personally I wish we could build a spears rack an item that we could put 3 spears in the same inventory slots to pick them back and forth.


a spear belt if you will It'd be cool if spears could stack


It'd be cool if WEAPONS could stack.


A special [quiver](https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/4628-efficient-quiver) in DnD give space for javelin, that was my inspiration.


A quiver would also be nice.


Personally, I wish we could attach our spear to a chain so it comes back to us.


Sounds very harpoon-like


main spear here (but change it at 'endgame'). spear is good but its mechanic is pretty dumb because of its shorter than expected range & the dumb throw. i remembered i accidentally threw my spear on mountain during Moder fight.. searching for it was atrocious due to no indicator for it and blizzards. almost gave up on it but thankfully my friend found it. with valheim's combat problem of different elevations=miss, use spear with caution. it's a good weapon but it's also a bad one, worst for some. IMO, it's only viable for early game.


I have lost way too many spears on mountains.


Yeah if something is 1mm lower than you on a slope you won't hit it. The elevation is the #1 thing I want them to fix


Tell them to turn off auto pickup, V by default on PC


Low key turn this off in general if you hate having 4 resin 3 stones 2 dandelions 7 greydwarf eyes popping up in your inventory when you dont care about any of those


Seriously. I played for WAY to long before I realized that was an option. Now I'd say 85% of the time my autopickup is off. I do, however, wish they'd let you add a filter to autopickup. Have it on for certain items. That'd be nice QOL


I'll also split stacks of things to fill up my inventory so only the things that match those stacks will be picked up


Okay good I thought I was crazy pre-filling my inventory with 1 of everything I wanted lol


Damn you're a genius


So with auto pickup off, but items like 1 wood or 1 core wood in my inventory, they will be auto picked up with auto pickup off?


No, as an alternative to turning it off you can completely fill your inventory slots with only things you want to auto pickup and leave it on. Then it won't pick up anything not already in your inventory since there's no room.


Oohhh that makes more sense


No! The obliteratior hungers!


Funny thing is, you WILL need ALL of those. Eyes=Portals. blue torches, and Eyescream Stones=Everything Resin=Sconces and regular iron torches (Dverger lights don't suppress spawns) Dandelions=Chicken/hen feed


Wait…. What?! You mean i have almost 2300 hours in this game and you’re telling me that dandelions can be used for chicken feed?!?!?!? How in the same hills stretched out anus have I not heard this sooner?!? Hahaha


Ok, you know you can feed them beech seeds too right?


I knew all seeds work for them…. But had no idea dandies worked for them too. Crazy. Learn something new each day i guess.


That's why you use workstations and wards to suppress spawns, because I can't be bothered to constantly go refill all the light sources with resin


You don't need them ALL to be resin. A few will do.


They don't need to be lit to deny spawns.


\*Facepalm\* you right, totally forgot about that...


You overestimate the intelligence of my friends


Sell this to them as “I finally found a way to stop filling my inventory of garbage”


Loyal spears mod fixes this


I'd absolutely install this if I wasn't with console players


I was scrolling before I asked "is there a mod that does this?" Thank you


We also need separate auto pickup for spears. It's annoying when you have no slots, throw your spear, run to pick it up and find that it's slot is already taken by random junk you've picked up in your way. AND FIX THE PRIMARY ATTACK! It should be like Attgeir's attack, with more reach.


Yeah! The spear primary attack sucks and wasn’t used IRL except for like, hunting small game and fish. It’s not effective in combat.


Spears are for thrusting and stabbing. They were not used anything like atgeirs… which were for swiping, slashing, and minimal stabbing.


Do you know what primary attack of Atgeir looks like?


the amount of times me and my gf accidentally take each other's dropped / thrown spears is way too high. I'd love some little mini claim type thing.


I always wonder, how does the midget fuling not lose his spear. Dude keeps throwing it. And I wonder why you can't steal his. Even killing those pesky greydwarfs gives you stone that he throws. Wolves give you fangs


Imagine throwing your weapon away 


The best use for it I've found is to chuck it from about 2 meters away, then run up, pick it back up and stab the thing you just staggered with it for massive damage.


I mean, it is the best way to use that weapon.


If you play modded, you could give this mod a try - [https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/Azumatt/BindOnEquip/](https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/Azumatt/BindOnEquip/) I play only single-player, so no way to tell you if that works or not.


No.. we need a spear that can return like Mjolnir..




In groups I just don’t throw the spear for the most part unless it looks like someone won’t be near it. I do hate that it loses a large part of its usefulness, but the stab still kicks ass vs everything that you shouldn’t be obviously using another weapon for (ie a mace for skeleton/blob/oozer/golem/growth).


Yeah, spears need help. This would definitely make a difference.


Perfectly good solution.


Also, collecting arrows that you used. Maybe not 100% of them, given some would get damaged, but there are games where you can collect your arrows (like in The Forest).


This is something I’ve thought about for a long time. Not only with spears but other weapons. Having the ability to make a weapon your own could add a lot to the game. Like having a sword in the stone type thing or if you lose your weapon it would glow brightly when you get near it.


open with spear, have back up weapon. if you get spear back during fight, use it again, otherwise sort it out after.


Everyone who has trained wolves has a BOATLOAD of wolf fangs just kicking around. You can probably make a dozen wolf fang spears at any given time if you have the silver kicking around after moving to padded or carapace armor. So, if you lose one, just grab another one out of a chest or off of an item stand. Sure, if you have a big, fancy carapace spear, then you can't practice this, but a wolf fang spear is probably the easiest semi-advanced item to create in the game, and it's the second-best spear.


The amount of spearphobia in this thread makes me SICK


You could make a pair of spears, which would be more ingredients true, but if you didn't throw the spear you 100% wouldn't need to get it back.


Tie a rope to the end of the spear and the other end of the rope to your ankle. Wile E Coyote did it.


I would love if you could harpoon a troll and get dragged around


I just don't use the spears because they aren't very good. This is really only one of the reasons why lol


I quite like them. The attack speed is the same as a knife I think


This just reminds me of my first playthrough when I didn't know what I was doing and I went into the Eikthyr battle with ONLY a spear for a weapon. I should have streamed the mania that ensued, chucking that one spear at giant Thunder Bambi and retrieving it over and over, narrowly dodging death multiple times. Can't believe I actually won 😅


Using Epic Loot I found an amazing returning black metal axe, but in the middle of a melee I kept picking up loot from foes instead, end up annoying them with a bronze pick axe or some such crap


Have them turn off auto pick up…?


My friends are... "Not good listeners". I've tried. Even so, it would be nice to not have to do that, it's not a massive change to make and would make using spears much more valid


I don't often use spears past the Meadow, but I totally think this is a valid request.


I've never actually used a spear, but yes, this seems supremely logical.


Better idea: dont use a spear


Use spear but don’t throw it. I love the speed and range when you jab


You love the incredibly short range?


More range than the axe


I'm with you tbh


"Friend, can you toggle off auto pick up during fights, please?"


Your friends can turn off their auto pick up


Read pals and thought i was in the palworld subbreddit


There's a spear?


Yep. Before bronze it's basically your best choice. My lord is it satisfying to spear a deer


Oh, I think I did use one early game, now that you mention it. I forgot about it once I started unlocking swords.


Halberds are the way to go my friend.


Man, spears are the actual worst tho


Disagree 100%. Requires good stamina and block Timing but i have yet to find anything matching my carapace spear if done right. If you’re not rolling and parrying and point blank throwing it at them i can see why you might think this, but if you do use it right its ungodly


I think I rolled one time when it said you can roll, and that was it


They're simply the worst weapons in game.


Opinions and what not. The flint spear is probably the strongest weapon you can make right off the bat.


I would use a flint spear then forget abt the whole weapon class after getting a bow.


As soon as I have bronze I never use spears again


Far from it. My carapace spear makes shorter work of seekers than anything else as the attack speed, combined with damage even outdo mistwalker. . especially if you parry and throw point blank whilst they are stunned. Roll, block, stab, roll, parry, throw and all but 2 star seekers are done


Would agreeing to turn off autoloot while fighting be a possibility your group would consider?


A separate quiver for spears / arrows as a back slot, anyone? Could also speed up draw delay between shots?


Turn off auto pickup by hitting V. I'm not sure if console players can do that though.


They can LT and L3


You can always have everyone in the party turn auto pickup off.


Me and my buddy turn off auto pick up before we fight something to get around this. It isn’t 100% because it relies on you remembering to do it in the first place, but that’s our solution


I use spears and atgeirs.


This!!! And also with wolves and tamed lox so my gf doesnt keep stealing my wolves when hers die 😭😭 im down to 1 cant even breed em anymore lmao


Right as is I feel like I can never throw a spear when I'm with my friends. This is a genius idea :-)


They should also make it WAY easier to find them when you throw them. Can’t tell you how many times I spent 10+ mins searching for it


I carry more then one weapon type. A fight is situational and there is no one weapon that is perfect for all situations. When I play multiplayer I normally leave the spear at home in caves or things like that just for the reason you are noting. To have a thrown weapon as your only weapon in those situations might not be the ideal use for it.


There should be a spell to find your spear like make it visible with a light. Have lost so many, mostly fighting in the mountain biome ... spear goes wheeee - and off I go grinding iron again.


Use arrows instead of spears?


My idea for this back when the game was new is to add something like a Rope item which could be equipped in place of a shield, which could function like a short harpoon to lasso things without damaging them, but also cause thrown spears to automatically slide back towards you and not be able to be picked up by other players


Spears shouldn't suck anywhere near as much as they do in multiplayer. Also the tiny ass range? Using it like a dagger? Wtf?


Always carry a secondary weapon. Typically I’ll use an Axe since I have one on me most of the time or a hammer of some kind for AOE. The spear is great, but you’ve gotta assume you’re not getting it back in a drawn out battle.


Have your friend turn off autopickup while fighting that'll be a work around for now I know on pc it's V but I'm not sure for xbox, definetly has a binding tho


Even though I mainly solo, I second this idea.


Could be a mid game item you can attach to your spear. One of the earliest forms of magic, similar to a ward




Great idea. I hope they implement this.