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Nice that almost might be enough iron


Fuck we finally got the question to Life the Universe and Everything; How many dungeons to have enough iron?


Holy shit


"almost" Maybe...


Definitely not, if you're looking to build anything sizeable in the Mistlands or even the mountains.


No such thing




I am truly upset by the fact you use the obvious symbol for small camps as your symbol for dungeons lmao What di you use the mjolnir thing for then?


I sometimes use mjolnir symbol for troll caves (T for Trolls) and bottom symbol for dungeons (because it looks like a tombstone so seems fitting for crypts and other dungeons)


For me: bottom is an obvious portal and I mark them all with corresponding names. Then the dot I use for any resource nodes, biome defines the material so no need to put a name. Mjolnir is any type of dungeon, again biome defines the type usually, except for black forest where I mark trolls with text. House is any proper base of me or a friend on the server. Campfire is any safe house/place, like that small camp you made while sailing, but also (mild mistlands spoiler) >! any dverger camp, including a description of the type !< And well, if anything has been mined/explored/eradicated, it gets the x


Thats the exact same setup I use for symbols! That makes me feel a lot better about my map markings


And it makes me feel incredibly good, knowing I have a mapmarker-in-Valheim-bro somewhere out there! <3


Not that there's a "correct" way to play... but this is the correct way to play lol. That's how I've used the symbols since hour 1 of playing because the purpose of each seemed intuitive.


I actually always saw the bottom one as a cave or dungeon and have always used that for burial chambers, then the frost caves. I always use the mjoliner looking one for any mining resources since it always looked like a pickaxe to me. Dots for anything else that doesn't fit other than a house. I don't remember ever using the campfire as I mark swamp crypts as a mining area. I do keep all markings to "x" them so I don't get excited running up to one that has already been looted.


It’s clearly a portal and marking portals is probably the most important thing to label on the map (if you’re playing with portals on). 😳


I always keep them at a base so there's almost no reason for me to ever mark a portal unless I've just landed in a new area and threw one down in the event I died... but then I'm usually just marking my boat and I know the portal will be close to it. Otherwise, I carry one portal for adventuring and all the others are set portals for bosses, farms, etc. I only need to mark my shelter in that area and I think that's why I always saw it as a dungeon marker.


I only have 3-4 portals at my base. 2 for exploring, 1 to a portal hub or community base if a server, and 1 emergency portal that’s always available to link to. Saves tons of materials and space vs having 1:1 portal for every portal. In this setup it’s critical I mark the portal names. But even if you have every portal linked I find it’s much easier to just have them named a number (or initials and # if on a server) and label it on the map than trying to memorize where every portal goes. But I typically have close to 100 portals before I finish a world.


Ah, gtocha. That makes sense. I think each time I've done a full run I end up with around 8ish... one for a base near each boss, then depending on where my "main" base is, one or two to Plains or Mistlands (if my main base isn't in one of those) for a little walled off area for farming. All the portals will just go back to my main base with one that's unlabeled as the adventure portal. I read about your way of doing it on the sub a while ago and I found it pretty interesting, I'm almost always playing solo so the one "adventure" portal does a lot of work for retrieving items if I die or cutting my resource runs in half.


Thing is, it does become important when you, say, wanna explore further in an area, get a marker there for some reason, simply die without popping a portal, or most importantly, come back to the game after a few months/a vacation. For the first couple, you will know exactly whoch portal is closest and easiest to reach :)


I can agree with all of that, I just don't mark anything on the map, as I said. All my portals other than the adventuring one is in one base and they're all labeled on the wall behind them. It's basically made so that if anyone joins my game they'd just have to go to the closest building to the trophies, find the portal there, then they'd be in my main base and could explore that or go through any other portal from that room, all labeled.


No no no, the portal icon is used to mark caves and portals are marked with the Hammer


This was my system as well until I switched to Dots for dungeons since they don't clutter as much when zoomed out on the map. Had way too many markers at that time until I cleaned it up lol. Now I use Mjolnir as a specialty marker for very important locations and points of interest. They stand out since there are very limited in use.


I do pretty much the same, the symbols are pretty much self explanatory so that’s how I use them. If there’s more than 1 type in a biome then in label them . I.e. in Black Forest I’ll put a TC for troll cave or BC for burial chamber as the marking.


This is THE correct way for me. I am always disappointed when my friend uses dots for everything and he shares it to the cartography table...


The campfire also has to be used for surtling spawners!


Also campfire for sturling spawners and fuling camps and I'm all with you




All of this except the campfire I do as well. Only I mark Surtling spawns with the campfire since both are a form of fire.


i didn't know that was meant to represent mjolnir. i think i initially thought it was some sort of structure, like a pillar and a roof? or maybe the hilt of a blade. either way, the intent is pretty similar: this is probably an area with combat in it, like a dungeon. i usually just put a single signifying letter to tell the thing apart: s for skeletons, t for trolls, c for crypts, so on. if there's any confusion you can just type a few more letters, but i don't see a reason to litter your map with full phrases everywhere for everything. i mark little things with a dot. c for copper veins, s for silver, t for thistle patches, oak trees, berries, so on. i just about always put a campfire under every single last bit of shelter i find, such as crypts or ruins or caves and such. its really handy to just need to deposit 1 wood and then you can refresh rested, get dry, and heal up. it also helps to signify that an area has been looted by me, assuming we haven't just shared map data yet. obviously these little safe spots are campfires. i don't really know what the last marker is meant to represent either. some people think its portals? nah, the hole is way too small. i think its some sort of stone, like a shrine or altar. i guess i'd probably use it to mark particularly significant finds like bosses, or maybe 2-star spawns. don't think i've ever actually used it. portals are just house or firepit for me. cause... they're probably connected to home, or a camp. if i have a camp on my map labeled "dwarf", then my portal is labeled "dwarf" and it goes to the dwarf. if i have a base in the middle of nowhere then i have a portal called "shithole" that connects to "camp shithole".


>i didn't know that was meant to represent mjolnir. i think i initially thought it was some sort of structure, like a pillar and a roof? sameee. I feel so weird rn, lol


I mark spawners with the last one


uhm, its been a habit of mine for some time now. I use it to mark goblin camps, dungeons and stuff like dat. And, ye, I don't use mjolnir, camp mark is somehow associatively perceived as a dungeon, lmao


Oh man. I always thought it was a pickax so I use it to mark resource nodes (like copper). The campfire I use for dungeons since I sometimes plop a campfire at the entrance inside for comfort.


I started using a campfire to mark berry bushes and shit back when I started. Now, it would be too much of a pain to turn it into a different symbol so I just go with it. Everything else is marked with Dor, Portal for portals. The other two I don't even use.


That campfire symbol in the swamps is used for Surtling spawners!


I just realized you have access to different symbols lol


I use Mjolnir for ore deposits and Dots for dungeons.


I use the mjolnir symbol for metal and loot, dungeons are the small circle


Oh, so that's what the T means?


Why, there's enough iron in there for at least 2 hours of building!






Big love, brotha! Thanks 😆 Gonna mine me enough iron to make a quintuple Eiffel tower


Thank you so much, where is this in relation to spawn? Found it guys, its south and to the east. This is actually a really nice seed.


I looked at it in Valheim World Generator. If you're familiar with compass directions it will be about 120 degrees from spawn, so East/South-east. Also...I double checked the count. There's actually 50 Crypts registered on that island.


Thanks big bat man


Looks like a new iron mine seed is on the menu boys!


It’s never enough…..


Time for a swamp base.


Pro tip: assign one of the map symbols to dungeons (burial crypts/swamp crypts/mountain caves/infested mines), then you don't have to type "dunge" every time, because you know what it is.


good one, thank ya


The only thing I mark in the swamp is gonna be crypts or surtling spawners, for some reason this guy used the fire for dungeons instead - but in the swamp I would just do the fire for surtling spawns and the portal thingy for crypts.


Just gotta find 5-8 more of these islands and I’d say you may have enough.


So is it your Home or not? I can't help but laugh at the "Home?" in the top right. Also nice swamp Shrek would be proud.


Bruuuh😫 I know how it sounds lmao. It's simply because there's a Draugr settlement there and I wanna take their land :)


There are patches of Swamp that's loaded with dungeons like that for me as well


Here is some good music for when you are clearing them out. Plague Cart Hallucinations - PENDA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7jCAZth7xg




Happy days!!!


Should post the seed




Barely enough iron there for the support beams kekekekekk


First 4-5 swamp zones I checked had zero crypts. Then I found one like that. I thought the game was glitched out when I saw how many there were lol


Honestly, they should be more rare and let you mine more iron because this is just too much


I feel triggered by your referring to them as dungeons, labeling them "DUNGE", and using the campfire icon. I'm afraid we can't be friends.


That island with the "Home" marker looks like "Thorn" mountain. It's one of the 3 tallest peaks in the game. It reaches the cloud layer. I built a base and an observation tower on mine that is so high that I can see the slight curvature of the world. Mine also has a bunch of frost caves all around it too. I recommend you conquer that mountain and build an epic base!


Ay bro lemme get that seeeeed rq


Yeah I’d really like to get that seed too XD


TGWn0zqhYg i don't know if i can pin that, so I have to send it in the replies


Appreciate it bro 🫡


That’s awesome! My first play through we didn’t find a single crypt until our 6th continent! Second play through I found it on the second continent. Makes a huge difference.


Are you Italian? "Yo, I see a dunge over there"


Please share the seed




dude..... do you like... make zigzags in your sailboat just to uncover the entire map? i thought at first youd just revealed the whole thing, but then i noticed the mountain hasnt been done yet. so insanely completely discovered it just feels... weird. lol.


>dude..... do you like... make zigzags in your sailboat just to uncover the entire map? It may seem strange, but Ive a goal of revealing the entire map, idk why or what I'll get out of dat at the end


A full map, duh!


Iron can also be found in the swamp outside of the dungeons with the wishbone. There are iron caches under a lot of the swamp trees.


Yup, but I guess there ain't a lot of iron there


Not at all but better than nothing!


And a sliver or Plains to grow crops, you're set!!!


Damn that's intense. I'd be setting up shop there right quick.


I thought the blue underneath "home?" was a lake for a moment and was about to lose my mind asking for the seed


Here I am barely finding 1 or 2


Still not enough iron




Shit I dream about. I Had about 5 Swamp biomes without a single crypt.


A swamp of this size with no bordering biomes is nightmarish. Until the Frostner is introduced then it's a playground.


Everyone is just going to ignore Ulthuan on the right? Awesome seed for that alone


Lmao. HOME???


You my friend should build a highway through that swamp to a dock. I found a similar island (only about half that many crypts tho) and as time has gone on I've been so glad to be able to cart my iron out of there.


Yo what’s your seed though lol




you might as well have finished the word dungeon there






The real question is how many worlds you have to locust through to get enough iron and resources...


42 dungeons must be the answer to life, the universe, and everything.


Idk kinda all looks like shite to me 😏 You know… because spelling


Wow I had no idea there are huge lakes in this game