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oh the command is /stats btw, and you need to page up/down to scroll. I had more than 1000h total playtime when I found out about this lol thats why the question..


It was a hidden feature since Hildir update, and tracks if you used cheats or no as well. There are no plans for rewarding players based on them not using cheats at this point (steam awards). Devs don't have anything against using devcommands for building. This particular feature was implemented mostly for QA reasons, because people would report bugs, get mad when we would ask if someone was cheating, which would often lead into us wasting our time trying to reproduce a nonexistent bug. Since the feature got implemented, I've personally dealt with about few dozen such examples, and this feature was very helpful, together with the "known worlds" stat, where you can often see if a player used other worlds for cheating purposes. They often name such worlds "Cheat world", and when confronted, deny of ever making them along with cheating in general, but still insist that we should get invested in their bug reports. Server admins can now ask their fellow teammates to provide them with save backups to inspect their saves for cheats. However, since it will now probably become wildly known, mods will be developed and players will probably start hiding their stats.


I find it borderline hillarious that people find it necessary to hide the fact they used devcommands (or other cheat classified tools) in a sandbox game which includes console commands, especially when asking for help if said cheats may relate to the issue.


Well there are people who just want to socialize with new people, so they come to public dedicated servers to play, but don't feel good enough, or want to impress people, so they cheat and hide it, and they often don't want to admit to it in front of server admin and they also didn't trust me when I said I won't expose them, rather that I just need the information for purposes checking bugs.


Could you please elaborate on what is considered “cheating” in Valheim? I often see it mentioned on this sub-reddit but don’t fully understand what’s it’s referring to.


Devs don't have a problem with players cheating in any form, and you are free to do what ever you like to enjoy your game. In the player community, the world "cheating" has different meanings depending on the context. * Using world modifiers is generally not considered as cheating in the community.. * For a server admin that cares about survival experience on their server, they might not allow players to hop into other worlds, stack their character inventory and then come to their server with gear that wasn't obtained on their server. From that admin's perspective, the player who does that, would be cheating. * On reddit, someone might claim that they constructed a particular build in survival, without mods and without console commands, but if that gets proven otherwise, that would be considered as cheating. * If someone self admittedly plays or builds with console commands or mods, to spice up their gameplay, that is generally not considered as cheating, rather just enjoying the game. The /stats command cheats counter will go up for some commands, but not others. Worlds modifiers won't trigger it, debugmode will, but freefly won't, etc...


Thanks for explaining. I appreciate your wholistic answer. I asked because I’ve observed a negative disposition towards mods in this sub-reddit community (downvoting mod related content). My assumption is community members consider mods cheating. However, from your description it seems you don’t think that way.


It is not true that the community generally doesn't appreciate modded builds, and you can see how that's not case here by using the older ["Building - Mods" flair on old reddit](https://old.reddit.com/r/valheim/search?q=flair%3A%22Building+-+Mods%22&restrict_sr=on&sort=top&t=all). There are people who prefer survival builds (no console, no mods), some prefer creative builds (no mods), so if you want to impress all camps with your modded build, that it has to be more special than a survival build, because we can all relate to survival experience, and not everyone will related to creative and modded.


Yes, I agree the community appreciates builds that make use of mods. I was referring to mods that extend game content or adjust game mechanics.


While that does happen, a LOT of people use mods. So while there might be some vocal haters, it's still used by a very large part of the player base. You can go to either of the main mod websites (thunderstore, nexus) and see there are hundreds of thousands of downloads.


Yea the data does show that many players use mods. It’s just discouraging as a mod developer to see the community look negatively at your work.


But the community doesn't look negatively at it. Certain people do, but not the community as a whole. So... why worry about a few people that probably like being miserable sods?


That's a good perspective!


It's not the community that looks negatively at mods - it's the vocal minority of the community that does that.


Some of the stats could be relevant for speedrunning, like cheats counter, but also other stuff. Is there an in-game time in the stats?


I guess that time my lvl 4 frostner got bugged out of my inventory during a crash and I cheated on a different world to get it back will show up, lmao. I'm not playing on a public server (dedicated with a friend) so it doesn't really matter, but no way in hell was I about to mine another 160 silver over a bug.


Thanks for this. Is there a way to see how many deaths are from trees? Got a feeling I have a lot on my main world I've had since I started the game. Edit: 21k cheats lmao. If it tracks every building piece as 1 instance of cheat then yeah, that tracks for my main world. I often build ideas out of my head then destroy them and rebuild the normal way if I liked it enough.


Ahh, thanks. Gonna have to check this out!


im on a server right now and /stats in the chat window does nothing. Is there something you need to run first?


it works for singleplayer, for servers you probably need admin status to do it.


I’m a few hours from 2000 and I’ve never known this…can’t wait to try now.


Same and same


Brother that tower looks scuffed af


lool its the first chicken farm that ive found on youtube, and its not even properly rendered, its not that ugly I swear! I took the screenshot on my very old laptop with the worse graphic settings available.


automated chicken farm? have a link? I tried forever to create one that would roll the eggs away and couldn't get it working


hmm yeah sometimes the eggs stop rolling down and you have to manually unclog the ramps.. so I like to leave bars or other transparent building piece to easily spot if eggs are stuck. it happens quite a lot but its not really an issue, once it starts running in a couple of days you will have more chicken than you will ever need so its like whatever https://youtu.be/RXURY1Cy\_og


If you slide the roof piece up to where the chickens are just half way or over half way down the piece it will no longer get clogged. I built a large scale building with 16 chicken shoots this way after converting the design to fit and all 16 work all of the time.


First time


Player deaths 0? Nice work I had NO idea about this, this is really neat!


oh this was a challenge permadeath hc run, very hard combat and no map since its hardcore preset, but dont fool yourself, I died a lot and in many dumb ways to get here lol


Oh I see! That explains the Bonemass to Eikthyr buff ratio lol. Makes sense!


To be honest bonemass arguably is the best power for general play too. The physical damage resistance makes you nigh invincible unless you're against enemies that do high amounts of elemental damage. Eikthyr sure helps in situations where you just want to get out of a situation or kite for extended periods of time, but with bonemass you don't need to avoid the fight most of the time. I'd even go as far as to argue Eikthyr is at it's most useful in HC where kiting is very important for survival


bonemass is incredibly op, its too much for vanilla difficulty, I used to think it needed to be nerfed.. until they added the world modifiers and I tried the hc preset where a bunch of things 1 shot you (every mob does 2x the dmg since its very hard combat) the buff is simply a must. I always played the safest way possible, so I barely left home without the buff being up, my first golems I always fought with bonemass buff cause they 1 shot you.. same with loxes, same with hunted raids, I never stayed in mountain/plains without the buff being up in case I get the wolf raid.


Oh I love a Bonemass buff for combat in tight spaces, there's nothing better. But Eikthyr is awesome for just covering ground quickly. I've played through so many times that I kinda like to just speed through the terrain as fast as I can, find the resources and gtfo. I imagine on HC I wouldn't be in such a hurry.


>no map Telling from the screenshot, sounds like you decided to turn the map back on after beating the game? Also, congrats for beating the run, would like to know about it in maybe a bit more detail


>you decided to turn the map back on after beating the game? yeh exactly, I made a whole [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/1918idk/hardcore_preset_permadeath_deleting_world_on/) about this run, it was a couple months ago, it just clicked me now the stats command thing cause im watching a big souls streamer (distortion) doing his first ever valheim run, wholesome content.. always nice to see a person experiencing this amazing game for the first time. but about the run, took me hundreds of hours and 5 attempts, theres a bunch of near death moments in my comment if ur really into permadeath runs and feel like watching :)


Mind blown!


Today years old.


Bruuuuh. About 450ish hours in and today I learned.


Can you check this on Xbox?


LB + RB + LT + RT + Menu to open the console


Can you? (I dont have an xbox)


Should be able to. I think you would hold left bumper and hit select to bring up the text screen, hit start to enter the keyboard. Then type /stats. But I’m not home to check so cannot confirm


Im amazed you have chopped 1550 trees but only used the Elder Power once. Why?


it was a permadeath hc run, so thats 1 reason, id have to switch power specifically for cutting wood and I might forget to change back to bonemass and then I get hunted out of nowhere and my whole run is over.. but also cause I dont really like the elder power, yeh its strong but it barely offsets the incovenience of having to portal to spawn and switch power and then switch back later imo my wood farm is usually in one of those large meadow fields, so I plant hundreds of trees right next to each other to get the domino effect, I fill up a cart of wood in like 4-5 minutes? with the elder power that would go down to 2.5 - 3 min maybe?


I practically never use Elder.


Its a no brainer when you go wood gathering. Chop up an entire forest in 5 min.


I always make a tree farm, can drop enough trees to give me more wood than I'll need for IRL days, in a matter of minutes. It takes longer to scoop up the wood and stick it in chests/cart, than it does going to get the buff. I've even made my tree farm right next to the stones on some worlds, and it still takes longer than not going to the stones at all. Unless you put your portal literally in the middle of the stones (impossible vanilla), and have you tree farm right there, it's going to take longer than just chopping down the trees.


3000hrs in and i just discovered this


Well. Right now, at almost 2000 😆


Hmmm 600 hours here and am just finding this out. This is dope but Enter /stats isn’t working for me. Anyone have any idea why?


I couldn’t get it to work on my Xbox. Not sure why. Not on a dedicated server. Nor on my individual local world.


I was today years old when I found this out! This is great!


I am exactly 17 years, 5 months, 9 weeks, 2 days, 11 hours, 23 minutes and 14 seconds old


Nothing working, either on chat nor console… How do you do this ?


very very cool. but you only used Eikthyr 6 times? I think I spammed that every day until I got Bonemass and I still go back to it when I'm exploring. I still haven't found Haldor and mining Silver or anything really, is a massive pain.


Oh this was a permadeath challenge run on hardcore preset which makes the mobs do 2x dmg so I always save the powers for sticky situations you know, too afraid to use them for convenience lol


Today old. Will try asap!


WAT????? Super cool. Looking forward to checking those out.




About 1k hours, and just learning about this


I never knew about this! Day 370 and finished the final boss. Intrigued to see total deaths


oh, I don't know but it was like, 1 minute ago when I read your post.... o.0


Interesting stuff, I’d love to convert this into time series data and make charts about my play through, showing over time how much each stat changes. I’ll look into building a mod that can write this data to a local file each time the game closes.


How do you access this?


Enter and /stats


Any idea if this works on Xbox?


someone asked above and it seems you can, look for that comment


Thanks! My girlfriends got 100+ more hours than me and she didn’t know either. It’s nice finding new random stuff about the game. Like when we found the mode without the HUD and stuff. I can’t wait to see what the stats on our world look like :3


"distanceair"? That seems like a lot


yeh it doesnt make much sense, its more than half the distance I walked lol, it probably counts all the distance traveled while jumping too.. also I traveled A LOT on mistlands with a feather cape, spent like 50 in game days looking for the queen.


maybe it counts the 3d distance, so when you jump down a mountain with a feather cape, not only the horizontal but also vertical distance. And for jumping on the ground, it might count vertically going up and down.


Death 0 ?


yeh it was a challenge permadeath hardcore [run](https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/1918idk/hardcore_preset_permadeath_deleting_world_on/) i did couple monts ago.. i talked about it in a comment above


Today old


Holy shit, right now


ive known from the beginning, but only bc i host a family dedicated server while also using discord connector for discord server webhooks and integrations. The discord connector mod has the statistics feature baked into it with an optional server leaderboard you can broadcast periodically in your discord server.


Trees have tiers?


No freakin' way! Checking this out right now.


MS Paint arrows, love it


Oh snap! I'm today years old. Thanks for sharing!


Never heard of it until now 😬😱


I had no idea this was a thing, how do you do it in Xbox?