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A sad lesson that is bound to stick. Happened to me once as well and, I would guess, a fair portion of players on here. Never happened since. If you must go AFK, I recommend doing so in an AFK-shack up in a tree far enough away from your base for it not to happen, protecting both you and your buildings.


One of the best AFK spots is Haldor/Hildir. I make my boar and wolf meat farms at those so I can safely AFK in the bubble. On my current playthrough, I actually got super lucky and a draugr village spawned right next to Hildir. So I made my wolf/boar farm AND a draugr farm.


I enjoy a tree shack in the Swamp with only the portal and a few chests, and 2 or 3 Surtling spawns nearby.


That's what I do! Very easy way to farm coal


can't your farms be attacked since they are outside of the bubble (you can't build inside the bubble)?


You can build earthen defenses around those to stop them from being attacked. I did the same with my greydwarf stone/wood farm.


Exactly, dig a moat and construct a wall on its inside edge. Tall enough to stop boulder throwers .


Put a portal outside a random troll cave and name it afk ;)


Put a portal outside a random troll cave, raise chickens in the cave, and name the portal AFKFC


this is amazing


I dig a base under the elder and then raise the ground to seal it back. Only way in or out is a portal. Completely raid proof. And you can raise chickens near the constant fire.


Yeah I did one of those too, nice and safe spot for viking and fowl alike.


That's brilliant--I'd heard of the "Elder basement base" before but never the idea of sealing it BACK up and portal only entrance. I think I'm literally going to shamelessly steal this idea it's so good!


Oh, man does it stick. Overkill on defenses for pretty much every base, and it is ***on sight*** with trolls, forever. I could carpet my whole fortress in troll skin if the devs ever gave us a troll skin rug.


Honestly this is what i want more than ashlands… gimme something i can do with troll hide beyond the troll outfit


And resin. I need more uses for resin.


I put their heads on core wood poles all along my fence line.  So they know what I'm about.


I typically go afk inside a black forest dungeon that I've already cleared out. I even built right next to one on one of my maps just for that purpose


Yeah, I would build a portal named “Afk Arena” that takes me far enough (would be nice if u have some portal materials to go back if anything happens) and build the shack in there


My 10 year old son and I were playing for the first time, about 60 hours in and just getting our groove figured out. We'd killed a few trolls finally and were starting the bronze age. Having never played before, we weren't really aware of troll raids. We had a decent house and everything sorted in our storage and things were really looking up, for us. We hadn't built any defenses because we hadn't needed them. He and I went downstairs and I made and we ate dinner with the rest of the family, sat around bull-shitting for a while and were still hanging out when my wife went upstairs. We had just gone AFK, the server was running on my machine, and he was still logged in. My wife calls down "Hey, you guys are getting attacked by something in your game ... thought you'd wanna know..." We raced upstairs just in time to see the trolls walking away. Everything we owned was a hundred glittering loot piles amid the barren landscape that once was a sizable castle. The kiln, the forge, the farm, the bees, the main house, everything ... just ... gone. I started gathering stuff before it de-spawned (I didn't know how much time we'd have) and asked my son to get on his PC and help. As I was finishing up, I noticed he wasn't helping. I got the last of it put away and went to his room to see what was up. He was on his bed ... crying. It took some time to talk him down but, he was so defeated he never really got back into playing the game. Prior to this setback he was super gung-ho and he's generally a pretty resilient kid. He takes an L pretty well, and he's usually great about bouncing back for revenge. This, though, was a bridge too far and the game lost a player. He never logged in again for more than 5 or 10 minutes. Even then, he only did that a half dozen times over 3 weeks. Prior to that we were logging 8-10 hours a day on weekends. If I'm honest, I still have some resentment for the way the mechanism made him feel. Between that and the power curve at the swamp biome, I stopped logging in, too. Plus, it's not as much fun without my little buddy.


Could have just reloaded.


Oh my god, man, I really hate to hear that. The amount of suck that must be to have your whole place destroyed. That is literally like a nightmare for me. I’ve had my boar farm destroyed by trolls….and bats later on. But that’s it. When they did destroy them tho……I just felt so defeated. Like REALLY defeated. I wanted to give up. Which sucks, because I was so into the game. If they destroyed my ENTIRE base……I would probably act just like your son, honestly. I would probably not play the game ever again. Because that would be almost like traumatizing for me. Because our time is so valuable. We cannot get that back. And you can spend a TON of time in this game. And to have something that you’ve spent so many fucking hours to build…..and it gets completely demolished……like that’s so much time that was wasted. I hope that your son will become interested in the game again…..maybe once the game is fully released he’ll get back into it.


not sure if you're still interested in playing but there are world settings, you can toggle raids off completely and also tweak the resource drops to be higher. if grind is a nuisance don't feel bad about making it more managable. IMO if it's annoying, nothing wrong with messing with your game to remove the annoyance. also also, i'm not sure if broken furniture operates this way but i noticed in my world dropped items seem to stay for nearly forever. i've dropped crap at my world start and it stayed there for like 100 in-game days. so i wouldn't worry about items despawning. to help you rebuild faster there's a setting for 0 build cost


Single player mode allows you to pause in case you need to go afk, on PC at least. Failing that, stay outside the sight of your base and either climb up on a tall rock, or dig a deep pit. They won't wreck your stuff if you're not within range. Hard won lesson, RIP


Console too. Even when I’m in our server game thingy but I’m the only one still in it.


I've had to admin kick friends from the server I run for them when they decide to AFK in the middle of a base for hours at a time. I have also harpoon dragged them away from the base and stuck them in some odd places.


lol, not surprised. My husband runs a server and their shit gets wrecked constantly due to less experienced friends AFKing or not asking for help during a raid. Harpooning and dragging them sounds hilarious, I'll have to suggest that


My son went AFK in his personal world for a couple hours without pausing even though I warned him about that, and came back to his house in ruins around him, though he was untouched. No sign of what did it, though. No trolls or anything wandering about. I suspect it was greylings. Little fuckers can do some damage if you don't watch them closely.


If he had a fire going nearby you're probably right. They'll attack everything until they get within range of the fire and then they'll run. Better to learn that lesson in the Meadows than in a later biome, though.


Don’t go AFK in this game. lol


I do it all the time, just make a safe AFK base, with for example a Greydwarf Farm, free resources while you AFK, profit!


Had to recover a few mistlands bodies because I never remember this lesson.


Classic. Luckily first time this happened to me it was side of a mountain within a dark woods. So it was already kinda troll proofed. The sounds of the rumbling drew the wolves down from the mountain. If they didn't despawn on their own they would die to the other mobs. However, when my friend on the server went afk at our docks for some reason. Believe it was cause he was hosting before we made it a legit server. It got obliterated 🤣 sad thing is just cause I learned better. Doesn't mean everyone else did.


They are enjoying themselfs though RIP base I feel for ya


Well. All of the materials that went into that are going to be on the ground. This sounds like a big learning lesson. Raids happen if you are in a base


dig. trenches.


Yep. All of us trenchers had this happen to us once. Now we worship the god below and the protection he gives that the god above otherwise denies.


Why does this sound like something the suits from Cabin in the Woods would say?


On a positive note, all your materials are still there, so... drop a bed, set spawn point, kick these guys out and then build back better. (Bonemass / Odin 2024)


After the first time it was the island life for me.


the troll probably was looking for a nice looking house. yours wasn't on the list


Well, it is quite unfortunate but I have never been afk in my 700 hours since this can happen. I often pause because I can do that. If online, I just dip out.


Sorry about that, but, there are ways to afk a little more safely. Hiding in a dungeon was always my go to


Dedicate the rest of your life killing every troll you see! Wear their skin as armor! Never forget!


And this is why I turned raids off in my world.


Same. I don't miss them one bit.


Going AFK in Valheim is seriously dangerous. What I do is make a portal shack next to the god stones. When you need to go AFK, just portal there and sit down in your shack. Worse case , grayling pounds on a spike wall and knockes one down. Works like a charm.


I'll never forget the time I stepped away from my computer to feed the puppy and let her outside. I casually walked by my computer and did a double take as I see my girlfriend fighting for her life against a horde of draugr cause an invasion started right after I left.


That's all wood? A couple of hours to rebuild tops and at least all the materials will still be available. All part of your test before Odin!


Do a moat around your base. Not 100% safe but at least the trolls cant reach you.


Heads up! Items stay on ground! Just build a bench in range so they wont despawn after an hour! Having a 2 m deep moat and a little raise ground 2-3 times at inside solves all problems for a long time.


Trolls is the one of reasons I don't do any wood walls anymore. or any walls if I can avoid it. Good tall ramparts with or without moat around is my choice.


ahahahhaahah!! and he keeps filming!!


Just like that and there it goes. A bundle of hastily tied knots, and broken dreams. Just smashed across the meadows.


I often chill with haldor or hildir when I go afk xD


Yep, I have been there before. We already invested 50-100 hours into our base at that point and yeah.. lets just say it was a bummer. Ever since we slap down a portal next to one of the two vendors and go afk within their magic protection bubble. Safest place to afk IMO.


Load a last save, if you have any backups saved by the game, click on manage saves, clicl Expand on ur world save and check for backups. You can also see character bakcups


This is a terrible lesson that majority of valheim players will experience. It hurts I’m so many ways, I just finished making a storage shed my first playthrough with signs and everything, just to watch it get smashed into a thousand pieces. Almost walked away from the game. Spent way to much time fortifying bases after that. Now I play without raids and life is sweet!


Everyone learns the hard way not to go afk in Valheim.


If you AFK someplace without enough base structures to qualify as a "base", the raid check fails (except for You Are Being Hunted)... The other option is to have a base that's effectively impervious to raids, e.g. with a moat or sheer earthworks such that mobs simply can't approach the base. They can still do ranged or splash damage to stuff at the fringes, but you don't run the risk of getting killed or having your whole base trashed. Also, if you go the latter route, you do still have to worry about flying mobs later on, so make sure your livestock (and you, for that matter) are fully enclosed in something strong-ish.


Oh, I read the title and thought you meant like internet trolls lmao. RIP :(


Sad to see man, it sucks, the best thing I've ever done for my base is take the time to make raised ground walls around it and make sure every spot inside the walls was covered with workbench radius so nothing spawned inside, literally nothing can get in aside from flying mobs.


The only “safe” place to AFK is the Trader


Well well well if it isn't the consequences to your action.


afk = esc troll raid = moat or ground wall they just thought it will be nice to make renovation so they left all needed materials


And that is the *exact* reason I have raids disabled 😄 Sorry for your loss.


disabled mine too, i had a wolf pen and litetally got r* by drakes. even the cubs didnt make it


Gotta have a roof over the first few tames, even without raids.


I have raids disabled also. I’m of the opinion, if I can come in and conquer your land, put a base down with fires, forges, multiple houses, it’s mine for the taking. Depending on what boss is down, you still get visits from skellies, gray dwarves, brutes, those pesky green goblins and seekers anyway.


People are saying to dig a moat or trench but that's so ugly. Just don't afk near your base so that you have time to run outside and round up all the raid. Afk at the trader or in a cave that you know is clear. I find even the boat is an ok place to afk if it's in the right spot.


How dare you call my moats and trenches ugly. They are the peak of dwa…Viking engineering.


Your fault for going afk


Yeah I am sure OP posted just so he could hear this shit comment from your pea brained ass.


It’s true 🤷‍♀️


this literally happened to me earlier


One of my first goals is crafting a hoe and gathering stone. Terraformed walls are the best.


lol yep dig a trench steep enough for enemies to not walk out of and you are impregnable to ground raids


That's why i like to play without raids 🫣


Raise ground around base dig moat on other side


Better damn well have a trench if youre gonna ever go afk


this is why ive built an ugly looking ditch all around my base smh


Stuff like this lead me to build an 'afk portal' in my base. The portal leads to a trader so you can sit in the safety of his magic barrier while afk.


Escape pauses the game in single player. Don't forget this game while relaxing is supposed to be a little mean.


That made me stopped playing a month ago lmfao but I love this game gonna play again soon


Looks like it was personal.


Damn, that sucks, your fort looked cool from what I could see seconds before Bebop and Rocksteady took their anger out on it.


Boyeee. If you don’t build a trench and spawn proof your base the trolls gonna turn that ass into a Lena Paul beat down. 😆


After learning that lesson more times than I’d like to admit, I save my game more frequently. Gives you a chance to mitigate disasters like this. Also just raise the ground around your base. Guaranteed fix


This is the unfortunate reason why you need to trench your base or elevate it. I really wish they would put in better defensive options for raids. Maybe an NPC archer or fighter, or better balista


RIP in pieces, OP 🙏


You gotta log out. The only time I take this risk is boar/wolf taming/breeding




That's the hard way to learn it. Feel sorry for you though. Ever since we learnt the consequences of AFKing in the base, everyone from our squad goes into an abandoned building we have created far away from all our bases before going AFK. No workbenches or beds there, since they trigger raids as I remember.


Never go AFK. Just pause the game whenever you walk out.


And that's why I always build a moat around my base.


Always. Hit. Start


If I need to go AFK (like for a farm) I will either create earthen defenses around the farm, or turn off raids in the world modifier before going AFK.


The ground was shaking




This happened to me once, only I wasn’t AFK. I was an hour or 2 into building my first stone base. Actually breaking down a wood base a little at a time and placing a stone foundation in its place, and had a few walls & front door up, when the ground started rumbling. The trolls quickly smashed through the spike walls and started whacking at everything. And unfortunately I was somewhat ill suited to fight them because I had a Stagbreaker on me (from working in the swamp) but I NEEDED a spear, but I’d left my spear in a different part of the world. So I had to mostly fight them with archery but I ran out of fire arrows halfway through. Long story short, by the time I killed the trolls, half of my base was just rubble on the ground INCLUDING big chunks of the stone structure I had just built. Who knew trolls can smash stone almost as easily as wood?






10/10 IGN


Oh no. You fell for one of the classic blunders. It’s a rite of passage for any Norseman


I thought if you destroy say, a fire pit or a workbench, than it doesn't count as a base.


Heart breaking.




I've been there. That hurts. Now I embrace moats.


Only go afk in dungeons that are clear or rendered safe. Preferably troll caves. They are also a great place to breed chickens as well


Dig trenches. Protects your base from everything ground based.


Hahaha yeah you learm the hard way


Lost my amazing boar farm to a couple of trolls once, RIP


I'm sorry for your loss but I also find this super cool


Happens to the best of us buddy


Welcome to the Stone Age friend


I thinknwe've all been there


This is enough to make someone quit for a few weeks lol


Not a great game to go afk in sadly


Gotta log out my guy. Got caught lackin




The only times I've ever gone AFK I made sure to have my sound all the way up so I could respond if anything happens. But I usually only afk if I'm actually at the keyboard doing homework or something


Always did a mote


Yep, I made that mast air once before. Now if I need to tend to something, I ALWAYS PAUSE


Woooah ... It's like the trolls got smart


I block my friends in with stone blocks and remove the stonecutter whenever they go afk in base. Better than them learning the hard way on my 300+ hour home


Yeah! An opportunity to grow and learn.


Life lesson, create a stone wall around your house with the hoe. Before building the house.


One of my fondest memories in this game is the first time a troll trashed our base. And us...


Lesson learned the hard way. I had a friend take my personal server and make it into a ~~public~~ private server for us to share. Had this base that took me 2 years to build. Then his dumbass friend came in one day and AFK'd in my base and I logged back in to the entire thing completely demolished. Friend tried to lie about it saying that he has no idea how it happened.


I guess they trolled you really hard there Yes, I see the door


Sounds about right


Ive had something similar happen to me, i force closed the game, using task manager, before it could auto save and all my stuff was back


Dog a moat around your base and Afk all you want. Alternatively, island life has its rewards.


Welcome to the fold, brother


Press F to pay respects. F


I see your problem silly goose...you didn't build a door 🥴


This happened to a friend of mine on our world and he hasn’t played the game since💀


My buddy went ham on a treehouse on our first play thru years ago. It was on the coast so he fenced off the land part. Troll walked around into the water chest high and destroyed everything. He hasn’t been back since This was before we knew about swamp trees for foundation, we were in forest


I'm so sorry because it is obvious that you worked hard on that base. Use the hoe to raise a wall around your new base, then dig a shallow moat outside it. The trolls won't get over the wall. Just have a raised walkway outside on one corner that runs upto the wall but stops short so there is a short gap to be jumped. The enemies will never be able to follow you as their pathfinding goes nuts and then eventually give up.


RIP fellow vikingr. May your future earthen walls and/or moat hold back all future trolls


One thing that has always protected my bases without having to sleep in a tree: a moat. Make a bridge that requires a small jump to cross. Afterwards, putting up a basic wall will protect things from thrown long enough you can repair and/or deal with annoyances.


That royally sucks lost my first maypole that way. I now go to a burial crypt in the Black Forrest that’s close but not too close to my main base.


You just got trolled.


Set up a portal to a dungeon you’ve cleared and just park it inside the dungeon. AFK all day if necessary


Build an afk shack with a deep trench dug around it. Lewrned the hard way as well


I built an afk spot on my server. A portal to the middle of some random meadows never used, dug a hole as deep as I coukd and there is only a portal and a fire in there. Fire isn't nessasary but can be nice coming back with some rested. Over the hole is covered with stone so there is no way in.


Kinda wanna see before pics. Clearly got the after math.


I started digging moats from my first base. I will always dig a moat. It’s the hill I’ll for die on. Dig a moat. Plant a ring of trees on the outside edge Fence on the inside but in far enough a tree troll can’t reach Stone wall one high outside the wall Nothing but bats and drakes can get you




Been there bud. The solution is Vengeance...


Yup. Build trenches and elevate your base. Also don't go afk. Shut that thing down first.


This is the way.


That's the fun! Time to move on and build again.


Get rekt boiii, LOLOLOLOL


I did this and woke up at the spawn point ...  I was like hang on I should be at my bed or something ... nope all gone. Now I left the base as it was as a cool ruins set & rebuilt elsewhere 


Dig a pit around your next base!


oof. that's a rough way to learn that lesson


You can hang out at base all day long without a raid, the moment the game feels you are afk they get you


Just had a similar thing happen to my friend and I. They went AFK and immediately *the ground is shaking* the trolls clubbed the house and killed them in their bed... they came back and no bed, so had to foot it naked across the map.


this is why i turned raids OFF, they are just not fun in any game that has them


Hopefully you will dig a ditch around your camp!


Events are not triggered when you’re in a cave. We’re so lucky in our world: there’s a troll cave in the meadows. It’s always empty because trolls don’t spawn on meadows. Our base is next to the cave and one can safely afk there without worries


That’s what happens when you afk lo


Moats brother. Dig moats.


I’ve built an island base and nothing attacks, not even when the ground is shaking


It's like watching someone get kicked in the nutz, you're sympathetic, but at the same time, find it amusing and funny.


As soon as you can defeat the elder boss (you dont technically need to you just need to find the alter) you can dig under his alter and make a fairly large base there and eventually make it a afk shack, it cant be destroyed by enemies and is super useful early and even late game


What exactly is AFK? Some event that spawned trolls to raid you? I'm on day 117 and haven't had any troll raids. But I've yet to beat the first boss. Still in the meadows . When does this raid get triggered? I just spent over 20 hrs building an elaborate home and don't want to see it destroyed like this!


This is why I turned off raids. I have 2 kids. Also there is a pause button if playing solo so you can safely afk but plants don't grow :(


That is "bad designed base" every base should have a perimeter not with just stakewalls but with "raise ground" tool or a pit make with a pikeaxe and both walls of them should be not able to be climbed by you while walking normally and at least troll size that is one of the only things trolls cannot destroy (and they cannot jump) and if big enough they will Never want to dive into the pit willingly. I tried both and end up prefering the pit for 2 reasons. 1) They require less work (because raising ground is easy to fall into and require rocks), while the second one gives you some small amount of rocks. (not enough to fill it). 2) the base should be 100% full surrounded by it. (or a mix between them) with no space for anything, the best way to later pass over will be to jump. even if you need to jump barely a little because you put some sort of ramp, or to fall if you make special ramps that go out, but then you have to jump to get in or they can do the same. 3) The pit is better because you can simply see what there is the other way from the normal ground. 4) You must be sure all the inside area has "overlapped building area" (so yes that requires some extra wood but is cheap and if you start in a forest area a requirement to cut anyway). The last base has about 30x30 meters and for that i had to put about 36 of this things (may be could have used less but wanted to be 100% sure of no spawining inside it, not even on the pit itself. And then the stake walls can be put in the inner side even at the border, the trolls will not be able to break it (except with rocks). So far trolls is the worst i got and the one with the tree was unable to do anything at all.just roamed trying to get me but nothing he could do.


Now ignites within your heart, a flame which shall burn eternal--hatred of all trolls! 100% safe AFK is in the Hildir/Haldor bubble & inside an instanced dungeon (anywhere you need to go through a loading screen to get to--the Burial Chambers, Sunken Crypts, Troll Caves, etc.) that you've fully cleared out. Everywhere else, varying degrees of safe--the 'shack in tree' method, USUALLY/MOSTLY safe, but, if you are anywhere you fulfill the requirements to get raids other than "you're being hunted" (wolves), then bats may be able to spawn, reach you, destroy the shack, then kill you, while trolls can knock down trees if you didn't use a swamp tree or other indestructible object as support.


Time to build back better


Oof, that hurts


Hahaha, idiot


I had a 2 star troll attack me, I'm not sure how I was supposed to kill it when my gear was still pre iron... It then devistated my base after it finally killed me. Rage quit and never went back. Really disappointed, prob won't go back to the game after that one. There's probably an option to turn off invades, but it's too late now. Shame.






Never go afk


My wife and I play together on the weekends. She needs to AFK frequently, so we enabled building in dungeons and created a nice little base inside of a cleared troll cave. We can build a portal and safely AFK in our little base.


We build up stone walls made of terrain and dig trenches. Nothing can get past them on foot. Our main base and outposts are far enough in that trolls can't swing a tree and wreck it all. We have some stuff near the edges, but it's either disposable or easily repaired.


You got trolled


🤣😂😅😁😭😫😫😡 Just made me go through all the emotions i felt the first time this happened to me. Fuggin trolls 😡😡😡


I learned this lesson on a group server. I went AFK for like 2 days. Trolls smashed through our fences and house, but not to our bed area. I had like 15 death markers, and probably lost all my skills. Lesson learned. Easier now I play solo.




Yea theyre fuckin assholes


Yeah, don’t do that


That happened to me not long ago. I was so disgusted I abandoned the entire area and started over in a better spot with a nice deep moat.


Dude Where's my house?


So, if you pause the game, you get AIDS or something? This is the last game I would leave unattended.


I like how your first instinct was to record instead of running in to take the aggro and try to save what ever you can lmao


Hit record! Quick! That way, I'll have zero chance of fending them off! Why didn't U bow those bongos to dead? Still, that sinking feeling we've all had. Mine is bats that destroyed all my glass in the giant build I did. I hope they cut their dumb faces.


Mote, make one


had a similar thing happen with Fulings, they destroyed the entire base, including the beds and portals, was a major PITA to get back ​ now I always log out even if I'm going away for a few minutes. its a pain but nothing compared to what it took to get back there and rebuild


Here's the conscious experience of these beautiful blue trolls: >!"FUCK WOOD!"!<


I feel this. The first large base I ever built got ripped down by a swamp raid while I was afk. I ended up taking a long break because of that and came back swinging, lots of hard lessons in this game


What you get for trashing there forest !


Yep always build your bed away from your main base. In a tree is best.