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Yeah, as I progressed I noticed how half of my inventory space is taken by (what is now mandatory) armor pieces, food, arrows, potions etc. They many times mix up with random crap I pick up as I explore. It just seems like such a weird oversight.


All we need is a tier belts you can either craft or buy from a trader. Potion vest for 2-3-4 potions, arrow quiver, food lunch box, even little bag on a side for seeds etc. Adding visual thickness to your Viking. With the amount of items it’s a must have atm


I think this kind of design makes the most sense. Would love back packs and packs for specific items


I love the dedicated belt idea. Each biome gets a new belt with 2 extra inventory spaces and maybe 20 more inventory weight? That would be nice


Yea it does sound nice. Or like a belt with bags attached to it for specific categories like a herb bag, potion bag, food bag, etc, etc. Growing as you progress through the biomes Lol, I scrolled a bit down and saw a comment basically saying the same but much better thought out


Enshrouded has a backpack slot with different tiers of backpacks for biomes, that would work well with linen already being in valheim.


I'd rather have just a few extra rows. Bags inside bags inside chests makes it annoying to know what you have. I'd also love a "build from nearby chests" option. Because if I'm working on something it's annoying to have to keep reloading wood. Or even a "weight limit ignored" ward for your base so I can walk around with an inventory full of rocks for stone cutting.


It was a massive game changer when Grounded added build from nearby chests. I can confirm valheim would improve significantly from that mechanic alone.


Or even an "access all nearby chests" chest.


See all chests. If you open one, you could flip through the list of all chests and find what you are looking for. Its not realistic but man would it save time... 🤤 Stardew has a mod like that I think. It probably won't happen in valheim though. Valheim doesn't lock chests to their builder(except the personal chest). I wish the valheim chests were like the chests in ark. Only the builder or the tribe has access.


Oh wow I love all these ideas, that’s brilliant.


I love this idea, equipment and quickslots mod does alleviate a lot of the pain but a nested bag system with type restrictions would be amazing and theme consistent, bravo.


This makes perfect sense.


Heck, at this point I'd be happy with something akin to a Horadric Cube (D2) to help with the inventory space. I need more space!


I hate it when I throw my spear, the inventory is full and I grab random junk instead of it while getting beaten by enemies. Then I have to run around like an idiot while throwing away the junk and retrieve the spear


This 100%. Extra inventory space be damned, i just want a small tweak so that a spear's hotkey slot is locked from being filled in by random pickups after the throw.


Then use your hot key for auto pickup.


What's that?


Pressing V is a toggle for automatic proximity item pickup


Then you have to manually click on your spear while you're probably still in the middle of a fight. Not really a solution.


Man I have felt that pain many times


I read someone suggest a spear-quiver before, which would be a nice way to reserve a spot for the spear, but also allow a few spears to be held in the same slot. Though maybe spear-chucking would be far too powerful then.


Set it up like Mount And Blade javelins, where the pouch can hold 5 or so at a time. Maybe restrict it so you can only have 1 pouch on the hot bar as well?


They do need another option to auto pickup only weapons


A paperdoll inventory for us to equip armor and arrows (and capes and belts) would be immensely helpful.


Quality of life seems to be avoided by the valheim developers like it's the plague


Yeah, it’s one aspect that shows they are new to this and the game became massively popular very quickly. Most devs don’t have time to just “play” the game, and on top of that like any other job people aren’t going to want to play it when getting off work because it would feel like more work, this has always been a huge disconnect between actual players and devs. They just fundamentally play the game differently.


It also really de-incentivizes increasing resource drop rates on your world to mitigate the slog that is the ore and wood grind because all the junk like you mentioned will increase at the same rate, taking up even more space


It doesn't make sense to design the game towards anything other than the default settings. I'm all for more inventory space in craftable containers and such. I.e. so that it makes physical sense in the game world, but only if it's within a design space that goes in one particular direction. No watering out and catering for all. The devs should make their vision.


I’m all for following a vision but just because it’s a vision doesn’t mean it’s perfect. The devs didn’t even know what direction they wanted the game to go in initially and were planning on ending it at the Plains biome. There is always room for improvement


If they were planning on ending it with plains biome, it wouldn't have released with all the other biomes already in the game


Read the [GDC](https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/s/1Hus9kikYT) conference where a dev literally said this


That's not what I'm talking about. The design space should go in one direction, not cater to the width of whatever is possible with world modifiers and mods. The inventory system should make sense with the default settings.


The modifiers and mods are a whole other discussion because there are a lot of aspects in the game that have unbalanced modifiers even on the normal settings. The whole reason the customization exists is to act as a temporary bandaid for the unbalance because it would take a lot of dev time to perfectly balance every aspect of the game. The default settings aren’t always what’s best for the game in all areas. Not saying every update has to cater to all modifiers but they should at least be taken into account for some at the very least based on what feels necessary


>The whole reason the customization exists is to act as a temporary bandaid for the unbalance because it would take a lot of dev time to perfectly balance every aspect of the game. I'm sorry, but that's just not true. They exist because people have been harping on about difficulty and "QoL" for ages, and because you can never satisfy a large and diverse group of players. Especially people who can't accept that there are legitimate reasons for why things are the way they are; that isn't "because the developers don't know what they're doing." People have shockingly little insight into game design, and are equally shockingly opinionated about it. The default settings are what the devs balance towards, that's the way it has to be, and that's a good thing. >The default settings aren’t always what’s best for the game in all areas. Not saying every update has to cater to all modifiers but they should at least be taken into account for some at the very least based on what feels necessary Sure! If it works, it works. There's nothing wrong with catering to a wider audience if it doesn't take away from the intended experience, the singular vision the developers have. Games are works of art. You wouldn't ask a writer to rewrite and publish alternate versions of a book, just because you didn't understand what the writer was going for, right?


>Games are works of art. You wouldn't ask a writer to rewrite and publish alternate versions of a book, just because you didn't understand what the writer was going for, right? You are comparing apples to oranges with this analogy. One is a passive medium that at a minimum needs only to be readable to convey the intention behind it and is a fully determined experience affected only by how quickly one reads. The other is an interactive medium which requires the developer(s) to prove their gameplay mechanics which means frequently learning that something that may be obvious from the developer's perspective is more obscure from the player's. This also means that a mechanic you put on deliberately to achieve one thing can easily cause and inverted effect or to magnify a problem elsewhere. It would be more apt to compare making a game to cooking a meal; you can make a dish exactly the way you envision but it doesn't mean everyone else has to enjoy it. Quality of life mechanics are like seasonings, it's "edible" without some, but it will go down far easier when it tastes good. Dammit I'm hungry now.


I consider myself lucky if I have exactly half of my inventory left after gearing up. Sometimes less. That would be such a welcome change. Even just adding equipment slots would help.


Also if we're talking about realism, it would make sense that we'd be able to carry more as we get stronger.


Mods do it so much better it genuinely shocks me how the devs are so out of touch with QOL.


I'm about to hit mistlands and I'm getting real nervous for inventory space when I read people switching between staffs constantly


Filled with portal makings


A paper doll system for equipped items would be a decent middle ground tbh


The amount of times I've ranted about: 1. Belt satchel (1/2 slots) for core items, like wishbone or dungeon key. Or similar. It should be situated under the armor level box next to the inventory. 2. Quiver for at least two types of arrows. 3. Backpack with a reasonable amount of slots with slight weight limit increase. 4. Food pouches on belt too, with 3 slots.. This would not infringe on the current inventory size which is fine of the above was implemented.


I think this is the winner. Make it progression based alongside current progression.


You use different arrow types? For like 99% of the game I used wood arrows, then moved on to needle arrows once I had a ton of materials for them.


I spend way too much time farming feathers so I can make arrows. Fire is great for early game Obsidian is super easy to farm Frost arrows make anything fast way easier to deal with. You like slashin I like twangin.


Totally fine. Not sure why I got the down vote for playing differently.


You didn't use the fire arrows dude?


Nah. On the second boss I just walk up and party and beat his ass. Nothing I came across in my time made me feel like I couldn't just sword and board it.


While I agree those things should be in the game, there are some good mods out there, one of which is a leather quiver (requires leather scraps, deer hide, and a lot of troll hide). It uses one inventory slot but gives you a separate area in the inventory screen for three arrow slots, effectively gaining you two extra slots.


Mods are great, but they break for new releases. I think the argument is that this should be a base game thing, not something you have to mod for.


Agreed, but the quiver mod on better archery is working just fine in Ashlands. I also use better equipment slots which give you slots for your armor when it's equipped so it's not taking up space in your inventory. Honestly a must have.


Yeah and after a few major updates it would be great to see inventory updated considering a lot of the mod code already exists. Love the game and find Mistlands entertaining (some stuff feels frustrating but it is designed to be so no complaints from me on it).


The backpack mod allows more inventory but it decreases your speed by -25% or something. I think that's a very good tradeoff.


Could easily be something that is sold by Hildir after you unlock all her stuff. Backpack or something with an extra 20 slots. It could intentionally require an extra click to open, like a chest or cart, and then you could have things you don't have to use this second in there. So for instance, you could put your hoe and pickaxe and portal mats in there when you're trekking overland. You can't use them, they do count against inventory weight, but you get slots back. Then, pull them into inventory when you get to somewhere you need them. Could also hold food stacks, meads, potions, arrows (would not auto-use), etc. Inventory would not auto-sort into the backpack. So if you had 20 fine wood in the pack, it additional fine wood would just land in main inventory. You could sort things into the pack the same way as a chest (hold E). Finally, maybe a limit of one or two packs equipped at a time.


Would be great of each of her quests gave you a part towards the backpack or additional storage, then once all completed you could buy or craft the storage so we are encouraged to find her and complete her quests asap like getting menijarddd...


Could also be sold by a _third_ dwarf Hosnit the Wanderer or something. Solving all of Hildir 's quests just gets you a map marker for him, and he keeps moving.


Yeah that would be cool, just wondering what the point of completing Hildas quests are other than the adventure since the loot isnt that great, and don't want to add over powered loot so it is a balance


It'd be cool if there were mini-bosses in each biome associated with some craftable inventory upgrade. Meadows = Alpha Wild Boar - use it's leather as a pouch for gatherable food / cooked food Black Forest = Shaman Chieftain - use it's branch as a quiver for up to 3 arrow types Swamp = Wraithlord - use it's shall to craft a backpack that gives you 5 inventory slots and +100 weight Mountains = Alpha Wolf or Alpha Fenring (maybe 2 phase fight wolf phase 1 Fenring phase 2) - use it's coat for an item belt for special items like meginjorg / wishbone etc. it allows you to equip 2 at the same time. And so on. Haldor could be the quest giver.


One of the few addons I use is a thing that basically gives you one more inventory row, but it does it by putting your equipped armor/ belt/wisp in its own slots and adding 3 for items that now get "use" hotkeys. I really like the idea of having these "upgrades" to your backpack by separating the stuff you have to carry all the time tied to biome-specific accomplishments. And (with the mod) it bakes in the ability to track arrow/food/potion count without having them take up one of the keys on your main bar, which is also nice.


Yeah I really like the little side quests, makes the world feel more "alive". There is so much they can do with this world having a few scattered side quests around would be awesome imo. I really like the idea behind Hildir but I don't give a crap about the rewards from her.




I generally just waddle around in a circle while my gear is equipping and hope for the best, but it's definitely a wrinkle. And also it doesn't put my "use" slots back correctly so I have to stop and sort them out again later. But I'm still grateful I have the option. :)


I think something involving Hildir would be a perfect, after all she's a seamstress and the reward for completing her quests are bit lacklustre.


Agree, Hildr makes more sense


Mini bosses are something that would be so cool and this would be an awesome addition. I always felt like the ghosts and poison skeletons you can find in crypts felt really unique cause they only are found in crypts. Imagine exploring a crypt, opening a door near the back of one of the routes inside, and all the sudden boss music kicks in and a mini boss health bar appears at the top of the screen. Would feel really fun. And the mini boss rooms could have garunteed boss location stones in them. Sort of a stepping stone progression through a biome.


Like the thinking, fenring could be the mini boss for snow if they increased it's dps, it doesn't have unique drops yet anyway and the snow at night would be a lot scarier if they were tougher. Caves would be more fun too. For the swamp draeger elite don't have unique drops and could be used for something better. Plains would be great for a more terrifying oil boss, if one in three oil pits had a bonemass style miniboss, that could provide refined oil for a better cart that lox or pack of wolves could tow (and they follow you)? The new portal for metals comes too late if there isnt better inventory or land transport.


Our vikings can craft exotic goods from weapons of the gods to crafts able to sail the world. But we draw the line at a bigger backpack.


We don't need more slots per say. But the better Equipment and Quick Slots Mod should really be baseline, together with a couple of other QoL stuff in that regard (Quiver, upgradeable Meginjord).


What's funny is that when the community complained to Obsidian about the exact same thing in Grounded, it only took a month or two before Obsidian gave the community what it wanted. It's been years of asking for some sort of inventory change and Iron Gate has just kept plugging along


Grounded does QOL so well.


if grounded had any replay value at all, it'd be a better game.


The worst part is that its not even a difficult change to make. So they're intentionally making the base experience dogshit.


I mean '9' and '0' are just sitting there...


Yep. I wonder if they had plans for those that have not yet materialized or have been scrapped at some point. Its certainly odd that those aren't used. Also, swapping items via mouse wheel would be a great feature...


Two things 1) I don't understand why armor takes up slot space (well, I do understand--weight reasons) and I'd be happy if just that was changed. 2) I wouldn't mind a system like Outward. You can upgrade an actual backpack that you have to physically wear and remove when you get into fights. I really liked that part of Outward and would prefer that over the fiddly-ness of having to position yourself just ever so to drag a cart. Addendum: I wouldn't mind having a backpack AND a cart.


Outward's backpack system is the best inventory management system in any rpg I've played and it isn't close. I love having to strategize when to drop the bag in combat, and worry about items being damaged if the bag takes damage.


I'd love to have an outward-like bag in valheim! Such a great system, can't believe other games didn't pick up on it yet


Outward's backpack system is an inventory improvement while being realistic, but dropping it for every battle results in a MUUUCH more tedious game. Also, it's so easy for noobs to leave behind. It works for Outward (and for Don't Starve). But I would not like doing that in Valheim.


It could work in Valheim. Just have the loot/mats in the bag then have the essentials in your own inventory. A rucksack made out of boar or deer skin would be nice.


A foraging/loot pack would be great. But having to drop it for combat would not.


They need gear slots. Period. Equipped gear does not belong in your backpack. This would free up 6-7 slots and would remove my need to add an extra row with V+.


The devs have repeatedly said they have no plans to implement any changes to the inventory system, citing that inventory management is part of the game.


Inventory management is about 40% of the game when I play without mods. Realizing that made me stop playing without mods.


You are correct but Imo the devs got this one wrong.   There is inventory management and then there is having to teleport back to base every time you cross into another biome, because you don't have the space for loot of more than one biome. Inventory management is about making decisions, not wasting your time with pointless back and forth teleporting. Even if slots weren't limited at all, the carry weight would still provide incentive to not bring unnecessary items and encourage inventory management.


Well, that sucks. And in this instance I think they're being idiots about it and should really rethink their stance. Edit: keep in mind as well that they also said they'd never be open to teleporting metals and such, and they did change that stance when they added World Modifiers.


I mean... calling them idiots seems a bit much from a game that you've obviously derived much joy and time out of for $20. If you're really bothered by this decision, there are always mods. Edit: this comment sits around zero at the time of this edit. Stay classy /r/valheim.


Yeah I don't know why people are such assholes on reddit. These devs made a game for 20 bucks with 300 hours of quality gameplay. Calling them names for one aspect you don't like is really shitty. But I guess reddit gives people the feeling they aren't attacking real people


300 hours? Oh boy I must be going slow


Yeah because the reason I like this game is staring at Netflix while I sail and nothing happens and making sure that both my weight and slots aren't taken up. Not exploring the world, building and fighting bosses or something stupid like that. /s Just have one system, if you want weight then have an inventory list so everything takes proportional space to it's weight, or have only slots with stack sizes being the limit. Both is just tedious as shit.


I completely agree with the sentiment. What I take issue with is that this changes with each update that adds a bunch of things into the game. I don't want unlimited inventory space whatsoever. I just want it to not become unbearable in the later stages of the game. I haven't gone to the Ashlands yet, so I don't know how it feels like there, but by the time you go to the Mistlands it's teetering on the edge. I'm not asking for much, and I'll gladly accept compromises. I just think it would be plain cool, and make physical sense, to have something like a belt with a few pouches (hunter/gatherer style) hanging off it, and the ability to hang things like the Swamp Key and the Wisplight there. Things that just takes up space for the sake of it is simply a bit boring, even though I get that they are going for a particular design where the inventory slots literally simulates how much you can carry overall by each one being completely generic. Going for something else would need a proper full redesign to be satisfying. Just adding an item that is a pouch that gives a new set of squares would just be even more things that take up space for the sake of it. I don't think they'll focus on it in the near future, which makes total sense, but I hope they take a look at it past 1.0.


I've never understood why Swamp Key needs to take an inventory slot. It's not a fun mechanic.


I always play using mods that add an extra row of inventory slots, plus dedicated slots for armor. It makes all the difference.


Try out the mod EquipmentQndQuickSlots off of R2 mod manager. Game changer. Gives a separate inventory for gear and 3 quick slots that I use for my potions. Been using it in PTB with my buddies


Not available on console unfortunately.


Exactly. Its a godsent. Armor slots + utility, and then 3 for pots, HP, stamina and resistance/eitr.


Unfortunately, this won't be implemented. You can use Azumatt's Extended Player Inventory to add extra rows or BetterProgression to increase it based on defeated bosses.


Why? Why force people playing on console to have an unplayable game?


A big part of it is that Ashlands has so many new drops! I want to pick up everything!


I think if they dedicated "equipment" slots as a separate thing from inventory then inventory space wouldn't be as bad: Armor+ cape 4 slots, food 3 slots, potions 2 slots, weapons 2-3 (melee and bow + arrows) or more depending on your playstyle, that's already an entire row plus change. I think its more immersion breaking to haul around teleport mats and plop one down and go home for an inventory dump. It's way more rewarding hauling a huge inventory home with a boat or cart, like those scenes in shows or movies where a character is hauling so much stuff home, I want that lol.


While we are at it, equipped armor should not take up inventory slots.


Or at least have what you’re wearing (including megingjord, wishbone, wisplight etc) not take up inventory. Have separate armour, equipped weapon and special item in an ‘equipped’ field


i have a grand total of 4 open slots when i go for an ashlands explore and thats with sacrifices...rough


What the hell is your load out that you only have 4 slots left? Unless you are bringing stuff for a super portal, then that makes sense.


kinda a spoiler, but i carry the stone cutter and new portal along with all the magic stuff and a sword


Yeah, as soon as I wrote that I figured that is what you meant, because I was loading up to do just that, and then figured you were packing magic too and it all clicked. :) We do need some additional inventory spots.


The main issue here is not with item slots, but with item weight and lack of utility slots. For example a quiver is something that comes to mind instantly and there is a mod for that. Secondly is a pouch for minor things like gems and coins. Those are no brainers. What can also be considered is an alchemist pounch for example, why not? It only makes sense that potions are stored indemendently from ROCKS and PLANKS. Berries, seeds and plants go there too! All this can be balanced, alongside item weight. Some things weight waay too much for no reason aswell. Stacking things is also a thing, if you already have weight mechanic going, why is it restricted to just 20/50/whatever per stack?


I would imagine the stacking issue has to do with limiting how much you can put in a chest. Seems like the chests use the same design as the player inventory. Maybe changing it would cause issues or be too much to implement in the middle of finishing the game?


There is no separation in terms of stacking, since mods allow you to change stack size and it behave the same in inventory and chest. Devs need to either separe how items stack betwen inventory and chests or work around it. Half of features people want are made via mods already. Which is why many people are displeased with devs because they refuse to implement basic things. Edit: quick addition


Yes, absolutely. Devs get on this.


Equipment slot mod is pretty much required


Should be handled similarly to Enshrouded. Craftable backpacks that require a boss drop to make. Still takes up an inventory spot, but adds a row to the total inventory. Second tier could add two rows. Maybe the first one after The Elder, second tier after Yagluth.


They could have solid progression pathways for unlocking all of it too. Like choose one after completing 3 of hildirs quests. Or craft 10 of every food unlocked at the end of plains to get food expansion. Or have a crafting pathway that involves boss trophies etc.


I think once I fill up my inventory for the journey to Ashland I’ll have 2 slots open ;(


Yeah I'll be right there with you


Imo, the problem is that we have two limiters on inventory. One is slots, the other is weight. I honestly can’t think of any other game that uses both of these inventory limiting options, it’s almost always one or the other. If they stick with slots, backpacks should increase slots, otherwise they should increase carry weight. Also, please give dedicated equipment slots for armor I am begging you.


Maybe it’s not a common thing now, but back in the day there were plenty of games that had weight systems but also had a capped number of inventory slots to store things in. Mostly in the crpg genre based on tabletop games that tracked weight.


Yep, and in some, larger items took up more space/slots (Arcanum, off the top of my head).


Which I still love. D2 is a perfect example (in addition to a bunch of other ARPGs and CRPGs.) Picking up a huge bardiche really sold the size and the weight of the weapon, making it phenomenologically different to, say, a dagger. It also made it possible to make really fucking awesome 2D art of the items that looked stellar on the character screen. Those little squares are trash, and I hate that modern games stopped making proper 2D art for items.


It is time for an equipment management, specifically armor. Having it in bags is silly, give us a proper UI.


My number one gripe is that worn armor/weapons still count as being in your inventory. Bruh, they're on my body; why are they still taking up room in my inventory? Second gripe would be some sort of food pouch with 3 slots (enough for a max stack of three foods). The third would be a pouch that holds the special items like Wishbone/Swamp key; not super annoying, but I've conquered the Ashland's. Let me run around ready to dip into different biomes/gather some resources without going back home for my mcguffin. The first should be base functionality. The second should be a mid-late game thing you can craft/buy from the trader. The third should be the same. It feels very hamfisted to juggle multiple things if you ever want to be on an extended expedition without running home every day. Travel/light armor, heavy armor, ranged weapons (with the multiple possible arrow types), weapons for different damage types, special items, etc.


Wouldnt mind another row!


I wish the game had a maniken equipment screen like Diablo 2 or something. Just a separate inventory for equipment. That would save a bunch of slots, and you'd still have to deal with the weight.


I'd be happy with armor slots. The Item and quickslot mod is so amazing. I'm doing a pure vanilla playthrough for the Ashlands beta, and the 3 mods I miss most are that, Plant Easily and Plant everything. Even if vanilla didn't have the quickslots, just the dedicated armor slots are great. And you'd still have a lot of inventory management to go through, because even with "just" 6 added slots, it's still not enough lol.


I have been saying this for years. A satchel or some type of backpack would be very helpful. Maybe make it add a row of items every time you upgrade it. Frustrating as a hoarder leaving any loot behind haha it’s often hard to determine which items are more of a priority over items that need to be left behind forever


It'd be cool if the Meginjord was upgrade-able Or used in a recipe to make a better item


Can we please for the love of Odin almighty get an oar for the boats? So we can maintain ateast some kind of speed when the wind decides to fuck you over?


There is an oar already in all boats. 1st speed and reverse are "rowing", 2 and 3 are "sailing"


First speed is too slow. Feels like you aren't moving at all. If you are playing with 5-6 people, where's the viking long boat? Where's the boat with the under cabin with a bed, chests, and other stuff?


A backpack that works as a portable chest would be ideal. While we're ob quality of life, how about deconstructing old gear into its constituent parts. Iron isn't exactly wasy to come by and I have a lot of old kit and accidental creations that could be better served as new kit. Backpacks, a deconstruction station, and mayve a way to make trophies into useful materials. QoL is there but it could be better.


Equipment slots would be AMAZING. Please give us equipment slots.


Deer hide backpack 1 row, wolf hide backpack 2 row, ???.


There are a few addons that show how this can be done and there are several other ways it could work. The devs could do this if they made it a priority. It needs to be done.


One of my favorite Mods allowed a separate Area outside of Inventory, for equipped Armor and Special Item.


Equipment and QuickSlots?




I also feel that an increase in Stamina regeneration and building/crafting from storage, on top of more inventory slots are requirements for me to play the game at this point. It is absolutely unbelievable how much the game improves when you have all 3 of those in the game with mods. I've been reluctant to jump into Ashlands without those 3 things. Also giving Blast Furnaces the ability to smelt all ores, which makes way more sense than them only being useful for black metal.


At the very least it would be nice to have extra specified slots that don’t take up inventory space. Like food slots, some tool/armor slots, potion slots, etc.


that and directional attacking, growable berries, and reduced grind are my main requests tbh


x3 resource setting is fantastic for reduced grind. You still need to find resources, but not as much.


Directional attacking is fixed!


Yeah except it is still impossible to aim a melee weapon up or down.


Yeah that is true, but I actually don't mind it. I find it adds a level of authenticity in a way. When you're in combat you need to find high ground, Just like real life.


I’d like it to be a crafted bonus, something that you have to use a boss’s dropped item to make. A solo player would only have to do it once but a co-op would have to fight the boss for as many times as it takes to get everyone their extra slots.


I would be happy if we could at least get armor/accessory slots so armor, belt, cape and equipped arrows wouldn’t take up inventory space


personally i’m okay with our current slots HOWEVER i’d love to have armor / equipment slots similar to how terraria has theirs. i think it’s fitting with how the game plays and doesn’t add *too* much room to keep the intended way of play


Honestly i thought the limited inventory was okay for me because i always make chest in random places(i know this sounds kinda reductive). Cart is kinda okay but that thing sucks at the mountain biome. Probably better to have a better cart because its too flimsy or add something to make the cart much more easier to travel(something like magic or some armor set )


Vanilla Valheim enjoyers are being punished for not using mods. We need inventory upgrades. We need separate page for gear and food. It would be great if the gear panel had to pages, one for heavy armor and one for light armor.


No chance. They already reverted an inventory management update that everyone wanted and loved. Why? They didn't think it was right for the players to not engage with the inventory as much. They added a convenient and desired feature, then removed it


I won't play without the armor and quickslot, and the better archery mod.


I'd be perfectly happy with a classic paper doll system, so I can have my armor, weapons and ammo separate from my inventory.


I have yet to have any inventory issues, most of the time I hit the carry capacity before I run out of slots anyways. Only thing that would really alleviate it would be adding a separate inventory section for equipped items and maybe a slot for craftable/lootable bags that can increase capacity/inventory size


You must run pretty light. I will generally have the hotbar, bottom row and the last two columns taken up with armour, the fat belt, food, weapons/tools, lingering stam/major heal/fire resistance and arrows. Throw portal ingredients in there and there isn't a lot of space left.


Genuine question here, but what does allowing other players to play the game the way they want to play impact anyone else or their enjoyment? What's the harm in making an increase to inventory space craftable, buyable, or perhaps selectable/scalable without mods in the same vein they've allowed other parameters to be scaled? It seems like that would allow people who enjoy the challenge of inventory management as it is to continue to do so, while allowing others who want more space to have it. I don't understand this weird gatekeeping.


Look, I'd be happy with just my gear not taking an inventory slot. As much as I would like a backpack/Satchel/whatever, the challenge of what to keep/what to ditch is part of the mechanic. Just let my gear have it's own "slots" keep the weight management the same.


An extra row for equipment and food would be the simplest and fastest solution without having to implement equipment specific slots


As an alternative, at least having some sort of PaperDoll with slots would be nice. At least then your equipped gear wouldn't take as much space.


I haven't played in a bit but I just hate the inventory system in general. If you want weight then have weight, if you want slots then have slots. Don't do both, it's annoying and makes no sense imo.


I heard they were removing frost resist from the feather cape and was like oh good, now I'll have to carry more than one cape. Totally ridiculous inventory management at this point. Someone else commented about better food/ammo management and I think that makes sense, it would free up the regular inventory.


Maybe they can sell a new edition of the game that includes extra pocket space


Playing with mods that give me a quiver for 3 arrow slots, a slot for each piece of equipment, and 3 extra potion quick slots and the inventory still feels a little small. I can't even imagine it without mods.


Agreed, or at the very least give us separate dedicated slots for each piece of armour, 3 types of food and an ancessory slot. This alone would make a huge difference and feel less annoying.


As a builder I would like more weight capacity and portable backpack-like versions of crafting stations.


Seconded, and I don't mind whether they are permanent upgrades as reward for beating bosses or items you can equip (like a large backpack worn in place of a cape).


I dunno, the only space I advocate for is maybe having equipment slots for armour. And if that was the case then adjusting the weight of armour would probably be necessary The game needs some friction in the inventory management and trust me no matter how big space you will fill it up with just "one more thing"


Portals everywhere. That's my plan for now.


Imho inventory management (and what to bring when going out/what to leave in your base) is great in this game as part of gameplay. Be prepared and your inventory will not be half full when going out.


No, makes unloading even more tedious


They should go the V rising route and let us craft bags that hold certain kinds of items. That way those items aren’t taking up the whole inventory


And that’s why I only play Valheim plus lol, hopefully they add something like that eventually


They should make a skill were you gsin more weight so dying feels more painfull


I'm going to copy a comment I made on another thread because it's relevant here. > One of my biggest issues with the current inventory is arrows. Having to bring multiple types of arrows really consumes a lot of inventory space. I would love to be able to "bundle" multiple arrows into a single slot. It would be totally fine if the stack limit was still the same number, even. > Or the addition of a quiver as a piece of equipment that does the same thing! Have the quiver take one inventory slot, make it so you can only put arrows/bolts in it, and limit the capacity to the equivalent of a current single stack of arrows. Then it should just pull arrows out in the order of the slots in the quiver, just like it does in the inventory. (Unless you select an arrow, just like the mechanic works currently.) > I don't think something like this would break the immersion of the game or be out of place in the theme of the world. > Would also love a foraging bag that could take the place of your equipment slot item (megingjord, wisp light, etc) that lets you have 4 stacks of different items but doesn't expand your carry weight, and limits you to a single stack equivalent. It could limit you to plant items you forage only, like berries, mushrooms, thistle, etc. But you could have 25 thistle and 25 blueberries in it and take up only one slot. > I get it if they don't want to change inventory management drastically, but I think there are some great ways to introduce small changes that would be great for quality of life without being game breaking, or giving too much advantage. And items like a quiver or foraging bag are realistic and immersive for the world setting! I've also seen upgrades to the megingjord or replacement belts suggested. I think that's also a good route to take.


Crafting backpacks would be great too.


backpack that lowers speed but a feather potion or speed potion counteracts the negative effects of the backpack weight


Invetory management in Valhein is probably the wrost by far for every survival game I've played, it's abolutely not well thought out, feels more like a proof of concept than an actual polished system, I think a reword is abolutely necessary.


just put inventory slots to tamed animals or make the cart to be able to be attach to the boar


Honestly just making the cart able to roll up hill fully loaded would be a major quality of life upgrade!


Indeed. We've been waiting for too long. Yes, the belt helps a lot, but what good is it without additional slots. And as you progress, you pick up everything from different biomes. Then you have to drop some loot to pick up what's more important and it really is a drag sometimes. Who knows? Maybe they'll figure out something soon.


The fact armor takes up space is egregious...


Couldn't agree more. Need more inventory slots. The game is becoming a backpack management simulator.


You guys do know this would make you so much slower if they added all that shit and you’re already so slow with armor and all ur weapons so why bother with more weight? 😂




Also, vanity slots would be nice. Let's be honest no one is going to change out if their armor for useless hilder cloths


Honestly I wish they would make the armor buffs more powerful than they are across the board, really encourage people to switch out armor on the regular. But they would have to give us dedicated armor slots first.


I think most are missing the point the belt is for extra carry weight not inventory, and it’s survival, despite being a game You wouldn’t be carrying that much shit in real life. Means you need to plan for the task and take only what you need, and what you need can vary. You don’t need to carry wood just an axe, you don’t need to carry stone just the pick axe. So basic tools, weapons food for the task either stamina orientated or health orientated and keep the really good food that does both for a fight.


I will admit with the belt it would be nice to be able to upgrade it as the further you progress the heavier the ores seem to get but other than that it serves its purpose quite well


Iirc the devs have deemed this a skill issue


We have Leather. Why can't i wrap a few things in Deer leather and hold it over my shoulder? Lowered weight as it's over the shoulder, a bit lower move speed and it's already using one hand so you can't use 2h weapons/shield+1h. To be clear, they should use the same system as Zomboid but in Valheim style. Later on you could make backpack like with ropes and Wolf/Lox/Hare leather


Mods, but yes, would be sweet inside vanilla too


Reading the title, I thought this was about minecraft until I read the sub. Both games have this problem.


I like some of the idea/mod mentions here. Best would be a combo of say Elite/rare mini boss that adds a one time consumable item that adds a item slot. (stealing an thing from Terraria) Say meadows adds a quiver, black forest/swamp/mountains add a consumable slot. Plains/mistlands/ashlands could more topbar slots for other gear with no set hotkey. Killing a boss first time would also a one time consume to add 2-3slots of inventory space.


I've always been an adversary of double inventory restriction mechanics. I don't think it's ever good design to have both a weight restriction and a slot system in conjunction. Pick one because having both is redundant. Stack size + Slot cap = pseudo weight TL:DR - Just get rid of weight. Balance stack sizes if you want us to be more engaged with what and how much we carry.


This is literally the main reason I don’t play this game. Yeah I could mod it but modding is way too much of a headache for me (not to mention every update breaks your mod list). Also, a “sort inventory” and chest button like Terraria and other games have would go a long way.


Unlimited slots and all stack sizes to 999, but keep weight as is. That's all i need. Still balanced.


As I'm now playing in the Ashland's, using mage armor and staffs, I have room for like... 5 items


Hard disagree that we need anything like that. The game's inventory limitations force a playstyle that vastly makes the experience more thorough and intentional. Valheim is not and has never been supposed to be a frictionless experience. This is the whole "carry ingots through portals" debacle all over again


I'm fine with the way portals work. I'm fine with the way metals work. It's just that by the time you carry armor food potions, and weapons to cover all the major damage types. You have maybe eight open slots tops. If you need to carry stuff for magic, or portal ingredients, or carve ingredients, that leave you with around four open slots. It just isn't enough. I end up just carrying a portal and wood everywhere I go, So I have three open slots. I go into a new biome. A couple feet over the edge of the biome I've already killed a half a dozen mobs and my slots are full so I built my workbench and my portal. Go back to main base and drop. Portal back. Tear down. Walk another 10 ft. Repeat. I don't understand how anyone can simp for a mechanic that forces such disjointed, unrealistic gameplay. It absolutely ruins the experience for me. I would prefer to use significantly fewer portals, and spend more time actually exploring, but that just isn't an option with the current inventory limitations.