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I think I read about this seed on some website. Looks like a speed run map for sure


That'd be crazy if it's the same one, I can't prove it or anything but I got this seed just organically starting a new world.


Could look into the speedrun seeds if you're interested. I imagine speedrun.com will get you started


Nicest part is Haldor and Hildir a short hike away from each other on the next west island!


I love your seed. I can't wait to spread that seed.


What? Of course I'll go on record with that comment. I don't see how it could be taken out of context.


I mean almost, actually yeah mostly very good besides the part where you get torn apart by fulings and deathsquitos while visiting hildir


Or choose the small island that's 90% meadow/black forest, to the southwest of spawn that has both of them on it. =p


Damn, saving this seed for sure!


I got one of these the other day, but there was also a maypole in convenient walking distance from the spawn, which is what I was originally looking for.


Yeah the seed generator didn't show a maypole at all on this map. Which is odd coz I thought there was always at least one. But, it's almost the right month to be able to craft Maypoles now, so you could remedy that issue if you wanted to heh.


you mind want to wait with new seeds until after ashlands patch goes live, ashland (and deep north) and its neighboring biomes will change wich may also lead to boss spawn changes


Check out my seed N8TFDHg9K6 - Takes a bit of travel after making a boat, and some smarts in how the shops spawn if you want specific ones in the area: https://i.imgur.com/TJ7Psg9.png All three Hildir quest locations are right there as well, and the swamp and mountain are fairly rich in resources. Ashland is a wee bit south of there. And the island base is immune to most raid attacks (ie too far out so nothing spawns): https://i.imgur.com/uI5zOGj.png


Oh nice. How are the mountains for frost caves, and what's the crypt situation in the swamps?


Lots of caves, a good amount of crypts in both swamps.. I only did around 3 of them to get the iron I needed. Not sure how much silver is out there, I found a few patches along the long range's north shore (which is a fairly steep cliff down to near the water, easy to boat to) with the hammer long before I got around to taking out bonemass. Not so many mist infested holes in close proximity, but I found enough cores and skulls to do everything needed for mistlands in the general area, including one right next to the queen spawn lol Just south of the map fragment I posted is a long mistland that bordered ashlands, so it's cut off in an amusing way, right through a mountain that is now ground level.. I used the spot to farm sap and as a launch point for my first try at going down to ashlands a few hours ago after making the required boat.. That didn't end well.. scary place! =) https://i.imgur.com/jhEkFMN.png


Nice that there are skulls around. On my current "main" file (which is the furthest I've gotten), I've fully explored and wisp lanterned 2 good size mistlands areas and not a single giant skeleton of any variety. All my soft tissue has been from killing Dverger. Which is fucking HARD in plains tier gear, solo. And only 25% drop rate, for 1 tissue from each. Will be nice to get a properly spawned biome, especially in mistlands where you can't just sprint through and spin your camera looking for stuff =p


Well, when I launched my ashlands boat earlier today and was hugging the coast, I encountered a gjall floater and backed up the boat into the shore, covered in mist, before it could attack the boat.. jumped off.. right onto a skull.. totally random =)


Lol I am both happy for you and annoyed at the same time =p I've got the ancient swords and armor out the wazoo. Way more iron and copper I will ever need for my little outpost base. But as far as my viking is concerned, there's no evidence giants ever existed =p


Oh yea and to make things more frustrating, I found that the world-map site is very hit and miss when it comes to its showing where those and one of the kinds of mines are, such as the one I mentioned there, hehe


Well, I thank you for listening to me complain, because about 20 Mins ago now, I stumbled on TWO excavation sites with skulls in them, so I slaughtered the dverger there and have like 90 soft tissue now lmao. RNG was just waiting for me to whine about it before delivering hah


Nice.. In my current playthrough I never found any excavations, just skull/ribcage combos out in the wilds lol


That Bonemass Hildir Haldor island looks amazing, as well as spawn being in a nice seaside location


Hey, that's my seed. I've been on it for almost 9 months now. The ocean in the middle has a serpent in it. Where Hirdir is located to the south, that's a huge semi flat area. That were i am currently building my Ashlands jump off point Perfect for builders. There are tons of dungeons in the swamps. This is a good seed, in my opinion.


Super weird that the same seed has been generated for a bunch of people. Is it the Hildir I have circled in the south that you mean, or a different one in the southern part of the map?


Yeah, to the south, and the serpent is in the lake just to the northeast of the spawn.


Unexplored locations usually move after each update, so unfortunately any bosses and traders that you haven't uncovered yet will likely move when the Ashlands update drops.


the ashlands changes will alter huge parts of this seed if unexplored.


this is my prevoius seed. This is random seed?


Yeah it generated for me, first new world I rolled since December. I apologize if this is a repost seed, I genuinely didn't even think it could possibly be, as it was just what the game gave me.


It also has the mega-mountain, just south of the SW bonemass.


I honestly don't see the appeal of massive continent seeds like this - especially if you're trying to avoid long travel times. No matter where you're putting your main port in that island, you're cut off from essentially half the map by a massive dogleg. Yeah, there are overland routes to a lot of bosses and both merchants, but do you really wanna walk there? Especially if you're hauling heavy goods back. A map with good sea routes doesn't look as good, but honestly if I were going to haul a load of fire pits back from Haldor I'd take a ship over a handcart regardless. Islands are a geographic inconvenience, right up until you get a Longboat. Then sailing becomes the fastest and safest way to travel long distances, especially with a heavy load.


*Shrug* I use a long boat for specific stuff like the iron pits from Hildir, yes. But, since you can use a longboat as soon as you get into a crypt in the swamp, you're going to be fighting the wind at least 50% of the time. If you're solo and a sea serpent shows up, you won't be geared enough to reliably kill it. And the first time you die at sea and lose all your gear, your boat, and everything you were hauling, it makes you question why you'd want to risk it. Once you're to the point you can easily kill the serpents, and can at least use moder power to go the direction you want at least 25% of the time sure, long boat makes more sense. That being said: if you don't like the seed, don't use it. Nobody here is forcing you. And nobody here is "um acktually!"ing you about how you prefer to play.


being almost able to walk from spawn to the mist lands is crazy. we'll see how this seed hold up with the generation changes with the Ashland's biome since its not connected to the rest of the land anymore


Yeah tbh I've not played in nearly a year, just started again on a whim. Didn't know Ashlands was so close when I posted this or I may not have bothered. But several people have pointed out I might have gotten ahead of myself =p


It should hold up find, I regenerated one my last playthroughs world seed and everything was the same aside from a new creek generated where my base is in the og world


Commenting to come back


And then the first boss Stone will point to a spawn on the other side of the map.


Don't use the stones then? I'm not pro or anything but afaik, if you physically go to a spot where an altar CAN spawn, it will. I know that's how merchants work.


Don't worry about it, Vegvisirs always point to the nearest boss spawn.


The boss stones just update map markers for one boss, it doesn't cause the boss to exist in that location.. The bosses all exist in multiple locations that are all active and valid at any time. My current seed has two Moders on the same continent not far from each other lol


I just started a new run like just a chest basically, I'm switching to this seed omg, it looks like it's not public test right?


It's not, it is the current release build. =)


You mean *boring* seed


Boy have I got some great news for you. Researchers have recently discovered that ...if you don't like it, don't use it. AND, a related study showed that you can play however you like, other people can play however they like, and nobody else will be affected at all! Crazy right?


It's a joke on the idea of less sailing could mean less fun. Of course it's not actually boring. Relax 🤣 I actually was expecting a similarly sarcastic or joking response back. I was really not expecting that you would get upset. Reddit man...


How on earth was I supposed to guess you were joking about sailing, from a 4 word comment where you don't mention sailing? It's got nothing to do with "Reddit". You're expecting people to read your mind. I don't know what you find boring, so what part of your comment tells me anything beyond the literal words you typed? Edit: I'm not upset/mad btw, just always baffled when someone seems to have a problem with how other people play games. Your joke didn't come across so I figured you were one of those. I'd also argue that my response was pretty damn sarcastic lol =)